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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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This was written in the studio update...



Looking back at launch, we all came together and did something historic. We executed one of the largest, most successful and stable launches of any MMO yet in industry history. That is not an easy feat for any development team or company and we are humbled and honored by our fan community’s strong support both at launch and beyond.





ummm well...no not really. :rolleyes:


Ummm well...yes, yes really.

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Actually, EA has also stated, when telling of the restructuring and layoff, that there will be more employees by the end of the year than before the layoffs. This really is a much-needed "restructuring".


I know, I know, that flies in the face of doomsaying, but it is what it is.


i read that also,they were talking about EA, not specifically bioware...EA also has had widespread layoffs in the last few months.

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were you here launch day? it was a disaster... thats why we have 2million servers and todays current problem of one person per server. yes im exaggerating a little but you should get it.


I was here on launch day. One of the most successful in MMO history. Even better than Rift's, and yes, I was there for that one, too.

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MMO success rate is defined by its longevity; not on hyped sales that didn't deliver.


Unless you want to consider the first 5 months a successful failure, then sure...


Well, then, if it's definted by longevity, then no one has any ground to say anything yet about its success or failure. And it also makes EQ more successful than WoW.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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The only difference being that the senior World of Warcraft producer John Lagrave never glanced at Rift, yet he fully acknowledged TOR's impact on WoW.


Of course they noticed TOR. Who didn't? The build up to TOR was BIG, the launch was BIG and the first 2 months were BIG but than they hit the iceberg.


Now Blizzard is reading articles like this :


"At the launch of this feature (Game Update 1.3), we will not be doing cross-server flashpoints. There are a couple of reasons – first off, it’s a significant technical achievement, and we felt that pursuing it would not allow us to get the feature to you guys as quickly as it needs to happen. Secondly, most of the design team thinks that it’s not necessarily good for the community. When the odds are very low that you will never group with another player again, there is very little social pressure to not be a complete jerk to that person, which is not a particularly positive game experience. We may revisit this decision in the future if our metrics show that flashpoint queues are not firing enough, but in general, queue firing should be more about distribution of key roles (tank, healer, DPS) than about overall population."-------Damion Schubert, Lead Systems Designer


and seeing TOR's Dev team being dismantled.


I'm pretty sure Blizzard popped the Champagne already.

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I was here on launch day. One of the most successful in MMO history. Even better than Rift's, and yes, I was there for that one, too.


Then you would realize what you said isn't even remotely true as Bioware stated right after they didn't have enough servers and had to create more to allow everyone to play that opening week. They then created too many servers and had hundreds of issues with the pre planned guild moves. Now we have a lower population with way too many servers and a huge exodus of players leaving the title. What exactly do you base the word "success" on anyways?



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i guess if that's how you measure the game, then we'd simply have to agree to disagree.


i'm actually quite curious to know how many people share your position.


I don't. There's currently more endgame flashpoints and operations than Rift had dungeons and raids at 5 months old.


Then you have class stories and Legacy ON TOP of that. But certainly not necessary for the endgame to be already bigger than other MMOs.

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It's a different type of mmo. You slow down...have fun, take your time leveling and listen to every piece of dialogue art. Immerse yourself in everything there is in the whole game. Endgame are alts because of the legacy system. Also, it will be even MORE of an advantage and fun getting alts because that's how the game is designed. The Legacy system is the endgame


Alts(legacy) are End Game? You clearly haven't played any other MMO if you think alts are what people want to see once they hit max level. I have 4 50's and during that time I watched my entire guild and majority of my server stop playing. What you're getting out of the game (and partially what I enjoy as well hence 4 50's) is not what the MAJORITY of the MMO community enjoys. PvP and Raiding = MMO's of today. There's no avoiding that fact.


As for your enjoying the dialogue art... All of the world quests use the same script when it comes to the responses. 3 characters though = You've heard it all, only with different accents. The only "new" experience you have while leveling alts is the class story // accent. The game design was not built around Legacy. Every single one of the developers said that your Legacy, was a PERK. That's it. A perk. Perks are not End game, they're something added to the game to give it a different flavor then everything else on the market.

Edited by veyl
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If you like SWTOR right now your are a lunatic star wars fanboy and/or prob play at the Fatman.


How do you like this statement?


Neither. I play on The Ebon Hawk, which is still fairly well populated.


But you're right in that almost the entire issue with TOR are the dead servers causing such a morale issue that people are looking more critically at and less tolerant of minor issues.

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Alts(legacy) are End Game? You clearly haven't played any other MMO if you think alts are what people want to see once they hit max level. I have 4 50's and during that time I watched my entire guild and majority of my server stop playing. What you're getting out of the game (and partially what I enjoy as well hence 4 50's) is not what the MAJORITY of the MMO community enjoys. PvP and Raiding = MMO's of today. There's no avoiding that fact.




Similar situation here. I'm on my 3rd alt. The only thing I can really still do that I enjoy in this game is lowbie PvP which for some reason is hugely popular. If server pop deteriorates much more, I can't do that either. All that will be left is single player grinding.

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Then you would realize what you said isn't even remotely true as Bioware stated right after they didn't have enough servers and had to create more to allow everyone to play that opening week. They then created too many servers and had hundreds of issues with the pre planned guild moves. Now we have a lower population with way too many servers and a huge exodus of players leaving the title. What exactly do you base the word "success" on anyways?




Well, since BioWare had server transfer software in beta, the plan was to open plenty then cull them back. Obviously, something broke that, and since several devs and SR stated that "Legacy further complicates server transfers", to me that means something in Legacy broke it.


Take it however you want, you're going to anyway.

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Alts(legacy) are End Game? You clearly haven't played any other MMO if you think alts are what people want to see once they hit max level. I have 4 50's and during that time I watched my entire guild and majority of my server stop playing. What you're getting out of the game (and partially what I enjoy as well hence 4 50's) is not what the MAJORITY of the MMO community enjoys. PvP and Raiding = MMO's of today. There's no avoiding that fact.


As for your enjoying the dialogue art... All of the world quests use the same script when it comes to the responses. 3 characters though = You've heard it all, only with different accents. The only "new" experience you have while leveling alts is the class story // accent. The game design was not built around Legacy. Every single one of the developers said that your Legacy, was a PERK. That's it. A perk. Perks are not End game, they're something added to the game to give it a different flavor then everything else on the market.


This isn't your type of game then :) no harm meant. Move to a crazy raid fest then :p

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I am with many others that have posted. I could care less about official numbers of subs and whatever jaz you want to measure it by, what matters to me is game play. When 1.2 hit the game my guild was running 16 man hardmodes, we had a full 8 man ready for rated warzones. Now, a month and a bit later my guild is empty, no one left, they run nothing. I can spend all day looking for a FP or HM to run without luck. There are no guilds even running stuff for me to join. It is 7 pm est and I have been in a warzone que for over an hour, isnt this peak hours?


As much as I enjoy the game and want to play it, I am not sure I would consider me not being able to play/enjoy the game is a success, would you? Sure 'transfers' are coming, but my view is they should have been in place before they were needed. Anyone that has played MMOs knew it would be necessary, so I would assume anyone that makes MMOs should also have known and yet here we are sitting around on dead servers waiting for them to get ready what GW2 will have ready before the game is released.

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"Look guys! Star Wars: The Old Cheese is profitable! That means it's a good game, right? Right?"


I love this fanboy crap. Instead of accepting the fact that this is a Warcraft cut & paste in space (and a shoddy one at that) which is also poorly run (resulting in a lackluster subscriber base), let's just call everyone who dislikes/has an issue with/is disappointed by this game "trolls" and go back to our caves where everything is fine and SWTOR is a fun and interesting game to play.


SWTOR is about as fun and interesting as my foot. It's a cash grab and an absolute joke. Get over it.


There, now let the troll flames commence.

couldnt agree more

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Sarfux, soon you and maybe a hundred ppl who think like u will be able to play together on your private star wars disneyland.


Because thats what this game will soon be: a private place for half a dozen of star wars fanboys who love to pay for something only because its star wars.

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Looks like someone had nothing to respond back with :p. "Crazy raid fest" Oh man, this thread is killing me, literally and figuratively.

Oh common dude, you can still level up another 4 alts! And reach the space key slamming record for the dialogues to end to new everlasting heights! That's how we roll, we tor fans yoo

Edited by Fotizz
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The 1.3-1.7 captured includes free trials.


It's amazing, how the president of EA can tell the players the game they like isn't important and people actually defend the product.


Wake up guys, the game MAY have been a success but those days are fleeting.

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And in contradiction to the OP's linked article here is one stating how empty a lot of the servers are:




Report: Average Old Republic server has less than 350 players online

by Andrew Yoon, May 24, 2012 12:00pm PDT

Related Topics – Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare, Electronic Arts, PC, MMO, Star Wars Series

Although it launched to great fanfare, it's clear that The Old Republic is struggling. Electronic Arts revealed a startling drop of 25 percent of its subscriber base since launch, and has since announced layoffs at BioWare Austin, the team behind the expensive MMO. But, how dire is the situation, really?


One dedicated fan wanted to find out exactly how many people are on The Old Republic's servers. "What is going to happen when server transfers go live," SWTOR user Scorpienne asked. "How many people are on which servers?"



According to Scorpienne's calculations, the "Total Estimated Worldwide Population of all servers" for the past two weeks is 73,693. That figure simply represents the average number of people logged in at a given time, not the total number of players that have logged in over the two week period. "It's probable that not every player is logged in all the time," the report clarifies.


The most populated server on SWTOR appears to be The Fatman, with an average of 2006 players at any given time. This "theoretical average population" is simply an average however, and Scorpienne notes that it "underestimates the peak population and overestimates the off-peak population." However, with 214 servers currently active, the less popular servers are especially empty. In fact, the average server will have only 344 players at any given time (more for RP PvP, less for PvP).


With players so spaced out, it's clear that server consolidations must happen. No wonder one fan of the game jokingly described The Old Republic as "the best single player game on the market."

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Day/Night cycle? Man it's such an old hat in MMOs, guess SWTOR is just too innovative, groundbreaking and ahead of its time to implement this.


Also there are just a few examples with day night cycle like SW Galaxies, WoW, FFXI, Anarchy Online, LOTRO, Age of Conan, The Secret World, Guild Wars 2, Dominus, Fallen Earth, Minecraftt , Everquest 2 and maybe a dozen others.


TOR is simply too successful for day/night change on planets.


lol I remember when I was on Balmorra, I actually thought the sun was slowly going down. And I was like "Man, this is taking friggin FOREVER..." A few planets later I realized there really is no day/light cycle lol

(on Dromund Kaas, Mako says something about how the weather never changes so I didn't wonder before..)

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I especially like the author's use of 3rd grade math to determine what is considered profit, being every single dollar they make off subscribers. I guess they're all volunteers and work for free with no overhead or operating costs. Also, the official budget for SWTOR was 200 million according to the LA Times, not 150 million or whatever made up number he came up with.


While I wouldn't call the game a failure, it certainly isn't a triumph and so far has steadily been losing subscribers. My guess is that it will even out around the 900,000 mark over the next 3 months but likely wont grow to over 1 million again after that.

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