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D3 killed the PvP Queue


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As titled, there aren't any PvP matches going on this morning at all for 50 and under 50.


However, I am still strongly in favor of BW implementing cross server with rated PvP than to just roll-out cross server on its own. Winning is boring when you slaughter the other side, and the reverse is true when you get wiped by a pre-made. Especially frustrating when your teammate don't bother calling out inc... or until it's being capped. I am hoping rated would put some of these people that doesn't belong in a competitive WZ in their own bracket.

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As titled, there aren't any PvP matches going on this morning at all for 50 and under 50.


However, I am still strongly in favor of BW implementing cross server with rated PvP than to just roll-out cross server on its own. Winning is boring when you slaughter the other side, and the reverse is true when you get wiped by a pre-made. Especially frustrating when your teammate don't bother calling out inc... or until it's being capped. I am hoping rated would put some of these people that doesn't belong in a competitive WZ in their own bracket.


Phew... glad it's my job ruining my day and not queue times...

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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?

With a shovel.


Or at least that's the rumor around.


Personally, i have played both D1 and 2, and don't have the slightest interest in D3, not even as a single player experience.

Edited by Dmasterr
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After waiting 20 minutes to be able to create a character on D3 this morning (due to them not handling the traffic), I played for about 2 minutes.

I got bored with D3 already. The view appears to be locked in the position, can't rotate it. I can't even zoom in. My toon is about 1/2 an inch tall.

Maybe you can rotate and zoom, I wouldn't know since the user manual is not even implemented yet.

D3 appears to be a money grab. SWTOR is 1000 times better.


Maybe GW2 will be different, but I don't see D3 having any type of sustaining effect on SWTOR. It is literally D2 with updated graphics. Even with updated graphics, it is already outdated. I see no point in even buying it, I already regret my decision. If you still play D2, keep playing it. If you quit D2 12 years ago because it was boring, don't bother buying D3.

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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


It's not a monthly sub. I have actually heard people say that. Same with GW2. They will switch because you don't have to pay a monthly sub.


Not that I want swtor to be f2p...but at this point, it can't hurt.

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I don't think D3 is THAT popular, not compared to TERA and GW2, I've played D1 and D2, not at all interested in D3.


Are you serious lol?!


You're comparing Diablo with MMO's. :D Hahahaha.


P.S. D3 is from blizzard so.... it's definitely more popular than those 2 games you've mentioned.

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Are you serious lol?!


You're comparing Diablo with MMO's. :D Hahahaha.


P.S. D3 is from blizzard so.... it's definitely more popular than those 2 games you've mentioned.


I brought D3 I was expecting something better then Beta, but its kinda disappointing.

It just D2 with better graphics and animation.

The only thing I'm looking follow is earning extra cash.



I guess its a like Iphone 4 thingy. anything much new expect better specs but massive amount of ppl just buy it due to trend.

Edited by EugeneYap
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It's not a monthly sub. I have actually heard people say that. Same with GW2. They will switch because you don't have to pay a monthly sub.


Not that I want swtor to be f2p...but at this point, it can't hurt.


I guess my point is if people play swtor for PvP why would they switch to a game that won't have PvP? I only PvP, no FPs for me. Going to D3 just wouldn't be logical for a player like myself free or not.


BW needs to get their act together, but I've seen videos of GW2, D3, and Tera and they all seem lackluster. GW2 just looks horrible. D3 is not a PvP game. Tera is run by Koreans.


I've been attached to these forums for a long time now and the same issues are spoken on time and time again. Fixing these issues would greatly improve the game quality: too much CC, TTK is too short, cross server queuing is a must, and some kind of open world PvP. Fix these issues and this game would be untouchable compared to other MMOs.

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After waiting 20 minutes to be able to create a character on D3 this morning (due to them not handling the traffic), I played for about 2 minutes.

I got bored with D3 already. The view appears to be locked in the position, can't rotate it. I can't even zoom in. My toon is about 1/2 an inch tall.

Maybe you can rotate and zoom, I wouldn't know since the user manual is not even implemented yet.

D3 appears to be a money grab. SWTOR is 1000 times better.


Maybe GW2 will be different, but I don't see D3 having any type of sustaining effect on SWTOR. It is literally D2 with updated graphics. Even with updated graphics, it is already outdated. I see no point in even buying it, I already regret my decision. If you still play D2, keep playing it. If you quit D2 12 years ago because it was boring, don't bother buying D3.


That is how I feel right now. but still Swtor is still on thin ice. depends how are they going give in to QQs right now.

If they listen base on QQs I'm leaving, if they dun I will stay even after GW2 release

Edited by EugeneYap
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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


Straw that broke the camels back? Not everyone that PvP's is a hardcore PvPer that only plays games with PvP. A lot of people like to play new games when they come out (like Skyrim, ME3, etc) and will spend the 1st week or 2 of those games release playing those new games, rather than their primary game - in this case SWtOR.


Now, that being the case and you combine the servers already being low with a lot more people leaving (even if they originally only intended for it to be a week or two), you have servers that are even MORE dead. Queue times that go from long to non-existant. People that were on the verge of quitting before (but aren't interested in whatever X new game is) may hit their tipping point and go back to their old game just so they have an active server with pvp.


By itself Diablo probably won't "kill" SWtOR, but it can certainly help the situation along by escalating a serious situation that the dev's don't seem to be solving as quickly as they may need to (with server merges and cross server queues).

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How would a game that will not have competitive PvP and balanced only around PvE kill swtor PvP?


Freshness factor...


And killing stuff in PvP doesn't feel much different than in PvE these days... I've been active in PvP since the beginning, doing my 3 wins a day per character. Now-a-days, I don't recognize 2/3 of the people playing it any more. Cutting down fresh meat is no different than killing an NPC... except the fresh meat gets discouraged and QQ about X class being OP... and me QQing about them not calling out inc and doesn't understand objective of the WZ. Denova is awesome that way in that you can have 6+ people fighting on the node, and not one person bother to stop a long range cap. Yes, let's all ignore that guy channeling with a light beam pointing to the control.

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Are you serious lol?!


You're comparing Diablo with MMO's. :D Hahahaha.


P.S. D3 is from blizzard so.... it's definitely more popular than those 2 games you've mentioned.


No, I'm comparing games that are recently released, in beta stage or coming out.

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D3 is the new thing and everyone wants to play today and nexts days in a insanely way. Ever happens the same thing. In 1-2 weeks things will return to its normal status


Specially considering that D3 doesnt have PVP many people will return soon to play PVP on SWTOR.

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After waiting 20 minutes to be able to create a character on D3 this morning (due to them not handling the traffic), I played for about 2 minutes.

I got bored with D3 already. The view appears to be locked in the position, can't rotate it. I can't even zoom in. My toon is about 1/2 an inch tall.

Maybe you can rotate and zoom, I wouldn't know since the user manual is not even implemented yet.

D3 appears to be a money grab. SWTOR is 1000 times better.


Maybe GW2 will be different, but I don't see D3 having any type of sustaining effect on SWTOR. It is literally D2 with updated graphics. Even with updated graphics, it is already outdated. I see no point in even buying it, I already regret my decision. If you still play D2, keep playing it. If you quit D2 12 years ago because it was boring, don't bother buying D3.


Well Dur Diablo isn't a real MMO. If you were expecting an MMO with Diablo...

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Dunno what server you guys play on, but on my server, it's basically normal to not have any pvp queues from 12 am up until around 12 in the afternoon on week days.


So, in other words, pvp was already dead in this game.

Edited by Celebrus
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