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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[Guide] Reverse Engineering


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Thanks for the great guide,

I am not sure if I just missed this, but I would assume that when you use a companion that has a +5 to crit in synthweaving for instance, you have a better chance to get a crit from that character when synthweaving?

Also does anyone know if having a high affection with that character helps them crit more often, or if affection helps in anyway with crafting, like they bring back more items from missions etc?



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I saw that you said you can't RE world drops or quest rewards for a better schematic. Does that go for modification vendors and mod commendations vendors too? I thought I heard someone say once that they RE'ed some mods from the commendations vendor and got a better schematic but in my own little trial I didn't have any success.



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I'm not searching 86 pages to see if this has been said, but it isn't in the guide. You can learn a new schematic, and you still have a chance to get that schematic again.

So say I learn Hawk-eye X, I want Fervor X so I keep REing, I can then "learn" Hawk-eye again and a message pops up saying "You already know this schematic" or w/e.

Edited by jorgerlol
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I have another infographic. You may want to include it in the OP.




Great graphic. My only recommendation to the new version of the guide was going to be some sort of chart to simplify that, as well as examples showing the difference between the suffixes.


Very nice graphic. One question...what is "Glance Rating"? Is that "Shield Rating"? I assume there's a minor glitch in translation here :)


Good catch. =)

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It's funny you should mention a chart....


I have one that I have just completed, ready for release to the masses....




I've run it past Sleign, and you should see a link in the first post soon. It covers what is known at this point, and a little bit of what is likely, though not confirmed. I have tried to add some notes to help, but it isn't really meant to be a complete replacement of this guide.


I'll be updating it as new information is learned.

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It's funny you should mention a chart....


I have one that I have just completed, ready for release to the masses....




I've run it past Sleign, and you should see a link in the first post soon. It covers what is known at this point, and a little bit of what is likely, though not confirmed. I have tried to add some notes to help, but it isn't really meant to be a complete replacement of this guide.


I'll be updating it as new information is learned.


Real nice I think I'll have to spread a link to that one among my guildies.

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I actually got an augment slot for critically crafting an earpiece in cybertech. I do not know if this is what you were referring to for equipped items specifically. But the item i crafted was a green item.
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I RE'ed about 200 implants to get 2 purple patterns from a blue tier 1 schematic(49level req). Of course not the ones i wanted but it is not the case. The problem is now even if I continue to RE sometimes I get the message: you already know that schematic.

What does it mean - I can waste milllion more attempts and never get the schem I want because I am rolling still from all 5 availble patterns in that route?


I think it is too difficult to get something which has better version after just few days of doing dailies not to say to get it dropped in raid or even FP HM.

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What does it mean - I can waste million more attempts and never get the schem I want because I am rolling still from all 5 available patterns in that route?

Yes that's basically it. Sucks I know.


I hope it gets changed one day, but I'm not holding my breath.

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I just had some interesting results. I am level 50 with 400 in cybertech and was REing Kinetic Power Module (cyber 340, lvl 34). I got nothing for the first 25 or so I made (I was not making or doing anything else, but I did get logged out after the first 20 or so due to inactivity), then I got the 3 blue schematics from 3 REs in a row.


Like others have said, I usually get a blue after REing approx 5 greens so it was unusual for it to take this many (for this level of item). The only reason I REed 3 in a row was because I had 3 in my inventory at that time.


This might just be luck at play, but thought I would share it as I was surprised to get three new schematics in a row like that.

Edited by Ghost_Dancer
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You can crit craft the artifice Rakata Relics to have an augment slot.


Confirming this, was in a group with sorc, who had augmented relic today. Funnily enough, this seems to be a 1.1 patch change, he said the slot just appeared after the patch day. Crafted 3 myself, no crits of course.. :D

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So was REing nerfed about a week ago? I remember they had a small patch put in & 2 days later I started noticing I was not getting anything from REing.


It just so happened that the last time I popped a blue when RE was on level 30 items and under ( which i had multiple ) but after item level 30..nada.


Something is wrong here, has to be, I am now a few points shy for 400 also

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So was REing nerfed about a week ago? I remember they had a small patch put in & 2 days later I started noticing I was not getting anything from REing.


It just so happened that the last time I popped a blue when RE was on level 30 items and under ( which i had multiple ) but after item level 30..nada.


Something is wrong here, has to be, I am now a few points shy for 400 also


I noticed it taking longer but after the 1.1 patch I havent gotten any on synthweaving or armormech in about 40 synth (low level items) or 20 armormech mid level items.

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Pretty sure RE is either bugged or nerfed. I have RE'd probably 30 level 41-ish Artifice greens in the last 2 days and not a sinlge upgraded schematic. In the past it's never taken more than 10 and usually far fewer.
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