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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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So...that's it? We won? We can all go home now?


LIVE servers and people who PLAY this game know what is REALLY going on...and it's not pretty. Profitable or not, the game is dying.


would you say the same thing if there were a high enough population on your server that you could go to WZ, FP, HC at any time you want ,cos that is what will happen after merges and transfers, just be a bit patient pls, i play the same game and yes i see the problems everyone else talks about and i admit them, but imo this game is great it is fun to play and playing with a guild almost compensates me for the low pop.

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Assuming that the grammatical error in the title of your thread was intentional, I'd like to congratulate you on making it through one whole sentence before making another mistake. Instead of 'setting my sites', you should have typed 'setting my sights'. Have a nice day!


- Grezgorz the Grammar Nazi


edited ;) bitte schön herr grammar nazi

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one other thing the OP and the author of at ToR or whatever completely ignores is return on investment.


if they spent 300 million over the past 5 years to just now "break even", which i doubt they're at yet, the ROI is TERRIBLE.


you could have put that 300 million in an interest bearing account and made more money.


and if subs continue to drop that ROI is absolutely going to be a big negative when compared with other ways that much money could have been invested....

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Assuming that the grammatical error in the title of your thread was intentional, I'd like to congratulate you on making it through one whole sentence before making another mistake. Instead of 'setting my sites', you should have typed 'setting my sights'. Have a nice day!


- Grezgorz the Grammar Nazi


It always brings a smile to my lips when people so devoted to pointing out others' mistakes make so many themselves. There are three in your post; lets see if you can find them!

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one other thing the OP and the author of at ToR or whatever completely ignores is return on investment.


if they spent 300 million over the past 5 years to just now "break even", which i doubt they're at yet, the ROI is TERRIBLE.


you could have put that 300 million in an interest bearing account and made more money.


and if subs continue to drop that ROI is absolutely going to be a big negative when compared with other ways that much money could have been invested....


It's not 300 million. The fabricator of that lie admitted its untruthfulness.

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yes i think the "spreading out" is because of the launch cos most of the servers were full and ppl rolled their first chars on empty or low populated servers , wich after a time lost active players, ofc after server merge or transfer this problem will have been fixed i think, GET YOUR HOPES UP!
You think that, but you'd be wrong. Pops are so low because there hasn't been any content being released. My servers were extremely healthy post 1.2. As in 200-250 on the fleet, which eventually settled to 100-150 players regularly. Everyone could pug HMs relatively easily, people often even pugged HM Ops. WZs had pretty fast queues. Very friendly, tight-nit community due to being medium sized server, so I had very good relations with 4 raiding guilds.


This was a month after 1.2. Now, population is about 10 on the fleet. All four raiding guilds that I was friends with, as well as my own guild, have quit the game.


This is not an isolated incidence. There used to be quite a few healthy medium pop servers. They are all now low pop. There used to be more than two high pop servers. Fatman, the most popular server, has even dropped in population.


You cannot just explain this away by saying it's because pops are low. Pops are low BECAUSE of problems with the game.


But yeah, keep ignoring the actual problems and think that everything is fine. That's what BW is doing, let's hope that doesn't cost them another 400k subs in the next month.

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Not everyone who has a negative or disagreeing Opinion is a Troll OP, Some people have very valid criticisms and the irrational and constant rabid defending of Bioware and SWTOR early on is a major part of what drove so many people off I feel, as well as a huge part of why Bioware has been more or less blind to the vast majority of problems plaguing the game that continue to go unaddressed because their fanbase was so syncophantic that the devs started to think they could do no wrong.


Just saying. Be reasonable


Face it, if you don't agree with EA/BW 100% you will be considered a troll. Dissent is not allowed here.


If this thread was titled: "ToR is a failure, dont feed no fanboiz.", it would be locked.


I agree with you btw.

Edited by Urael
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I love positive threads, but this thread is a load of garbage. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. All you are doing is throwing around insults and excuses and blind assumptions. Honestly, there is nothing positive in this thread whatsoever. No 'happy feelings', just a lame attempt to try and cover up all the problems this game has to feel better about yourself, instead of actively trying to find a solution.


This game is losing players, monthly. Is it dying? Not yet, but if you think this game is getting more players or getting better currently, you are blind. SW:TOR is still losing subscribers as it tries to find its place in MMORPGs.


Speaking of which, let's talk about some things. The reason SW:TOR is doing so poorly is because it lacks group content. World of Warcraft was successful because it took advantage of the weakness in the MMORPG market, took everything players would want and put it together into one of the best games ever made, and continued to improve on its mechanics (not perfectly so, but they did an outstanding job.) World of Warcraft has plenty of weaknesses, SW:TOR has tried to capitalize on these to mild success, but it isn't enough.


SW:TOR has the best single player content I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Unfortunately, it's group content is sorely lacking. Really, what is there to do? Boring flashpoints, boring operations? Look at the first flashpoints you can do. The Esseles and the Black Talon. These are what every other flashpoint (and operation) in the game should have aspired to be. Rich with story and dialogue. Ultimately, this game fails to deliver -- it gives us bland flashpoints instead for the rest of the game. This simply isn't fun.


It doesn't stop there. Finding a full group in this game is even harder than it was in vanilla world of Warcraft, because in vanilla world of warcraft, specs were basically optional. You could DPS okay as a holy paladin, you could tank just fine as an arms warrior, you could heal great as a feral druid. Dual specs were implemented later when specs began to really matter.


This game has it so that specs are critical from day one, and the difficulty of flashpoints in this game are moreso than any dungeons in WoW (This isn't a good thing, by the way). To put it bluntly, we desperately need dual specs in order to fill out groups and excel in operations, let alone be able to level up effectively. Yet, they refuse to do so.


And this is the case with so much content, Bioware is afraid to add content because we'll think they are copying WoW and we'll quit for WoW.. or something. It's ignorant, wrong, and completely false. We need quality of life features to simply enjoy the content this game offers, yet instead they seem focused on pushing out even more flashpoints and operations players won't really get to enjoy, especially as more and more people quit the game.


This game needs help. Direly. Ignoring this fact and saying "this game is doing great! :D:D:D:D" is going to make the situation worse. We need to start making changes to save this game, and we need to start doing them today. Every day Bioware hesitates is more lost subscribers who may never come back.




PS: The whole "don't feed the trolls" is the most ignorant part of this thread. People voicing their concerns about this game, saying that this game needs help are trying to help this game. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be posting.


Calling this trolling is IGNORANT and only helps dig the grave for this game. It has so much potential that I would hate to see wasted. So, start acting mature and accept that you are not always right (and in fact, often are wrong), accept that this game needs help, and understand that the majority of us want to see this game succeed.

Edited by TheRealBowser
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your premiss is that the only definition of success is financial.. which only applies from the business point of view.


now if you were to ask whether after 6 months the game was still attracting new customers or at the very least maintaining its customer base. then its not such a success. I would guess that they hoped the game was still in a steady growth cycle after 6 months not a downward spiral, which seams to be the case.

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Face it, if you don't agree with EA/BW 100% you will be considered a troll. Dissent is not allowed here.


I agree with you btw.


Tacitly, if you don't agree with any and all dissenting opinions 100% you will be considered a fanboy.


Dissension of dissent is not allowed here.

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yes so successful I can't play my level 50 at all because there is no PVP ques and noone to group for FP with. Yep great success.http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/guild-wars-2/1223692p1.html


Lol, funny how by you posting that link, you proved the OP's point. Every game has an "impending doom" post in their forums, GW2 is no different, no matter what, not every player can be satisfied.

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Face it, if you don't agree with EA/BW 100% you will be considered a troll. Dissent is not allowed here.


If this thread was titled: "ToR is a failure, dont feed no fanboiz.", it would be locked.


I agree with you btw.

i hate EA just FYI, but of course it is never the brightest people who generalize

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Dont agree OP sorry, this game at best will have 500-700k subs come next quarterly imo, not 1.3 million.


90% of servers are mostly light currently.


There are tons of threads with people complaining that there servers are empty and are pleading with BW to merge servers, these people are not trolls, these are ppl that care about the game.


And with EA / BW sacking lots of there SWTOR staff, i would say currently this game is not a success.

Edited by kmufc
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I love positive threads, but this thread is a load of garbage. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. All you are doing is throwing around insults and excuses and blind assumptions.


This game is losing players, monthly. Is it dying? Not yet, but if you think this game is getting more players or getting better currently, you are blind. SW:TOR is still losing subscribers as it tries to find its place in MMORPGs.


Speaking of which, let's talk about some things. The reason SW:TOR is doing so poorly is because it lacks group content. World of Warcraft was successful because it took advantage of the weakness in the MMORPG market, took everything players would want and put it together into one of the best games ever made, and continued to improve on its mechanics (not perfectly so, but they did an outstanding job.) World of Warcraft has plenty of weaknesses, SW:TOR has tried to capitalize on these to mild success, but it isn't enough.


SW:TOR has the best single player content I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Unfortunately, it's group content is sorely lacking. Really, what is there to do? Boring flashpoints, boring operations? Look at the first flashpoints you can do. The Esseles and the Black Talon. These are what every other flashpoint (and operation) in the game should have aspired to be. Rich with story and dialogue. Ultimately, this game fails to deliver -- it gives us bland flashpoints instead for the rest of the game. This simply isn't fun.


It doesn't stop there. Finding a full group in this game is even harder than it was in vanilla world of Warcraft, because in vanilla world of warcraft, specs were basically optional. You could DPS okay as a holy paladin, you could tank just fine as an arms warrior, you could heal great as a feral druid. Dual specs were implemented later when specs began to really matter.


This game has it so that specs are critical from day one, and the difficulty of flashpoints in this game are moreso than any dungeons in WoW (This isn't a good thing, by the way). To put it bluntly, we desperately need dual specs in order to fill out groups and excel in operations, let alone be able to level up effectively. Yet, they refuse to do so.


And this is the case with so much content, Bioware is afraid to add content because we'll think they are copying WoW and we'll quit for WoW.. or something. It's ignorant, wrong, and completely false. We need quality of life features to simply enjoy the content this game offers, yet instead they seem focused on pushing out even more flashpoints and operations players won't really get to enjoy, especially as more and more people quit the game.


This game needs help. Direly. Ignoring this fact and saying "this game is doing great! :D:D:D:D" is going to make the situation worse. We need to start making changes to save this game, and we need to start doing them today. Every day Bioware hesitates is more lost subscribers who may never come back.




PS: The whole "don't feed the trolls" is the most ignorant part of this thread. People voicing their concerns about this game, saying that this game needs help are trying to help this game. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be posting.


Calling this trolling is IGNORANT and only helps dig the grave for this game. It has so much potential that I would hate to see wasted. So, start acting mature and accept that you are not always right (and in fact, often are wrong), accept that this game needs help, and understand that the majority of us want to see this game succeed.


excuse me but where did the author say it is getting more players?

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I love positive threads, but this thread is a load of garbage. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. All you are doing is throwing around insults and excuses and blind assumptions.


This game is losing players, monthly. Is it dying? Not yet, but if you think this game is getting more players or getting better currently, you are blind. SW:TOR is still losing subscribers as it tries to find its place in MMORPGs.


Speaking of which, let's talk about some things. The reason SW:TOR is doing so poorly is because it lacks group content. World of Warcraft was successful because it took advantage of the weakness in the MMORPG market, took everything players would want and put it together into one of the best games ever made, and continued to improve on its mechanics (not perfectly so, but they did an outstanding job.) World of Warcraft has plenty of weaknesses, SW:TOR has tried to capitalize on these to mild success, but it isn't enough.


SW:TOR has the best single player content I've ever seen in an MMORPG. Unfortunately, it's group content is sorely lacking. Really, what is there to do? Boring flashpoints, boring operations? Look at the first flashpoints you can do. The Esseles and the Black Talon. These are what every other flashpoint (and operation) in the game should have aspired to be. Rich with story and dialogue. Ultimately, this game fails to deliver -- it gives us bland flashpoints instead for the rest of the game. This simply isn't fun.


It doesn't stop there. Finding a full group in this game is even harder than it was in vanilla world of Warcraft, because in vanilla world of warcraft, specs were basically optional. You could DPS okay as a holy paladin, you could tank just fine as an arms warrior, you could heal great as a feral druid. Dual specs were implemented later when specs began to really matter.


This game has it so that specs are critical from day one, and the difficulty of flashpoints in this game are moreso than any dungeons in WoW (This isn't a good thing, by the way). To put it bluntly, we desperately need dual specs in order to fill out groups and excel in operations, let alone be able to level up effectively. Yet, they refuse to do so.


And this is the case with so much content, Bioware is afraid to add content because we'll think they are copying WoW and we'll quit for WoW.. or something. It's ignorant, wrong, and completely false. We need quality of life features to simply enjoy the content this game offers, yet instead they seem focused on pushing out even more flashpoints and operations players won't really get to enjoy, especially as more and more people quit the game.


This game needs help. Direly. Ignoring this fact and saying "this game is doing great! :D:D:D:D" is going to make the situation worse. We need to start making changes to save this game, and we need to start doing them today. Every day Bioware hesitates is more lost subscribers who may never come back.




PS: The whole "don't feed the trolls" is the most ignorant part of this thread. People voicing their concerns about this game, saying that this game needs help are trying to help this game. If they didn't care, they wouldn't be posting.


Calling this trolling is IGNORANT and only helps dig the grave for this game. It has so much potential that I would hate to see wasted. So, start acting mature and accept that you are not always right (and in fact, often are wrong), accept that this game needs help, and understand that the majority of us want to see this game succeed.


This game has FAR more group content than Vanilla or BC gave us combined, so stuff your lies.

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