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over pwoered republic


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Actually there are slight differences... but those are in favour of the empire, like the Project ability has a minor delay while the mirror ability on the inquisitor has no such delay.


That has completely to do with animation imbalances not actual class mechanics but yes you're right. Other than some animation imbalances(which as far as I know they are still working on, they just fixed the BH/Trooper ones) the classes and their mirrors are 100% identical in gameplay, they are just different in cosmetics.

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This is the funniest post I have ever read. Play the republic side then tell us we are over powered. Thanks for the laugh.


The OP's QQ level is over 9000!


Do you concur fellow poster? :)



And lol, Republic rarely wins on my server...but that's not due to any OP'ness...it is due to people wanted to be 'the bad guys' and be the Evil Sith Empire, numbers pure and simple.

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The OP's QQ level is over 9000!


Do you concur fellow poster? :)



And lol, Republic rarely wins on my server...but that's not due to any OP'ness...it is due to people wanted to be 'the bad guys' and be the Evil Sith Empire, numbers pure and simple.


The OP reached the rank of qqmaster. :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

these are good arguments on both sides as i hear from my guildm embers who also have rep toons that


the republic whien about the empire being OP but I just can't see how the emp is OP when 9/10 times you do anythign i nthe slightest movement to any warzone objective and you get stunned to hell and back


The Red Eclipse server incase youwere wodnering (been there since launch)

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Take note of this you bioware developers


actuly BALANCE the factions and take action against the republic side because they are WAY over powered


and the empire is being made less and less effective espeicaly the conslar class


Please learn to use correct grammar before posting a thread so you don't look like a fool and people can understand you. :p

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I have a Sorcerer, assassin, Sage and shadow and for these classes it is in favour of the imps due to the project delay. i forever have rocks floating due to them getting away.


I also have a juggernaut, guardian, sentinel, marauder and there is no difference here.



I noticed that the majority of imperials are not so smart at pvp. Granted there are quite a few players who are outstanding it just seems to be in a lot of the random matches 10-49 the imps run around like headless chickens.


For the most part the Reps seem to have it handled.

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the republic are majorly over powred and they need nerfing. im sick of the emprie getting nerfed all the time especialy what they did to mercs in the 1.2 patch.


plus they need to restrict the ammoutn of classes allowed in a match it's stupid for their to be like 6-8 trooeprs or conslars or smuglers ect theirs no balance what so ever and its ridiculous

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and by the way I have a sniper , and all too often i see force users walk right through or completely ignore all my gadgets.. on several occasions Ive used Cover pulse, debilitate, sludge grenade, flashbang on the same opponent and then capped it off with a kneecap shot and they dont slow down, they dont get moved back they wlak or force sprint right through it.


It's called resolve ... :rolleyes:


TBH, no game no class no skill is ever evenly matched when there are so many variables to consider, we will see nerfs and buffs over and over again.

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All I'm going to say is... Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop


Unless we have different meanings of the word over powered, BW pissed on The Rebels from a great height for a long time and they know it. So can a mod please actually say yes there are imbalances that favour Imps and have done for a long time?? Even down to the Alderaan gun pointing at us before a Sith Shield pop was p[op]ped

Edited by Caspian_Rho
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I noticed that the majority of imperials are not so smart at pvp. Granted there are quite a few players who are outstanding it just seems to be in a lot of the random matches 10-49 the imps run around like headless chickens.


Sadly, I'll have to concur, it seems that the more mature players are generally picking pub, while imp are awash with screaming kids.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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All I'm going to say is... Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop Sith Shield Pop>> Sith Shield Pop


Unless we have different meanings of the word over powered, BW pissed on The Rebels from a great height for a long time and they know it. So can a mod please actually say yes there are imbalances that favour Imps and have done for a long time?? Even down to the Alderaan gun pointing at us before a Sith Shield pop was p[op]ped


win! +10 points

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the republic are majorly over powred and they need nerfing. im sick of the emprie getting nerfed all the time especialy what they did to mercs in the 1.2 patch.


plus they need to restrict the ammoutn of classes allowed in a match it's stupid for their to be like 6-8 trooeprs or conslars or smuglers ect theirs no balance what so ever and its ridiculous


You do realise the classes are mirrored right? Whatever nerfs Mercs got in 1.2, the Commandos got them aswell.


Also, l2p

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Classes are not mirrored. They might mirror the storyline, or ideal of that character, but the balance is far from even,


I can only assume that because there is an imbalance from Imp > Republic and always has been, they made the republic classes more over powered than the imperials, and when numbers even out they will even out the damage.


I thought I was QQ... I thought, maybe I just am not as good as I thought a PVP? let's find out for ourselves...


I rolled a republic toon - immediately you notice the difference. When you it lvl 50 pvp.... wow... you almost start feeling guilty that you are so overpowered compared to the Imperials.


so im not stating they are OP because I am QQ, Im stating it because i found out for myself, and to be honest prefer WZ's now with all imperial.


I will agree that they are not perfect mirrors, but I don't feel that one side is extremely better than the other. I have toons and both Imp and pub side and in PVP I have got beaten on both sides. It really matters who your teammates are in PVP bottom line. If you have crappy teammates you are gunna get slaughtered. On most servers, Imps usually dominate the PVP scene because their are usually more Imperials then pubs.

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*sigh* if only the developers would make the empire vs republic conflict mean something to the populus,that hatred between the empire and republic sides could be put to good use


we need the war to mean something,like have a montly conflict between the empire and republic sides....and for the ones actually fighting the conflict on the side that wins,they get not only cool shiny rewards..but a special type of "rank" point...the more rank points you get,the higher your military rank in the conflict,the higher your attack damage is,that way the longer you`ve been fighting the better


and then once the conflict is finished,everyone on the winning side gets a special gift in there mailboxes...with the text being some kind of nice winning speech done up by the developers (thought i think player input will be needed on this one...cause pre generated messages get old pretty quick,like have a monthly "winning speech" contest in the forums)


and when i say rank points,i dont mean valor points which is needed for pvp equip,i mean points that directly influence the amount of dmg you do in this conflict

Edited by Baphomet_x
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How is the republic overpowered lol, the assasin's shock ability is much faster then the rock throwing that the shadow does. Assasin's have more of a chance to react and pull out force shroud. How is that balanced lol. Republic no where near overpowered.
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How is the republic overpowered lol, the assasin's shock ability is much faster then the rock throwing that the shadow does. Assasin's have more of a chance to react and pull out force shroud. How is that balanced lol. Republic no where near overpowered.



yeah,as an example....i have a 46 sith sorcerer,i recently started a bounty hunter....but i was so used to rapid button pressing that i ended up,once it came to fighting enemy on my bounty hunter,spewing rockets in every directions and attracting a huge crowd of enemys....


the sith inquisitor not only has quickfire skills like shock,but things like skills which have a percentage chance at making chain lightning instant,or force lightning take half the time


it gets severely hard to balance all of the instant fire options


oh not to mention death feild...ive gotten used to using death feild as a nuke option...since it has no channeling and heals me slightly..with only a 15 second cooldown

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I PVP a lot on my chars and from my experience I've noticed a few things on each side.


I have 3 repubs atm, but only one 50, I have 8 Imps that were on a dead server before transfers that I'm now starting to enjoy PVPing on again with some 50s and 3 chars in their high forties. I almost always PUG so keep that in mind. I play enough that my chars are maxed in valor rank while lvl'ing.


Huttball. On my imp chars this WZ pops much more frequently than on repub. In my experience the extra number of played warzones favors Empire players in this particular warzone for this simple reason. More playtime = most people improve their understanding of tacts and their classes role on any given team. When PUGing Huttball losing is mostly to premades. If its a repub PUG vs Imp PUG forget about it. The Imp team annihilates the opposition unless the class balance is really bad.


The exact opposite holds true for Republic in Alderaan Civil War. When I first rolled a repub char on Tomb of Freedon Nadd I was amazed at how well people on that side communicate in Alderaan and Voidstar. Where my Imp experience was people running around like headless chickens, going for 3 turrets even if the team controls 2 already, often enabling the opposition to recap 2 turrets really fast because the Imps dunno or don't care to defend well. Also I noticed how often I would get Civil War on republic, as compared to Huttball. In my opinion much like stated above. The more played warzones the better any player gets. The communication even in PUG groups still stands out though as light years ahead of what I was used to on Imp side. When I PUG repub I always expect people to be serious about winning and care enough about objectives and tacts to be competitive. I wish the same held true on Imp side, but in my experience rarely. The 'let them win' syndrome of people giving up 30 seconds into a WZ is also completely absent on repub side, but really annoying on Empire. Much more negativity and frustration among players too. Rarely do I see repubs arguing or flaming each other. This happens a lot on my Empire chars.


Since most people rolled Empire at launch it means more players, but unfortunately also more bad players. So when PUGing you often end up with people just there to do nothing constructive except wait for the WZ to end and get their dailies over with. Seemed to me the afk'ers were much more frequent on Imp side too before the changes.


At 50 though this evens out a bit on both sides. Here team composition becomes much more essential to succes as well as individual skill, as it should.

Edited by kirdapeswtor
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OK, think of the word Fantasy. Fantasy is the word that aptly describes the term "Balance" in any MMO.


Balance is an elusive ever moving mark which no game will ever achieve that has combat power affected by Gear, Level, and Class. This is a case of Rock-Paper-Scissors. No class is going to equal it's corresponding class on the other faction e.g. trooper does not equal bounty hunter, smuggler does not equal agent, sage does not equal inquisitor. All of them have differences which make them unique.


Those differences are going to make each side play differently. Gear, skill tree choices, and player skill will also be factors. Team composition and teamwork plays a factor. (I.e. if one has poor gear, poor skill choices, bad team composition, and poor team play on one side it's going to seem like the other side is overpowered--cause it is, from the loser's point of view.)


There are lots of cases where Republic players have complained about the Sith being over powered. Face it when you're losing it's easier to say "gee they're over powered" than to admit you're a poor player and you're playing with clutzy team mates.

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  • 2 weeks later...
OK, think of the word Fantasy. Fantasy is the word that aptly describes the term "Balance" in any MMO.


Balance is an elusive ever moving mark which no game will ever achieve that has combat power affected by Gear, Level, and Class. This is a case of Rock-Paper-Scissors. No class is going to equal it's corresponding class on the other faction e.g. trooper does not equal bounty hunter, smuggler does not equal agent, sage does not equal inquisitor. All of them have differences which make them unique.


Those differences are going to make each side play differently. Gear, skill tree choices, and player skill will also be factors. Team composition and teamwork plays a factor. (I.e. if one has poor gear, poor skill choices, bad team composition, and poor team play on one side it's going to seem like the other side is overpowered--cause it is, from the loser's point of view.)


There are lots of cases where Republic players have complained about the Sith being over powered. Face it when you're losing it's easier to say "gee they're over powered" than to admit you're a poor player and you're playing with clutzy team mates.



i agree with you there and how the communication and tactics could be better for eitehr side. It jsut irritates me so much mostly when i see 5-6 sages or shadows or god knows what else in one match i mean it's stupid especialy with the ammount of CC abbilties that the conslar/smuggler has i could be cappign a torret or planting a bomb and get flashbanged, mind what ever about six- seven times before my resolve bar evenm oves a little.

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the republic are majorly over powred and they need nerfing. im sick of the emprie getting nerfed all the time especialy what they did to mercs in the 1.2 patch.


plus they need to restrict the ammoutn of classes allowed in a match it's stupid for their to be like 6-8 trooeprs or conslars or smuglers ect theirs no balance what so ever and its ridiculous


Sorry, but this just goes to show your level of understanding of the mechanics of this game.

They are 99.9% mirrors. Period.

Yah, damn BW, nerfing just mercs... really?

I PVP both sides, pre 50, and lvl 50. I can say with absolute truth that I have a winning record on both sides, and both lvl's. Trooper, PT, Assasin, Warrior, and many more. This is also pugs, not RWZ's. You and your emp side teammates need to get your poop together and start representing.



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