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Sorcerer 1v1 guide vs Sent/Mara!


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damn thats pretty quick! good quide bro. I run 0/7/34. I averege 400k dps 150k heals. Heals coming from bubbling team mates getting attacked. but Maras/Sents and assasins/shadow were beating me 1 on 1.


I wasnt whirlwinding in the begining, so I'm gonna try that. Also Ive never used LS. I always used shock, because of no timer. Should I start using it instead?


Can you do assasins next? the ones that can grapple you.

would be awesome!


again, thanks bro. good looking out =)

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Before people get too excited, list you stats so they know what they need to be able to get those hits.


In any case, with all else near equal the outcome is usually dependent on who gets to open first.


Mara: Should be in Force Camo and he opens first on you,


Powertech: Should be Pyro and start the duel in melee range so he gets the perma snare on you and has a stun and grapple ready.


After all that try simulating an actual PvP environment so assume knock back is on CD for example and let him open on you then.

Edited by Cempa
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Before people get too excited, list you stats so they know what they need to be able to get those hits.


In any case, with all else near equal the outcome is usually dependent on who gets to open first.


Mara: Should be in Force Camo and he opens first on you,


Powertech: Should be Pyro and start the duel in melee range so he gets the perma snare on you and has a stun and grapple ready.


After all that try simulating an actual PvP environment so assume knock back is on CD for example and let him open on you then.



People like to say that in this fight the Sent should start with force camo, but that simply not the case. All the sorc has to do is run in the opposite direction for 4 seconds and then the Mara is in the same situation as he was at the start, only down important cooldown.

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Are you an economist?


He moves 50% faster for 6 sec assuming he is Annihilation, he will catch you.


If you want to fight a Marauder, fight one who knows how to play:


You should not get a single cast off against such a Marauder, not one.


Rupture and now you are snared the entire fight for 50% movement speed.


Unless you are speced for dispel in healing its over.


Stun him he breaks it.

Knock back root he AE CC you as soon as he sees the animation which takes an eternity or Force Choke you.


Before Knock Back CD is up you are dead.


Anything with a cast time will get interrupted.


Those are the players you should be facing in Rated unless they have all gone to other games by now then do what these guides assume will happen!

Edited by Cempa
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Are you an economist?


He moves 50% faster for 6 sec assuming he is Annihilation, he will catch you.


If you want to fight a Marauder, fight one who knows how to play:


You should not get a single cast off against such a Marauder, not one.


Rupture and now you are snared the entire fight for 50% movement speed.


Unless you are speced for dispel in healing its over.


Stun him he breaks it.

Knock back root he AE CC you as soon as he sees the animation which takes an eternity or Force Choke you.


Before Knock Back CD is up you are dead.


Anything with a cast time will get interrupted.


Those are the players you should be facing in Rated unless they have all gone to other games by now then do what these guides assume will happen!


This is some of the most garbage theory craft i have ever seen. Apparently you don't have force speed don't have force slow, don't have whirlwind, and on't have a cc breaker of your own.

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This is some of the most garbage theory craft i have ever seen. Apparently you don't have force speed don't have force slow, don't have whirlwind, and on't have a cc breaker of your own.


Why don't you go level a Marauder if you can even play melee in PvP! Do you have any clue what abilities they have? You think I am going to sit here and list everything they can do!


It makes no difference if you have Force Slow or not, you are perma snared

It makes no difference if you have Force Speed you will get CC'd when you use it or he will simple charge you.

It makes no difference if you get to cast a heal or two as you have healing debuff on you for the entire fight.

It make no difference if by some miracle you do get distance he will use Predation for a movement buff that will more than close any gap your imagination may create.


....and do you know how much execute hits for genius?


...just in case you are still disillusioned here is another thing they will do when they are low on hp:


Undying Rage:


Spends 50% of current health to grant 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.




Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to go Berserk. Lasts for 6 charges. This effect varies based on your current lightsaber form:


Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your bleed attacks by 100% and causes bleed damage to heal your party for 1% of max health each tick.


I won't go deeper because I don't feel like it but at this point he just got back a HUGE chunk of his HP back and he most likely used the blue healing consumable.


1v1 he will never need to even use those CD's above, but just in case he needed, you are still very dead...


Edit: I can't wait to see his Powertech Pyro 1v1 guide..its gonna really good.


In 1v1 you can win but not as pure DPS..just will never happen..you need to invest more points into healing.

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Why don't you go level a Marauder if you can even play melee in PvP! Do you have any clue what abilities they have? You think I am going to sit here and list everything they can do!


It makes no difference if you have Force Slow or not, you are perma snared

It makes no difference if you have Force Speed you will get CC'd when you use it or he will simple charge you.

It makes no difference if you get to cast a heal or two as you have healing debuff on you for the entire fight.

It make no difference if by some miracle you do get distance he will use Predation for a movement buff that will more than close any gap your imagination may create.


....and do you know how much execute hits for genius?


...just in case you are still disillusioned here is another thing they will do when they are low on hp:


Undying Rage:


Spends 50% of current health to grant 99% damage reduction for 5 seconds.




Requires and converts 30 stacks of Fury to go Berserk. Lasts for 6 charges. This effect varies based on your current lightsaber form:


Juyo Form: Increases the critical chance of your bleed attacks by 100% and causes bleed damage to heal your party for 1% of max health each tick.


I won't go deeper because I don't feel like it but at this point he just got back a HUGE chunk of his HP back and he most likely used the blue healing consumable.


1v1 he will never need to even use those CD's above, but just in case he needed, you are still very dead...


Edit: I can't wait to see his Powertech Pyro 1v1 guide..its gonna really good.


In 1v1 you can win but not as pure DPS..just will never happen..you need to invest more points into healing.


Sorcs have more gap openers then Sents have gap closers.


And a madness speced sorc is the toughest match up in the game for a Watchman sent, bar none.

You know why I know this? Because I play a sent, not a sorc.


this is obviously a l2p issue on your end bro. Im not saying that to be mean, or snarky, Im saying it with the earnest hope that you put in the work, get better at your class, and stop making nerf threads.

Edited by LiveandDieinLA
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The video everyone is watching is obviously a duel... that should be taken with a grain of salt.


It is NOT a representation of what happens in a WZ.

Edited by whattt
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Sorcs have more gap openers then Sents have gap closers.


And a madness speced sorc is the toughest match up in the game for a Watchman sent, bar none.

You know why I know this? Because I play a sent, not a sorc.


this is obviously a l2p issue on your end bro. Im not saying that to be mean, or snarky, Im saying it with the earnest hope that you put in the work, get better at your class, and stop making nerf threads.


Actually the fact that you can't kill a sorc with your sent tells us all we need to know.

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I very much appreciate the video Remedy.


Remedy I noticed in your video that once you saw the marauder/sent invis you ran in the opposite direction until the ability wore off. What do you do if the objective you are trying to control is opposite of the direction you must run to avoid the marauder/sent?


Also, toe to toe, how long do you last?


From the video it took you around 45 secs to kite the marauder/sent and kill him. I think if you went toe to toe you could probably down 1/2 his HP, die, then down the last 1/2 his HP within 45 secs... why wasn't that a viable option in your demonstration?


I'm not trying to be rude, seriously, it's a viable option given the pace of the game and the fact that WZ's are all objective based.

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As a Marauder if you are not able to kill an equally geared Sorcerer within seconds you really have no idea how to play your class at all. The only Sorcerer that can win is a healing Sorcerer.


31 Madness is rubbish unless you plan to lure the Marauder away and spend the next 2min to 3 min killing him -if he is somewhat clueless about class mechanics- during AN OBJECTIVE BASED GAME!


Let that sink in for a minute as the concept of objective based PvP has alluded you.


Its sad really, the amount of Marauders I see today in WZ that are just bad, really bad is astonishing.

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As a Marauder if you are not able to kill an equally geared Sorcerer within seconds you really have no idea how to play your class at all. The only Sorcerer that can win is a healing Sorcerer.


31 Madness is rubbish unless you plan to lure the Marauder away and spend the next 2min to 3 min killing him -if he is somewhat clueless about class mechanics- during AN OBJECTIVE BASED GAME!


Let that sink in for a minute as the concept of objective based PvP has alluded you.


Its sad really, the amount of Marauders I see today in WZ that are just bad, really bad is astonishing.


Is it just me or everyone who sees all that kiting is barely realistic in a real WZ situation? I mean to stay true to the "current design" of sorc class you are running AWAY from the objective in order to STOP your enemies going to the objective without getting yourself killed.


And damn it took forever for you to kill a single marauder without anything else attacking you... especially when you are the lightly armored target that everyone loves to score their 5k+ crit on.

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Is it just me or everyone who sees all that kiting is barely realistic in a real WZ situation? I mean to stay true to the "current design" of sorc class you are running AWAY from the objective in order to STOP your enemies going to the objective without getting yourself killed.


And damn it took forever for you to kill a single marauder without anything else attacking you... especially when you are the lightly armored target that everyone loves to score their 5k+ crit on.


Very true, people seem to forget your point, WZ's in this game are objective based. The issue is current WZ game play is so bad people can ignore objectives and still win, thus this skewed view of what a Sorcerer can and can not do in PvP.

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Just to throw a caution out there, most of the tactics in this video will not work against a well played Combat/Carnage (Middle Tree) Sent/Mara. They have better mobility and will constantly be on top of you with roots and burst dps.
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There is something that is being missed by the people who say kiting is pointless in an objective based game. It is the simple fact that successful kiting is win-win for the kiter. Here's why:


-if they follow you, then you are pulling them away from their objective. You win.

-if they do not follow you, then they are farther away from you, making it easier to kill them. You win.

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There is something that is being missed by the people who say kiting is pointless in an objective based game. It is the simple fact that successful kiting is win-win for the kiter. Here's why:


-if they follow you, then you are pulling them away from their objective. You win.

-if they do not follow you, then they are farther away from you, making it easier to kill them. You win.


If you are kiting you are also taking yourself away from the objective and not helping your team. Flawed logic is flawed.

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Sorcs have more gap openers then Sents have gap closers.


And a madness speced sorc is the toughest match up in the game for a Watchman sent, bar none.

You know why I know this? Because I play a sent, not a sorc.


this is obviously a l2p issue on your end bro. Im not saying that to be mean, or snarky, Im saying it with the earnest hope that you put in the work, get better at your class, and stop making nerf threads.


Sounds like it's a l2p issue for you, since you're the one saying that you can't beat madness sorcs- while any competent marauder is chewing them and spitting them out on a regular basis. Who would I trust- the one who's saying "I'm good because I get torn apart by a terrible class" or the ones saying "I'm good and dominate sorcs with ease".


Maybe you should actually see how the sorc plays at max level against good WH geared classes before you act like you have any clue about the class- because you clearly do not.


As someone who has a 50 sorc and a 50 marauder- it's extremely obvious that the marauder is far superior in every way- I don't even compare marauders to sorcs, might as well compare them to snipers, sins, PTs, juggs and op healers. Mercs, sorcs and dps ops are not part of the real pvp game right now- they're a sad joke that at best has some one trick pony ability for some situations (like extricate in huttball).

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There is something that is being missed by the people who say kiting is pointless in an objective based game. It is the simple fact that successful kiting is win-win for the kiter. Here's why:


-if they follow you, then you are pulling them away from their objective. You win.

-if they do not follow you, then they are farther away from you, making it easier to kill them. You win.


You've also kited yourself away from the objective- so, you're still useless. Kiting grants you mild ability to be a pest- but ultimately it takes you away from where you should be dealing damage/healing.


With centralized objective areas- that's a terrible mechanic to rely on, and it's why sorcs/sages are pretty much useless.

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Sounds like it's a l2p issue for you, since you're the one saying that you can't beat madness sorcs- while any competent marauder is chewing them and spitting them out on a regular basis. Who would I trust- the one who's saying "I'm good because I get torn apart by a terrible class" or the ones saying "I'm good and dominate sorcs with ease".


Maybe you should actually see how the sorc plays at max level against good WH geared classes before you act like you have any clue about the class- because you clearly do not.


As someone who has a 50 sorc and a 50 marauder- it's extremely obvious that the marauder is far superior in every way- I don't even compare marauders to sorcs, might as well compare them to snipers, sins, PTs, juggs and op healers. Mercs, sorcs and dps ops are not part of the real pvp game right now- they're a sad joke that at best has some one trick pony ability for some situations (like extricate in huttball).


The other guy was right, you're wrong. Madness is the toughest matchup for an annihilation marauder outside, maybe a better-geared tankassin. Madness is not that tough of a matchup for carnage though unless his ranged root is on cooldown when he opens.

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