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romance scenes... kind of a letdown.


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Am I the only one who finds the invisible, off-screen romance scenes kind of disappointing? I'm not looking for gratuitous sex scenes or ****. If I wanted that, I'd play Witcher 2. But really, even by bioware standards the romance scenes in SWTOR felt like a huge letdown. All that time spent pursuing a romance only to be rewarded with ... nothing? A kiss, fade to black screen and then the characters are talking about how wonderful it was, something I never saw or felt. It really made the romance feel pointless and it disconnected me from my experience of playing my character. I've seen funerals that were more exciting.


I know there's the issue of political correctness that ruins all good things, and sex is censored, because the developers are afraid the audience will explode when they see naked skin. I'm also aware that I'm romancing a video game character and not a real person.


But really, bioware have made a me a fan of their games by writing characters that are well-written and felt compelling, and it's one of the reasons why I loved the mass effect games. Because you pursue a romance that builds up to a culmination that felt real and engaging. The romance scenes in SWTOR were neither. I don't even know if it was a romance. For all I know they might have walked off-screen to play scrabble or vacuum the ship.


I feel that the romances in SWTOR were bland and uninteresting. And it could have been done better. It's a shame when you have such well-written characters brought to life by such talented actors.

Edited by kifa
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Am I the only one who finds the invisible, off-screen romance scenes kind of disappointing? I'm not looking for gratuitous sex scenes or ****. If I wanted that, I'd play Witcher 2. But really, even by bioware standards the romance scenes in SWTOR felt like a huge letdown. All that time spent pursuing a romance only to be rewarded with ... nothing? A kiss, fade to black screen and then the characters are talking about how wonderful it was, something I never saw or felt. It really made the romance feel pointless and it disconnected me from my experience of playing my character. I've seen funerals that were more exciting.


I know there's the issue of political correctness that ruins all good things, and sex is censored, because the developers are afraid the audience will explode when they see naked skin. I'm also aware that I'm romancing a video game character and not a real person.


But really, bioware have made a me a fan of their games by writing characters that are well-written and felt compelling, and it's one of the reasons why I loved the mass effect games. Because you pursue a romance that builds up to a culmination that felt real and engaging. The romance scenes in SWTOR were neither. I don't even know if it was a romance. For all I know they might have walked off-screen to play scrabble or vacuum the ship.


I feel that the romances in SWTOR were bland and uninteresting. And it could have been done better. It's a shame when you have such well-written characters brought to life by such talented actors.



yep, according to today's parental groups, it's kosher to let your kids play genocidal, racist, lying, tretcherous murderers... but sexuality gives them them the heebie-jeebies


but on the other end..im thankfull you don't see anything on some of the flings you do as a femagent ( and even then, one you end up spooning on a couch after...you never see that with any LI companions... really BW what the heck?!)

Edited by Crezelle
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but on the other end..im thankfull you don't see anything on some of the flings you do as a femagent ( and even then, one you end up spooning on a couch after...you never see that with any LI companions... really BW what the heck?!)


Oh this 100%. I'm still so upset that that was the most explicit scene in the game. What has been seen can never be unseen. My poor, poor agent. I never should have hit that last flirt.

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I agree with the OP. I mean I know we can't have them nekkid or watch them having sex, *I* wouldn't mind either, but for them to keep the faint of heart from keeling over, they keep it as PG13 as possible.

The closest I knew my Jedi Knight WAS romancing Doc, was I wound up with 500 DS points total and we had an actual marriage scene. Granted some droid he brought on the ship did it, but at least I got that.



My husband and I joke that they go off scene during the f-t-bs and play Jenga. lol


Only thing that makes me roll my eyes every time, is the way right before the sex scene, the girl character looks coyly over her shoulder at her male LI and walks off while the male LI pimp walks after her with a smug look on his face. *sigh* Really? My own husband doesn't do that. lol

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Only thing that makes me roll my eyes every time, is the way right before the sex scene, the girl character looks coyly over her shoulder at her male LI and walks off while the male LI pimp walks after her with a smug look on his face. *sigh* Really? My own husband doesn't do that. lol


I'm sitting here sick with a nasty cold and reading this just put me into a coughing fit as I attempted to laugh. That "pimp walk" as you call it, always cracks me up. I could always tell when Corso was about to start a romance scene with me because he would saunter up to my smuggler looking all "hey baby." :p The little wiggle the female characters do when they are trying to be seductive makes me roll my eyes more actually.


I was surprised really at the adult nature of this game - but then again I don't have much to compare to, since this is the first game I have played with romance cut scenes like these in it. I've been enjoying all the implied "adultness" though, it's refreshing. And by that I mean everything - the world feels very real and vibrant. Bad things happen - people get enslaved, people get tortured, and yes people find joy and pleasure too. Makes the world more dynamic.


I can understand why Bioware didn't get any more explicit. This is Star Wars, after all, and there's a large PG movie crowd out there that they don't want to alienate.


I do wish the romance scenes were less...hmmm...like riding a train on a track. I love other people's suggestions of being able to chat and interact with your companions outside of their pre-set quest schedule. Now that some of my chars are married, they should be able to have little player-initiated side scenes with their pixel husbands. :D

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I am really hoping that in the new upcoming content we are able to interact with our mates more-- just a hug, or hold hands with them, or even just changes in their responses. I gotta admit, every single time I summon Corso and he says, "Let's go have us some fun, Captain," I'm ready for another fade scene ;) Edited by Magdalane
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I kind of like the ftb for the love scenes? I think it's more interesting to be able to speculate about the sexual dynamics of the particular pairings than to have them dictated for me. (This has been a topic of in-depth conversation in my guild chat more than once.) Also, I remember the absurdity of those scenes in DA:O, and I am really, really glad that I am not getting that. (Would be nice to let us see Vector with his shirt(s) off once in a while, though).


Ohhh. The swagger. The funniest? Vector when he finally visits the agent in her room. It is so out of character for him.

but on the other end..im thankfull you don't see anything on some of the flings you do as a femagent ( and even then, one you end up spooning on a couch after...you never see that with any LI companions... really BW what the heck?!)
Eh. That didn't bother me. Livia always enjoys the ride, even if she finds the 'mount' personally distasteful - she takes pride in her work and that is part of it or her. And he was so grateful afterwards.
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I think BioWare would have done it but, it most likely would have gotten them a "M" rating in the US.

Which would hurt the sales of the game, and some stupid group would have sued them for some stupid reason.

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I think BioWare would have done it but, it most likely would have gotten them a "M" rating in the US.

Which would hurt the sales of the game, and some stupid group would have sued them for some stupid reason.


This is the actual reason, from what I remember is that Lucas and BW wanted a T rating for the game. Its a larger market that way - plus there are some many stupid people out there who would sue a bug for flying into their car.


Bosses passed have told me I need to go a sensitivity course - I told them to grow some balls and embrace truth. <shrugs>

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I kind of like the ftb for the love scenes? I think it's more interesting to be able to speculate about the sexual dynamics of the particular pairings than to have them dictated for me. (This has been a topic of in-depth conversation in my guild chat more than once.)


I agree! For some reason I like the thought of my characters having really awkward sex. Also, I want to join your guild.

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This is the actual reason, from what I remember is that Lucas and BW wanted a T rating for the game. Its a larger market that way - plus there are some many stupid people out there who would sue a bug for flying into their car.


Bosses passed have told me I need to go a sensitivity course - I told them to grow some balls and embrace truth. <shrugs>


The case against the fly, and driver Bob is now in session.

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yep, according to today's parental groups, it's kosher to let your kids play genocidal, racist, lying, tretcherous murderers... but sexuality gives them them the heebie-jeebies


but on the other end..im thankfull you don't see anything on some of the flings you do as a femagent ( and even then, one you end up spooning on a couch after...you never see that with any LI companions... really BW what the heck?!)


This, and also on my smuggler I did the deed with the old gambler on Coruscant, and afterward the two of them were embracing. My reaction: How come I never get to see a real embrace other than a standard kiss in a real romance? Actual sex scenes would be gratuitous (imaginations are always better anyway), but to see some affection would lend these romances some more credulity.

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Well, as someone else here said, I do like that I'm not watching them have hot loving in front of me. I wouldn't mind it of course, I am an adult and they are fricking pixels not real life people. But I like the FTB scenes because I can picture in my head what they'd do in the bedroom, across the desk, or in Doc's case, bent over a bio bed, heh.


But I do wish we had more interactions with our companions after we marry them. A few more fade to black scenes. I mean they are married and I'm sorry but NONE of my girls are prudes. They like the smexy fun times as much as the hubbies will give them. Maybe a title like:


Character name the Married


Character name, wife of Quinn (Vector, Andronikos, etc)

Character name, husband of Kira (Raina, etc)


SOMETHING to show that we are married and stayed married. Or even divorced if we did.

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This, and also on my smuggler I did the deed with the old gambler on Coruscant, and afterward the two of them were embracing. My reaction: How come I never get to see a real embrace other than a standard kiss in a real romance? Actual sex scenes would be gratuitous (imaginations are always better anyway), but to see some affection would lend these romances some more credulity.


No kidding! I was noticing this back when I was trying to put together some videos - there's staggeringly little physical interaction between PC models and NPCs. NPCs will help each other up off the ground, or hug, or put their arms around each other's waists while facing somebody in a conversation. We get none of that. I think my warrior kept a six-foot minimum distance from Quinn for all but ten seconds of her plot line; I don't remember for sure but I think my Agent got even less contact than that with Kaliyo.


I recall my Inquisitor at least stepping closer to Andronikos for some conversation bits, and that was nice. Now maybe, I don't know, touch hands or face or something?


I don't need a sex scene, but even fading on an actual embrace instead of "let's retreat to minimum safe distance before walking offscreen" would be nice.

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Only one I've seen that is 100% conclusive as far as the "flings" go is.....



the one with the male Smuggler and Senator Dodonna. She remarks afterwards that she doesn't want any awkward pillow talk. So yeah, I smurfed her with my Chiss Smuggy. :cool:


I also felt slightly used after that, but hey. I NAILED A REPUBLIC SENATOR and General Dodonna, millenia down the road might have some Chiss DNA in him. :D



Tbh, if this game actually had love scenes, it would get an M rating from the ESRB and turn into Mass Effect Star Wars.

Edited by Captain_Zone
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No kidding! I was noticing this back when I was trying to put together some videos - there's staggeringly little physical interaction between PC models and NPCs. NPCs will help each other up off the ground, or hug, or put their arms around each other's waists while facing somebody in a conversation. We get none of that. I think my warrior kept a six-foot minimum distance from Quinn for all but ten seconds of her plot line; I don't remember for sure but I think my Agent got even less contact than that with Kaliyo.


I recall my Inquisitor at least stepping closer to Andronikos for some conversation bits, and that was nice. Now maybe, I don't know, touch hands or face or something?


I don't need a sex scene, but even fading on an actual embrace instead of "let's retreat to minimum safe distance before walking offscreen" would be nice.



Quinn and f!SW, only come together during kiss scenes.


Andronikos and f!Inq hold each other during marriage proposal and after getting married Andronikos holds your f!Inq from behind. Otherwise, stand apart from one another. With OCCASIONAL touching.


Vector and f!agent, embrace during kissing and are seen in her quarters before doing the deed. He touches her face briefly after they have sex and say they love each other. Otherwise, not all up in each other's grill, but not 20 feet away from each other.


Corso and f!smuggler stand a bit apart. Corso moves forward alot like he wants to bend you over the navigation console, but backs up. They hold each other's hands if you, as the Captain, perform your own marriage ceremony.


Doc and f!jedi knight will have LOTS of f-t-b scenes if you take the DS hits. You hold each others' hands as you get married by the droid Doc smuggled in before asking you. Otherwise, only touch each other for kissing.


Torian and f!bountyhunter will hug after their first time together. she'll pull Torian to her after getting married via Mando vows (I went Mandalorian, not sure about non-Mandos). But they show a lot of touching once together/married. Otherwise, stand apart.



I think it's a thing with personal space. Some people get REALLY paranoid and anxious if someone is too close to them. Could be the same when they play their character and Bioware may have wanted to play it safe.

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I don't need a sex scene, but even fading on an actual embrace instead of "let's retreat to minimum safe distance before walking offscreen" would be nice.


I agree!


More hugs, pecks on the cheek, and cuddles please. :D

Edited by JediElf
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hmm... Iresso and female JC have this ONE scene in the story quest if you actually romance or marry him



You basically pull him out of a downed escape pod that he's been trapped in and he gives you a quick kiss on the cheek like he's really really happy to see you.



First scene I saw like that and went :eek:

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What kills me is that, with Quinn,

we quite literally try to MURDER each other and still don't get any closer than five paces to do it. Everything is kept at a distance. Life-saving, love, homicide, all of it.


Then again I picked the really distant-people romances in the form of Kaliyo and Quinn, so that could be part of my problem. Sounds like Torian or Iresso would have slightly more.


The solution is clearly more snuggling all around.


Force choking Jawas good, sex bad.


Ayup. A little makeout action before fading to black would ruin society, but exterminating planets or engaging in some up close and personal torturing of innocents is A-OK.

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What kills me is that, with Quinn,

we quite literally try to MURDER each other and still don't get any closer than five paces to do it. Everything is kept at a distance. Life-saving, love, homicide, all of it.


Then again I picked the really distant-people romances in the form of Kaliyo and Quinn, so that could be part of my problem. Sounds like Torian or Iresso would have slightly more.


The solution is clearly more snuggling all around.


heh.. Quinn is trying to retain professional demeanour?


No, I think most of them are very minimum safe distance romances.

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I definitely would like more physical affection in the romances. I feel the lack of it, especially with Vector - the way they circle around each other all the time, and the gentle, chaste kisses are charming, in their way, but don't really reflect the fact that she (at least) has been lusting after him pretty hard for well over a year before he ever lays a finger on her. What I would really like

is for her to grab him and hiss him hard after she tells him that he doesn't have to prove anything to her in that scene in the bedroom. Because, really. It's what she would do, and he deserves to know that she means it whens he says she loves him.

Edited by Celacia
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