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Who else is having a great time playing this game?


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I look forward to playing every night and on the weekends. I've got my assassin in 50% war hero gear and I've just started a sniper that is really fun to play in PvP. Not to mention the operative story is amazing. It's like I am playing a completely different game than 90% of the people on this forum. Keep up the good work Bio.


Same here its the I want it NOW people that are leaving or the nerf class a people. Which to them I say good ridance if not do like in WoW and reroll that class and suck at it thinking its OP.

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I'm definitely still enjoying TOR its a shame about the PvP and the many people leaving with all the low pop servers, but hopefully after the server transfers hit players who want to continue to play will fill up the higher pop servers. This will strengthen the community and secure the future of the game for us who enjoy TOR.
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The only people who are loving this game are people on Fatman, Tomb of Freedon Nadd (EU) and maybe Jedi Covenant as you can actually play with other people. The rest are hating it.


Not true at all. I have a level 47 sage on Vrook Lamar and a 25 IA on Canderous Ordo. I'm still enjoying the game immensely and plan on sticking around for the long haul.

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I'm going to give this game time, but to be completely honest, I haven't logged in since the release of another game last Tuesday. Not that the new game will keep my attention for long, but it is a nice change of pace. I've realized after 7 years of WoW and five months of SWTOR that I'm just not a one game guy anymore. I need variety. So, I'm cheating on Bioware with Blizzard again. I'll be cheating on both with Creative Assembly once RTW:2 is out.
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Not true at all. I have a level 47 sage on Vrook Lamar and a 25 IA on Canderous Ordo. I'm still enjoying the game immensely and plan on sticking around for the long haul.


Have to agree I'm on The Progenitor and Trask Ulgo EU servers and the pop is a solid one though a few more would be great.

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I'm loving this game in spite of its flaws. I'm on Jung Ma, and though we've seen the population take a hit, it's not as horrible as some of the other servers have been described. Perhaps the fact that it's a RP-PVP server?


Anyway, I actually like legacy and look forward to more legacy features. I can't claim I'm not disappointed about ranked wz's being pulled, but I'd rather wait for them to work than have them right now.


There are things I would change/add/subtract, but none of them are game breakers. Then again... my server still has SOME people online. Hopefully the server fiasco gets fixed asap

Edited by shatejesla
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The game is OK.


I have never found a MMO that pulled me in like EQ, but then again that was my first online game. I prefer single player games these days due to health. I can play as I wish, and if I gotta make several bathroom runs, I am not causing havoc on a group.


My highest lvl character is 32, so I really dont play much. Since TOR hit, I have bought n played thru FF 13-2, ME3, KoA:Reckoning....besides purchases of Dragons Dogma, The Witcher2, and Max Payne 3.


Video gaming is basically how I spend the many hrs available due to disability.


This is why I'm on so much also. My low body feels like it's being stung continuously and, gaming helps me ignore the pain. I haven't gotten any new games since TOR came out though. There are a few that I want to get but, I'm waiting on them to drop in price at the BX. I used to play GT5 while I waited on PvP ques when we needed the 3 wins to finish the daily. Now I finish quickly enough that I don't really do that much. Though I have been getting an itch to race lately : )

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Been here since the Australasian launch, subbed for 6 more months.

Good times abound!




Bring on 1.3 / 1.4 / 1.5... Expansion pack 2013 maybe..


Kind Regards,


Jedi Order Social Committee

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It's not perfect but I'd give it a 7 out of 10.


I'd give it an 8 but it gets a -1 for what I would call the worst RP community in an MMOrpg I've seen in 14 years of playing MMOrpg's. You could log onto Champion's Online (a free to play game with no "RP server") and see more roleplaying in an hour than you will on a TOR RP server in a week. This isn't Bioware's fault persay, but they sure aren't going out of their way to make TOR an RP-friendly game.


I'm counting the days till the action-game crowd gets bored and leaves, for real and not just the endless "I unsubbed cuz u suck BW and EA!" threads.

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I'm having a great time at the moment, and I do have a great time when I play the game; but I only want to play the game now and then.


Basically it's a lot of fun in bursts, but doesn't ever manage to "lift off" for me as a solid addiction.

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