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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So... who's actually happy with the game?


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Same here!! Casual player myself since end of December...2 50's Gunslingers (different servers, figured i was going to level the second one faster than server transfers to be up :p) and a couple of 20's.


I still have LOTS! of content to do. I did Karagga in normal mode yesterday for the first time...still have the other 2 ops...haven't tried HM FP yet...still have to collect all possible datacrons...still have to level up other characters...


So yes, really no complaints. Bioware can keep my money for a long time. =)

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If Bioware keep this pace and doesn't improve drasticaly over the year I will leave, and never come back. SWTOR was really good in the first 4 months. But god it has grown old really fast! ESO will be a massive failure too. Blaming the engine for SWTORs problems is just scratching the bare bones of problems this game has. It's WAY to focused on the themepark-side, which is not good at all. Where is the sandbox elements? the fun? SWTOR it too much focused on it's storyquest, dailies, Operations, flashpoints and instanced warzones. The world feels too instanced, too much corridor areas.


I'm waiting for Blizzards next big MMO; Titan. Remember loving the concepts of EQ and DAoC, but then WoW came and made everything look silly in comparison. Blizzard know how to make a good MMO. Ask yourself, why is it so that world of warcraft still has 8 million subscribers? Just face it, WoW is the best MMO ever made, but after 6 years I have grown tired of that game. It took me 6 *********** years to unsubscribe, and SWTOR? 5 Months..


Enjoy your lousy game. Titan will crush all competition when it gets released

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I liked the game up until I watched the 1.3 features video. Although I have not had much time to play this semester of college due to way to much work, I still like the game. Then I heard they are implementing a LFG tool. Now I am placing my bets for how long it will take for the game to die like all other MMOs that focus on the WoW-&*#$ instead of their fan-base .


Most of the players want a LFG tool. One of the reasons people are quitting is because it is hard to form groups on low pop servers.

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I love this game. Does it have stuff that needs to be worked on? Sure it does. If they listen to the community, and learn from the mistakes made by other MMOs, I think the game can grow and be around a long time. Oh, and they really need to up the QA testing and think about the stuff they tinker with. The ILUM fiasco was embarassing.


Still, I thought the launch was pretty smooth, and there is a lot that is done extremely well. My experiences with customer service have been positive and they've been very helpful.


In general, you will hear far more people complain about things than talk about the good, so I take all the negative stuff with a grain of salt. now that the SWTOR team has been restructured, it will be interesting to see where things go.

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Most of the players want a LFG tool. One of the reasons people are quitting is because it is hard to form groups on low pop servers.


Yep, and with transfers happening before 1.3, and 1.3 bring the Group Finder, it should really be a lot easier to find a group once 1.3 gets here.

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WoW is an industry and genre fluke, whose day has come and gone, and now is sliding into the shadows. Biggest isn't always the best.
Yes, "sliding in the shadows" with over 10 million subs. :rolleyes:


Could it possibly just be that Blizzard knows how to make games? Or are you also chalking Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 1-3 as flukes as well?

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Yes, "sliding in the shadows" with over 10 million subs. :rolleyes:


Could it possibly just be that Blizzard knows how to make games? Or are you also chalking Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 1-3 as flukes as well?


I'm not comparing those other games. I'm talking MMORPGs.


In that, WoW is a fluke. Nothing has approached it, the emerging common view is that none may ever get to 12 million. I think they had lighting in a bottle, they rode it long and hard, and now it is fading away. If they were so good at designing games, and if WoW really were so great, it wouldn't be slipping away each quarter.


WoW still comes across like some kind of teenagers game frankly. The source of most of the negative stereotypes about MMORPG players, or gamers in general.

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The lack of people to party with, pvp matchmaking with grouped uber geared 48s vs random 27s, frequent and long loading screens, Bugs and bw's lack of communication make me sad.


I used to be a hardcore raider. Back in vanilla WoW I was raiding 5 days a week and my guild was probably about 2nd or 3rd in progression for the server. Now days I am pretty much a casual gamer due to family (New baby) and work. So I haven't progressed to the point where I don't have something to do in the game. So I'm somewhat happy. However... I do agree that I find it difficult to find people who I can group with because I am a bit behind in progression. I'm hoping that the group finder may help.


The biggest frustration with the loading screens for me is the fact that if I am in the pvp queue I feel like I can't play on a large planet with long load times. By the time I load from a battle ground to a planet, I am almost late for the next queue.


Most the bugs in this game are only a minor annoyance for me. I do sometimes get frustrated because I feel like some of the simple ones SHOULD be fixed by now. I mean come on, how hard is it to make our companions successfully put away their weapon? Every time I destroy a quest item in the game world, my character is bugged with his weapon out. I can fix this by drawing and putting my weapon away, but I SHOULDN'T have to do that. I've done some coding myself (I used to run my own game server) and I can't see how that bug could be that difficult to track down.


The sound bug NEEDS TO BE FIXED ASAP. Bioware has really dropped the ball on this one.


I also agree that Bioware is not good at communication with the player base. This is however pretty common with MMO companies. CCP strikes me as one of the best. Bioware could probably learn a bit from them.

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Yes, "sliding in the shadows" with over 10 million subs. :rolleyes:


Could it possibly just be that Blizzard knows how to make games? Or are you also chalking Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 1-3 as flukes as well?


Chinese accounts do not count.

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Yes, "sliding in the shadows" with over 10 million subs. :rolleyes:


Could it possibly just be that Blizzard knows how to make games? Or are you also chalking Warcraft 2, Warcraft 3, Starcraft, Starcraft 2, and Diablo 1-3 as flukes as well?


4.5 million US subs.


"Pay-per-hour" is a lame way to count subs because the time can be on there indefinitely if the player quits, yet still be counted.

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I'm not comparing those other games. I'm talking MMORPGs.


In that, WoW is a fluke. Nothing has approached it, the emerging common view is that none may ever get to 12 million. I think they had lighting in a bottle, they rode it long and hard, and now it is fading away. If they were so good at designing games, and if WoW really were so great, it wouldn't be slipping away each quarter.


WoW still comes across like some kind of teenagers game frankly. The source of most of the negative stereotypes about MMORPG players, or gamers in general.


I disagree. Wow has done as well as it has because it's a well made game. You can argue this fact all you want, but it's true. When there is a bug, Blizzard squashes it. How many patches have we had now and still there are bugs in this game that have existed since day 1 (or even beta). This is how SWG was as well. I remember my pistoleer in SWG had attacks that were broken from day one up until I quit 1.5 years later (Or whenever it was that the NGE came out, I seem to remember it as about that long). WoW has had plenty of bugs, but how many of them have lasted for an extended period of time?


Blizzard listens to their player base. They don't please everyone, but for the most part they try to do what they think the majority of their players want.


When I try a new game and I end up not liking it, where do I go? Back to WoW because that game just plays well mechanically. I personally hope that Bioware can get things worked out in the future because I think SWTOR has a lot of potential and I would rather play a star wars game than WoW.

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I've yet to hit a point where I no longer like the game. I am a casual player, and I do enjoy making alts. I have a family and full time career, so I don't spend every waking moment on this game.


I'm the same way as you. I've been playing the game since release at a casual pace, going between characters depending on my mood, and I have yet to even hit 50 on any of them. Why? Because I have a life outside of this game. I refuse to power level to 50 just for end game stuff. That takes all the fun out of it. I'm enjoying getting to that point.

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I'm not comparing those other games. I'm talking MMORPGs.


In that, WoW is a fluke. Nothing has approached it, the emerging common view is that none may ever get to 12 million. I think they had lighting in a bottle, they rode it long and hard, and now it is fading away. If they were so good at designing games, and if WoW really were so great, it wouldn't be slipping away each quarter.


WoW still comes across like some kind of teenagers game frankly. The source of most of the negative stereotypes about MMORPG players, or gamers in general.

...And I'm talking about Blizzard's history of making games. Starcraft was one of the most successful games of all time. It did almost nothing innovative. Same with Diablo 2. And Warcraft 3. And Starcraft 2. Somehow, WoW is just a fluke, right?


WoW's numbers dipped slightly (About 10% drop) after Cata, but reports I've seen have it holding steady. In fact, many of the players I knew who left WoW have now returned, so I don't think I'd be off in saying by MoP comes out, it'll go right back to 11-12 million. Considering you think a 10% drop after 6 years is significant but don't take into account TOR's 50% drop after 6 months (2.4 million copies sold, 1.3 mil subs though many consider this to be much lower due to free subs) shows that you refuse to look at things with reason.

Edited by hulkweazel
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Let's have some fun with number!


We see alot of gloom and doom post almost every minute on the forums. Now if they represent say 5% of the community that means that's 65,000 people posting that the game is doomed. Honestly I think the number is more around the area of 13,000 or 1%.


Has the game slowed downed in the month of May? Yes. Are there reason for this? Well Diablo 3 just launched, school was coming to an end meaning finals, and summer movies like Avengers and MIB3 came out. People are just playing less right now.

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4.5 million US subs.


"Pay-per-hour" is a lame way to count subs because the time can be on there indefinitely if the player quits, yet still be counted.

Yes, it's much better to just hand out free months to players no longer playing and count those as part of the subs :rolleyes:
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Let's have some fun with number!


We see alot of gloom and doom post almost every minute on the forums. Now if they represent say 5% of the community that means that's 65,000 people posting that the game is doomed. Honestly I think the number is more around the area of 13,000 or 1%.


Has the game slowed downed in the month of May? Yes. Are there reason for this? Well Diablo 3 just launched, school was coming to an end meaning finals, and summer movies like Avengers and MIB3 came out. People are just playing less right now.


Don't forget to mention that SWTOR is getting old and boring fast. Waaay to many instanced areas, way to many loading screens, way to little people to play with, no OWPvP, the world feels empty and dead, space on rails, too much themepark and too little sandbox elements, way to many servers, no reasons to make alts besides story and legacy is a huge boring grind. No achievements.. really, there is NOTHING to do other than spam chat, do a couple of flashpoints, operations and INSTANCED PvP.


Just waiting for Titan to crush all competition :D

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Has the game slowed downed in the month of May? Yes. Are there reason for this? Well Diablo 3 just launched, school was coming to an end meaning finals, and summer movies like Avengers and MIB3 came out. People are just playing less right now.


Even when I played DDO, there was a very noticeable decline in players when summer came around. They all came back when they couldn't just go out all the time, because of school being during the week, so they play games to keep them entertained in home instead of going out.

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I liked it at first, but I find myself thinking about going back to WoW...


If they just get some server merges going that will prolly fix the "lack" of community.


Merges to me are a better idea than free transfers, with a merge it is what it is, with a transfer you will ponder where to go. I understand if you made friends or are in a guild you might be split, but so be it.



...I agree, cut the servers in half and the pops should be healthy again...for a little while anyway...



Kabuki Joe

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So... to answer the OP, that would be me. Loving it. I've been playing since Jan. Capped a Sentinal, started several alts, and now I'm about to cap a Shadow. I do it all: solo, fps, heroics, and Ops. Everything works together to keep me interested and tbh obsessed. lol. I think I'm more patient then some though... when a major bug or issue pops up, I wait patiently for it to get resolved and it does. I don't have issues grouping because I play with friends and I'm in a guild. On those occasions were there aren't others around for multiplayer content, I have plenty of single player missions to work on.


I don't find it boring at all, but I play multiple characters and, well... I don't worry about anything. It all resolves itself while I continue to play. I can honestly say that I have played this game more than any other this year, and I don't plan on stopping any time soon. New patches and more content only add to the fun.

Edited by Rafaman
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