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need t7-01 at end? never geared him up!!!


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I wish someone would have told me I needed t7 to beat the emperor. I haven't geared him up since i first got him. I've been using doc and mostly kira. Now, they aren't even available for use. This sucks. I've got no money to buy gear for him and I am stuck. Any suggestions on how I should proceed?
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Well, i took some gear for him with some quests on corellia, but i didnt even needed to use it to defeat the emperor. Died 2 times, but because of the 1hit kill ability he does. As a guardian in defense spec
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U must interrupt his casts, so u must use your stuns too while u cant use kick. When he calls his shadows, use your normal attack on each ones, if possible, while the real one is stunned [ stasis, hilt strike, force pull ], and dont let him cast the long channeled ability, it is 1 hit kill, use medpacks and stins and everything else. Start your rotation with guardian slash, sunfering strike, blade storm, master strike, and keep interrupting. Dont forget your defense cds too. get your lvl 50 matrix cube, lvl 50 chest and heands from corellia. This is how i did
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U must interrupt his casts, so u must use your stuns too while u cant use kick. When he calls his shadows, use your normal attack on each ones, if possible, while the real one is stunned [ stasis, hilt strike, force pull ], and dont let him cast the long channeled ability, it is 1 hit kill, use medpacks and stins and everything else. Start your rotation with guardian slash, sunfering strike, blade storm, master strike, and keep interrupting. Dont forget your defense cds too. get your lvl 50 matrix cube, lvl 50 chest and heands from corellia. This is how i did




ignoring the clones completely is very effective, or it was for me.



Interrupts are an absolute necessity, of course. I was dismayed that the fight wasn't more difficult. But yes, as to the original question you can get some very good pieces of gear inside the temple. I'd upgraded T7 some throughout the course of my questing but I know others who didn't. For me, T7's upgrades were a bit more important since I wasn't level 50 when I fought him.

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After dying 5 more times, running out of money, and not being able to afford repairs or stims, I was able to find someone to group with. That made the fight seem a whole lot easier. I guess I should have taken advantage of the "MMO" part of the game earlier. Now I start a new character. Sith Inquisitor!!
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I had no problem with the puzzle and the chest spawn that I used to outfit T7. I chose to save Kira. Then I went to fight the emperor. He killed me once. On my next attempt I got the one hit bug and killed him with Saber throw while he was still sitting on the throne. Honestly I was a little disappointed by the one hit kill but glad not to be stuck on it.



The puzzle is very easy if you imagine that you are drawing the Empire symbol on the ground.


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I never saw the puzzle when i went thru this, but i did get the OHKO bug. He finished talking and went straight to the chair....disappointing, but at least it got finished. I've got another JK at L36 now so hopefully this time i'll be able to actually fight the guy.
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There are like 80 posts in this forum about this. ;)

Yeah but most people don't want to spoil their story (they actually want to be surprised when events unfold). So until you actually get there you have no way of knowing. Kinda too late by then.


Lucky for me, I had done a little upgrading over the leveling process for T7. I did not take any quest rewards for him, but any drops that he could use, I gave him. While he died a few times on the way to the emperor I had no problem defeating the emperor and T7 lived. As others have said interrupts are key as well as blowing all your defensive abilities (not all at once of course), using your relics, using a stim (I used endurance), and popping a medpack.


I too thought that the fight was a little anti-climactic (having defeated the emperor so "easily").


As for T7 not being useful - if you are playing a DPS spec (guardian or sentinel) I can see having a tank companion being a good thing. I am seeing this now on my (healer) smuggler; Corso takes all the hits and I heal him.

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