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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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Is that just a guess on your part? Why do you think that? Can you link me what you've based that assumption off of?! They did all the EU servers manually I thought...why do you think there was some secret tool?


No, they did the APAC servers manually. That's 3 whole servers. There was no "secret" tool. That was the stated plan by BioWare to open servers for launch then cull them back. That is to say, the tool was no "secret".

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Also, forgot to add that BioWare doesn't have a zero-sum dev team. It would them no good to stop other teams to work on rebuilding transfer software because it wouldn't help. In fact, too many would probably actually hinder it. Too many cooks, and all that.


No lol...come on...outta 600 Devs, pull 20 or 50 or whatever...have them all work as teams or alone on the issue. Offer a big bonus to the 1st group to solve it and you'd have had a fix that week.

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Hello, forum moderator, are you there? Why does this thread continue to exist? It's offending a base of players/posters and that's not right.


To the OP, let's crunch some numbers -- you had 2 million apples and now you have 1.4 million apples, you have less apples.


To the OP, let's crunch some numbers - you had 2 thousand employees yesterday, and now you can only afford 1 thousand, you are not better off. Scoreboard.


Again, this thread should be shut down for ToS, or maybe the forum mod position was cut as well. Here I'll help:


Posts that are abusive towards other users, the developers, the moderation team or the Customer Service team are not allowed. In the future, please ensure your posts are constructive and respectful.


Please understand that our goal is to create a safe, friendly environment for our online community. Further violations of the rules can lead to temporary or permanent removal of your posting privileges. We strongly encourage you to take a few moments and review the Rules of Conduct (http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct/) you agreed to when creating your account to avoid future violations.


Should you have any questions about this message or any other issues that require assistance, please contact us at communitysupport@swtor.com.



This one's on me Bioware

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If swtor broke into the chinese market like wow did i would expect 10m, i dont care if swtor ever does, a game doesnt need 10m to do very well. Wow has around 4-5m subs in north america and the EU, i think swtor was definately heading that way at launch and is totaly capable as an ip to surpass that, now its all on bioware.


Good point, but I don't think that TOR will continue down the progression raid path that is an all or nothing demographic and unless you cater to them exclusively they will hate you, so I look for a lot of the Raid crowd to continue to leave but I think in doing so they will pick up a new audience.


Anything is possible but I'm thnking when all is said and done we will see TOR sitting at around two million subs, which is what I think WoW's western market is actually at.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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To the person who said "no one enjoys Legacy" I will disprove that via counter-example: me. I think the Legacy system is very cool and interesting and I am indeed enjoying it. I specifically rerolled from Lord Adraas to Ebon Hawk specifically so I could restart and build my desired Legacy from the ground up with it in mind and without needing to delete any of my previously created characters.


SWTOR does have problems with too many servers producing an average population that is too low to sustain doing anything but single-player content. I really hope server transfers and the upcoming "super servers" work to fix this problem. I don't want the game to die or shut down.


All of that said I play on a decently populated server and can on any given night either quest alone or find groups depending on what I want to do. I try to never miss an opportunity to group up for anything and in the process have added a great many good players to my friends list and commented them as to the role they fill in groups. Then when I see a few on and I want to run something I start whispering them and within 20-30 minutes I've either built a full group entirely from my friends or I've pugged in 1 or 2 new people I can hopefully add to my friends. Either way, I have a very enjoyable night's gaming. This is why I think that fixing the population issue by reducing the number of servers will go a very long way towards making more people happy which is vital for the long-term health of the game.

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No, they did the APAC servers manually. That's 3 whole servers. There was no "secret" tool. That was the stated plan by BioWare to open servers for launch then cull them back. That is to say, the tool was no "secret".


APAC/EU...whatever :) But thank you, those are the servers I meant.


Even if there were plans to "cull" them back, why do you insist that 1.2 broke something that they had ready?! You keep speaking like that was fact, not theory...is that fact? Do you, in any way, work for Bioware/EA or have ties to their employees? Family? Friend? What? Where is this info coming from?


If you don't have a source, please stop spreading false information as if it's fact.

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No lol...come on...outta 600 Devs, pull 20 or 50 or whatever...have them all work as teams or alone on the issue. Offer a big bonus to the 1st group to solve it and you'd have had a fix that week.


They have an entire team devoted to rebuilding it. There's nothing to "solve", they're already almost done with it. You think coding something like that only takes a few weeks?

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Hello, forum moderator, are you there? Why does this thread continue to exist? It's offending a base of players/posters and that's not right.


To the OP, let's crunch some numbers -- you had 2 million apples and now you have 1.4 million apples, you have less apples.


To the OP, let's crunch some numbers - you had 2 thousand employees yesterday, and now you can only afford 1 thousand, you are not better off. Scoreboard.


Again, this thread should be shut down for ToS, or maybe the forum mod position was cut as well. Here I'll help:


Posts that are abusive towards other users, the developers, the moderation team or the Customer Service team are not allowed. In the future, please ensure your posts are constructive and respectful.


Please understand that our goal is to create a safe, friendly environment for our online community. Further violations of the rules can lead to temporary or permanent removal of your posting privileges. We strongly encourage you to take a few moments and review the Rules of Conduct (http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/rulesofconduct/) you agreed to when creating your account to avoid future violations.


Should you have any questions about this message or any other issues that require assistance, please contact us at communitysupport@swtor.com.



This one's on me Bioware

why should they close the thread insted of just deleting incorrect posts, now please ****

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Man compare that to my military pay for defending this country getting shot at and that is pretty depressing.


The Video Game industry has to run itself, Military gets a massive amount of the total tax income of the whole country. Its not an industry that can sustain itself where consumers buy stuff. Also, Military pays for your college and you can get pretty much any job you want after being in it and putting it on your resume.

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APAC/EU...whatever :) But thank you, those are the servers I meant.


Even if there were plans to "cull" them back, why do you insist that 1.2 broke something that they had ready?! You keep speaking like that was fact, not theory...is that fact? Do you, in any way, work for Bioware/EA or have ties to their employees? Family? Friend? What? Where is this info coming from?


If you don't have a source, please stop spreading false information as if it's fact.


I haven't provided it because it's common knowledge to almost everyone but you, it seems. But, if you insist, I'll see if I can dig it up... The source was right here on the forum.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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This one is wise!


All hail the 1%ers. I think we should help op out, what would be a good, rational argument that this game is a success? Im gonna go with "definition of success".


How about "at the end of may, all subscribers will have essentially bought another game"

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They have an entire team devoted to rebuilding it. There's nothing to "solve", they're already almost done with it. You think coding something like that only takes a few weeks?

Source? Why "rebuild"? What do you know? Or are you spreading false information as truth? Source please...You can't state false statements as facts Jaramie. .

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My worries are as follows:


If they limit server transfers to servers that are NOT high population, how will people know where to transfer in order to be part of a healthy population?


If they are restructuring the company around having more Engineers to replace many of those that were let go in the recent layoffs, how does this affect the time frame in which patches, etc. will be released? I mean, these new hires will need to be brought up to speed on everything and familiarize themselves with the system, the code, the management outlook, etc. etc. This takes time ... and time is not what this game has.


Rumors have it that 1.3 won't hit until August. More rumors suggest GW2 being released in late June or even July. If that's the case, SWTOR will be hit hard again in the population aspect due to another "hyped" game hitting the market.




Time just isn't what EA has ...

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I implied nothing of the sort.


That said, I don't appriciate all the hyperbole, platitudes, and "blind faith" that some who may be viewed as fanboiz seem to exhibit when attempting to act in the role of SWTOR apologist.


Also, I... WANT.... this game to succed. I think much of the cafuffle that happens here on the forums would not happen IF BW actually communicated with us directly in the ariopogus of these forums much in the same way that blizzard engages their playerbase on their forums.


Yes you did, because the complaint goes both ways when viewed objectively.


In a similar fashion, someone could plausibly not appreciate the hyperbole, platitudes, and "blind rage" that some who may be viewed as haters seem to exhibit when succeeding in acting the role of the SWTOR antagonist.


In other words, both sides are in the wrong when trying to pigeonhole the opposing viewpoint of the argument. What the author was getting at is that there is a disproportionate amount of opinions posted in this forum that say that nothing is wrong and/or could be improved upon in relation to the amount who say that everything is wrong and/or will never be improved upon.


I agree that better dissemination of information would more than likely better the demeanor of the community as a whole. At least in the manner of removing the need to propagate hearsay and wild speculation of the developers' intent and/or the state of the game on a daily basis.


Also, I'm not a spelling nazi but I like that you're attempting to use atypical vocabulary; it's kerfuffle.

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I haven't provided it because it's common knowledge to almost everyone but you, it seems. But, if you insist, I'll see if I can dig it up... The source was right here on the forum.


OK, I'll wait. Thank you.

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As a gamer, I don't really care about Bioware, EA and others. I care about my money and my personal experience with the game. And if I am unable to find a single server, where I can comfortably level several toons, my experience sucks. No matter how much money EA makes (or not). Of course, then I unsubsribe (which I did), and EA makes less money.


Also, I don't see much trolling on this issue. Some people are unreasonable, but in general posters here are talking about real troubles and real concerns.

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oh and dont foret this:

PCG: Will they be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?


DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.


i thinbk that will fix the biggest problem and most of the "complaining" people will be statisfied, altho i still dont understand how couldnt ppl do stuff that needs a group, GET A GUILD!

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Probably because people just like were on the forums screaming about queues at launch and they knee jerk reacted and opened too many servers.


They were right to open many servers. They were wrong when they didn't try to consolidate the player base after the initial tidal wave. Server transfers had to be there starting from the first month.

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You typed 'lets see if you can find them!' when the correct thing to type would have been 'let's see if you can find them!'. That was hypocritical.


To me it would seem his was simply a button push error (neglecting to hit the apostrophe), whereas most of the errors on these boards come from plain stupidity. Yes, I do notice them. It does bother me. I have to hold back my rage and tears (tears of rage?) when I see someone, for example, use the word "plane" instead of "plain", "patients" instead of "patience" (note: that is not directed at TUXs post, as his pun was clear to me), "wyning" instead of "whining", "affective" instead of "effective", "accept" instead of "except" (sometimes, eccept, which gives me a brain aneurysm), along with my biggest peeves "than" instead of "then" and "their" or "there" instead of "they're" (I'd even "eccept" theyre as a simple button push error) and "aloud" instead of "allowed", as well as "your" instead of "you're" (and incredulously, in a vain attempt to seem semi-intelligent, sometimes using the incorrect "you're" instead of the correct "your", which is much, much worse), "intensive purposes" instead of "intents and purposes" (MAN does that one get me fired up), "site" instead of "sight" (esp. in words like "Hindsight", which seems to come up in nearly every thread), "insure" instead of "ensure", "could of" instead of "could have", "strait" instead of "straight", "loose" instead of "lose", "predicsion" or "predicshun" instead of "prediction", "afterwords" instead of "afterward" (really??), adding an "e" in words like "forward" or "fortune" (i.e. "foreward" or "foretune"), "clame" instead of "claim" (what the heck is a "clame"?), "anticdotal evidence" (I kid you not, I have seen this come up more than once), "addatude" instead of "attitude", "dieing" instead of "dying" (this one, like "hindsite" comes up often), "very" instead of "vary" (sometimes "veryus" instead of "various"), "servis" instead of "service", "sence" instead of "sense", along with many, many more.


This wasn't really an important post, I just wanted to throw in my two cents (or, in forum speak, sence). I don't get caught up in simple errors like missing a letter or a button, even if it occurs in every other word. Sometimes one gets caught up in their argument.


However, when someone creates a Great Wall of Text that would humble the ancient Chinese, in an attempt to discredit someone else's argument, or perhaps to articulate their own points, and they misuse or misspell words which do not require anything more than an elementary school education, to me at least, all their credibility is lost.

Edited by rbkrbk
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The OP is incorrect. SWTOR is a failure. It is quickly setting a record for the largest number of lost subscribers in a short period.


The biggest mistake was releasing the game without the framework for server transfers/merges. You'd think they'd have learned from WARs mistake considering how many WAR employees they took on . . .



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They were right to open many servers. They were wrong when they didn't try to consolidate the player base after the initial tidal wave. Server transfers had to be there starting from the first month.


i totally agree with you on that i would like to get some information from someone who is into this stuff or is related to information technology, why havent they merged servers after the pop drop. (this is my first mmo so dont be harsh)

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oh and dont foret this:

PCG: Will they be cross-server at launch? Is that planned for the future?


DE: They will not be cross-server as we are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today.


i thinbk that will fix the biggest problem and most of the "complaining" people will be statisfied, altho i still dont understand how couldnt ppl do stuff that needs a group, GET A GUILD!


In this day and age, guilds are a waste.


Anyway I do believe TOR is a success, but its success is more akin to McDonald's success. Cheap, fast, easy, and convenient. Quality optional.

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In this day and age, guilds are a waste.


Anyway I do believe TOR is a success, but its success is more akin to McDonald's success. Cheap, fast, easy, and convenient. Quality optional.

what do you mean by your first sentence?

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i thinbk that will fix the biggest problem and most of the "complaining" people will be statisfied, altho i still dont understand how couldnt ppl do stuff that needs a group, GET A GUILD!


How to get a guild if servers are barren? Also, why should I bother with guilds if I just want to level a toon? Guilds are for raiding and stuff.

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