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10 Good


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  • Location
    Empress Teta System
  • Interests
    Conquering the galaxy with the clan
  • Occupation
    Sith Lord
  1. My idea of leveling an alt is creating the character at the maximum level the moment it is created, then actually start having fun. To put it another way, which is to get rid of levels altogether and create the character you want at the beginning, thus allocating the points at its inception, rather then going through an annoying process of leveling. I'm odd and actually like to have fun from the beginning.
  2. If they used the free to play model that 'Runes of Magic' and 'champions online' used, rather than the unsatisfying SOE model. Then I know F2P would be the way to go.
  3. I re-subbed trying to get into TOR again; mostly because 1.2 was released, and it's (now) the only Star Wars mmo in the "galaxy". Afterall, this "mmo" is why the greatest crafting & player housing mmorpg of all time was shutdown. However, I had to un-sub again as leveling is soo painfully boring -- everything re-enforces a feeling of artificially. ...How did a company invest hundreds of millions in a supposed "mmorpg" and learn nothing from efforts of the past? If ANYONE else had been given the license they would have done a VASTLY better job. What is in this "mmorpg" that is supposed to keep people playing? I don't see any mechinisms but a series of static, steril "worlds".
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