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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Patch 1.4 What do you want?

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Dual Spec

Cross-server LFG

New raid

New 5-man

New warzone

Some incentive for geared players so they will run flashpoints (satchel similar to WoW?)

Reputations to grind

A ton of mounts and pets, and a way to grind for them

Mini games (casino on nar shadaa?)

Edited by Merex
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As said before, I want:

- Guild Star Destroyers.

-Better looking gear for Inquisitors (I'm tired of looking like I got out of a Lady Gaga music video shoot).

- Open World PvP

- Fleet Raids

- Significantly more PvE content (My main is on the fleet doing nothing and leveling Biochem for when a new raid comes out, epic).

- EPIC, FAT LEGENDARY LOOTS. Nothing better than having something extremely rare in your inventory that maybe no one else has.

- More lightsaber crystals that require some cool questline (very long and very hard of course.) to get, like Magenta with black core.

- Lots of World Events (Rakghoul Plague was cool)

- Different looking fleets, despite having a different tone to them it looks all the same to me.

- More playable races, maybe more classes, maybe a whole other faction to make a PvP threesome.

- More FPs, more OPs, more WZs

- More titles, more mounts, another whole set of PvE gear seeing as Campaign has been officially appointed obsolete.

- The Option to kill of companions (Dragon Age had it, why can't this game)

- Space PvP, Space FPs, Space OPs I thought about for a while and the idea sounds amazing. Maybe you're team takes control of a Destroyer or Republic Vessel (or their own ships in which There would need to be

space ship gear) and take space battles off the rails, its boring.

- OH and Mini games, Pazzak, pod racing, no pokemon battles please.

Edited by Pplwithnolives
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Back in May when this topic was started, it probably would have been half way useful. Now that 1.3 is out you people should realise that 1.4 is probably well underway in the development cycle. Therefore, it is very unlikely that anything posted here now is going to see 1.4.


What I am saying is, why not post something in a "1.5" thread in instead?

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a level 50 planet (to replace fleet) where the high levels can hang out.....with shuttles to each operation in the star port....a crafting area(building, or outdoors)...a couple arenas where teams(8v8, 4v4, 2v2, 1v1) can play against each other, and bystanders can watch from the balconys....dailies to get money and commedations....basically a place where 50's would be and be able to run around while being able to chat it up, and play around, while waiting for wz's.....tired of just standing in fleet...add a race track for pod racing, or vehicle racing....and of course the trade area....



this times 10000000

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Back in May when this topic was started, it probably would have been half way useful. Now that 1.3 is out you people should realise that 1.4 is probably well underway in the development cycle. Therefore, it is very unlikely that anything posted here now is going to see 1.4.


What I am saying is, why not post something in a "1.5" thread in instead?

Cause we want it in 1.4?

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Open world pvp. Period. Not something the players come up with to break the tedium. Actual reasons (quests) and opportunities (bottlenecks, story crossovers)for open world pvp. We are paying you, you are not paying us. Grinding for better gear so you can grind the same content is not acceptable. World pvp or bust. Even then, not sure I'll stick around. I have more alts in this game than any of my old mmos combined. At first I thought it was because leveling was fun. Then, I realized it's because there's nothing worth doing at 50 once you gear out or even get to a point that's acceptable for the content. I've played for 15 minutes in the last week and a half. Bored to tears.
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Open world pvp. Period. Not something the players come up with to break the tedium. Actual reasons (quests) and opportunities (bottlenecks, story crossovers)for open world pvp. We are paying you, you are not paying us. Grinding for better gear so you can grind the same content is not acceptable. World pvp or bust. Even then, not sure I'll stick around. I have more alts in this game than any of my old mmos combined. At first I thought it was because leveling was fun. Then, I realized it's because there's nothing worth doing at 50 once you gear out or even get to a point that's acceptable for the content. I've played for 15 minutes in the last week and a half. Bored to tears.


^ This. I am tired of warzones. Give us PvP battles where we actually can make a difference. Planet wide battles where we fight for resources and stuff like that.

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PAID transfers to any server type


CHAT BUBBLES. This is such a deal breaker for me. I cannot stand not having this.


Some type of open world pvp incentive or area, or something




THATs it really, there are other things but this is all i want to see at this point. This is the stuff that has me hovering over that end game button.

Edited by kirorx
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Everything that should have been in the game at launch.....


-Ready check

-Guild Calenders

-Guild Ships / Bunkers

-Meaningful Open World PVP

-Off the Rail Space

-Night / Day

-Chat Bubbles

-Social Classes

-Group Classes ( EG: Officer (swg) Captain (lotro) Way to many tanks in the game and to many healers for a 4 class / 8 advanced class game.

-Fleet removed, And all things on it transferred to Capital Cities.

-1 click World bosses....Nothing more annoying than trying to kill a boss on a 4hour timer with no idea when it was last killed

-Remove the 16 man from Nightmare Pilgrim.

-Companions allowed in SM OPS

-Companion Flashpoints

-Epic Solo Battles, Like Flashpoints, very hard, epic rewards

-Armour Dyes

-A decent Art team (This is Star Wars not the Age of Empires)

-Less credit syncs, Legacy should be rewarded, not bought

-Bounty System (opt in only via preferences, All classes can hunt, Bounty accumulated via PVP kills)

Edited by Nippon
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  • Epic companion flashpoints where you could summon 3 of your companions and you and your companions would interact there like you interact with other players in Black Talon. These epic story flashpoints could even be part of your class story as long as there would be some you could do more than once.
  • Barber shop for players and companions. I would love being able to fully customize my companions for real unique looks. You should be able to customize everything from body type to skin color.
  • More open planets in the future with lots to explore.. like hidden caves that has surprises inside and no quest leads to them, you would have to find them by yourself.
  • I love some of the starter planets like Korriban which was my favorite planet in KOTOR too. I'd like to see BW expanding these existing planets in the future (more areas, quests etc.). Give us some reason to go back to these planets as a max lvl
  • Large scale on going 24/7 PvP battles (could be server vs. server even) where players could control all kinds of vehicles. It would basically be like Battlefront styled game.
  • PvP space battles where players dogfight in off rail combat, land in enemy docking bay and destroy the ship's defenses. So it would be a mix between space and indoor combat Battlefront 2 style. Pure PvP space dogfights would be cool too.
  • Place bets on which player team wins in Huttball and you could watch the game as a spectator from a monitor and those would be located at Nar Shaddaa.
  • Pazaak and other social activities.



and also this:

-Fleet removed, And all things on it transferred to Capital Cities.


WoW has Orgrimmar and Stormwind city and are totally different looking. Here we have fleets that are exactly same looking, only with different lightning and logos. Boring.

Edited by Skorz
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1. New engine

2. New operation, new warzone, new flashpoint(s)

3. World PvP

4. Macros

5. Add-ons or at least buff/debuff customization

6. Dual-spec

7. Profiles for key bindings

8. Remove credit sinks: legacy stuff - cost reduced 50-90%, mod removal free


Beyond 1.4

- Proper space exploration/combat

- Swimming

- Night/day

...which takes us back to point 1 (we need new engine)

Edited by vandana_
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1. Multi-spec

2. AC switch

3. Cross-server LFG

4. Legacy perks BUFF. Story XP bonus is so ridiculous currently (considering it's ~5 quests per planet) - you're just wasting your money buying it. 300% or no deal. I want to be able to skip most of the planet side-quests (done for Nth time) and get to the right level at the end. Right now I'm always under-leveled at the end of a planet, with perks for Exploration and Story XP.

5. This game is just one huge credit sink. That has to go.

5.1. Legacy global overhaul - give rewards - don't sell them. Or at least set the prices right, so you don't need to shell out millions to buy perks. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who almost NOT using the Legacy due to the prices. Yes I'm not playing this game to make credits. So I don't have a lot of credits. I have just enough to go by.

5.2. Item Modification removal at no cost. it's just ridiculously costly to change how your gear looks and stay up-to-date gear wise. Kinda kills the whole idea of customization.

5.3. Augment slot addition at NO cost. I have to buy the kit, the augment and then pay to add the slot. I've just shelled out ~500k to add augments to my gear (not all pieces even) - half of it is for applying kits to the gear... I wonder why inserting an augment into a slot is free...

6. Appearance/Race change, Barber shop, etc. - that is a legitimate credit sink right here. That I can accept.

7. Same Sex Romances.

8. Neutral love

9. More UI customization, or add-on support, or just MACROS with MOUSEOVER.

10. I don't need no new content, no new ops, no new FPs, no new WZs, I can live without HK-51 - UNTIL all of the above is in the game.

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Actually i wish to see the standard MMO functionality , I think it is the majority of played wants.


1. Faction change. You know many people have friends in different fraction and no option to play with your friends until you reroll from empire to republic.

2. Character recustomisation.

3. Cross server WZ and RWZ.

4. An ability to see rated teams and players from the web.

5. Arena 2v2,3v3 and 5v5.

6. Macros

7. Dual spec and reduced cost on respeccing.

8. Proper area for dueling. We need allow duels in rep/imp fleet.


If BW do that WOW will be beaten. From my point of view additions above are FAR more important than new content. We need more flexibility in game and see actually from the web Who is number one in rated:)

Edited by Roiz
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I'd like to see the space game expanded. Big space battles are an integral part of the Star Wars universe and I'd love to see some pvp or perhaps flashpoint style pve space battles implemented. I'd also love to see capital ships and guild ships implemented.
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fix current issues, unnerf t all class nerfs which now would probably fix everything


2 new war zones, capture the flag and annihilation


solo ranked wzs


New 50 gear


Some type of mini game ex. pod race gambling

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