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SWToR is a great game.


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.


I see what you did there

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.


I lol'd.


Is the other guy a nice person? It'd be a shame if you didn't get along. If you don't get along, I guess you could settle it with some world pvp!

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.


I dont normally visit the forums, but Agreed

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.

And that's where I started to laugh :D
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So what did you like about 1.2? The terrible customization for the UI? Or maybe the lack of content and rated WZs (You are probably a casual pve'r if you think this game is great)? Or maybe the jumping around the fleet for hours waiting for queue pops for WZ's or in your case operation groups?


But don't worry, 1.3 will have a non cross-server group finder! No rated WZs, no world PvP, no game optimization (performance issues are STILL being ignored), no relevant content. You keep telling yourself this is a great game fanboi :sul_grin:


And if you are trolling, you are successful

Edited by Blackcules
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There is absolutely nothing wrong with SWToR. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.


+1 for irony. And some people dare to say that the game is more fun than the forum.


LOL, I think that I will log in and see if one of the three other people on fleet bought something that I had listed on the GTN.

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SWTOR is a great game, true. But it is not a great MMO---as an MMO, it is merely okay. The reason for this is threefold:


(1) As a themepark, it lacks for endgame content. There's just not enough content at 50 worth doing over and over. This, in and of itself, would not be an issue, except that you can easily level 1-50 in a couple weeks if you play a few hours a night like many gamers. Casual leveling and low replayability at endgame means that it's easy to get bored.


(2) The replayability of the leveling process is low due to the extreme linearity of content. You can only do the same missions so many times. This wouldn't be so much of an issue if the legacy content in patch 1.3 was already in-game, but


(3) The game launched without many features considered MMO boilerplate these days, and considered so for good reason. For future customers (SWTOR's stated goal being to find new customers), this is a non-issue considering that by patch 1.3, several of these features will have been implemented, such as the LFG tool. But for those of us who've been here since day one, it's too little too late.


Yes, SWTOR is a good game, but since replayability is low, right now it's not a good MMO. If your goal is to log in casually and play through the stories, this game is for you. If you're looking for an MMO with tons of things to do once you've maxed out a couple toons, you'll be disappointed.

Edited by RolyartNala
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I actually pictured the only two guys on the server talking to each other how awesome the next patch will be and that they cant uderstand what the hell people are complaining about :-)


Cheers to OP - good one :-)



Also fascinating how you have to flat out POINT the IRONY to some people thanks to ADHD and the internet no ? ;-)) there were even angry replies that 'no SWTOR is bad an heres why...' lol

Edited by navocky
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there is absolutely nothing wrong with swtor. So there's been some development setbacks, it happens in every game.


Let's not get all doom and gloom. I really liked the 1.2 patch, and both players on my server are looking forward to 1.3.


:D :d :D

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I'd hardly call a server pop of around 150 at peak weekly times, a "setback" and categorize it more as complete developmental negligence. Especially when you multiply that server by a few dozen and you get the state of what many players deal with.


And that ignores things such as massive bugs being in the game for months on end, complete class imbalances, content that punishes casual players, content that punishes melee, etc.


SWTOR is an alright game. It's enjoyable, has some fun features, but falls short of being good let alone great.


EDIT: Re-read what you wrote OP. You sir are a true master of the art of satire and humor. I take my hat off to you.

Edited by Kaonis
lawls I see his satire now
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Greetings Everyone,


We have decided to close this thread as it leaves little room for constructive discussion. If you would like to participate in discussion in regards to low server populations please use the following thread: Server population is dropping...


Furthermore if you would like to discuss what you do enjoy about the game please use this thread: Who else is having a great time playing this game?


We appreciate feedback, both positive and negative. However, we do ask that that feedback is constructive. This post goes into more detail about what we're looking for in feedback and how to make sure your feedback is constructive and helpful.

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