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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks

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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


sorry, but your just horrible if you think sage/sorc is bad.. its one of, if not the best class there are for both pvp and pve.



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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


1you are either specced wrong, if you are pvp'ing solo, or positioning wrong if you are doing premades. solo you should be running the equivalent of the sorc's madness tree, you'll know it because it focuses on dots. or you can run a hybrid. solo you can run the build that focuses on cast times, but you need to learn to position yourself so you aren't the first targeted, and need to communicate with your team better so they know what's going on. oh, and prekite. if someone is within charge distance of you then you are already doing it wrong.


2. if someone is in position to interrupt you, you shouldn't be using a long cast time. end of story.


3. see above. oh, and you have a damage shield you can put on anyone. on a short cooldown.


4.operative agents maybe. bounty hunter? no, you aren't getting 2shot. you are likely getting focus fired and don't even realize it. and it doesn't matter what kind of gear you have at 24, everyone gets boosted up to the stats of a fresh 50, so your minor differences in gear make very little difference. you also are missing out on half your talents which means alot when it comes to sage damage.


you are a 24. you do not get to ask for buffs or any changes. classes should NEVER be balanced for anything other than at 50. Some abilities scale, some dont. Some will be replaced later, some won't. Don't worry about the "balance" of classes at completely different levels and focus on learning how to improve yourself so you can overcome these l2play issues you seem to be having, they are some pvp basics.

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Sorc/Sage are the most powerful pvp classes atm. If you can't kill anything it's a l2p issue on your part.


I would generally attest both Shadows and Sages a great perfomance in PvP. I am a level 20 Shadow spec'd in Kinectic Combat and when there is a competent healer (I come to like Sages the most) it's a real pleasure. But it really depends on your teammates. Often you just get a whole load of Jedi Sentinels that seem to think they can take out the whole Sith Empire on their on.

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Kinetic seems to be the best pvp spec too imo. The other two specs rely heavily on cool downs EVERY FIGHT. Kinda stupid that if I get the jump on a lone person that they can turn around and kill me if I don't have any of my minute to two minute cool down.


Kinetic, you do decent damage and you're not easy to take down. You're a stealthing tank.. works really well for warzones.

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I am currently lvl28 healer Sage, played sage healer in two beta weekends to 31 too.


Healing is fine with Sage, to be honest. The main idea of course is to go deep in healing tree, once you got shield+hot+hot bonuses you can heal a lot. If enemies don't focus on you, you can easily keep your mates up unless they are greatly outnumbered. In that case, it is only nornal that no class can outheal deamage from 3+ enemies.


I can't even imagine how great healing might get later on with some additional talents plus aoe heals, etc.

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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


Healing specced as i am, i completely agree. Cant wait for dual spec.

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hehe i was think how long someone who post such a thing. first you have to spec right of you don't know how. second we don't suck you just don't no how to play your class. spec in balance gives you more mobility. in the balance tree skill like telekinetic balance take away the cool down of your telekinetic throw which means you can spam them alot more. i will sugeust you go to the sage fourm and read about THE JEDI SAGE'S HANDBOOK write by astralfire. you will know all there is to know about the class you want to play before you start making post like this. learn about the class first.
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As a Jedi Shadow, how we do depends on whether I am being focused fire or not.


Focus Fire = mostly death guranteed and I believe OP that is what is happening to you when you talk about losing a chunk of your health quickly.


I do think that Project should be revamped to be insta cast like Sith side. Animation wise that is.

Edited by Ramuk
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As a Jedi Shadow, how we do depends on whether I am being focused fire or not.


Focus Fire = mostly death guranteed and I believe OP that is what is happening to you when you talk about losing a chunk of your health quickly.


I do think that Project should be revamped to be insta cast like Sith side. Animation wise that is.


what do you mean project should be revamped to be insta cast. it is insta cast so i don't know what you are talking about.

Edited by Alikain
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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


LoL I dont kow if you are serious or not... But Both the Sage and Shadow are VERY viable in pvp, some would argue Consulars need "Nerfing"

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I believe he is talking about the delay in projects damage due to the travel time.


As a Sage PvP healer I absolutely love the class and dont have a great deal to complain about.


because my good friend you know how to play your class and the others can be bother to go read about how the class work. i played in the beta and am telekinetics build. i have never had problems with pvp. even now the am playing i still don't have any problems with it.

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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


there are tons of good threads in these forums about AC's use them to L2P.

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Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


Wrong on every point. Sorry.


My Shadow rocks in PvP and has had no trouble at all in dominating, especially in 1v1 encounters. Have only lost two 1v1s so far in WZs, both against much higher level toons. Study the class more and work on your build. If your JC is getting waxed, then you are doing it wrong.

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DUDE u REALLY arent doing it right...


I'm a level 26 shadow tank...


My damage is pretty decent for a tank, but mostly I just put the 50% bubble on my healer and keep wailing on the guy till he drops.


Now for sage? My level 25 guildy who runs with me isnt even geared out. Hes a balance spec "SAGE" and this kid pumps out 250k+ damage every...single....warzone. He always literally doubles the damage we do. He usually uses TK throw and force imbalance but hes always topping damage charts.

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You are doing it wrong. I'm a full sage healer, and I regularly top the healing numbers in PvP.




You need to learn to play your profession cleverly. It is also worth noting, if you are using powers with long charge ups, then you aren't playing smart. Those 2/3 second buildups are for when you get the drop on someone, or know you are hidden.


Ps, even a healer you can get serious kills.




So, think on and keep practicing.

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I'm not gonna jump the "L2P" train although it's obviously an issue of that kind. For a difference, i shall try to explain few things. Although "L2P" comes to mind but i shall resist it!


Consular sucks in pvp- here's why.


1. Huge cast or channel times on almost all their abilities forcing us to stand still to do damage. Standing still means death.


Properly specced sage is by far the most mobile caster i've seen in any MMO for the past 15 years. Just a hint - take a look at Balance tree. That's right - zero spells with cast time. More hints? PoM - quite OP. The only spell i have to cast is Telekinetic Throw, which is not a cast, it's channeled and you can always interrupt it, you don't lose anything and because of Telekinetic Balance you can start channeling it immediately, zero CD.


2. Its far too easy to interrupt our long cast times- meaning we accomplish nothing- then die.


You're doing it wrong, read above.


3. Healing is pathetic in pvp. You spend 3-5 seconds healing depending on lag to heal 1500 hp on a 12000 hp person..... Yeah. The second you try to heal you get focused, interrupted, then killed.


Don't care about healing so i'll skip this part.


4. Our abilities dont do enough damage. Im getting hit by 1.5-2.5 shots from agents and BH and my hits are doing 250... (Im lvl 24 with superb gear- so at this point as many are below me as above. Im specced damage).


Read above again. Something's wrong with your spec. Nuking someone in 1v1 is a baby walk in the park, i don't really enjoy 1v1, there's absolutely no challenge in 1v1 when playing a sage. I don't know which skill of the sage hits for 250. Some DoT mb? Because even my TT is ticking for 600-1000 (in wz obviously) and this is by far our lowest dmg skill per tick (lol). I'm 30, mostly in lvl 20 PvP set yet. If i do less then 250k+ dmg in a warzone means i'm slacking or on the phone. If you want a proof i'll be happy to provide few screenshots or movies if you insist. I can't imagine how can you say that sage dmg sux.


I just dont get it. I thought the consular was supposed to be good and in beta it was. But now with more and more people leveling its showing itself to be subpar.


Please buff this class or make it at least viable in pvp. Thanks


The consulars/inquisitors are monsters and u wanna buff them more? You want to break the game? I'd suggest to spec properly, learn your rotation and generally speaking... l2p...

Edited by Drakaris
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