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Please vote to stop warzone hacking/cheating!! ;)


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Still haven't seen any hacks in this game. Have you tried being competent?


There are hacks used in this game. Just google it instead of being a twatwaffle.


But yeah...lets...vote it away! Because that isnt the most nonsensical thing ive ever heard at all.

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That's it. Just please read just this top paragraph and post your vote at minimum. Thanks!


Many people have blogged about solutions yet Bioware doesn't even seem to make an effort within the game to stop this. Please encourage Bioware to add a "Vote out of Warzone due to hacking" button as the current button doesn't work that way, or to add a "Vote to send hacking report" button. When you vote please thank Bioware for their hard work, and amazing game, they do make external efforts to stop hacking.:D


***If someone is a jerk on this post please report them, or ignore them and do not let them get to you as there will be lots of mean spirited people commenting ;)


If you don't believe in hacking (cheating)....just do a Google search on how to hack SWTOR...and you will see that it works. There are entire websites about how to chat. There are some very extensive bot (fake players) programs, and glitches...like the 11 player queue cheat. Bioware's account was hacked into before the game was even released.


**A lot of people hack ON BOTH SIDES. So don't just take anyone's word for it. Though it seems to me that the Empire cheats way more...as I have lost Novare coast 14 out of 16 times in the last two weeks. But other levels seem slightly more fair..yet not by much.


***Also after various updates I have seen things shift, as far as victory's. This is probably because patches have stopped hacking at times, or because Bioware made adjustments to certain characters. Just something to keep in mind. This may be further evidence of hacking.


*****Another thing to consider are guilds. We often lose in Warzones because you are playing a skilled, and character calculated guild. I encourage you to make your own if you lose a lot. So don't think everything is cheating it may be this.


Thank you for your time!

I have seen people hack past doors in Void Star.

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I havent personally seen hacks so much but some exploits, for instance just 3 days ago in huttball our ball carrier was grappled into enemy respawn and died without scoring (I thought this had been addressed a couple patches back) and I have been accused of hacking by players who just dont know. I was on top of scoreboard as a shield tech PT and because I actually guard players as often as possible, play objectives and keep the pressure on I tend to do well but for some reason an angry TEAMMATE accused me of cheating because I beat him on the boards.....


While I have no doubt in my mind people use both hacks and more often exploits (I have personally seen people exploit bugs several times) the problem BW is going to have with it is actually finding the correct way to stop it. In all honesty I think rather than focusing on the hacks themselves they should simple develop a detection method and permaban anyone who hacks or intentionally exploits bugs. Problem solved with alot less work and make an example out of a few hundred morons boom others will either stop for fear of being banned or will get banned and no longer be an issue:D


To anyone who DOES hack or exploit, your an idiot, you dont deserve to play this game, and how sad must your life be that you have to cheat in an MMO much less one that isnt overly difficult or complex. What a pathetic existence these people must live.

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After the banhammer was dropped a few weeks ago on several players from my old server alone, it seemed to get better. However, since the transfers, its gotten worse again. I was in several WZ yesterday where I saw a number of people hacking (screenprint "jitter" hack to be specific). Many people have new names for their characters and I wonder if that has given some people a new lease on cheating.


Frankly cheating makes no sense to me since winning from cheating is an empty victory and shows the true character if the player. The depths some people will go to in order to cheat is amazing and I have to wonder if they do it to get noticed for a job? Impress a GF/BF? Compensate for some personality deficit? Prove to the world they are somehow smarter than the average bear?


BW is faced with 1) Declining subs, 2) New F2P MMO competition (GW2 just to name one), and 3) A bunch of morally bereft PvPers contributing to #1. MMO developers today need to assume everyone will try to cheat, no one will think PvP is balanced, and getting everything yesterday is never enough. Thats a tough position to be in...but its tougher when you have to deal with these things after the fact. I love the game...I can only hope it can be saved so I can come back to it a year from now and truly enjoy PvP in TOR.


The last paragraph of your post speaks volumes for your intelligence. Glad to see some people here have enough matter between the ears to see reality. Well written and bravo. Hate to see a player like you go though, if all the good players leave your left with a mass of trolls:P

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I have only witnessed a speed hack in huttball

A player on our team scored a 2 goals within probly 10-15 second of game starting

We called him out and he stopped then we lost ha


Hacking does exists google swtor cheat engine and you'll find everything from damage boosts to speed hacks teleports the works you don't see it often but it's human nature to cheat

Also there's not much you can do about it in most cases it doesn't affect your gameplay because if they have to cheat to win they really didn't win

Edited by denpic
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I have noticed alot of cheating going on and even with proof from logs and pointed out as its happening in warzones people stil defend the cheaters probably cause its a nice person they know or there in same guild. Last few weeks you see a increase in global cooldown hacks and they are really hard to detect by casual players, but you see alot of different things like people standing in buffed orbital strike with rakata power adrenal and warhero relic and loose 0 hp. We reported someone in our guild who was 6 days 24/7 in space and even said he used a bot to lvl but stil took several messages to even get a reply and person is stil in space.
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Yeah there's about 3 players on Empire lowbie side in Prophecy of the Five.


Honor (with an umlaut over the first O)

Glory (same umlaut, must be FRIENDS LOLOLOL)

and Direwolf (operative)


Now honor and glory are both powertechs, and direwolf is an operative. One of the biggest things I've seen is their speed burst hack. Where it seems like a level 29 operative charging through my slow time and force slow (just to be sure) from one door in voidstar to the other to stop a plant. (I know I had slow time'd him because I was holding their team at the wrong door so we could get the plant, as soon as he took off, i force slow'd him to no avail) Now I have a scoundrel, at level 50, that the only way they can get a speed boost is to Vanish as scrapper, dirty kick as dirty fighting, or hit dodge as sawbones. He was scrapper, no he didn't dirty kick me, and the speed boost on dodge is too high in the talent tree for him to have.


Honor and Glory seem to use their speed hacks as evasive maneuvers. For instance, if a sentinel starts a ravage, they'll zip on over outside the range (no they aren't tank spec, and charging. there's no one where they speed to) almost faster than you can follow them. It's actually quite amusing because once I caught on, I would wait outside their skirmishes and when they'd start speeding they'd hit my force wave and get a stun. The ravage finishes and half their life goes away. Many lulz were had.


I didn't believe hacking existed before last night either. But I guess I'll eat my hat.

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took a 3month hiatus from this wreck of a game., came back just this month waiting on 1.3, first warzone i got into after loading into the game, there were 4 players of the same guild cheating/hacking, it was the most ridiculous crap i ever witnessed in any mmo.. they were all emoting (dancing) in the middle of huttball (where the ball spawns) then when you walk close to them to grab the ball in the middle, they all started to twitch and somehow they get the ball and 4 of them end up in the endzone in 2 sec and scores. and they come back to the middle and emote (dancing) in the middle again.. the round lasted 1min and 20 sec they won 6-0.. if rated wz comes out now, and these hacks are still here ...rated warzones are gonna be a joke. Edited by RkJedi
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well seems like BW dont care.. saw the same punks in a different wz yesterday (novare coast) tele-warping from one capture point to another .. reported them again ticket got closed so fast, i never seen BW move so fast on anything since i started playing this rotten game. Edited by RkJedi
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If you want to know why there are so many hacks in this game Google the Hero Engine. It is the worst MMO game engine ever. Since so many game files are stored client side hacks are easy.


This. What compounds this, is Bioware/EA in their infinite wisdom decided to take the prototype version of the hero engine, before it was completely polished.

Edited by islander
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You gotta keep reporting them. The day after Xfers I reported someone for speed hacking. By the time the WZ was over a live CSR had started a chat inquiry with me. I was shocked...lol. I always thought the live chat tab in the support section was just for show. hehe
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You mean just like the guy who called hacks just because he didn't know how resolve worked?




Cheaters do exist. Speed hack is the most common one I see. There's no way someone's castbar that says 9 seconds take 2 seconds to complete. That's a clear indication they're using a speed hack.

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The hacks do exist I had a post removed and responed to by Alison Berryman and she said to the effect that she can understand that I was just trying to bring attn. to the issue however what I posted was basically telling ppl how to do it and instead of leaving it there she supposedly sent it into the developers. Of which she was very nice in the mail I got and did not give me any infractions.


Not holding my breath for solutions to what I have found but at least I got a response that they are trying.


And most are using 3rd prty programs that are very hard to detect because they are client side and the biggest one(not a speed hack) that A LOT of are using is very common ( it has to do with connection speed ) so hopefully they do find a way to put and end to it. So the next time you see someone warp to a different spot not far away, or it seems that someone jus cant be hit and or not taking damage but can drop you, they very well may be cheating more than likely its not lag. REPORT THEM it only helps BW see patterns that help them better understand the solution.

Edited by Philastra
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Lemme guess...you've unsubbed to SWTOR and haven't played it since the 1st week? Or...your monitor is broken?! A bug where you're the only toon visible?! You only PvE but troll the PvP forum? You only RP? Because the ONLY way to have NOT seen one, is to have not played in WZs or to be blind.


I pretty much exclusively PvP, and I have been playing this game since before it was launched - actively.

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Please think about your posts, statements such as "only liars or cheats disagree with me" should IMHO, immediately be reported, deleted and the poster banned for a period of time.. They serve no purpose other than to cause harm.


Word your posts simply as statements of what you have personally seen or experienced. If you have identified a cheat, there is a chance it was in fact a cheat, but there is also a chance that you were mistaken.


My advice to you is to write down the names of those you consider are cheating and act in a manner that fits your own personal standards.

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Report, report, report..it works.No need to debate whether there are hacks, exploits or bugs. Bioware has patched some exploits, and likely monitor stuff they never tell you about...why? it just gives the dorks a heads up. and there is a program that shall remain nameless mentioned a number of times on the forums that can be used to create that amazing OP player who cant be stopped, slowed or cc'd. The problem is the telemetry hooks will flag that bugger fast so I recommend not trying that crap...in the world of exploiting its a noob move. As for those who buy the loser software...think on this if you use a credit card with a faceless "corporation" offerring you ways to power level, sell you trillions of credits or make you a Sith/Jedi god who is unstoppable..all the while knowing full well this is likely a breach of said game developers EULA..how likely is it same said "company" is working hard to hack your financial information..oh thats right you can "trust" them. Just throwing it out there..but hey these tidbits arent needed....'cause no one is cheating.............................;0
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