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ToR is a success, dont feed no trolls.


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EVERY SINGLE one of those quotes blames someone (us) besides Bioware. He clearly blames "the community" and then summarizes that people who "want" the game to fail are the reason for the negativity. He's so convinced that it's OUR fault that he can see no other reason for people to maybe be a little negative. Bioware has done nothing wrong in his mind that might have caused some frustration or 'negativity'. He CLEARLY blames us mate!


A little negative? Seriously? You call the freaking jihad that some posters have placed on this game a 'little negative'. Chaos is right...there's a contingent of this community that is, in fact, to blame for spreading dissinformation, misinformation, and creating a malaise that is wholely unwarrented for the issues that do exist. Yes, there are issues. Everyone knows that. Only the haters like to say that fanbois don't see the issues. That's not the problem. It's the ridiculous response to these issues by certain community members, issues that have existed in nearly every other MMO launch ever, that is the problem. And THAT response fall entirely on a certain contingent of customers.

Edited by Cerion
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"A little negative"? Sorry, but most people here are mostly, if not all, negative. It seems they are not allowing the things that BioWare does right to temper their stances. Which is required if one is to be "realistic". Focusing on only the negative, while "cool", is not realistic.


Got a point... in the words of Apollo 13 Flight Director Kranz ... "Let's look at this thing from a... um, from a standpoint of status. What do we got on the spacecraft that's good?"

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"A little negative"? Sorry, but most people here are mostly, if not all, negative. It seems they are not allowing the things that BioWare does right to temper their stances. Which is required if one is to be "realistic". Focusing on only the negative, while "cool", is not realistic.


Now now Mr. Crowe are you attempting to divide us into nice neat little factions? :p


I think many of us switch sides depending on the day, the subject and the cycle of the moon! :D


This IS forum PvP afterall! :)

Edited by Urael
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She, actually. ;)


And if they fix the problems, do you plan to keep playing?


If so, I'm not describing you.


Sure ya are ;)


I'd like nothing more than to play JUST this game for the next decade!!! But as it currently is, if it weren't for the great people I play with, I'd have been gone months ago.

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Sure ya are ;)


I'd like nothing more than to play JUST this game for the next decade!!! But as it currently is, if it weren't for the great people I play with, I'd have been gone months ago.


Yeah, I know, no girls on the internets, ROFL.


But really, I think BW is fixing the problems, or trying. It's the people who refuse to come back no matter what the devs do that are the problem. If you give feedback, stick around when it's fixed. I mean, there are problems with the game, but nothing that can't be repaired. Nothing that ISN'T being repaired.

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


Because you and the other whiners were too impatient at early start to WAIT on a queue to play. All you were warned about the problem with too many servers. But people didn't care, they just wanted to play ASAP.


Congrats to you!

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A little negative? Seriously? You call the freaking jihad that some posters have placed on this game a 'little negative'. Chaos is right...there's a contingent of this community that is, in fact, to blame for spreading dissinformation, misinformation, and creating a malaise that is wholely unwarrented for the issues that do exist. Yes, there are issues. Everyone knows that. Only the haters like to say that fanbois don't see the issues. That's not the problem. It's the ridiculous response to these issues by certain community members, issues that have existed in nearly every other MMO launch ever, that is the problem. And THAT response fall entirely on a certain contingent of customers.


Same can be said for people who appear to be viral marketers going to the opposite extreme ;)


MOST of this community is perfectly fine, hell, there are players who spend their own time coming up with RAMDRIVES, parsers, UI tools, hosting files...geezus...this community is freaking AMAZING at times!!! Bioware should have bent over backwards and kissed some of their **edit**! Their work has improved this game where 600+ programmers couldn't.


I just do not like when people blame others for what is plainly obvious. SWTOR, as much as I LOVE it, is not living up to expectations...and Bioware is doing nothing to foster any type of hope. I don't fault anyone for feeling ignored and unimportant to Bioware. Silence from them breeds discontent.

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... But really, I think BW is fixing the problems, or trying. It's the people who refuse to come back no matter what the devs do that are the problem. If you give feedback, stick around when it's fixed. I mean, there are problems with the game, but nothing that can't be repaired. Nothing that ISN'T being repaired.


I think that extra content in 1.4 will bring some people back, but not many. Right now (1.3), they're implementing features to keep those who currently play happy. It's also building for a better experience to those who newly join SW:TOR (yes, new people are still joining:rolleyes:).

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


This. A successful game isn't one that has dozens of dead servers with a dev team that just shrugs and says "It's not a priority". A successful game isn't one that loses 25% of it's subscribers (after inflating it with free months to tons of people) and then blames their own failures on the "casual" gamers.


The game isn't a total failure, but it's far from being a success.

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Yeah, I know, no girls on the internets, ROFL.


But really, I think BW is fixing the problems, or trying. It's the people who refuse to come back no matter what the devs do that are the problem. If you give feedback, stick around when it's fixed. I mean, there are problems with the game, but nothing that can't be repaired. Nothing that ISN'T being repaired.


How does it go? The Internet, where men are men women are men and children are the fbi?!


I hope you're right and I'm glad you'll be sticking around...I will be too. No offense, but I'd really rather hear that they are working on these things from BIOWARE...not you. I remain hopeful, but I'm not blind.

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Same can be said for people who appear to be viral marketers going to the opposite extreme ;)


MOST of this community is perfectly fine, hell, there are players who spend their own time coming up with RAMDRIVES, parsers, UI tools, hosting files...geezus...this community is freaking AMAZING at times!!! Bioware should have bent over backwards and kissed some of their **edit**! Their work has improved this game where 600+ programmers couldn't.


I just do not like when people blame others for what is plainly obvious. SWTOR, as much as I LOVE it, is not living up to expectations...and Bioware is doing nothing to foster any type of hope. I don't fault anyone for feeling ignored and unimportant to Bioware. Silence from them breeds discontent.


Change "couldn't" to "didn't" and your post will be more realistic. Just saying... ;)

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This. A successful game isn't one that has dozens of dead servers with a dev team that just shrugs and says "It's not a priority". A successful game isn't one that loses 25% of it's subscribers (after inflating it with free months to tons of people) and then blames their own failures on the "casual" gamers.


The game isn't a total failure, but it's far from being a success.


You're right! A dev team that shrugs and says "It's not a priority" is indicative of a failing game. Good thing BioWare has said the complete opposite, eh?

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Only one thing matters. How many people are actually playing this game at any given time. It looks to be less then 20K. My server was a Standard, down from Full, and now is Light. And by light I mean about 20 people on fleet during prime time and less then a few hundred spread across the worlds. If they posted actually pop numbers instead of "Light" you would be shocked to find that the 1.3 Million subscribers are just no longer playing the game, waiting for their subscriptions to run out.


Actually players, not free month subscribers are what counts, and they have failed to produce a MASSIVE game.


It's a really good single player game with a multilayer component. PvP is a joke, it's run by the same turds that failed in warhammer. That was a great decision, right. Let's hire a team that has a track record of utter failure to produce our game mechanics. You fanboys are just fools.


Have fun playing with yourself.

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I just do not like when people blame others for what is plainly obvious. SWTOR, as much as I LOVE it, is not living up to expectations...and Bioware is doing nothing to foster any type of hope. I don't fault anyone for feeling ignored and unimportant to Bioware. Silence from them breeds discontent.


But that is the crux of this issue as I've addressed recently in a number of threads. Some people have had utterly unrealistic expectations for this game. When those expectations weren't met (and they never could be met), those people suffered cognitive dissonance and have gone postal on this site. Those unrealistic expectations are the sole responsibility of those people suffering from it, yet they want to blame BioWare. You say yourself you don't like to blame others, and yet here are people blaming BioWare for their own unrealistic expecations. You say BioWare's not living up to expectations, so I put you in that camp of those with unrealistic expectations.


Everything about the game was known prior to launch. Hundreds of thousands of us had our expectations in line with reality, and so are enjoying the game. BioWare told us exactly what sort of game we were getting, and for the most part they delivered. It IS your fault if you fantasized about this being some other sort of game. But you want to blame BioWare for not delivering on your fantasy. That's not BioWare's fault...that was your responsibility, and ultimately your fault.

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Yeah, I know, no girls on the internets, ROFL.


But really, I think BW is fixing the problems, or trying. It's the people who refuse to come back no matter what the devs do that are the problem. If you give feedback, stick around when it's fixed. I mean, there are problems with the game, but nothing that can't be repaired. Nothing that ISN'T being repaired.


I disagree with the sentiment that they are repairing the multiplayer content in this game. The bosses are still unfamiliar mobs little better than the trash that comes before. Generic (named) soldier, Sith #4235, and random assault droid are not interesting bosses. They don't seem to be making any headway at instilling epic Star Wars experiences into the multiplayer portion of the game whereby you recognize significant characters and bosses from earlier content and think, "I gotta kick that guys *** for <insert reason here>".

Edited by Gungan
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Lol, funny how by you posting that link, you proved the OP's point. Every game has an "impending doom" post in their forums, GW2 is no different, no matter what, not every player can be satisfied.


Funny, I visit a lot of GW2 forums and I don't see this at all. Threads about wanting improvements in specific features but none at all about this game is doomed. In fact, most of the threads, after the first BWE, are the complete opposite. Long standing MMO players are feeling for once that (1) a company is FINALLY going to deliver on the hype and (2) the very first contender for the top spot in the MMO genre (not a WoW killer but possibly a new leader).

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


And not just yours, hundreds of others as well.


Some just choose to drink the canon kool-aid of "we're all fine here, situation normal, how are you".

Edited by Pistols
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But that is the crux of this issue as I've addressed recently in a number of threads. Some people have had utterly unrealistic expectations for this game. When those expectations weren't met (and they never could be met), those people suffered cognitive dissonance and have gone postal on this site. Those unrealistic expectations are the sole responsibility of those people suffering from it, yet they want to blame BioWare. You say yourself you don't like to blame others, and yet here are people blaming BioWare for their own unrealistic expecations. You say BioWare's not living up to expectations, so I put you in that camp of those with unrealistic expectations.


Everything about the game was known prior to launch. Hundreds of thousands of us had our expectations in line with reality, and so are enjoying the game. BioWare told us exactly what sort of game we were getting, and for the most part they delivered. It IS your fault if you fantasized about this being some other sort of game. But you want to blame BioWare for not delivering on your fantasy. That's not BioWare's fault...that was your responsibility, and ultimately your fault.

Don't classify me in that group. I didn't buy ANY of the hype. I knew what I was getting into and I knew what I could likely expect. I didn't have ANY thoughts that this would be SWG2.0 or that it would be a W0W killer or ANY false hope.


Bioware has failed to provide me with what they TOLD me would be in the game though - remember like 4 years ago when we were told there would be crafting and "all the things you'd expect to find in an MMO". A limit of 2 open windows at any time for launch was sooooooo stupid! 1st impression!!! Guilds are little more than a BIG group right now...I can't even send out a freaking mail to my entire guild at once, I have to update the MOTD. We were told Ilum would BLOW US AWAY! Now it's been removed from the game (essentially). We've been told that after 1.2, we'd get content month after month...6 weeks ago. We were told ranked WZ's BEFORE 1.3. OMG...the SOUND going out since 1.2, EVERY DAY, without fail, for EVERYONE in my Ops...and no fix. I get told to update my flipping audio drivers because they can't duplicate it...even though it happens EVERY NIGHT! ALWAYS! Lips on NPCs stop moving....this issue is MAJOR to me.


It's not that my expectation were too high coming into this game, it's that Bioware hasn't done what they've told me they'd do AFTER I bought it. We have LESS PvP content now than we did at launch.

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If it is a success, why is my server dead?


Because bioware caved to the pressure at the start of overpopulated servers and made more. And now said complainers who said servers were overpopulated are now complaining that their servers are underpopulated.


See where im going with this?

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