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How many folks would be bothered if the VO was scaled back to only class quests?


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No. I love the voice overs. If anything, they can cut back the Heroic quests to terminals only and cut those voice overs because lots of people tend to skip those. But class, planet, and regular quests I prefer the voice overs. Edited by Ngamok
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Part of what makes the game so enjoyable is the dialog, story and voice over acting for a lot of players. If you don't like VO, it's easy - use your spacebar. That is preferable to making everyone else suffer for the personal preferences of some. Edited by ProsaicProse
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The VO's are one of the best parts of this game. I played WoW for years....from about four months before BC in vanilla until about a day or two before cata came out. I could never figure out why questing was so monotonous to me. I figured it was just the price of an MMO. You HAVE to grind it out to get to end-game. There was only one goal. gear up so you look cool and can fight the next fight.


With VO's it makes me feel like I am playing a movie. WoW was lacking story, this game is full of story. I like stories ergo you must not only KEEP VO's you must add more as often as possible. and I agree with a few of you. It isn't necessary to get professional actors to do new VO's. Just get the BO employees to do it. Thats fine with me. Just make sure your writers are good. If it is crappy dialog....well then it wouldn't matter if you had Pacino, De Niro or anyone else...it would suck. MORE VO'S WITH QUALITY DIALOG. That is the key to success.

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To me it would be like dropping your identity. The movie feel is one of the few things that distinguishes this game from the others. While I can understand a choice to include mission terminals for the sake of trying to infuse some new content quickly, a "vision" change that would include removing further voice work just drains a lot of the appeal of this title.
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Multiple different teams, it's been stated an absurd amount of times, Multiple different teams, the development process for current and future content is made by Multiple different teams, I didn't forget to mention that there are Multiple different teams, did I?


tl;dr Multiple different teams

One Budget

Edited by Gungan
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Bioware/EA could pump some investment funds in to IBM and AT&T to further refine their TTS engines in to a more natural system with scripted voice inflection. That way they could simultaneously handle infinite VO work and murder the entire Voice Actor industry in one fell swoop.
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The VO's are one of the best parts of this game. I played WoW for years....from about four months before BC in vanilla until about a day or two before cata came out. I could never figure out why questing was so monotonous to me. I figured it was just the price of an MMO. You HAVE to grind it out to get to end-game. There was only one goal. gear up so you look cool and can fight the next fight.


With VO's it makes me feel like I am playing a movie. WoW was lacking story, this game is full of story. I like stories ergo you must not only KEEP VO's you must add more as often as possible. and I agree with a few of you. It isn't necessary to get professional actors to do new VO's. Just get the BO employees to do it. Thats fine with me. Just make sure your writers are good. If it is crappy dialog....well then it wouldn't matter if you had Pacino, De Niro or anyone else...it would suck. MORE VO'S WITH QUALITY DIALOG. That is the key to success.


If you think WoW was lacking story, particularly after TBC launched, you sir were not paying close enough attention.

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i have hit space bar since beta. in a group, i say spacebar is your best friend. so no i could careless. save money and save the game with proper fixes like PVP, open world, etc..... yeah it was cool and unique the first 30 missions, after that, its spacebar heaven.
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I don't think I would mind if the side quests and world quests were scaled back to being the classic wall of text to read rather than a full-blown cut-scene. I love the class stories and what VO does for them, but if it helped with development resources, I would not mind seeing the side and world quests scaled off of full VO.


i would resub to roll an alt

last day left on freebie "we r not make gud MMO plox dunt leave, heer moar tym kk!" month

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I love the VO for all the quests and things. Yeah, I'll spacebar through a flashpoint if our group has already done it a time or two, but they add a great lay of enjoyment to the game. One of the main reasons why my girlfriend got into SW:TOR was because of the VO.
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I think it would make the game feel a bit bland after being treated to it all through leveling. But I'd sacrifice VOs for higher quality content tbh. If it came to that.


But then voice actors are probably expensive, so expect more terminal missions with small bits of VO like in black hole :(

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I wouldn't be botherd, I usually read the subtitles faster then they say it anyway.


And the VO's are so unreliable it's not funny, mouths move no voice, voice no mouth move, no mouth or voice.


We already read most anyway

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Not bothered at all, and in fact, it would actually add replayability as I don't have to trudge through spacebarring through rehashed dialogue all over again.


VO wasn't even anything special when you realize that none of the dialogue options really made any sort of difference.

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Not bothered at all, and in fact, it would actually add replayability as I don't have to trudge through spacebarring through rehashed dialogue all over again.


VO wasn't even anything special when you realize that none of the dialogue options really made any sort of difference.


Now here you are worng sir, just last night I was playing on my first imp toon, level 28 mara, and on the Alderaan world quest arc, I was given the option to shock this nobleman I escorted back to house Thul. Got a shock option twice during the convo and was laughing my *** off. You wont get that from a pop up text window and I dont believe my friend had the option at all. Yes, the quest played out the same reguardless, but the point is, how the scene plays out will be influenced by players choices.


And to the OPs question.....I would be very bothered......All the BW games I have ever played had VO and cutscenes. Without them, it wouldn't be a BW game. And if they were to stop and add new content without it, it would be the 'Tortage effect' all over again.

Edited by MaubeeEiko
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If you think WoW was lacking story, particularly after TBC launched, you sir were not paying close enough attention.


I didn't mean it was lacking to the point of nonexistence, just saying compared to THIS game it was lacking to the point of nonexistence. I mean I DID play WoW for years. Think about it....what if WoW had the little VOvers and cutscenes like this game? Would it not rule just a little bit to have an Undead Warlock have a conversation with Thrall? YOU KNOW IT WOULD DUDE.

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wouldn't care. besides that, they've already used plenty of huttish speaking NPCs in endgame / quest station in the black hole. obviously bioware doesn't care anymore too. Edited by Rikeryo
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It's my considered opinion that additional VO is superflous except for global events.


I was never that impressed with VO in the first place. Huge waste of money, and time to begin with. That same money and time could have been used to make a ton more content.


Was it a good investment? I don't think so. VO did not keep anybody including casual players from unsubscribing. And what can I say? If you unsubscribe because of VO or lack of VO you're probably not that engaged in the game play to begin with.


However with the additional resources they would have had without VO they could have done much much more than they have... assuming the design philosophy of the people running the show didn't get in the way. I'd say that same commitment to their initial design philosophy is what's getting in the way of this game being the blockbuster that it could be or could have been.

Edited by Star-ranger
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The way i see it there are 2 parallel storylines the class quests and the faction quests (which are pretty much all the side quests) so both are important. If they had the main faction quest line as VO and the class quests, while the other side faction quests without it i wouldnt be to concerned.
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