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    Dayton, OH
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    Killing Rebel Scum
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    Puppy hair stylist
  1. Tried this... no help. We've even tried having everyone log off and back on... still no help. Maybe the difference is between servers or time since last server reset allowing data to become corrupted? (meh, we've had the same problems even the night after a reset)
  2. And every time a bug is found, someone will say "we didn't see it, you must be bad". Many of us have been working on Soa for a long time, killed him on normal, hard and nightmare and still come back each week to find it a different fight with new or old bugs still present. Just because you don't see them, don't assume the people who do are just newbs. Instead, you should be counting your blessings.
  3. Nice try at trolling. 95% of raiding guilds are not even trying nightmare EV, let alone getting to Soa.
  4. Haven't seen this bug before (in game or on the forums) but it popped up after several attempts on Nightmare Soa tonight... Lightning balls spawning and following someone *other than the one announced as target* (and yes, the announced target was alive and available, actively trying to pull the ball to a good spot to take it, only to watch it follow someone not announced as target). We found this happening 6 attempts in a row and watched it very carefully to make sure it wasn't just us. On one attempt, I was the announced target and both balls followed the second announced target instead, making it impossible for that person to live through the mechanic. This fight would be quite fun if it weren't for the bugs.
  5. Your preference may be for crit/surge... but that doesn't mean everyone using the same gear has a preference for crit/surge. Anyone wanting power/alacrity had to strip/replace mods in their Columi set. To be treated equally, the next set is geared more for them and you have to strip/replace your mods. Be glad that you can make the adjustments you want to the gear. Edit: Oh, and just because you crit/surge doesn't mean those are the best stats... I've seen some really poor theorycrafting touted as gospel when looking at secondary stats.
  6. I find the only problem with Xalek is that I can't raise his chance to shield. Its stuck at 5% despite a ton of extra shield rating on gear. Is this intended even though some of his own gear has shield rating that's not changing stats? I think the 5% shield proc is the reason why people are having difficulty with him tanking when compared to Khem's 20-25% chance to shield.
  7. I felt the same as you until I started doing Operations. Now I can see the full system and what they might have been hoping to do with it. Normal mode Ops bosses drop the extra tionese commendations that you were looking for in HM FPs without as many crystals. To me, after having cleared normal and hard mode EV and KP, I can see how Bioware made this system to help raiders fill in gaps when RNG loot drops keep missing your class. So; HM FPs - a lot of crystals and a few commendations; gives you the taste of gear and you can see the light at the end of the tunnel NM Ops - a few crystals (I think there were some) and a lot of commendations so that if you're doing both at the same time, the ratio does seem appropriate to the cost of an item HM Ops - columi commendations to fill that gap Just my opinion, but I don't think the purpose is to help people only running HM FPs get all their gear in a week or two (yes its possible... I did it, but not the purpose of the system). A good development team will make it possible, but still a time sink. Some people will find the amount of time reasonable and others will not.
  8. @ #1 - happens all throughout the area... we've had random deaths while landing on the speeder (fast transport) and I had a random death when I tripped off of a short ledge and hit my head on the next rock while walking through the jungle... grrrr @ #3 - major problems with both first and second destructible floors... instead of completely reseting, one or the other floors would have significant sections missing, forcing us to work with partial floors... it is doable but much more difficult (especially when you're missing half the outer ring); we had better luck with resets if we made sure everyone died instead of "exiting area" but still not perfect
  9. If a companion is capable of going down the "courting" route with you, then at some point >2000 (not sure when), the companion will want to talk to you. During that conversation, you will have the option of flirting with them. If you take that option, you will trigger the ability to use courting gifts. edited for grammar
  10. Affection has nothing to do with your class quest. Some of the quests offered via affection may only be available at certain points in your class quest chain, but you can still raise your companions affection to maximum early on and reap the benefits.
  11. Edit: removed due to duplicating a previous post
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