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Turn off camera smart pivot


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left click allows you to look around without turning but when your moving and you release the left mouse button the camera turns back behind the character, that is what should be disabled.


Apparently there were no true PvPers in beta. ;)


Or they just didn't think it was important to fix.

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Not if you hold left click while moving. l2p


You've never PvPd, have you? Or if you have, perhaps you are bad at it?


You need to be able to pan the camera back to target enemies behind you or use ground target abilities behind you. If you do that currently, the camera will pivot back behind you because of smart follow. Actually, should be called dumb follow. :p

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it would seem that those better than I at pvp are saying that they would prefer the snap back feature to be an option? the hold left mouse to look around is not that big of a deal, it's the snap back?


maybe even have snap back bindable? is that what I'm reading?

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l2p ? Nice to see the WoW crowd is here with their immature lingo.


Yeah I want to play the entire game holding down the left mouse button to avoid forced butt view. Do you realize how stupid that sounds?


Go back to WoW with all the other leet speak morons.


I never played WoW. Seriously l2p

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I never played WoW. Seriously l2p



OK leet speak WoW fanboi, like anyone here believes you.


So why don't you explain why having forced butt spin camera, with holding down left mouse as only way to stop the butt spin is strategically better then having the freedom to point the camera anywhere you want it and not having to have it get force butt centered when you move.

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I know this isn't a substitute for the feature you are requesting, but I have found two ways of making it better.


I bind the tilde key ` to autorun. Then I bind the "max zoom" (which isn't actually "max" but it it acceptable) to "alt+`". This allows me to lock in autorun, reset the camera zoom and focus on looking behind me with left mouse click. I then just have a habit of quickly pressing tilde, alt + tilde, and left click pivoting. I also bind the minimap to shift + tilde so that I can have all of those functions on the same button.


I still would rather just not have forced butt view, but this is the best solution I can think of so far.

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think of it this way... it helps immersion... you want to see what's behind you? turn around... use your peripheral vision.


if anything, it's a handicap that makes pvp more challenging. the reason to turn it off is so things are easier, right?


give us the option to change this please.

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I agree that they should add an option for this. I find it highly annoying.


On a sidenote - why do a lot of people curse, scream and nag at Bioware and other players when they are typing in the forums? It is so hard to have a civil discussion without namecalling, trolling and bad attitude?


It is possible to adress this issue and come up with suggestions without beeing a douchbag. Try it.

Edited by Battousaien
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