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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Powertech > Marauder


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The only use for AE bombs is for opening fight in southern cannon in Novare Coast because you're going to have a short period of time where there's like 10 guys inside that small room because you have to be physically inside there to ensure there isn't someone hiding behind the corner which for some reason prevents you from seeing their capping progress. This is the only WZ in the game where even ranged DPS are forced to get into a cluster situation for a very short time (to stop sneak caps). Every other WZ, including Voidstar, the ranged guys can avoid the melee bombs and the melee guys can just AE bomb back.
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Even though a powertech loses 1v1 against a marauder here are the reasons:


1. Pumps out more heavy hitting attacks and faster

- Marauders require 5 rage buildup for annihilate and a 4m 3 second channeled ravage, while Powertech is

pure insta cast that can be ranged.


2. Perma snare

- Marauders have to use a 2 rage skill in order to make an enemy run at a crawling pace unlike "set it and forget

it" secondary effect.


3. Grapple

- Can pull a guarded healer or range DPS sitting behind their team to get spiked


4. Doesnt get their effectiveness decreased dramatically when bounced around like a pinball and space is made.

- And this is why undying rage is fine and not overpowered. Sick of being thrown 20m+ and only have a little

resolve build up only to have it happen again and again and again


The only place a Marauder has in serious 8 man pvp is carnage for speed buff, trauma debuff, and roots. The rest of the dps will be Powertechs.


1. They pump out damage... the really hard hitters are only available every 2-3 minutes with adrenal/relic/critcd. And for your other example, to prepare for their hard hitter (hip/rs) the target needs to be dotted or incaped. In regards of ressource management I do not think that any marauder can complain against PTs there. No other class has to spam autoattack that often to keep from bleeding your own resources dry.


2.) Already explained by someone.


3.) Grapple is our only gap closer. It is on a cd that is way longer than the gap closer of any other class. It is also affected by resolve, so it is unbreliable.


4.) Wrong. Assault/Pyro PTs ( the ones you are obviously complaining about) need to be in 4-10m range. If you die to a PT who is 30 yards away the blame is on you.


Otherwise see the post of drmaster about some things you forgot in your comparision.

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PT's do more burst.


Muaraders do more sustained.


Marauders have MUCH better defensive cool downs.


Marauders have MUCH better mobility.


Marauders have better utility.


Marauders are better ball carriers.


Clearly PT's are better.

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PT's do more burst.


Muaraders do more sustained.


Marauders have MUCH better defensive cool downs.


Marauders have MUCH better mobility.


Marauders have better utility.


Marauders are better ball carriers.


Clearly PT's are better.


Oh, we're gonna play the "facts" game are we?


Well Maras do NOT get a free Undying Rage that auto-activates when the opening TD lands.


Coincidence? I think not.

Clearly Bioware is favoring PTs.


They better nerf ops in the next patch, or else I'm unsubbing!

Edited by Jewa_taken
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Oh, we're gonna play the "facts" game are we?


Well Maras do NOT get a free Undying Rage that auto-activates when the opening TD lands.


Coincidence? I think not.

Clearly Bioware is favoring PTs.


They better nerf ops in the next patch, or else I'm unsubbing!


This falls under "burst", which I already put in favor of the PT's. Have something else for me?

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You just proved how bad you are, I'm sorry that will change you are simply having L2P issues.

Pyro is absolutely bad in huttball aside from anything than mid control and pulling the ballcarier into a hazard once every 45 seconds. Knock a pyro into the pit and he cant do anything besides 3 attack (basic, assault plastique, inciniery round which is a small dot compared to other classes). Knock back a sent and he will be right back on top of you with force leap.


Still waiting for those pyro teams, first half will die to 2 gunslingers before they can even do anything, second will be eaten alive by sentinels/marauders.


And you proved how you have no clue what you are talking about. A pull into a fire trap is the best and msot of the time only way of stopping a ball carrier from scoring when getting close to goal.

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And you proved how you have no clue what you are talking about. A pull into a fire trap is the best and msot of the time only way of stopping a ball carrier from scoring when getting close to goal.


A tank sin also has pull, and can carry the ball. A PT that's tank spec also has pull, and can carry the ball, and his pull will also root the carrier in the pit. Both can guard the carrier, the pyro cannot, but the pyro can kill people faster than them. This however does not make the pyro more desirable than them for your all-star huttball team.


Not advocating any nerfs, they both are good where they are at. Just saying powertech more useful in team play as dps role.

Depends on the incoming DPS from the other team. The pyro needs its hand held through a lot more situation that the marauder can shrug off. I wold say both are good and I would advise against stacking 2 of either in place where you can have one of each.

Edited by Hethroin
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A tank sin also has pull, and can carry the ball. A PT that's tank spec also has pull, and can carry the ball, and his pull will also root the carrier in the pit. Both can guard the carrier, the pyro cannot, but the pyro can kill people faster than them. This however does not make the pyro more desirable than them for your all-star huttball team.


Why cant their be room in an 8 man team for one tanksin? I was arguing with the kid saying "waaa PT are useless in huttball!!!!"

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I have both classes, Marauder as main and Powertech is my main alt.


As the Marauder, I see easy kills when I come across a BH of any kind roaming around on his own. 1v1 Marauder > than any BH.


If you want to talk numbers... I normally hit top 5 dmg in WZ's with my Marauder. However... I would increase those numbers to top 3 with my BH. When it comes to putting out numbers of just pure DPS.... BH wins. If you're talking about surviving a 3v1 fight, Marauders win. Both serve their purpose and are good for 2 very different reasons.


Of course these opinions are just mine... and so you know: Marauder = Annihilation and Powertech = Pyrotech

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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And you proved how you have no clue what you are talking about. A pull into a fire trap is the best and msot of the time only way of stopping a ball carrier from scoring when getting close to goal.


When the ball is close to the goal, 99% of the time his resolve bar is full, grapple won't work for crap, doing it earlier (like in the mid) works better.

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Tankasin is slightly better than a PT in Huttball but 99% of the time I'll take another person who can grapple over anyone else. You need roughly 3 grapples to have an effective defense against this common scenario:


Jugg ball carrier, Sorc is in great position

Sorc pulls

You pull Jugg

Jugg Intercedes back up

You pull Jugg again

Jugg passes ball to Sorc

You pull Sorc.


Hence, 3 pulls are needed to have a foolproof defense if the Sorc was faster at pulling his friend than you're at pulling down prior to the friendly pull. Since you usually won't have 3 pulls in a Huttball team, I'll take any extra ones I can get.

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The only use for AE bombs is for opening fight in southern cannon in Novare Coast because you're going to have a short period of time where there's like 10 guys inside that small room because you have to be physically inside there to ensure there isn't someone hiding behind the corner which for some reason prevents you from seeing their capping progress. This is the only WZ in the game where even ranged DPS are forced to get into a cluster situation for a very short time (to stop sneak caps). Every other WZ, including Voidstar, the ranged guys can avoid the melee bombs and the melee guys can just AE bomb back.


Clearly someone's never seen what 3 competent snipers working together can do. The WZ is irrelevant, there is no way to escape the carnage of 3 good snipers working in tandem in AE. It literally rains ground player parts.

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Jugg ball carrier, Sorc is in great position

Sorc pulls

You pull Jugg

Jugg Intercedes back up

You pull Jugg again

Jugg passes ball to Sorc

You pull Sorc.


Hence, 3 pulls are needed to have a foolproof defense if the Sorc was faster at pulling his friend than you're at pulling down prior to the friendly pull. Since you usually won't have 3 pulls in a Huttball team, I'll take any extra ones I can get.


If you were good you would have just pulled and fried the sorc before he pulled the Jugg in the first place.


What if there is a SECOND sorc? A SECOND jugg? An invisible Operative parked at the endzone?


Nothing is foolproof, except not giving the other team the ball.

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If you were good you would have just pulled and fried the sorc before he pulled the Jugg in the first place.


What if there is a SECOND sorc? A SECOND jugg? An invisible Operative parked at the endzone?


Nothing is foolproof, except not giving the other team the ball.


Better yet, why not have the second powertech 30m behind you to grapple the jugg further back to the middle. We used to do this in Ilum, pull republics away from the crowd and pull them further again so they can't run back.

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A tank sin also has pull, and can carry the ball. A PT that's tank spec also has pull, and can carry the ball, and his pull will also root the carrier in the pit. Both can guard the carrier, the pyro cannot, but the pyro can kill people faster than them. This however does not make the pyro more desirable than them for your all-star huttball team.



Depends on the incoming DPS from the other team. The pyro needs its hand held through a lot more situation that the marauder can shrug off. I wold say both are good and I would advise against stacking 2 of either in place where you can have one of each.


A pyro that is tank spec'd is not a pyro. A pyro that is tank spec'd can not deal very much damage. A Tankasin deals MUCH more damage than a power tech spec'd to tank. Pyro's also do not guard.


Pyro's are not more desirable than maruaders and shield techs are not more desirable than tankasins.

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Even though a powertech loses 1v1 against a marauder here are the reasons:



^ NOT that.


I solo marauders regularly on my shield spec PT. You just need to know how/when to use your cc and interrupts. With cood downs, no problem. If my coold downs aren't up, I'm in trouble but can usually still manage.

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This falls under "burst", which I already put in favor of the PT's. Have something else for me?


Sorry, I forgot the sarcasm tags.


I find the pull ballcarrier into fire much less useful than ppl seem to think simply due to all the cc/etc being tossed around.

It's very nice when it happens but it's way to sporadic. Much better to pull a sage/sorc waiting on top, most of the time that is.


I've tanked huttball and find it great fun, but as a pyro it's mostly kill, kill, kill, which doesn't feel as useful. My lowbie Sage feels more useful in scoring goals actually.


I meant no offence to the OP yesterday, but these threads are getting to me.

When say a sage in recruit comes online and cries lvl50 is hard! The PTs hurt me! then I feel for them, I really do.

But when strong classes start threads pointing fingers saying HES OP and shes OP, nerf nerf nerf, I wonder why? What good can come of this?

Edited by Jewa_taken
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Takes a long time for a mara to solo kill my vanguard. Granted I am shield spec do I don't dish out a ton of damage but I am hardly getting rolled over and by the time he's even close to killing me one of us is getting help. A true 1v1 is so rare In a WZ.
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Maras and pyrotechs are both OP FOTM classes, along with assassins. All on the same tier, imo.


(It's just stupid how grossly more powerful the PT pyro spec is over the merc one).


So....3 out of 4 classes are OP. You must be a Smuggler.

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4. You need to be in 10m to pull off your most effective burst.

Force push them, stun them, snare them and they'll be a sitting duck, unlike you, we have very little defensive cooldowns and no escape abilities.

Laugh while the powertech slowly crawls back up the hill while you LoS him.

In the worst case he can pull off his initial burst and use mortar volley, after that he's out of options.

Knocking back a PT when they've used their initial burst is one of the most effective ways to get rid of them.


My favorite part about this entire thread. Maybe one day people will differentiate between Marauders and Juggernauts.


Marauders have:

Build Up damage

Potential for good burst

Defensive Cooldowns

Group Utility

Worst CC in the game outside of carnage spec. And even then that's not super amazing.

A 4 second stealth ability that doesn't drop combat


For anyone who thinks marauders are super tanks who can take on 3/4/8 people of an opposing team and win, then you're frankly delusional. The only possible way that can happen is if those people are exceedingly bad with the marauder being exceedingly good. And in that case all good 1v1 classes can pull that off.


Marauders are one of 2, possibly 3 ACs in the game that require 4m range to be effective. The other 1(2) ACs in the game that require it: Juggernauts and possibly dps Operatives. I don't know dps operative abilities well enough to say if they require 4m or 10m for effective dps.


For anyone who thinks marauders have too strong defensive cooldowns, this is a pretty good explanation of our survivability. We are as squishy as an operative out of stealth or a sniper out of cover without our defensive cooldowns. Without these defensive cooldowns, we're pretty much worthless.

This is why:

We require the shortest range out of any class to do effective damage.

We are the class countered the hardest by CC abilities.

We have the fewest CC abilities in the game out of any class and the only class that has a channeled stun. Juggernauts can spec to non-channeled, but I believe they can only do that if they're tank spec'd.


Marauders are fine as they currently are. They're a strong class that can be countered pretty hard by competent players / organized team play. I'm sure people are going to quote this and say some false or exaggerated information because they were once beat by a marauder or they play a class that is infinitely better in group play and got killed by one of the strongest 1v1 classes in the game that excels in a very specific role and nothing more. But with that said, bads will be bad and will QQ about how marauders are OP and talk about juggernaut abilities and marauder abilities from all 6 potential specs and claim it is one spec and how OP that class is because of that spec. They will ignore logic at all costs to continue to beguile themselves into believing that they're not bad, the class(es) that killed their AC are OP because they should be able to 3 shot everybody they encounter and excel at all facets of the pvp game instead of niche individual roles that every class has.

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