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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP: State of the Union


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WZs are fun...kind of. I have 2 battlemasters, and one working toward War hero..I will be honest I love PvP but man it is kinda dull doing the same thing over and over.


-If i recieved some credit for open world pvp on my PVP SERVER that would be great. How is it that i am on a pvp server and the only open world pvp i get is to grief low-level guys (semi-fun..sue me).


Are you not going to create SOMETHING that will improve pvp? Esp. Open world pvp?


(and i am not talking illum, that was all around to laggy, i am suggesting a place on each planet that will give WZ points during certain times of the day, or some other clever way to get people out and about)


I guess the problem is the game feels "locked" in. You are creating this new ranked WZ..but what player is going to play MORE WZs 1-2 months from now? Open the game up, let us in each others fleet, lets do something on these beautiful planets besides grind endless alts...


Is this really just a single player game masking itself as a MMO? if it is, then i will shut up, eat my cookies and go to bed.

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PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.

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PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.


Sad story. :(

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PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.


I completely agree, this is sad and unacceptable imo.

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PVP was neglected during development and BW has already admitted that. They didn't expect PVP to be such a large draw for so many. Pretty much all that's left to be honest is people who PVP primarily.


Now they're stuck trying to play catch up and they're slow to do so. Pop's are so low that there aren't even queues anymore and people are leaving in droves.


Open world pvp is not even on the radar right now, they have more pressing issues. Cross server queues would do a lot to alleviate some of these problems. Right now I cannot even get one WZ queue to pop all day long and thus I've had to resub reluctantly because I can't play the game anymore at all.


i left the server i was on in order to actually "play" i hit space bar through all the content, but i am happier i did becuase at least before i leave this game I can say i truely experienced it. It was fun, and lets be honest Star Wars is just awesome..but this game will go down in history as the best ideas never implemented or though ot...to bad they Didnt listen to thier player base.....we have been on the forums here for 2 years BEFORE the game came out..they should have known PvP is always the main draw. I love the game, but I give the WZ introductions to myself in my sleep...time to stop.

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4 WZ maps serving as the sum-total of PvP is hard to believe, given the endless PvE space and content implemented into the game. The same 4 maps do get old. Gonna be hard to keep the PvPers here over GW2, I would imagine.


If they could somehow activate world PvP, it would help for a while.

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Funny thing is that the name Star Wars has the word in the name that people want... WARS... There is no war in this game. The imps play their game and the pubs play a different one. Look at some of the maps of the different planets. You can almost draw a line between the two factions and the quests do not bring their paths to a crossing point. If they would have paid attention when they designed this game they could have seen that. That right there would have made a huge impact on the open World PVP in this game and I did not go to college for game design.


Here's something else they should have done. When the game launched there should have been more than 3 WZ's try more like 6 or even 8. This way people do not get as bored as fast. Being able to choose their wz would keep people playing the ones they like the most. Cross server ques would have meant that people could log in at almost any time of day and within a few minutes have a wz to play.


Don't see how that would have been so hard to figure out. More open world stuff could have been added as the game grew up. We could have seen large planet battles or player housing raids. Stuff like that is what people want. If they cant get the basics down within 6 months of release then I do not know how much more vocal the community could have been. We have been telling BW of these things since beta weekends even.

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World pvp is a hard thing to accomplish in MMO's. There's too many variables to be able to design on in my opinion. Usually it always ends up one sided.


I do hope they hurry though and at least give us something to alleviate these population issues in an emergency patch ASAP.


I'd like to stay but can't if I can't play and I don't see myself coming back if I find something else.


In regards to re-rolling, I have thought about doing that on Fatman but I don't feel I should have to be punished or have to go through leveling again just to be able to pvp. Also I've put a lot of work into my current character and I'd lose all that which is unbearable.


Perhaps they'll learn their lesson and pay more heed to pvp in their next MMO. Story driven MMO's are nice but what happens once you hit max level which is where the majority of the sustainable playerbase is?


I'd rather they didn't spend so much time on voice overs and spent more time on sustainable and replayable content. I find it odd that so many developers neglect the PVP community when it seems that they're the truly devoted and constant demographic.

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Mr OP, they HAD open world PVP. It was called Ilum. It was a disaster at launch and their subsequent patch later drove everyone away from there. They completely killed interested in Ilum when they REMOVED the daily and weekly quests for that area.




I know new subscribers don't know what happened before, but if I see another noob talking about how great open world PVP would be, I will scream. I wish they would sticky the threads about Illum then maybe people would stop asking for a dead theme.

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I hate referencing Wow but they have it right.. Server merges and cross server pvp is the answer.. Take 30 light servers and turn it into 15 medium servers. Make out a few battlegroups and POOF problem solved.. Except for the need to double the WZ map list.. This is a good game with alot of potential.. If only someone at BW would use their brains, or drop the pride enough to listen to their players, This game can still be saved......
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The mere arrogance and lack of transparency once they discovered how popular PVP

was has been astounding-and havent delivered.


They let the Alligator mouth overload their hummingbird *** -firguratively.

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Mr OP, they HAD open world PVP. It was called Ilum. It was a disaster at launch and their subsequent patch later drove everyone away from there. They completely killed interested in Ilum when they REMOVED the daily and weekly quests for that area.




I know new subscribers don't know what happened before, but if I see another noob talking about how great open world PVP would be, I will scream. I wish they would sticky the threads about Illum then maybe people would stop asking for a dead theme.


I was Around for Illum, The concept was great the implementation was poor. I have been part of other MMOs that did not dedicate areas, or try and use large "battle scenes" (with laggy text etc) to entice players. All you need is to give theplayers CREDIT (WZ comms) for open world pvp, then some small little objectives. for example..secure a piece of territory. = 25 WZ comms per 15 min, this is open for maybe 3 hours a day at various times..


no good? how about crafting nodes on each planet that offer (for the planet level) some pretty decent crafting materials that need to be fought over.


nope? How about letting up actually play together, we will come up with our own stuff..


still not good? Maybe hosting a pvp tournament once per month..


I can do this all night.


how about a single que skirmish teleporter in fleet that will allow you to get a small reward (maybe 25 comms) for fighting and beating someone in one on one with companions?


how about a little like wow? 2 vrs 2 etc..


player based cities that need to be defended. faction that controls it gets a crafting bonus..


player bounties any faction


space battles


space capture the flag


you get my point...some might be hard to implement others...come on..to easy.

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Problems with PvP.


- Shielding and armor should count in PvP, not just ignored. Why should items or talents be negated in PvP.


- Why do the defenders have ways to get back to what they are defending so easily? Void Star, you literally spawn on the doors you are defending. Only way to take a door is *gasp* multiple group knockbacks, stuns, roots or simply being outgeared vs. your opponents. Same with Civil War. Why is there a speeder that takes you right back to the left or right position. Every time you die, you take the speeder back to that position rather than having to run back from the middle spot. if you were at the middle spot, it would be easier for the attackers to stop people from going back via running to help take over the cannon. Instead, you get a steady of people just simply flying back to the base of the steps.


I am sure there are more but at work, no time to go listing them all.

Edited by Ngamok
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Funny thing is that the name Star Wars has the word in the name that people want... WARS... There is no war in this game. The imps play their game and the pubs play a different one. Look at some of the maps of the different planets. You can almost draw a line between the two factions and the quests do not bring their paths to a crossing point. If they would have paid attention when they designed this game they could have seen that. That right there would have made a huge impact on the open World PVP in this game and I did not go to college for game design.


Here's something else they should have done. When the game launched there should have been more than 3 WZ's try more like 6 or even 8. This way people do not get as bored as fast. Being able to choose their wz would keep people playing the ones they like the most. Cross server ques would have meant that people could log in at almost any time of day and within a few minutes have a wz to play.


Don't see how that would have been so hard to figure out. More open world stuff could have been added as the game grew up. We could have seen large planet battles or player housing raids. Stuff like that is what people want. If they cant get the basics down within 6 months of release then I do not know how much more vocal the community could have been. We have been telling BW of these things since beta weekends even.


Perfectly said!!! ^^^^^^^^:D

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here's my thoughts on the PvP front.


what games are successful "PvP driven" games? CoD, BF3, WoW (WG+wz's), etc.


create games, matches, maps, objectives based on the success of these games. capture the flag, defusing bombs, objectives, etc. i guess it would be called...content?


more that click and defend.


how bout some imperial and repub bases set up in "enemy territory" that when destroyed offer comms/stims as rewards. each class needs to play a part. (i.e. SWG base busting) smugg needs to break the lock, jc moves some boulders blocking a tunnel, trooper accesses the override commands, jk disables the tractor beam (EP3...GDI this is SW's!! use the content they have provided!!)


check this one out...


Nar Shadda Casino. open world, NEUTRAL spot that people can go to trade wares, talk smack, play sabaac, meet the opposing side, gamble, dueling rings (that gurlan dude STILL has 2 fingers (kotor)...and that just doesn't sit right w/ me), etc.


all of these activites will reward social comms. used to buy orange gear, weaps...UNIQUE (and not effing ridiculously ugly crap) looking gear that people will enjoy wearing...(um...CRIMSON MANDO ARMOR?!! that's why i didn't play my BH at launch..i was pissed it was left out of the game...)


it's pretty easy, in my mind.


you give people stuff to do, a place to do it, and the ability to do it safely, or dangerously if they so choose (pvp servers), and GOOD, VALUABLE rewards for doing it.


this game needs PvP content...i just gave it to you.


think outside the box, yet keep what has a proven track record at the forefront.


-more WZ's with multiple game modes (ctf, tdm, objective based, plant/defuse, destroy walkers, etc.)

-community and socialization!! i have a few arch enemies...only cus i know they are good pvp'rs.

-fun, useful, GOOD LOOKING social/pvp gear

-stop nerfs/over balancing...pre 1.2 was pretty dang good, tbh.



if people have nothing to do, nothing to work for, or the same crap everyday, they will quit.

Edited by T-Assassin
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here's my thoughts on the PvP front.


what games are successful "PvP driven" games? CoD, BF3, WoW (WG+wz's), etc.


create games, matches, maps, objectives based on the success of these games. capture the flag, defusing bombs, objectives, etc. i guess it would be called...content?


more that click and defend.


how bout some imperial and repub bases set up in "enemy territory" that when destroyed offer comms/stims as rewards. each class needs to play a part. (i.e. SWG base busting) smugg needs to break the lock, jc moves some boulders blocking a tunnel, trooper accesses the override commands, jk disables the tractor beam (EP3...GDI this is SW's!! use the content they have provided!!)


check this one out...


Nar Shadda Casino. open world, NEUTRAL spot that people can go to trade wares, talk smack, play sabaac, meet the opposing side, gamble, dueling rings (that gurlan dude STILL has 2 fingers (kotor)...and that just doesn't sit right w/ me), etc.


all of these activites will reward social comms. used to buy orange gear, weaps...UNIQUE (and not effing ridiculously ugly crap) looking gear that people will enjoy wearing...(um...CRIMSON MANDO ARMOR?!! that's why i didn't play my BH at launch..i was pissed it was left out of the game...)


it's pretty easy, in my mind.


you give people stuff to do, a place to do it, and the ability to do it safely, or dangerously if they so choose (pvp servers), and GOOD, VALUABLE rewards for doing it.


this game needs PvP content...i just gave it to you.


think outside the box, yet keep what has a proven track record at the forefront.


-more WZ's with multiple game modes (ctf, tdm, objective based, plant/defuse, destroy walkers, etc.)

-community and socialization!! i have a few arch enemies...only cus i know they are good pvp'rs.

-fun, useful, GOOD LOOKING social/pvp gear

-stop nerfs/over balancing...pre 1.2 was pretty dang good, tbh.



if people have nothing to do, nothing to work for, or the same crap everyday, they will quit.


Nar Shadda Casino. open world, NEUTRAL spot that people can go to trade wares, talk smack, play sabaac, meet the opposing side, gamble, dueling rings (that gurlan dude STILL has 2 fingers (kotor)...and that just doesn't sit right w/ me), etc.



THIS IS A GREAT IDEA. i loved being able to talk with my enemies, duel, etc.

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WZs are played out and tired. Just adding one new WZ wasn't near enough. BW truncated OPvP from this game in Imp Wars 1.2 and forced everyone into Instanced PvP. If you are going to do something like that, you need 10-12 WZs in place at least, with a variety of team makeups, 10v10, 12v12, 16v16, not just three with the constant 8v8 setup.


OPvP has absolutely no chance in this game now due to faction imbalance. While I agree that everyone should be permitted to play the way they want, on whatever side they want, there should have been better planning for OPvP situations involving factions with population disparities.


For the future, the only thing BW can really do in my estimation is implement Cross-Server WZ Queues asap and eliminate factions entirely. Those two steps would at least give all players the option to PvP in the WZ funnel while other changes are made. Faction elimination would create the opportunity down the road to have some substantial OPvP options in this game and would keep peeps with Pub mains playing since right now queue conditions are even worse for them than on Imp side.


Of course, I'm not just going to wait around and hope this stuff happens. I'm already playing D3 and will be in GW2 when it releases. Haven't cancelled my sub yet, but I'm certainly on the fence.


Ohlen did speak up about PvP in a recent article, but he seemed completely ignorant of the state of PvP in his own game. This was not encouraging to me so I'm not expecting much. I originally intended to enjoy and play this game for years. Would be sad if I end up leaving just after a few months.

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I don't see PvP going anywhere tbh, once GW2 is released I think a good number of remaining PvP people will leave for it. The leaving leaving it till 12 hours prior to 1.2 to announce there will be no rateds really hurt them, those people that resubbed for the rateds were basically robbed so I doubt many if any will come back even when they are released. Lets face it the knew well before 12 hours rateds weren't ready and it was nothing more then a scam/money grab.


Its unfortunate but they have brought this upon themselves, sure some people will stick around but the vast majority will leave or have left never to return.

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I want a Star Wars AV that forces us to mow down 50 to 100 storm troopers on our way to summon a Walker. While doing this I want to have pvp against the other side. I like large skill pvp but War Zones are always more fun because it's not a guild zerg fest.
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I want a Star Wars AV that forces us to mow down 50 to 100 storm troopers on our way to summon a Walker. While doing this I want to have pvp against the other side. I like large skill pvp but War Zones are always more fun because it's not a guild zerg fest.


HAHA, now that would be pretty cool

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I love world pvp but name a game that has done world pvp well in the last 10 years please? BW focus on cross server q's and get them in within the next month or lose many many many more players. Even pver'rs like to pvp sometimes.


Fix it now!

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I love world pvp but name a game that has done world pvp well in the last 10 years please? BW focus on cross server q's and get them in within the next month or lose many many many more players. Even pver'rs like to pvp sometimes.


Fix it now!


I think SWG did it right in the beginning. i had a blast.

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I love world pvp but name a game that has done world pvp well in the last 10 years please? BW focus on cross server q's and get them in within the next month or lose many many many more players. Even pver'rs like to pvp sometimes.


Fix it now!


To be fair, Tarren Mill was always a hot spot even before they implemented a lot of open world pvp areas in WoW. I played on a very unbalanced server and there was still always something going on in Arathi Highlands.

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The problem is that the so-called pro hardcore pvp crowd bellyached and whined the loudest about the best effort at open world pvp yet--the Rakghoul plague. They only want they're carefully controlled warzones. With the rollback on the 1.2 reward structure for pvp, I'm hoping BW doesn't revert to pandering to this crowd and shelve open world in favor of more warzones, which really are nothing more than minigames.
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