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Not enough solo quests


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Well, after reading what 99% of you have to say I have to admit this game is not for me. Not only does the community suck overall, judging by your 3rd grade level vindictive replies, but the fact that Bioware stated that you could solo the game and that is what I'm looking for. So, $60 down the drain isn't bad. I had fun, but it's good that I know now that this game isn't for me and I'll try to go elsewhere and do something else.


Thanks for all of the replies, as said above "You need to open your eyes" I have, and Bioware lost a customer but it's not that big of a deal in the long run, they'll have many more subscribers come Tuesday. Have fun all!



Edited by virtualmatrix
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I almost exclusively solo and yet I've had no problem finding tons of quests at all level ranges. Not only that, but I've also had no problem finding quick temporary groups to finish off the +4 heroics I can't solo, since the +2 can almost always be done with just a companion and some planning.

My only beef so far with quests is that it can sometimes be very easy to miss a quest giver if you don't move close enough to their area on the map for the quest icon to pop up. I had to go back and check the senate tower because I missed a couple of people in there.

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the heropic quests are optional, i am lvl 30 now and constantly 4 lvls above the content, so there really isnt a lack of solo quests.


If you choose to play solo, dont complain that there is content in this mmo that is not available to you, why remove something optional just because solo players dont want to do it (4 man heroic quests).

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Well, after reading what 99% of you have to say I have to admit this game is not for me. Not only does the community suck overall, judging by your 3rd grade level vindictive replies, but the fact that Bioware stated that you could solo the game and that is what I'm looking for. So, $60 down the drain isn't bad. I had fun, but it's good that I know now that this game isn't for me and I'll try to go elsewhere and do something else.


Soloing is definitely possible. I won't say you're doing something wrong, but perhaps the problem isn't the game...

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This is far from true. You will be well above your class quest if you do all the solo quests on every planet.


I have not found this to be the case at all in Korriban and Dromund Kaas. And Korriban I actually did 2 group quests and was still one level below when I went on my final story quest. In Dromund Kaas I skipped all the group ones but did every single player one and by the end I *still* was not up to the level of my class quest for my Sith warr. So I went in anyway...poor Vette got killed. lol, but I survived.


So OP's concerns have plagued me as well. I'm at Balmorra now and am afraid I'm going to run into the same problem of always being under the class quest. But I will try these space missions that people are mentioning. Maybe that will help.


Where does one pick up one of these missions? :)

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Dear god, there are TOO MANY quests per level area. I hit 20 before leaving Coruscant. I'm into level 25, and I'm just about to leave Taris. I dont grind, I just do all the bonus missions, I ran a few flashpoints, did a few space missions, and I kill everything as im going to a quest area, if I need to kill em. I also do the heroic quests, but thats another story, but you certainly dont NEED to do em.


I'm horribly over leveled for every area I'm in. I'm not complaining, but so far there is far and above

Edited by Basiliscus
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I have to say that I think Bioware found the perfect balance between solo and group content. Granted, I'm only level 18 but this is my opinion on what I've encountered thus far. With the staggered pre-order access as well as the way the planets progress quest-wise, coming upon group content and finding people to complete said content feels very organic.


Also, with companions being as effective as I've found them to be so far, you can definitely bend the suggested number of players for group content. I was able to complete the Black Talon flashpoint with only one other person.


Same here :) - & I only died once. You gotta be careful with the alpha strikes & the early aggro as a high dps sniper <eg>.


& yes, the comp system does remind me of the Guild Wars hero system - not as many heroes/henchies to manage, but that's probably a good thing here.

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Personally, I plan to solo as much of it as I can, since from an RP perspective that makes the most story sense. As for Heroics, you can do the 2+ ones easily if you wait until you've hit the end of that planet. The 4+ ones probably can't be solo'd, but again if you wait until you've outleveled them, the right 2 person group can do them.


Try doing Esseles as a level 19 solo... I couldn't even notice my health bar (or actually my tank companion's) going down, and that was even with the Champions. For the final fight, I actually told my companion to step aside even though I'm a fledgling Balance Sage--not exactly known for my toughness :D

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You're kidding me? There are SO many quests I often leave a planet overleveled and not having completed all quests!




If you are lower level then the stuff you are killing, then you skipped a bunch of quests.


Just don't pick up the heroics, do all the other quests before leaving the planet, do the planets in order and I guarantee you will easily be at least 2 levels over all the mobs you are killing.

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I love the fact that this feels like an old school MMO. So many group quests with great rewards that feel like mini Flashpoints. It's so easy to grab a group how could anyone complain right now. Maybe in 6 months when people out level the zones I can see there being an issue but right now there are so many people looking to do these quests it's hard NOT to finish them.
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Okay guys, I'll check around more. Thank you for the kind words. I want this game to succeed and I find myself on it alot more than most games. Thank you for the suggestions.


You must be missing quests too. I was able to level just fine to 25 in beta without running any flashpoints and only 1 or 2 heroics. Often completing one quest will trigger others. My suggestion would be that when you enter a new part of the planet map, take a quick peak at the world map. Sometimes new quest givers will be triggered that weren't there the last time you were in that part of the zone.

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