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Cross-server pvp queues..... Now bioware....


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cancelled my sub today cuz i cant waste money standing around the fleet all day and there's absolutely ZERO feedback from bioware about any concerns that are brought up by their paying customers........MERGE SERVERS NOW, CROSS SERVER Q'S NOW.....


^ This exactly. Did the same with my sub today as well. Until server populations are fixed somehow I'm not paying for a single player game.

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This game is so good on so many levels but theres just nobody to play with. Lots of servers are good in the long run when were are older and bigger, but BIoware has to let us get there first. As it is now we have our population spread too thin to do anything. Nobody to do flashpoints with, nobody to wz with. And its not that we cant find them, they simply arent there. We need cross server for pvp and mergers for pve


WE need pvp cross server NOW, not 1.3, not post 1.3 but NOW.

Edited by supafreak
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EA knows the game is dying and so they have decided to ignore the game and stop spending any money improving it. Of course they are not telling us this because this would outrage the people paying monthly subscriptions for a game where we get 4 or 5 war zones a day on most servers. What EA is not considering in their business calculation is that MMO gamers will remember this and EA will now have no chance of ever entering the MMO market again (I suppose they will try and just blame this entirely on Bioware). EA losing out on an entire genre that includes some of the most profitable games will hurt them in the long run.
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EA knows the game is dying and so they have decided to ignore the game and stop spending any money improving it. Of course they are not telling us this because this would outrage the people paying monthly subscriptions for a game where we get 4 or 5 war zones a day on most servers. What EA is not considering in their business calculation is that MMO gamers will remember this and EA will now have no chance of ever entering the MMO market again (I suppose they will try and just blame this entirely on Bioware). EA losing out on an entire genre that includes some of the most profitable games will hurt them in the long run.


This is probably VERY accurate. Which makes me very sad. I really did enjoy this game a lot and met a bunch of cool people. To bad a lot of them don't play anymore cause there is nothing to do.


I for one will be cancelling my subscription if cross server ques/server mergers are not included in 1.3. That's assuming I keep playing long enough for them to announce 1.3...

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Bumped. We are waiting 20 minutes for each wz pop and I think we are actually lucky considering what I'm hearing from others. It used to be a few minutes at worst a month ago.


I love this game. The lore, the graphics, the background music even. I want it to stay. I want to keep playing.


Cross server is needed badly.



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Yesterday I logged for about 4 hours and in that time I only had 1 lvl 50 wz pop. Very sad indeed!


Today lvl 50 wz's were popping but it was always 4 v 8 which makes for a sad and pointless pvp experience. I ran around Corelia and there was literally 1 other person on planet besides myself. It is really hard to enjoy any lvl 50 content (which is lacking anyway) when there is literally nobody to play with. I actually considered joining some old friends in WOW again (and I cringe at that thought) but at least it is a healthy community. I play with my 14 year old son, but even he has stopped logging in like he used to.


The sad thing is that no Dev has chimed in at all to address the issue. Hell Eve online devs would have been in the thread at least by the second page to tell us something. I love the game and want to continue playing it, but not if there is no one to play it with. My brother wants to get the game, but I told him to hold off as the game is dead and/or dying atm which loses EA/BW another paying customer, which is really sad, sad, sad!

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Same story on Luka Sene. I've stopped playing my main, since the WZs take too long to pop and I've already spent too too much time jumping around the fleet. My solution so far has been to level my alts while in constant queue for pvp. This way I get into a WZ almost every day...


As someone said before me, I can't motivate the monthly subscription for a game if I can't play it properly.

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Warriors of the Shadow (which used to consistently have high pop btw) averages around 45 mins to pop the 50 WZs. Sometimes it takes me longer, sometimes shorter but, avg 45. Other's may have different avgs then me though. I've seen others complain that they haven't had a pop in over an hour.


You would think that putting the servers up from the start with the ABILITY to flip on cross server from the start would have been priority. At the very least, on the list of launch options for this very reason. I really don't believe that all of these issues are a complete surprise to a company wanting to enter the MMO game.

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They are saying nothing about it, because they are not intending to implement cross server warzones queues in the near future. Someone from Bioware stated previously that it was something they were "thinking about", which pretty much means there is nothing in the pipeline.


Personally, I would say it would be at least 12 months away before cross server queues were even ready to test. They have more pets to implement you know!

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Huge issue. Simple solution. Low pop server mergers = keep the existing sub base with a chance to grow. I am told by tech heads that server mergers are a simple thing. Maybe like someone stated somewhere in this thread EA/BW have already covered their dev cost and just don't care to put in the effort.



I think the major issue is that EA/BW have no comprehension of the percentage of their sub base that pvp. I for one would like to see graphs comparing log time either in pvp que or in wz to everything else for characters at max level. They have stated often their surprise at the interest in swtor pvp. Until they realize it is as pivotal as any other aspect of the game in regards to keeping their sub base happy not much will change.


So the problem is two fold.... low pop servers without cross server pvp que = pissed off eventual unsubbers.... and more importantly getting BW to take their head out of their arse and wipe their eyes off and admit this is a BIG issue.

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Huge issue. Simple solution. Low pop server mergers = keep the existing sub base with a chance to grow. I am told by tech heads that server mergers are a simple thing. Maybe like someone stated somewhere in this thread EA/BW have already covered their dev cost and just don't care to put in the effort.



I think the major issue is that EA/BW have no comprehension of the percentage of their sub base that pvp. I for one would like to see graphs comparing log time either in pvp que or in wz to everything else for characters at max level. They have stated often their surprise at the interest in swtor pvp. Until they realize it is as pivotal as any other aspect of the game in regards to keeping their sub base happy not much will change.


So the problem is two fold.... low pop servers without cross server pvp que = pissed off eventual unsubbers.... and more importantly getting BW to take their head out of their arse and wipe their eyes off and admit this is a BIG issue.


I have no idea why BW doesn't see this issue has the highest priority at the moment.

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Hex Droid EU dead as any other PvP server. There's only one populated PvP server on each region (fatmanUS, tombEU, and some asia + RP-PvP possibly).


I just can't PvP anymore, even while on a free month, no reason to log in to do nothing. And when the transfers come, I don't think they'll make it before the end of this month, so without some free play time added then, I honestly don't know how BW's gona save this ship from sinking...Bad. I mean this is reality (not flaming). Or did it sink already?

Edited by SneiK
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What i can say is i have taken note of who the leads on this game are and make sure they are not involved when i move on to something else. I will make sure i stay away from Ea and Bioware as best i can as well.


If this is the best team in pvp and mmo history i would hate to see the worst.

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Krayiss Obelisk has not had a single warzone match today.... 6 hours in a 50s queue, and not a single call for a warzone. Is D3 a major reason for this? It shouldn't be, but it is. If D3 has become that much of a reason as to completely halt facets of gameplay on a server (or servers), then it needs to be looked at with a sense of urgency.


Bioware Development Team, I'm directly calling you out with this thread. You are not listening to your clientele when it comes to solutions that will enrich gameplay, and keep those who are otherwise dropping their subscriptions to go play other MMOs, to stay and enjoy what you have to offer within this game. Cross-server PvP queues are one of those solutions, and it needed to be implemented with 1.2. Put your development minds together,and make it happen with the next patch.


My challenge to the subbers: I encourage everyone who wants Bioware to make the above requested change by the next patch, to bump this thread. Will it become flagged? Probably. Will it be removed? Likely. Will it be noticed? Definitely.


Make it happen.


Bumped! This truly needs to happen right now. I personally have no plans to re-sub until some changes are made to this effect.

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I agree with this thread, this needs to be a priority for Bioware.


I also cancelled my subscription. I hope Bioware fixes this before many of our subscriptions run out, because I know many of us will be done with this game for good if they don't. :mad:

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