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Coming Soon to STAR WARS: The Old Republic

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Re-Rolling is not a solution or a option. Server Merges and Transfers are a need for everyone in this community. You must have already re-rolled and are upset or were lucky to land on a server with population. Reading your other responses I am guessing you are worried that these new players have way better playing skills then you.


No, I am actually on Jekk-Jekk Tar. One of the originals from pre-launch. And am staying there, for as long as I choose to play the game.


Server merges are not a need. They are desired by a vocal percentage, on the forums.


I agree that transfers will be good. But still not a need.

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The only concern I have, is Artificing not getting any love. For example I can make the custom and elegant light sabers. why can't an artifice break those down for the augment parts like the others that can make custom stuff?
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The new and upcoming changes to SWTOR are great and can't wait to see them. There was one thing that came to mind that was missing which is the ability to dual spec. It would be great to have dual spec available in patch 1.3 too. Hope this can be included.
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When a player with over 1100 expertise can be killed in 3 shots by another on the republic side whilst wearing no armour and just with underwear and a saber---then there is something not quite Kosher going on---and the other things that are not quite right---the overly long stuns one after the other---incredible sppeeds and leaps---to name but a few----when a side has not one kill in the 50's pvp warzones --over several games ---and when it takes weeks to complete a daily---and god knows how long to complete a weekly ---even worse now that many 50's pvpers on the Imperial side have stopped playing because on=f this---then I say again ---there is something not quite Kosher---even ome Republic player have come to the Imperial sides on thier alt toons and have been extremely surprised at how easily they are killed by some of the Rep sides---names can be provided if needs be---please look at this sad state of affairs and put 50's pvp back on the agenda.


Dailies and weeklies are completed by participation only now - and on my server, Sith seem to win every single warzone. That being the case, I'd have to say that it's down to the balance of skill (and other things, gear etc) on each side at any given time per server, not that the other side has to be bugged.

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I beg everyone who cares about this game and its success to heed this warning!


SWTOR will have the same issue with 1.3 as it did with 1.2 unless Account Holders are given

the option of a server change or Bioware merges servers!


Too many servers have too few players and many players are disenfranchised; but, remain loyal

and "hopeful." What these players want is an option to completely transfer characters to a more

populated server, so they can interact and have the game experience that they wanted...


So please, no more gimicks. Give us the means to find other dedicated players and do not continue to

punish the players that have characters that are "stuck" in a weak server due to no fault of our own.


Thank you all for your time and may the force be with SWTOR!

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So 1.3 mill subs right? I have this crazy thought... stop telling me how many subs you have and just tell me how many people logged into the server and stayed logged in for at least 1 hour during each day. Then add those numbers up. THOSE are what your customers see. Not inflated numbers of people that may or may not have played during that last free month you decided to record/report sub numbers. (Mark my words: Every time they have to report sub numbers to their shareholders they will offer a free month of play)


I would like to personally thank bioware for waiting until their very fruitful game was on shakey ground before deciding to do anything about it. No, I would like to thank them for waiting for 3+ months after their game was on shakey ground.


Bang up job, guys. Keep that in mind the next time someone like stephen reid wants to pine about getting the can. There is a reason you're being fired. A very good reason you ITT tech graduates seem to be unaware of. Log into the game you supposedly operate and ask the 5-10 people online why so many of you are being let go.

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As cool as this all looks, and as excited as I am for it, none of it will matter if Bioware does not focus on the server populations issue. Transfers are great and all, but will not solve this problem. Shut down 50% of the 12 billion servers there are and merge them. Put the servers together and then people at most will have to change names, oh well there's a chance of that in Transfers. At least if you merge entire guilds won't lose everything they've worked for already.


Seems like a no brainer to me.

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Amen to that. They complain that not enough information is being provided to them and then when they get it, they cry that it wasn't what they wanted, or that it should have already been there. The constant sniveling in the forums is downright embarassing.


The "too little too late" crowd, just unsub already.... If you are staying with a game that upsets you THIS much, there's something wrong with you...



Let me ask u and everoyne ************ about people qq'n something.. How bad does a game need to get b4 qq'n becomes legit. Honestly the majority of people complaining are not complaining becasue they hate the game because they would'nt be here if they did. They are complaining becasue the game they enjoy and pay for i might add is border line unplayable with the current population of almost all the servers on the entire game depending on what u enjoy doing on the game. Most servers are down to 20-40 people on the fleet a night. Finding a grp for a story mode pug or hm fp is near impossible pretty much, pvp que's take literally hours. Then after thousands of posts and suggestions on how to fix the game and get it back on track they turn around and do nothing to help. Character trans are good for some and horrible for others. Who in their right mind is gonna decide to trans to a dead server? whats gonna end up happening is there will be a few mre full sercvers like fatman and the rest will be even lighter(if thats possible for some). All they have to do to fix the population issue is merge the servers. Instead they make a grp finder finally but its gonna be worthless to people on a dead server. Its almost like a smack in the face to be honest. Thats how i feel anyway.

I mean i dont like qq'n aobut the game. I left wow to play this game and i'm still glad i did but some of the **** these guys do is just hard to understand sometimes. I love the new raid they released i really like the how they listened to players aobut increasing the difficulty of raids and fp's. But i dont like sitting in pvp ques for 2 hours... I dont like having nothing to do outside of raids other that lvl alts and dailies. I still have faith the can turn it around but this is just gonna be a disaster and i dont understand how the customers can see it and they dont.

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Pause at 1:00 to 1:02 in that video. /facepalm


Every single server on the list is at Standard minimum, up towards FULL


So was that one video clip unlike all the others? Taken from just after launch or doctored?


Either way, why go to the effort. It's amazing how two seconds speaks absolutely volumes about bioware/EA.




LMAO at the /facepalm. does not get any better than that. You are so right, I smell a big stinky pile of dung.

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However... It may allow us to continue playing away from the fleet while we wait for a group. Instead of just hanging out in fleet hoping to find a group.

That is the only positive I see in the entire 1.3 update.:D

If server merges or transfers do not happen before 1.3 though, I don't think it will keep the game from dying at an ever increasing rate.:(

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Amen to that. They complain that not enough information is being provided to them and then when they get it, they cry that it wasn't what they wanted, or that it should have already been there. The constant sniveling in the forums is downright embarassing.


The "too little too late" crowd, just unsub already.... If you are staying with a game that upsets you THIS much, there's something wrong with you...



Some of us are crying about it, because we do not want to see the game die. You cannot deny that the server populations are abysmal at best right now and it is getting worse by the day. :(

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There are PLENTY that love the game and have no complaints.

There are PLENTY that love the game and have several complaints.

and there are apparently PLENTY that seem to hate the game as if it kidnapped and murdered their cat.


Well said, however I find myself in the 2nd category, but the 3rd category damn near made me spit out my Heineken all over my monitor as is it came out my nose instead and that's just nasty. :D

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I love how so many of you are playing the game, yet complaining about new updates that look great. If you don't like it then stop playing the game. Everything represented in the video is basically telling us that the creators of the game know what we want and acknowledge that; meaning we'll be getting a lot more updates to our liking.
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All the stuff in all the patches released so far should have been done on release, and it shows with how many people have left, the mmo BASICS like group finder, UI and the other stuff NEEDED to be in release, Legacy was SUPPOSE to be in release also and the way the population, balance issues and bug fixes have been handled in this game is appalling to say the least. The game will be fixed maybe by the end of the year, I've given up trying to play this game with any success.
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All the stuff in all the patches released so far should have been done on release, and it shows with how many people have left, the mmo BASICS like group finder, UI and the other stuff NEEDED to be in release, Legacy was SUPPOSE to be in release also and the way the population, balance issues and bug fixes have been handled in this game is appalling to say the least. The game will be fixed maybe by the end of the year, I've given up trying to play this game with any success.


This, I mean Tera has all those things already, just saying. Oh, minus the space game...

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Nice new 1.3 update... LFG tool wauw... Legacy wauw...

Then how about Ranked WZ which you promised us for sooooo long. 1.2 you had to remove it, and said in 1.3 you will get it... now its 1.3 and STILL the pvp department have done NOTHING for us..


"Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic"


This just makes me go "#¤"%) PVP is a surprise for Bioware huuu... Where have you been living, Under a rock ??

PVP is the drive force for all MMO since beginning of mmo history.. If we didn't have PVP we would just go play a single player game.

PVP in swtor is so freaking BORING, we have 4 wz with 8vs8 = boring boring, and now the info on the HERO engine used in this game, cant do above 8vs8. If this is true bioware %¤/"@

Im sorry bioware, but i dont think you can pull this off anymore..

Edited by DFade
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come join us when the patch goes live


Guild Name: The Black Hand

Guild Faction: Empire

Guild Leader: Arstine

Guild Website: http://www.black-hand.net

Type of guild: Casual PvE, putting together our second HM Ops group now.

Recruiting: Yes

Who to Contact: Arstine, Tsarsov, Nullcrash, or any member so they can point you to an online officer.

Guild Leader of The Black Hand

Sith Meditation Sphere



Sith Meditation Sphere is not dead at all and we are having a blast over here, so come join us at patch time .

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Nice new 1.3 update... LFG tool wauw... Legacy wauw...

Then how about Ranked WZ which you promised us for sooooo long. 1.2 you had to remove it, and said in 1.3 you will get it... now its 1.3 and STILL the pvp department have done NOTHING for us..


"Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic"


This just makes me go "#¤"%) PVP is a surprise for Bioware huuu... Where have you been living, Under a rock ??

PVP is the drive force for all MMO since beginning of mmo history.. If we didn't have PVP we would just go play a single player game.

PVP in swtor is so freaking BORING, we have 4 wz with 8vs8 = boring boring, and now the info on the HERO engine used in this game, cant do above 8vs8. If this is true bioware %¤/"@

Im sorry bioware, but i dont think you can pull this off anymore..


This ^^ is why I'm leaving, I've already unsubbed, its like a few days left on my account wont be coming back, I waited (more than I should have EASILY) for stuff to be fixed in this game and all I do is PvP, you hit the nail on the head with all of it but you missed out BUGGY, the amount of times I've hit abilities and them not go off cause of the ability delay, or just say not close enough or not behind target (when indeed I'm about 1cm from their back) is beyond a joke this far after launch. Been patient, now I'm out and will NEVER buy a Bioware MMO again. They wrecked WAR and now this. They have no clue on balance, urg anyways you all get the point I'm out.

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I love how so many of you are playing the game, yet complaining about new updates that look great. If you don't like it then stop playing the game. Everything represented in the video is basically telling us that the creators of the game know what we want and acknowledge that; meaning we'll be getting a lot more updates to our liking.


We have stopped playing. And unsubbed... but we still have a small amount of hope left that they can and will fix this trainwreck of a game. And that is why i am still hanging around the forums until my free month is finished.

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At last we have character transfer coming up. But what will happen with the legacies? I mean, I already have players in two servers and I will transfer them to one. Will both legacies continue to exist or will the one be deleted?
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So a lot of posters in this thread can't wait for Server Transfers to be implemented ? Yeah, I couldn't either, but instead of whining endlessly (and fruitlessly) on the forums, I just transferred myself :D


I left 8 characters (most with Crew skills in the +300 range) and a decent pile of credits behind on a not-so-busy server and started from scratch on a busy server. And I'm loving it !


But then again, I enjoy leveling in SWTOR, besides, it's easy and fast. I didn't want to wait for a month or 2 or 3 to continue enjoying the game, I wanted to enjoy it NOW ! So I did what I had to to realise that goal. Simple really...


Nobody "traps" you on a deserted server but yourself.

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Legacy System (Bioware Please Read)

First of all I would like to say that the only reason I came back is because of the legacy system. I played for about two months before i realized it was time to stop playing. There were too many bugs and I couldn't take playing anymore, it was pissing me off and I wasted the rest of the time on my three month subscription. Then the legacy system was implemented and I was told I was getting a free month so I came back to play. I like the idea of the legacy system but I feel that you guys aren't going about it the correct way. Like others have said, it is a credit sink but please hear me out on this. I am into the legacy system. Some people like PvP, others like the End Game, and I like making alts and going through the story (preferably with other players but others are already hitting on transfers/merges). As I learned more about what you guys had done with legacy system, I found out that all the cool things cost a lot of credits to get. I play multiple characters as opposed to focusing on playing a main one. I spend all my credits on crafting mods and gear for my other characters as well as sending them money for mailbox slots/cargo holds/speeder training. So my question is, if the legacy system is tailored to people who like making alts, why does it cost an obscene amount of credits when our legacy level shows that we have earned it. The way you have it now seems to benefit those who aren't interested in the legacy system and only want to play a main character (and by reading the other posts, it sounds like not many of them can afford it either or they arn't interested). So instead of charging credits, you should do something like charging commendations instead of giving the advantage to those devoted to one character that makes a lot of money. For example, those who want to play more characters and want extra exp for space missions when they level, make a legacy requirement and maybe charge a few hundred space commendations. How about those who want a galactic trade market on their ship need a certain legacy level and need to have a 400 crafting skill for each character to earn one. Rewarding a player for things they like to do with the things they like to do seems like the best way to keep people playing.

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