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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

1.3 Darth Hater article


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What a great thread topic! Where do developers draw that line?


I'm sure there's no easy answer to that question. On one hand, developers have to address players' concerns. On the other, they have to carefully manage players' expectations and ensure the integrity of the experience. In this case, given that we know BioWare knew the risks, they mishandled the situation.

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I'm sure there's no easy answer to that question. On one hand, developers have to address players' concerns. On the other, they have to carefully manage players' expectations and ensure the integrity of the experience. In this case, given that we know BioWare knew the risks, they mishandled the situation.


They did, indeed.

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Best article about 1.3 that ive seen yet,







Secondly, most of the design team thinks that it’s not necessarily good for the community. .


I dont care what their stupid reasons are.... This is dumb! The design team obviously needs to be replaced as i am becoming more and more reminded of blizzards dodgy design teams (and the main reason why i now refuse to purchase any products made by blizzard.


Cross server lfg tool creates a much larger pool of players to quest with. Yes there are jerks out ther... Who cares QQ more for crying out loud. Put loot restrictions on need for people to only roll on main spec gear, problem solved. Its hard enough to find a group now on servers and that will not be solved with a single server lfg tool. I am not looking forward to the two or three hour queues.


Great job blizzard... I mean bioware.

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I enjoy the game a lot and want to give it my support and see it grow..


However I am concerned on a number of levels about issues in the game.


Id rather these core issues were tackled first like the server pops and such, Id rather that got more resources and legacy stuff which is nice but not at critical put on the back burner for a few months.

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Not much in the way of GUI customization – the GUI team has been pretty much devoted to the group finder this milestone. One programmer did get in quest hyperlinking, so that should be coming in 1.3.


One programmer ROFL bioware!


When the odds are very low that you will never group with another player again, there is very little social pressure to not be a complete jerk to that person, which is not a particularly positive game experience.



And with dead servers it will look like this:


When the population is very low that you will never group with another player, which is not a particularly positive game experience.



We have more events planned. I certainly don’t want to commit firmly to a cadence at this time. In fact, quite the opposite – players should stay on their toes, because new events can happen at any time!


Yea, new events like tuesday maintenance, or a live player running by. New events require new patches mr bioware and you suck at those.

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I enjoy the game a lot and want to give it my support and see it grow..


However I am concerned on a number of levels about issues in the game.


Id rather these core issues were tackled first like the server pops and such, Id rather that got more resources and legacy stuff which is nice but not at critical put on the back burner for a few months.


Agreed. Fast track these server transfers and call it 1.2.3a. Hold off on the rest of that seemingly cool stuff until it is truly ready to be released to the public. Don't put 1.3 on the fast track and have it fail.


Furthermore, seeing as BW is opting for server transfers rather than merges, we need to get all of the dying/decaying servers remaining people to agree on corresponding servers. Pvpers need to select a PvP server in their region to converge into or none of this will matter. And so forth for PvEers and RPers.


Allow me to recommend Vulkar Highway for East Coast PvP. A lot of quality competition and throughout some economical errors, we remained unaffected by them.

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I dont care what their stupid reasons are.... This is dumb! The design team obviously needs to be replaced as i am becoming more and more reminded of blizzards dodgy design teams (and the main reason why i now refuse to purchase any products made by blizzard.


Cross server lfg tool creates a much larger pool of players to quest with. Yes there are jerks out ther... Who cares QQ more for crying out loud. Put loot restrictions on need for people to only roll on main spec gear, problem solved. Its hard enough to find a group now on servers and that will not be solved with a single server lfg tool. I am not looking forward to the two or three hour queues.


Great job blizzard... I mean bioware.


You know that comparing BW to Blizz you're actually flattering them, not insulting them right?


I mean I'm sure blizz devs lost a lot of sleep over loosing your business, pain only mildly rectified by the millions of players throwing money at them for every single thing they make ever. And I'm sure nothing terrifies BW more than making all the same mistakes Blizz did.


That was sarcasm btw.

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Cross server is a bad idea. It will make the in-game community as negative as this thread. They will be offering server transfers so move to the fatman. If this game is so horrible why do people come here and spend so much time complaining in a forum for a game they don't enjoy playing?


People spend so much time coming here and complaining because we are frustrated at how the game is yet we still have game time left.


Reading/complaining/trolling on these boards is more entertaining for us than logging in to the empty desolate wasteground that is the game.

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Reading/complaining/trolling on these boards is more entertaining for us than logging in to the empty desolate wasteground that is the game.


And yet you expect someone to listen to your advice or wishes?

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When does BW learn that most people are casuals and don't want to wait 20 (if your lucky) min to get into a FP or WZ? cross server would fix a lot.


For the rest the game is superior to WoW on many fronts just not for the casual player.

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I'm not so sure it isn't a question of development capabaility as opposed to planning. During beta it was clearly stated that a LFG tool beyond the rudimentary design they already had wasn't a top priority. Pops were big and it was obvious the machine didn't need much help save for ability delay issues. What messed that up was adding 72 new servers at launch because a few impatient and really loud voices spammed it as a need in early access. I wouldn't be surpised if this situation didn't put SR on notice.


So here we are today with too many servers. No good deed goes unpunished, and now BW is having to develop in months what other MMOs took years to plan for when they first sat down to storyboard. BW probably already had a conceptual flow diagram of what one would look like for future inclusion. But the game changed almost overnight and they are now forced to adapt ... quickly.


If I have any grudge it is with the the mob that screamed for servers because they wanted zero defects, zero wait time, zero inconvenience of any kind for an MMO launch. This is their fault, not ours and not Bioware's - unless one counts listening to the community a fault. Most of them are gone, I'm sure laughing in their rear view mirrors. Such is the state of gaming today I suppose.


I really agree with this. The biggest problem in this game, IMHO, which is the server population issue, was directly caused by the impatience and disastrous attention span of those players who whined and cried on these forums about long queue times, half of which probably aren't even here anymore.


Anyway, onward and upward! :)

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There are like what 4 - 6 active servers the rest are dead. I dont understand what the hell the devs are thinking community there is no community. its all dead.


No, mine is 16th on TORstatus, and still quite active. I can get a 24-man anytime I want, yet it's not so full that I can still do dailies and quests without having to wait on respawn.


It's just about perfect. It's on the high side of STANDARD.


I can only assume that means at least 15 others are decent, too.

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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LOL the devs play WoW instead of SWtOR


The group finder tool is designed first and foremost to make it easy to find other players to run flashpoints, both normal and heroic mode.


This isn't WoW Damion, it's called hard mode. Devs don't even play their own game, no wonder they're out of touch.

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When does BW learn that most people are casuals and don't want to wait 20 (if your lucky) min to get into a FP or WZ? cross server would fix a lot.


For the rest the game is superior to WoW on many fronts just not for the casual player.




Go play wow and wait 40 min in queue and then be kicked for your low dps, I am sure thats what Casuals really need and still you want that at Tor? :p


Casuals dont want or need an LFG, its the elitist´s and lazy folks that do.


You can gather a group at Tor in a few min right now, just use the LFG channel - its not hard and the only true option for a casual. No Casual has the time to queue for half an hour just to find out that he once again did land in a boring elitist group, that has standards which he cant fullfill and because of that is removed from group.

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LOL the devs play WoW instead of SWtOR




This isn't WoW Damion, it's called hard mode. Devs don't even play their own game, no wonder they're out of touch.


'Bout fell out of my chair when I read that. Combined with calling a x-server LFG tool 'a significant technical achievement' and you have yourself one very enlightening interview. One that did more harm than good lol. SWTOR is the laughingstock of the MMO world.

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Some good info, thanks for posting.


I really do wish the LFG tool would be cross server, but if keeping it same server for now means that we get it within the next few weeks, I'm ok with it. I just hope they start transfers soon. Releasing a same server queuing system with the current state of most servers would only serve as a slap in the face to those people.



Get them moved, get them settled and then give them the new tool to play around with. That's about the only way this is ever going to work.

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Go play wow and wait 40 min in queue and then be kicked for your low dps, I am sure thats what Casuals really need and still you want that at Tor? :p


Casuals dont want or need an LFG, its the elitist´s and lazy folks that do.


You can gather a group at Tor in a few min right now, just use the LFG channel - its not hard and the only true option for a casual. No Casual has the time to queue for half an hour just to find out that he once again did land in a boring elitist group, that has standards which he cant fullfill and because of that is removed from group.


It is not a 40 min wait in WoW ques. I cannot remember the last time I had to wait more than 30 mins for a que for anything there. Heroics, raids..etc. Usually the average is 10 - 15 mins. And kick for low dps? That is rare also and if you are that bad..maybe you need to improve your dps. Get a group in a few mins in TOR? LOL!! That is funny. :DMaybe on a very few servers this is true..but on the great majority there are simply not enough players to get a grp.

Edited by Valkirus
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Seems like a good business idea to have x-server


X-server was a massive success in WoW. You can say whatever you want but the numbers don't lie. Subs went up after the x-server, is very widely used, and copied by others MMOs


X-server will come because its good for business, any other argument on the topic is pointless trolling.

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Does anyone else think its kinda funny that this discussion has gone on now for 15 pages of back and forth, back and forth when both parties can easily be pleased. If x-server is needed it can be implemented after transfers (which should, IMO, have been done 2 months ago) and a box can be added for "my sever only" for those who do not wish to partake in x-server. Why not they did it for Dark side corruption.
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Does anyone else think its kinda funny that this discussion has gone on now for 15 pages of back and forth, back and forth when both parties can easily be pleased. If x-server is needed it can be implemented after transfers (which should, IMO, have been done 2 months ago) and a box can be added for "my sever only" for those who do not wish to partake in x-server. Why not they did it for Dark side corruption.


I keep suggesting a X-server toggle on the LFG tool, but they'd rather argue instead of embrace a solution.

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Does anyone else think its kinda funny that this discussion has gone on now for 15 pages of back and forth, back and forth when both parties can easily be pleased. If x-server is needed it can be implemented after transfers (which should, IMO, have been done 2 months ago) and a box can be added for "my sever only" for those who do not wish to partake in x-server. Why not they did it for Dark side corruption.


At this moment with low populations X-server seems to be a requirement BUT like Etheric just stated once we have server transfers we will have to wait to see how the landscape on the servers looks, people will move to fuller servers and eventually servers will become completely empty and get closed down leaving us with reasonably full servers.


Maybe x-server will not be needed after that, we can only speculate. The issue is that the community and forums are split down the middle between people who do and don't want X-server so no matter what one half of the players will not be pleased. The only way to please both groups is to create an environment where X-server LFG is not needed.

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Does anyone else think its kinda funny that this discussion has gone on now for 15 pages of back and forth, back and forth when both parties can easily be pleased. If x-server is needed it can be implemented after transfers (which should, IMO, have been done 2 months ago) and a box can be added for "my sever only" for those who do not wish to partake in x-server. Why not they did it for Dark side corruption.


Did you miss this part of the interview,in reference to why they are not doing a cross server LFG tool in 1.3 ?...."There are a couple of reasons – first off, it’s a significant technical achievement, " I mean..Rift added it , which I would assume has even a smaller developement team and WoW has had it for 2+ years.....sounds like to me they need to fire some programmers and hire some good ones. Esp the ones who are hung up on this lost of community with the release of a cross server LFG tool. Or maybe it is possible the ones they laid off was the good programmers? Speculation I know and I am not a gaming programmer, but it just seems like a silly excuse not to add one.

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I keep suggesting a X-server toggle on the LFG tool, but they'd rather argue instead of embrace a solution.


I embraced your suggestion. I not sure BioWare can do it tho with thier lack of technical expertise. :p

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