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PvP Guide – Gearing up, medals and commendations


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What exactly am I suppossed to be doing in WZ's with this trash Recruit armor? It is completely useless. I understand this game is all about progression and you need to earn the better gear, but seriously, at least allow Recruit armor to keep you alive for more than five seconds so we don't feel like we're dragging our team down all the time.
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I returned to the game about 2 weeks ago, received the Recruit set aswell and went in for some action.

Yes, I agree your very squishy and die quickly. But on the other hand, you should try (I know you sometimes cant) to pick your battles. Dont rush in like Rambo, but take it easy and slow. You'll get there.


2 weeks of casually playing and I almost have a complete WH set + augments. You really just have to stick to it and get it over with and it will all get better.


(I still get my butt handed over to me, but hey, we all do ;) )

Edited by CaelinNL
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  • 1 month later...
What exactly am I suppossed to be doing in WZ's with this trash Recruit armor? It is completely useless. I understand this game is all about progression and you need to earn the better gear, but seriously, at least allow Recruit armor to keep you alive for more than five seconds so we don't feel like we're dragging our team down all the time.


And furthermore, when people see the recruit armor, they go right for you too. I swear I get target called because with 2 people on me, my assassin gets seemingly 3 shotted and can't break free of any of the stuns the put on me. It's terrible right now. I want to pvp, but it's impossible to break into it right now with the state of how powerful expertise seems to make you.

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What exactly am I suppossed to be doing in WZ's with this trash Recruit armor? It is completely useless. I understand this game is all about progression and you need to earn the better gear, but seriously, at least allow Recruit armor to keep you alive for more than five seconds so we don't feel like we're dragging our team down all the time.

And you seriously think it's different in other MMOs? PvPing as a fresh max level toon can be much harder and more frustrating.


Just hit 50 with a new Guardian and while it's true that I'm very familiar with the game and the class, I'm doing just fine in Recruit gear.

It's mostly about what you should expect:

Wrecking people 1v1? No.

Making stuff happen on your own? No.

Acting as some sort of support? Yes.


I don't rush into zergs and I never initiate on my own - instead I use taunts and Guard from afar, pick off isolated targets and I actually use the chat for making calls and asking for help while defending.


It's not like you have to bear with Recruit gear for a month or so.

Edited by jupezz
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  • 4 weeks later...

Question for those in the know:


I understand that they're capping the amount of certain kinds of commendations that you can receive per week. I am wondering whether this includes warzone commendations and, if so, will there be a limit on the rewards you can earn through pvp, or even on the amount of warzones you can play per week, even for subs? Thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Im new to the game. So im wondering what the difference between PVP and PVE gear? ANd why is it a bad idea to go into a WZ with PVE gear on?


PvP gear has a stat called Expertise. This is a common theme in other MMO's (notably World of Warcraft).


Expertise increases your damage versus players by a % and reduces damage from other players by a % and increases the amount you get healed by a %.


PvE gear doesn't have this stat (as it's useless in PvE). So imagine a PvP geared person going up against a PvE geared person, The PvPer will have a bit less of their primary stat than the PvE, but they'll be doing ~30% more damage, be taking ~20% less damage and getting healed ~15% more than the PvE character. It's a crippling difference.


Keep in mind, this doesn't apply in the 10-49 PvP bracket (well, it does, but the amount of expertise you can get pre-50 is really marginal and doesn't make much difference)

Edited by GenXCub
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... and increases the amount you get healed by a %...


Expertise increaes the healing you do, rather than the healing you receive.


Otherwise, fair enough.


High PVE stats can mean you'll have a big health pool in PvP, or do big damage/healing numbers. But you'll take a pasting from someone in proper PvP gear, because they're mitigating all the damage you do and multiplying the damage they do, and your big health pool just means you'll need more healing to get back up to max.


More often than someone in top raid gear though, is someone in bad PvE gear, who will swiftly become a pink smear. Jumping into a warzone in your levelling greens when you've just dinged 50 will probably hurt - get the Recruit set of gear instead. Then buy your War Hero gear with the comms you earn (can take a week, a piece or more per day depending how offten you PvP), and try to learn to play a bit in the meantime, while getting your arse kicked as little as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
Is outclassed now, and cant be fitted still, at least untill we reeally know who all this 2.0 really work, what are the Best in Slot items and so, cause u may be ending needing a PvE relic/implant/etc... For now is basically what is said up here "do PvE to get PvP gear"
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This might sound stupid, but I can't find LVL 50 PVP gear anywhere on the fleets. Did they get rid of it or move it?


They've removed the Level 50 gear entirely. From what I understand, only level 55 PvP gear is available at Fleet. Lower level gear, I'm told, is still available on Dromund Kaas for the Imps - I'm guessing it'd be Coruscant on the Pub side.

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They've removed the Level 50 gear entirely. From what I understand, only level 55 PvP gear is available at Fleet. Lower level gear, I'm told, is still available on Dromund Kaas for the Imps - I'm guessing it'd be Coruscant on the Pub side.


Thanks for posting this!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
They've removed the Level 50 gear entirely. From what I understand, only level 55 PvP gear is available at Fleet. Lower level gear, I'm told, is still available on Dromund Kaas for the Imps - I'm guessing it'd be Coruscant on the Pub side.


The lower-level pvp vendors are near the class trainers of each capital city. Note that these sell level 20 and 40 gear that is either blue or orange with blue mods but I don't think it has expertise on it. It's just stuff you can buy with comms. This is decent gear and might be the first chance to give a character implants and ear pieces, but it's just blue gear.


The weapons vendors near the fleet pvp mission box sell weapons for various levels with expertise included.

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