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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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In this day and age, guilds are a waste.


Anyway I do believe TOR is a success, but its success is more akin to McDonald's success. Cheap, fast, easy, and convenient. Quality optional.


Haha - what? How are guilds a waste? Players in healthy guilds are never the ones complaining about not being able to run groups/FPs/Ops.

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The figures in the OP don't seem to take any account of LucasArts initial and ongoing licensing fees, which are reportedly up to 35%. Nor do they make any reasonable provision for margins lost to the distribution channel (wholesales and retailers), nor do they account for ongoing operating expenses of maintaining the MMO, which BW has estimated might require 500,000 active subs at the level of development they had previously planned.


The net result is probably the same: the game isn't a total disaster in terms of sales, at least in a short-term financial sense. The loss of goodwill for BW if the game continues to decline could be more costly than any quarterly loss, though.


But yes, it's probably fair to say the game isn't likely to lose a lot of money - the Star Wars brand name has been enough to save the game from being a total failure.

Edited by jgelling
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How to get a guild if servers are barren? Also, why should I bother with guilds if I just want to level a toon? Guilds are for raiding and stuff.


Because being in a healthy guild means always having someone to help you level your toon.

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Haha - what? How are guilds a waste? Players in healthy guilds are never the ones complaining about not being able to run groups/FPs/Ops.


Bolded for emphasis. Healthy Guilds. About as rare as a unicorn in Manhattan and becoming more rare every day. Most guilds are a collection of drama-queens, loot-whores, and self-centered children.


Finding a healthy guild is great, IF you can find one. Anymore, its not worth the effort to wade through a football stadium full of **** to try to find a nickel.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Yes you did, because the complaint goes both ways when viewed objectively.


In a similar fashion, someone could plausibly not appreciate the hyperbole, platitudes, and "blind rage" that some who may be viewed as haters seem to exhibit when succeeding in acting the role of the SWTOR antagonist.


In other words, both sides are in the wrong when trying to pigeonhole the opposing viewpoint of the argument. What the author was getting at is that there is a disproportionate amount of opinions posted in this forum that say that nothing is wrong and/or could be improved upon in relation to the amount who say that everything is wrong and/or will never be improved upon.


I agree that better dissemination of information would more than likely better the demeanor of the community as a whole. At least in the manner of removing the need to propagate hearsay and wild speculation of the developers' intent and/or the state of the game on a daily basis.


Also, I'm not a spelling nazi but I like that you're attempting to use atypical vocabulary; it's kerfuffle.


I appriciate your response. I like how you constructed your argument restating what I said as a foil. Well played!

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i totally agree with you on that i would like to get some information from someone who is into this stuff or is related to information technology, why havent they merged servers after the pop drop. (this is my first mmo so dont be harsh)


Merging is a Very Bad Thing for PR reasons. Transfers are better.

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Bolded for emphasis. Healthy Guilds. About as rare as a unicorn in Manhattan and becoming more rare every day. Most guilds are a collection of drama-queens, loot-whores, and self-centered children.


Doesn't take much to have a health guild in this game. If you have 8-10 players who get along and have high play time, you're set. TBH WoW ruined the perception of guilds - you don't need 500 players.

Edited by Typeslice
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Bolded for emphasis. Healthy Guilds. About as rare as a unicorn in Manhattan and becoming more rare every day. Most guilds are a collection of drama-queens, loot-whores, and self-centered children.


you base that on what, on my server there are 3 healthy orderly raiding guild just from my country plus 12-15 international guilds whhose representers i can see all the time

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you base that on what, on my server there are 3 healthy orderly raiding guild just from my country plus 12-15 international guilds whhose representers i can see all the time


And I would venture to guess that most, if not all of them, are rotten at the core.


Doesn't take much to have a health guild in this game. If you have 8-10 players who get along and have high play time, you're set. TBH WoW ruined the perception of guilds - you don't need 500 players.


If that's how you want to look at it, then fine. Count me as a casualty of the WoW guild scene.

Edited by Bluerodian
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I appriciate your response. I like how you constructed your argument restating what I said as a foil. Well played!


This, my friend, is what (in my opinion) a good community is built on: mutual respect in the face of disagreement.



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you base that on what, on my server there are 3 healthy orderly raiding guild just from my country plus 12-15 international guilds whhose representers i can see all the time


I usually find with the raiding guild there is a small group within that does the raids to the exclusion of everyone else in the guild. You cannot get help leveling noone wants to do anything fun its all got to be serious business. They will nitpick your armor but also refuse to help you get better gear. Id rather have a casual guild than a raiding guild any day of the week.

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This, my friend, is what (in my opinion) a good community is built on: mutual respect in the face of disagreement.




i think he was ironic there but ofc i can never be sure....:D


ps: your attitude is awesome or were you sarcastic too?.........omg my minde is killing itself

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OP - your math is flawed.


Game sold 2.4 million units

2 million joined at launch

1.7 million left by Feb report (down 300k)

1.3 million left by May report( down 400k)

700k lost since launch


If it wasnt for the 30 days free play time, even more wouldnt be here. Unless Bioware do something out side the box, this game will only sink. Sure, having a player base of say 250k(for arguements sake) isnt bad, if it can yield a profit - but in terms of where EA were aiming this - right at WoW, they failed - badly.

Edited by DarthMaulUK
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Because being in a healthy guild means always having someone to help you level your toon.


Help how? If I am doing a 34-level heroic quest, I need 3 34-levelish partners. How many guilds in SWTOR can provide that for any given level and at any reasonable time? And I don't want a 50-level partner. It's not fun.

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Bolded for emphasis. Healthy Guilds. About as rare as a unicorn in Manhattan and becoming more rare every day. Most guilds are a collection of drama-queens, loot-whores, and self-centered children.


Finding a healthy guild is great, IF you can find one. Anymore, its not worth the effort to wade through a football stadium full of **** to try to find a nickel.


MMO gaming isn't for you ...

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I don't want this game to be shut down. I don't want SW:TOR to go away. I don't want the Voice Acting to go away.


I don't want to play another MMO. I want to play SW:TOR, I'm having fun.


Why do I feel so alone, when I say this. :(

Edited by JediElf
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Help how? If I am doing a 34-level heroic quest, I need 3 34-levelish partners. How many guilds in SWTOR can provide that for any given level and at any reasonable time? And I don't want a 50-level partner. It's not fun.


Guildies on alts, or one level 50 helps you?

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i think he was ironic there but ofc i can never be sure....:D


ps: your attitude is awesome or were you sarcastic too?.........omg my minde is killing itself


I speak and think in abject sincerity at all times, even if it is to my self-detriment. Unless I've been drinking and then it's a puddle of slurry mush.

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Judging by how hard this thread is being trolled, and how devoted the OP is to coming back and checking up on it, and continuing to bait people.....


I'm going to have to say that the OP failed to take his own advice in "not feeding the trolls".


Good day!

Edited by Celebrus
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I don't want this game to be shut down. I don't want SW:TOR to go away. I don't want the Voice Acting to go away.


I don't want to play another MMO. I want to play SW:TOR, I'm having fun.


Why do I feel so alone, when I say this. :(


You're not, the hate and loathing is confined to the general forum...I am part of a guild that is still growing and we are still having fun and enjoying the game.


Screw the haters.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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Great post OP. I agree with that blogger for the most part. Only in the deluded minds of the haters is 1.3 million subscriptions considered a failure. Heck, even 1 million subs would be considered a resounding success.


On other gaming sites, people tout EVE has a fantastic success with its 500k (or some reports say 800k) subscription base. It's often cited as a game that 'got it right'. Well, if 500k subs means 'getting it right', then surely 1 million subs means failure...oh, wait, what?


No. The only thing failing here are the ridiculous expectations of a certain group dissatisfied with the game.

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I usually find with the raiding guild there is a small group within that does the raids to the exclusion of everyone else in the guild. You cannot get help leveling noone wants to do anything fun its all got to be serious business. They will nitpick your armor but also refuse to help you get better gear. Id rather have a casual guild than a raiding guild any day of the week.


lol i didnt say these are raiding, i only meant that we are raiding very often (maybe i wanst plain enough).

im in a casual guild and we help eachoter gear up im having a great just like my mates on the server, maybe you had a bad experience, but that shouldnt give you the blues

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This, my friend, is what (in my opinion) a good community is built on: mutual respect in the face of disagreement.




I have to call it as I see it. Your response was both "chestertonian" and "churchillian". :)

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