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I Miss Georg Zoeller


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Georg Zoeller is an amazing asset to BioWare. His posts on the forums have always been spot-on and gave us a really good look at how BioWare manages the game, what they think about, what metrics they use... very cool and interesting stuff.


I miss his posts (he last posted on 20 April). :(

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Maybe if we say his name backwards, we can summon him.
Or offer up fine cheeses in appeasement. Either that or stinky cheeses.

Fine stinky cheeses?



Ah, just go with a Firehouse Sub and call it a day.

Edited by HeavensAgent
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Georg Zoeller is an amazing asset to BioWare. His posts on the forums have always been spot-on and gave us a really good look at how BioWare manages the game, what they think about, what metrics they use... very cool and interesting stuff.


I miss his posts (he last posted on 20 April). :(


And yet most of it utterly useless BS that has been disproven quite often.

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And yet most of it utterly useless BS that has been disproven quite often.


BS - I doubt that.

Proven wrong - definitely. But he's not the only one from BW who had that happen ;) Imho they just dont know what's "in the works" and "what should be live atm" and "what is live atm".


Overall: His job is not to sit around on the forums - he's not a community representative. So he's probably working on something other.


@OP if you look at his profile you see Last Activity: 04.26.2012 05:08 AM

Another option would be he just quit the forums, because he thinks they're not worth his time (but since he isnt mentioned in the more recent Q&As I'm not too sure about that).

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The problem with too much communication is people read into each utterance like it's gospel. Zoeller can't talk casually about his ideas, since, if they don't work out and have to get cut or postponed from the game, people go bat crazy.


Even I was a part of it. I was extremely upset when 1.2 launched and I realized I was still stuck with my old Columi and Rakata gear since the set bonuses were not attached to the armorings, and I let my frustration be heard on these forums.

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The problem with too much communication is people read into each utterance like it's gospel. Zoeller can't talk casually about his ideas, since, if they don't work out and have to get cut or postponed from the game, people go bat crazy.


This. Nothing more disheartening than trying to share your heart with a community who turns around and rips you a new one.

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The problem with too much communication is people read into each utterance like it's gospel. Zoeller can't talk casually about his ideas, since, if they don't work out and have to get cut or postponed from the game, people go bat crazy.


Even I was a part of it. I was extremely upset when 1.2 launched and I realized I was still stuck with my old Columi and Rakata gear since the set bonuses were not attached to the armorings, and I let my frustration be heard on these forums.


Hmm I disagree - it's the way how those ideas are communicated.

i.e. GZ said once "I personally would like to implement a mechanic eventually that there's something which removes (unlucky) streaks when Reverse Engineering / crit crafting"

No one's crying about that. It's a casual statement.


But when he says "things you can expect for your profession when Game Update 1.2: Legacy goes live." [...] "Armormech crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance" and this doesnt happen, well people are disappointed for a reason. And I think it's justified that they#re disappointed (though that doesnt mean people should rage).

Especially (!) when we are not informed that they pulled / delayed the feature.

I have to say I'm more fine with them removing ranked warzones compared with the removal of those orange shells. Even though the removal is logical (augment tables in 1.3) - since there's no communication about it. And I say that as a hardcore PvPer ;)


Communication IS key. You have whiners when you say something and when you dont say something. But I'd say the majority can handle "bad" news about the development & are understanding.

Edited by Zocat
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BS - I doubt that.

Proven wrong - definitely. But he's not the only one from BW who had that happen ;) Imho they just dont know what's "in the works" and "what should be live atm" and "what is live atm".

Yes, because it really is teams of stunlocking Operatives that is making people leave the game :rolleyes:
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This. Nothing more disheartening than trying to share your heart with a community who turns around and rips you a new one.


I'm pretty convinced this is why the communications occurs via Q&A and the podcast. The community killed the dev interaction.

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I'm pretty convinced this is why the communications occurs via Q&A and the podcast. The community killed the dev interaction.
Yes, but with reservations. There's actually a lot of communication via alternative means, including Twitter. It's just the official forums that lack a regular developer presence; the community killed developer interaction on the official forums.
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