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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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This is the earliest I have ever canceled my subscription for an MMO and have played a good half dozen in the past.


Did it only fail me or the thousands of people that are probably canceling their subscriptions every day?



Inb4 someone tells you that everyone else is wrong.

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This is the earliest I have ever canceled my subscription for an MMO and have played a good half dozen in the past.




Bioware needs to stick to single player games from here on in. They don't have the vision or the humility to deal with more than that and have gone from a company many of us had great respect for to one in which we have little at all.


exactly. They are even trying to hide all the frustration by deleting hundreds of threads everyday. If this game took so many years with all the missing tools in it, then how can we expect to see new content once in a few months ? They even promised monthly updates, they really did on this very website, yet look at what we have now.. nothing but more empty promises. I am disgusted.

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I have read abouit 50 post that state: "of the game is a success, then why is my server dead...."


well, its like this, back during beta and the first few days of the game being lives, thousands of people were complaining about the ques to login... BW reads these complaints and says, I got you and here is your solution. Poof...BW creates a crap load of new severs with low pop-caps. Now, the initial wave of "check out" players have left, all of those servers are left bare. But still, BW says, I got you and your solution will be in update 1.3.

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I have read abouit 50 post that state: "of the game is a success, then why is my server dead...."


well, its like this, back during beta and the first few days of the game being lives, thousands of people were complaining about the ques to login... BW reads these complaints and says, I got you and here is your solution. Poof...BW creates a crap load of new severs with low pop-caps. Now, the initial wave of "check out" players have left, all of those servers are left bare. But still, BW says, I got you and your solution will be in update 1.3.


population is not the only problem and some of the solutions require major changes because they have something to do with the game engine. If you are going to ask about them, please look around.

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I have read abouit 50 post that state: "of the game is a success, then why is my server dead...."


well, its like this, back during beta and the first few days of the game being lives, thousands of people were complaining about the ques to login... BW reads these complaints and says, I got you and here is your solution. Poof...BW creates a crap load of new severs with low pop-caps. Now, the initial wave of "check out" players have left, all of those servers are left bare. But still, BW says, I got you and your solution will be in update 1.3.


This trend has happened it HOW many MMOs since WoW??? Every single one. It's a joke that any game is not ready for a pop drop after launch.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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exactly. They are even trying to hide all the frustration by deleting hundreds of threads everyday. If this game took so many years with all the missing tools in it, then how can we expect to see new content once in a few months ? They even promised monthly updates, they really did on this very website, yet look at what we have now.. nothing but more empty promises. I am disgusted.


Shhhh... the technical term for this is "forum server memory leaks" <nods sagely> ;)

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exactly. They are even trying to hide all the frustration by deleting hundreds of threads everyday. If this game took so many years with all the missing tools in it, then how can we expect to see new content once in a few months ? They even promised monthly updates, they really did on this very website, yet look at what we have now.. nothing but more empty promises. I am disgusted.


Yep, they're even deleting the pro-BioWare troll threads. Heaven forbid they do they're jobs, huh?

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I don't disagree with the OP, but essentially you have called me a Troll because I have in some ways stated my dissatisfaction for this game in various facets on this forum.


I don't think I'm feeding the trolls by mentioning poor customer service, lack of pvp content, dead servers, reverse-priority order (like legacy addons before bugs and ranked WZ)


All of that, coupled with the fact that the forum staff here are as competent as a bunch of monkeys bashing away at a typewriter..


I'm not feeding the trolls, I'm just saying how it is.

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I have read abouit 50 post that state: "of the game is a success, then why is my server dead...."


well, its like this, back during beta and the first few days of the game being lives, thousands of people were complaining about the ques to login... BW reads these complaints and says, I got you and here is your solution. Poof...BW creates a crap load of new severs with low pop-caps. Now, the initial wave of "check out" players have left, all of those servers are left bare. But still, BW says, I got you and your solution will be in update 1.3.


And this tired response keeps getting thrown around every time someone posts that question.


Again it is not the player's fault but Bioware's for either not doing their research or being arrogant enough to think that their game was above all the rest and wouldn't lose an initial wave of players after the first month. Bioware should have been prepared for a population drop(especially after opening additional servers and starting with as many as they did) and had a system in place, or at the very least a plan, to fix the problem at LAUNCH not just beginning to make one 5 months down the road. That just shows that they were either completely unprepared or too arrogant to believe that there would be a significant population drop in their game. I honestly don't know which it was since Bioware comes off to me as both extremely arrogant and very inexperienced in the MMO industry as they have shown us again and again.


You see now Bioware has people leaving their game for 2 reasons, first whatever various problems people have with the game itself(some are Bioware's fault and some are the players fault for expecting more than they should), and second the spread out population on too many servers causing the game to feel dead and servers to be underpopulated to the point where people cannot play content simply because there aren't enough people on their server. If Bioware would have taken the time before launch to set up a transfer system they would only have to be worrying about one of these reasons right now and could focus more on actual content instead of releasing a "content patch" that is primarily just a fix to stop people from quitting the game in droves instead of actual content which is just contributing more to the primary reason people are quitting the game.

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Do they have subscribers? And are making money?




Are they bleeding subscribers?


Yes they are also.



They can be a success and be in trouble at the same time.


That is a lot of players leaving in the unsub thread.


There are some very problematic servers in regards to population.


What you posted at the start does not negate these problems. And btw, just because someone disagrees with you, does not make them a troll. Sad tactic to stifle valid views that are different.

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Yep. This game is very successful. It is the best single player game with online co-op features that you pay a monthly subscription fee that is on the market to date. In that aspect, I wholeheartedly agree.


It's akin to going to your local arcade, and instead of putting in a couple bucks, you insert your credit card and sit there for the next 29 days.


So glad I unsubbed, might come back in 6 months when they start listening (i said START listnening... 6 months should see enough subs drop they go below the yellow line)

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It's akin to going to your local arcade, and instead of putting in a couple bucks, you insert your credit card and sit there for the next 29 days.


So glad I unsubbed, might come back in 6 months when they start listening (i said START listnening... 6 months should see enough subs drop they go below the yellow line)


Not me. I'm not returning until after things get implemented. Not talked about in a Gaming Review Site interview.. Not Tweeted. Not cinematic podcasts. Not even patch notes.



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So you are literally the only one on your server? No? Well then, it's not dead. :rolleyes:


My server has exactly 34 faction people on at primetime on fridays. My guild, through aggressive and merciless recruitment practices, has put together one of the two serious operation capable groups of players on the imperial side of the server. The republic side has exactly 1 viable operation group. All involved do not play unless its a scheduled operation due to lack of warzones for PVP popping thanks to issues with getting enough people to q. Rated warzones are impossible to implement on my server because no one can assemble a full q of 8 level 50 players at the same time without resorting to vent lurking. the leveling experience is lackluster, starting planets are regularly solo experiences, and getting a team for any flashpoint is pretty difficult, even considering you can 2-3man them with good companions and passive presence buffs.



so yes, my server is dead, and you can keep your opinion to yourself FOTM fatman reroller.

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an mmo where you hear talk about more servers being dead then active and it hasnt even been 6 months after release


yep,swtors a sucess alright


Sadly there will never be a company that makes a Starwars based MMO that actually LIKES starwars, it's all dollar signs to them, they don't care about the actual legacy of SW.

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Sadly there will never be a company that makes a Starwars based MMO that actually LIKES starwars, it's all dollar signs to them, they don't care about the actual legacy of SW.

Yup this was almost a game of thrones or lord of the rings MMO http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/12/21/star-wars-the-old-republic-could-have-been-a-game-of-thrones-mmo/“If we were going to do a Game of Thrones MMO, what kind of rules and what kind of gameplay elements would really bring that world to life? Each one had that, but we always focused on the story at the fore.” In those early stages, a compelling narrative was more important than the setting. “When we were first were deciding on what kind of game we were going to build, I really wanted to do a story-based massively multiplayer game because hey, it hadn’t been done before,” Ohlen said. “I thought: hey, good way to innovate – that’s what Bioware stands for and that’s what we’re good at.”

Edited by USMCjv
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