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Here's an idea for Undying Rage


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Have it cost all the marauders current focus to use. Not even a big problem , but enough to slightly reduce the burst while it's popped. It would be similar to a Juggernaut switching to soresu form mid fight for better survivability.
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Most classes have similar ability..


Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.

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Most classes have similar ability..


Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.


You really should check the skills of others before posting something like that. DIfference between 99% reduction and 25% reduction maybe?

Edited by Twor
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Most classes have similar ability..


Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.




derp :csw_jabbapet:

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Don't allow healing during Undying Rage/Guarded by the Force




oh yeah lets just let a mara die in pve if he pops it.




Undying rage is fine.


I propose this fix then:


If a ranged character is more than 10m from his opponent all of his abilities cost double the normal resources.

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You really should check the skills of others before posting something like that. DIfference between 99% reduction and 25% reduction maybe?


There's a difference between 25% reduction and 32% reduction also... you know how you get to walk around all the time with heavy armor, can heal yourself, have a cleanse to wipe snares/roots/dots off of you... Yeah i want those abilities too now or them to be nerfed.

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There's a difference between 25% reduction and 32% reduction also... you know how you get to walk around all the time with heavy armor, can heal yourself, have a cleanse to wipe snares/roots/dots off of you... Yeah i want those abilities too now or them to be nerfed.


Don't be silly, you know that only us Marauders need to be nerfed. Just look around the forums...

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Don't be silly, you know that only us Marauders need to be nerfed. Just look around the forums...


Yeah i don't know how to use a lot of my abilities or how they effect other abilities that i cast and my target casts so when I lose a fight i get really really angry.

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Most classes have similar ability..


Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.



I actually don't think that undying rage is particularly overpowered, but the smuggler/operative green shield has a completely different purpose than undying rage. It does not affect force/tech abilities and is used almost exclusively to cleanse dots in order to facilitate a clean combat stealth. It is useful but it's not in the same category as undying rage.

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Yeah i don't know how to use a lot of my abilities or how they effect other abilities that i cast and my target casts so when I lose a fight i get really really angry.


Wait, we don't just spam Tracer Missle to victory while at ranged in heavy armor? OMG we get to use TWENTY abilities every single fight?!? Nerf us! Nerf us NAO!!!

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Wait, we don't just spam Tracer Missle to victory while at ranged in heavy armor? OMG we get to use TWENTY abilities every single fight?!? Nerf us! Nerf us NAO!!!


what? we have twenty abilities? I was only using charge, assault, battering assault, and vicious slash... crap i must be doing it wrong!

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Most classes have similar ability..


Smugglers have that green shield around them. Troopers have similar ability too.


Sage is relatively weak right now. And last Shadows have resilience.


So, all classes should not receive any healing when they are using defensive abilities.


Lmao. Read the tooltips.


Dogde (green shield for smugglers) just does nothing against Force and Tech attacks. NOTHING. You see the difference?.


5 secs 99% damage reduction vs 3 secs 100% dodge melee and ranged attacks?. Yes, same thing.


Dont make me laugh, pls.

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I love the marauders are hard to play argument =)


They should try any class that isn't a merc ...


I think the 99% damage reduction with 99% heal reduction would work perfectly for this ability

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I love the marauders are hard to play argument =)


They should try any class that isn't a merc ...


I think the 99% damage reduction with 99% heal reduction would work perfectly for this ability


We have. Other classes bore Marauders.

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I love the marauders are hard to play argument =)


They should try any class that isn't a merc ...


I think the 99% damage reduction with 99% heal reduction would work perfectly for this ability


What about pve? Marauder has to pop it to stay alive to keep doing dps... hurts the raid if he died specially if it was early in the fight.

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Undying rage is basically our stun, except you can react during it.


Smart players use whats called crowd control when the marauder gets to ~30% and bursts them down in 2 seconds, or with lack of cc options they do a thing called kiting. Google is your friend here for those two strange terms.

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What about pve? Marauder has to pop it to stay alive to keep doing dps... hurts the raid if he died specially if it was early in the fight.


I don't see why this is necessary. I mean, Marauders are already considered amongst the strongest PVE DPS and they bring awesome group buffs. Undying Rage should be a' last-gasp-5s-more-dps' ability not a '5s to get healed up fully' ability. DPS Scoundrels are squishier and do worse damage without bringing the group utility of a Marauder and yet they don't get any ability that is remotely closely. Maybe Marauders will just need to learn to do what other melee characters have to - not get hit so much. Comparing Undying Rage to Dodge is laughable - Dodge is basically a self-cleanse ability that helps against a small fraction of the damage in the game for 2 GCDs. Either all melee classes need a version of Undying Rage or Marauders don't need it in its present form, particularly with its absurdly low CD.

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Or here's a novel idea went a sent/mara pops undying rage/guarded by the force, why don't you use a stun or a knockback or cryo grenade or vanish or a force choke, seriously this is why this game is screwed up because people just don't know how to deal in certain situations.


And FYI I do have a 44 sent but my main is a balance shadow, so you know how I deal with a mara with UR popped? I vanish, if its on cd I force stun, if he pops trinket I knockback or I force Sprint away, its very easy to deal with sheesh


On my vanguard, ill cryo grenade if he trinks out of it ill harpoon him to a ledge where he ll fall off, if that doesn't work ill use reflective shields and adrenaline rush then his UR is over.


On my scoundrel ill vanish, if on cd I pop dodge or ill dirty kick/flashbang


On my guardian ill force choke into a force push and a leap its done by then


On my sent ill just force cloak or pop saber ward or force choke


So please really, don't cry its very easy to counter, you just aren't good

Edited by jbuschell
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SWTOR is a PVE game, i.e. a game where a team of players working together try to beat computer.

PVE is fun because of some basic synergies, like tank guard or... undying rage !


UR primary goal is to eat a large amount of damage while keeping sustained DPS and waiting for heals without dying. Currently, UR is working as intended in PVE.


What about PVP ?


Are you playing in a team ? or AS a team ? Yes ? So let's CC this mara while you kill enemy healer. Not you alone, but you and your TEAM.

Are you playing solo ? OK, try to have fun but don't ask for a balanced 1vs1 game because SWTOR is NOT this kind of game.


You know what ? Yes ! PVP is fun when a team of players working together try to beat an enemy team !

In short, play as a team. If you want 1 vs 1 balanced fights, play Tekken or Virtua Fighters.

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I would defiantely not bother to have no healing during Undying Rage. It's op when I can lol.


@above: it's fine for PVE (hell it's great for PVE!) but in pvp no healing during UR in would make a difference.


I would be fine with it.

Edited by Mythic_MK_II
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I thought these qq forum posts ran out because, again, it has been explained ad naseua that UR is pertinent to the marauder class and critical as is, without change. I guess someone was in a 1 v 1 and failed again and thought it was time to rehash old things. Hey, I think Hershey's kisses with almonds are great, but it's just my taste and there is no piont tying to convince anyone why they are good as is. Everyone do themselves a favor and move on to better things than this uninformative, non-specific thread. I can't explain it for the 1000th time so just search past threads for the right answer.
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oh yeah lets just let a mara die in pve if he pops it.




Undying rage is fine.


I propose this fix then:


If a ranged character is more than 10m from his opponent all of his abilities cost double the normal resources.


That sounds a bit childish and "OH YEAH WELL HOW ABOUT..."


Realistically, undying rage lasts 5 seconds. So you're saying it would be fair for a ranged characters skills to cost double, (keeping in mind that alot of specs are very delicate on AP management as it is.) AT ALL TIMES? lol.


Thats just lol. Good thing you're not on the dev team.


People need to play a few classes to 50 before they can get a solid picture of the games balance.


The issue with your class is that you have more survivability than most tanks do in tank builds. Wanna know the real reason powertechs and vanguards arent playing tank spec, part of it is assualt/pyro is OP, the other part is that they are doing anything they can to get the hell out of tank spec because its bad. I'd play a hybrid vigi guardian or a tanksassin dps gearing any day of the week before I played tank powertech or vanguard.


I think no healing is a bit much for a nerf they suggested, but Ive played one to 40 so far. The skill is meant to help you survive. What needs to be done is cut damage done by 50% while its up for those 5 seconds. Its a defensive cooldown, not a LulzImUnkillableLetMeWreckYou Cooldown.

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