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ToR Needs to be F2P


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You have a choice: pay and play, or don`t pay and don`t play, also known as voting with your wallet. If a game is bad enough, it will go downhill really fast (and we have failed games all around us, not meeting projected goals, especially WOW-Killers).


What you are lobbying for is ruin the game for everybody else, or bringing everybody down to your level.


I am happy to have access to everything for 15$ and have or not have "shinies" based on the amount of time I invest. If this game will have nothing to offer me in the future, I will simply not sub anymore and go on my merry way.


You are not happy, then you don`t play. It`s not like you don`t have choices. To me, it is worth it. To you, it isn`t. Matter of opinion.



And, as stated above, or previously in this topic... WoW and Warhammer have F2P ... up to a certain level, past that point you need to pay monthly just as everybody else. It is the same scenario here: buy the game, get one month free = if you don`t like it, you delete your CC info and go on your way. Where is the problem again?


QFT logic is astounding sometimes

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All i know is that this this game is not worth a subscription fee, why? because from 1-49 there is simply no incentive to even group with any other person, in fact while i was leveling my character i tend to invite anyone close and very few people wanted to group. These MMO companies make big millions charging us a monthly fee to play their game and the doesn't invest much in improvement and new content, they doesn't even invest in a communication department to talk and maintain their customers informed of what is happening and how they are fixing it. Why would you pay a monthly fee to play a single player like game to just level alts and play with 4-8 people for end game in a "Massive Multplayer" game?


Your experience =/= others. While questing, I've done tons of Heroic quest and FPs. I've grouped up with others in a quest area so we weren't fighting over the same objectives. I've grouped up to take on world bosses, and of course you always group up for FPs. Just because you're antisocial and refuse to talk to the players around you, doesn't mean we all are. The $15 fee is extraordinarily inexpensive for the massive amounts of things to do in this game. And also, just because FPs, quests, ops, WZs, SMs, alts, CSs, social points, etc aren't for you, doesn't negate the fact that they are in the game and a lot of people have a good time doing them.

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400k from 1.7 mils is not 95%.


Switched into troll mode so early? Tsk tsk.



I am pretty positive after last night at 9:06 PM EST looking at the server list.


1. 1 Server - Full 10 minute Queue - Fatman

2. 1 Server - Very Heavy - Jedi Covenant (sp)

3. 11 Standard servers

4. All the rest Low


Basically prime time during school vacation for the kiddies.


They easily lost another 400K or so since that announcement if not more. Its really bad, far worse than even I thought it would be this quick.

Edited by Temad
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I am pretty positive after last night at 9:06 PM EST looking at the server list.


1. 1 Server - Full 10 minute Queue - Fatman

2. 1 Server - Very Heavy - Jedi Covenant (sp)

3. 11 Standard servers

4. All the rest Low


Basically prime time during school vacation for the kiddies.


They easily lost another 400K or so since that announcement if not more. Its really bad, far worse than even I thought it would be this quick.


Fair enough. They have two solutions in the works (LFG and server mergers, or consolidation), with one as reserve (Cross Server LFG).


Also, it might be that they stretched the population too thin and half the lost subs are actually players from empty servers, leaving because they have nobody to play with; we don`t know.


The problem is content, which is Bioware`s issue, not playerbase, which is sub area.


In my humble opinion, it cannot go F2P, regardless of anything that might happen, even in the worst case scenario, for the following:

1. It was designed to be a WOW-Killer and EA actually said at one point that its target is Activision. (I can`t be arsed to look up the quote, so you`d have to believe my scout`s word)

2. It was way too long in development and it has way too many names in it (Star Wars, Electronic Arts, Bioware, least but not last, Lucasarts)

3. Leader of the market, anomaly or not, is on a sub based model and not changing soon.

4. It has costed them too much money to just come out and admit defeat - which in this case is failure to even make one buck profit out of a sub based model.


Ultimately, I would quote "Careful what you wish for, because you might actually get it" : Nobody can guarantee that a future F2P would be "cheaper" or "better" than what we have now. Ultimately it still falls on Bioware to provide content to keep players and get new ones to sign and sub. And EA should be the LAST name to hope to give you a "free F2P".


Bioware is selling us Legacy and withdrawing content 12 hours before it gone live with a sub model. I don`t want to imagine what would happen under a "no obligation" Bioware.

Edited by Styxx
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You simply use a F2P model like DDO uses. Its free to play most things but some content is pay but once you pay for it, its yours for good on all toons on all servers.


Those that don't want to deal with it just continue to subscribe 14.99 a month for access to everything and get a bonus kicker of an allotment points to boot for those special "fluff" things that are nice but not game breaking.


Like it or not, this model will be the model used by all MMOs new or old starting "Soon". It will no longer be viewed as a "failure" just a different business model that supports multiple types of customers.

Edited by Temad
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  • 10 months later...
This game will never go F2P. EA wont do it, they'll simply do here what they did to Warhammer. The staff will get cut to a skeleton crew responsible for maintaining the game with little to no new development. Ultimately EA wants WoW money and they aren't going to settle for F2P mediocrity.


OUCH. They settled.

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Looking at threads like this, similar to ones that passionately exclaimed that "there will never be an appearance system, armor dyes, etc." and the like makes one wonder why players bother to attempt to be mouthpieces for a development studio, or stand against obvious loss in sub numbers to only end up looking silly later on.


It looks as though those that were called the "vocal minority" turned out the be the "silent majority" or a good representation of such. Lets take a short stroll down memory lane...


Some things that we were told the Devs would never do or would never happen by community members.


1) The game does not need to go free to play. It is fine, and subs are on the rise.

2) If they ever go free to play it will nothing more than a short 15 level trial.

3) Server merges are not necessary.

4) A coin market would hurt subscriptions numbers and kill the game.

5) Each class has to have a unique look and this will never change. There will never be an appearance system, armor dyes and the like.

6) The devs will never add a Barber Shop to the game. The choices you make at character creation need to remain in place to build a connection to the character.

7) Space combat is fine as it is, designed as intended and is a popular feature despite protests to the contrary and will never change.

8) The current dev team is here to stay. They are not going anywhere.


It just goes to prove that folks that have no connection to the dev team whatsoever and just present wishful opinion as fact tend to turn out wrong in the end. The real truth is that nothing is set in stone and everything that exists now is subject to change if the players do not like it regardless of any vision the developers have or original design intent.


This game is a vehicle for profit and will likely be constantly changed to remain healthy as the market demand changes.

Edited by LordArtemis
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