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1.3 and the next 30 days

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Please deliver a perfect patch for 1.3 within the next 30 days with everything that has been promised. I really enjoy this game and I think it has a good chance to stay alive if 1.3 delivers....AND (heres the kicker)


The next 6 months of content releases and updates need to be immense and delivered without ANY issues. Word of mouth will turn in the positive direction and subs will come back.


Knock one out of the park for once Bioware and throw a huge success party after. Who doesn't want that seriously?

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Not going to happen, so either deal with the game as it is or quit and come back to look later. 1.3 will be a much smaller patch then 1.2 and thus will have little content/rewards for anyone other than altaholics. Perhaps the server transfers will go well but even that seems like it will be bad.
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Please deliver a perfect patch for 1.3 within the next 30 days with everything that has been promised. I really enjoy this game and I think it has a good chance to stay alive if 1.3 delivers....AND (heres the kicker)


The next 6 months of content releases and updates need to be immense and delivered without ANY issues. Word of mouth will turn in the positive direction and subs will come back.


Knock one out of the park for once Bioware and throw a huge success party after. Who doesn't want that seriously?

see my sig.


people were saying the same thing about 1.2, and it was a massive failure.


i think most people are on here with residual time now.


i wonder how many people spend more time on the forum, than in game.


i know personally, i am on the forum to vent. I really wanted this to be SWG, but better. turns out, it was just a console game with a SW theme.

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I dont care about this patch, its a marketing play to draw attention of players.

A lot of usless thing while you cant transfer your char. The only real good thing is get your char into a playable server, and need to wait another month, this is just stupid. Transfers and merge should be aviable several months ago.


They need to merge servers before this patch or else they will lose players. A lot of players quit cos' they do no have people to play with. This is not an MMO. This is simple a Multiplayer game. MMO stands for Massive Multiplayer Game. Have 100 players in the same server isn't massive. Have 20 players in the same location or map isn't massive. I play all the time Battlefield 3 with more people at same map than SWTOR that is supposed to be a MMO.

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Have 100 players in the same server isn't massive. Have 20 players in the same location or map isn't massive.


I'll be honest... Having 100 people online would be an improvement for my server. 20 in one area would be downright divine. The average /who with no search criteria during 5-8pm EST on the East coast server I play on yields around 30-60 people spread across all the planets. Usually with most being on Fleet/Hutta/Korriban.

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Oh wait... they do, when it comes to major patches (1.x).


Oh good, so when they put 1.3 to the test server and fix it at the same time (yes it is broken at the moment and has not been touched since 1.2) I will roll my level 1 char there and intensively test all the features

Edited by Lurchy
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what failed in 1.2?

I guess nothing...


unless you PvE

unless you PvP


1.2 nerfed healers, and not in a "oh, you're OP, so we're going to tweak the numbers so that you're not so OP"

nay, they way they went about doing the nerf, was to simplify things. "you will now heal by hitting these buttons in the exact same order, every time"


healer left after 1.2 not because the nerf made the game hard, healers left after 1.2 because it made it boring. I guess if you don't PvE, nor do flashpoints, you probably wouldn't have noticed a deline in healers. :rolleyes:


if you pvp, i would simply have to say "ranked WZ", and you'd know why 1.2 failed.


so, in summary, 1.2 was an astounding success, if you played SWTOR as a single player console game.

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healing "nerf" was a necessary one.

What you call "boring" is what every healer in our guild call fantastic change in the healing. Every healer just told me that now healing has become far more interesting. healer have to be efficient, watch out for ressource, heal pre-emptively, over all the gameplay just gain in depth. But i agree that is just a matter of opinion. But hardly a failure.


ranked WZ aren't in 1.2. You can't call a feature that is not there a failure, you haven't even play it. You could say they promised it then failed to include in 1.2, fair enough, but you cannot say 1.2 was a failure because of the ranked WZ, since there was no ranked WZ in 1.2.


It's like promising to make 12 cupcake, then just realize you have just enough flour for 8 cupcake. So in a way, you failed to deliver the 12 cupcakes you promise but i'd hardly said that the 8 cupcakes you made are a complete failure, they probably are delicious (since it's kinda hard to make disgusting cupcake).


So try to put perspective in your vision, if you are a gamer, you should like game, even imperfect one. No game is ever perfect, no game will ever please everyone, but everygame, even the most terrible of them out there, have a few positive point, some interresting idea the dev put in there.


Or, if you hate games so much, go fish or do something else.

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healing "nerf" was a necessary one.

What you call "boring" is what every healer in our guild call fantastic change in the healing. Every healer just told me that now healing has become far more interesting. healer have to be efficient, watch out for ressource, heal pre-emptively, over all the gameplay just gain in depth. But i agree that is just a matter of opinion. But hardly a failure.

I guess the decline of healers since 1.2 must just be an anomaly, and that your guild healers are the exception, and not the norm? just curious though, do all your healers in the guild happen to be operatives?


ranked WZ aren't in 1.2. You can't call a feature that is not there a failure, you haven't even play it. You could say they promised it then failed to include in 1.2, fair enough, but you cannot say 1.2 was a failure because of the ranked WZ, since there was no ranked WZ in 1.2.


It's like promising to make 12 cupcake, then just realize you have just enough flour for 8 cupcake. So in a way, you failed to deliver the 12 cupcakes you promise but i'd hardly said that the 8 cupcakes you made are a complete failure, they probably are delicious (since it's kinda hard to make disgusting cupcake).

that is exactly what i'm talking about. you don't go promising something, pretend you're going to deliver it, and then not.


it would be one thing if 1.2 PTR had their WZ test week (which they did), and then came back and said "after testing, we felt more work was needed". no, they said nothing after the week, and PTR continued for a few more days, and then BAM, without any sort of notice, it was pulled.


So try to put perspective in your vision, if you are a gamer, you should like game, even imperfect one. No game is ever perfect, no game will ever please everyone, but everygame, even the most terrible of them out there, have a few positive point, some interresting idea the dev put in there.


Or, if you hate games so much, go fish or do something else.

actually, i'm a consumer, that happens to like games. I am not a sadist, SWTOR is far from just "imperfect", it is "deeply flawed".
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Oh good, so when they put 1.3 to the test server and fix it at the same time (yes it is broken at the moment and has not been touched since 1.2) I will roll my level 1 char there and intensively test all the features


Sounds like a plan :D;)


Seriously though, they do need to let us clone our toons onto the patch server. It's just idiotic that they haven't.

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actually, i'm a consumer, that happens to like games. I am not a sadist, SWTOR is far from just "imperfect", it is "deeply flawed".


to each his own, friend.

I enjoy my time in swtor, i also like other type of games, modern warfare, tomb raider, fifa 12 to name but a few.


It seems that you clearly don't enjoy plaing, don't force yourself, you are not to blame, neither is bioware, you simply are not the target audience.


As for our healer, we have 2 sage and a commando.

We somehow have the strange mentality though, we are kinda crazy bunch, we think, the more difficult it is, the more rewarding and satisfying it is to succeed. I guess you are right, we may be the only one out there.


And, as my signature said, we're doing quite well, i anticipated a full clear of denova HM in a few days, our kephess attempt went really well.


Anyway don't dwell in frustration and anger, if you don't like the game, move on to a more suitable one, don't punish yourself with a game you don't like.


And never listen to anyone but your heart. It is not because a game is popular, that is good. WoW is the perfect exemple of that for me.

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And never listen to anyone but your heart. It is not because a game is popular, that is good. WoW is the perfect exemple of that for me.

i complain out of love.


if i absolutely detested the game, i wouldn't bother posting.


i had very very VERY high hopes for this game, possibly higher than any game i've had before. I bought the CE, even though I had never done that with other games before.


it stems from a deeply rooted nostalgia from SWG.


unfortunately, Bioware preyed off that love for the other game, and simply didn't meet up to my standards for a MMO. I would say ToR has been incredibly successful as a single player game though.


the biggest failure on Bioware, is their approach to the community. they treated it like a community of console players, not a community of MMO players. if they had not made that mistake, most of the problems we have now would not exist.

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sometimes, i like to think that bioware is learning a lot, gaining a lot of experience reguarding designing and managing MMO games since the launch of TOR


i feel, one day, they will give us a mass effect MMO, where they could apply everything they learned from the SWToR experience to trully make a splendide Sci Fy MMO.


In the meantimes, so many games to play, so little time ...

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I think Bioware did learn something. For one, don't make another MMO that causes you to lose staff due to unrealistic expectations by SW fans, EA, and MMO enthusiasts. Besides us, the subscribers, there is zero people giving a F about this game. I didn't think that could happen, given it was Star Wars, but low and behold. It feels like every time you do something in this game, that MMO part brings it the F down. The worst is WoW players playing this. Talk about sucking the fun out of anything group related.
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It's like promising to make 12 cupcake, then just realize you have just enough flour for 8 cupcake. So in a way, you failed to deliver the 12 cupcakes you promise but i'd hardly said that the 8 cupcakes you made are a complete failure, they probably are delicious (since it's kinda hard to make disgusting cupcake).



Tell that to the 4 people not getting any cupcakes because you couldn't deliver who have to go to another bakery to get cupcakes.

Edited by xandax
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