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I just wanted to say I agree with everything stated in first post, not sure if it was mentioned before...


PvP Weekend Events would be very cool.


If they are afraid that letting players que for the warzones they want would effect certain ones (aka Huttball) into abandoned places, PvP weekend events would help with this worry. I.E. Huttball weekend with extra rewards. This would still help balance out the popularity of the warzones and give people more freedom to play the warzones they like versus ones that give more rewards during certain time frame events.


My input. Passionate PvP'er.


I want the game to continue it's success for this aspect.


PS - Target indicators or SOMETHING to differ seeing where my friends are in warzones would be a nice feature to add.

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I know many will despise my offering as it would ruin their gravy-train - but for those slogging through warzones versus opponents much higher than yourself:


Rewards calculated as normal except upon completion:

Lower leveled side has 100% rewards issued.

Higher leveled side has their rewards reduced based upon the difference in level:


So group of 6 50th level Repubs versus 6 25th level Imps. 300levels versus 150.

Winning team (if the highe leveled) would get - 150/300 * 100 = 50

So out of maximum 100% potential earned they would get 1/2 the reward for being so OP versus the losing side.



This would inhibit blocks of max/high levels from getting into a warzone versus group of 20-somethings.


All this is moot once some bracketing occurs by level.

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I have been playing the game since BETA, realize its new and going to have it's issues, but at this point in the game where I dont get to play as much as the people hitting 50 with epic gear, pvp is broken.I would rather balance play over extra points. Spell relay is way off and even being able to hit multiple attacks befpre the GCD which sometimes works in my favor. Had a whole team of troopers come at us and just farm the starting point, lowest lvl on their team...48, mine 12' n what not. Fix it EA, love the game, but for pvp'er. Kinda fail. I could see myself continuing to play if the spell relay was fixed, until then, time to go back to the PS3 and kill people the right way.
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I have had a couple of issue and I would like know if anyone else has experienced them.


My first issue was when I was in a one on one fight with an Imp, I got CCed at the same time my DoT killed him and I got STUCK being CCed. I was floating up in the air for the Remainder of the round and when that round was over, I was STILL CCed in the starting area during round 2. I then of course got kicked by the game for not moving out of the starting area.


My second issue is not a bug per se, but a real annoyance. On more then one occasion I will queue up and get an instant queue into the warzone. The warzone was Voidstar and it had already been created, but had 20 seconds before it would officially start. The game still made me take the speeder to the starting area, so by the time I actually got into the starting area, the force-field was already up and I was not able to join the game. I had to WAIT behind the penalty barrier even though I had not died and I had actually joined the game before it actually started. The slow speeder ride was the ONLY reason I got delayed.


Anyone else have that problem?

I have had this problem as well, but by the time I got out from behind the "poke ball" timer, i was kicked for delay...

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Glaring issues: Some spells do direct damage, some have to travel, then hit the target.


Take Project for instance vs. Shock. Shock instantly hits, Projects upheaves a rock, then the rock flies, then the rock does dmg. This is inbalanced, especially considering procs are initiated by the dmg making the delay x2 as bad. Troopers suffer this problem vs. Bounty Hunters as well.


This is the difference between life and death, Hutt score vs no score, turret vs no turret, heal vs no heal, etc etc etc....


Sorcerers > Sages

Assassins >Shadows

Bounty Hunters >Troopers.


Yoda was wrong, the Dark Side is stronger.

...at least until they fix the animation issue.

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Put in a bracket for 50s. At this point, PvP heavy players are racking up way too easy gear from farming low teens and low 20s trying to get their dailies in. So they're stacked up in Champion gear or above whereas their opponents, even through scaling, have no chance of dealing 1/3 damage to them. If you don't want to bracket every 10/20, at least do a 50 bracket and then 1 for everybody else.
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Just hire someone from DAoC and copy there system of PvP.


This is my 13th MMO, yes 13, and DAoC was and is still the best PvP system. (RvR they call it...)


For those who dont know, its Dark age of camelot, it has 16 classes per Realm and they have 3 realms, open area PvP and capturable Towers/Keep, Battlegrounds with a 5 lvl braket, but the best about this game is how the character feels when you control it and the powers/skills related to it.


The best of all, Realm points, points that you gain in PvP and that you can use to gain new abilities, usable in PvP and PvE.


Don't go the WoW path, go the DAoC path plz.




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I would love to see large-scale "open world" battles, as you mentioned with ships, walkers, etc included. Almost like a Battlefront-type gameplay (and obviously jedis wouldnt be so op), but in a more controlled enviroment.
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Please remove the fire and acid from Huttball. I see no reason for them to exist. Also i must say you've made a terrible job designing Huttball. What is the reason for one hunded bridges to exist? It takes a minute to get to the top if u get pushed down.


Please increase healing.

Please reduce amount of stuns.

Please make us able to choose WZ we queue for.

Please make us able to duel the opposite faction.

Please make brackets.


I really hope you have a full team working on improving PvP in SW ToR.

Im not playing PvP at all cus its simply not fun.


Thank u for an awsome game! Imperial Agents story really rocks! :)


You're playing as an IA and want to reduce the amount of stuns? lolwut


Also you can duel opposite faction :)

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On PvP servers there are no rewards or incentives for engaging in World PvP.


I personally don't need incentives to engage in World PvP. Though evidently many others do, which is why most are in the WZ's.


On PvP servers only, please make it so that World PvP is rewarded with something. It could be gear, titles, valor, anything that encourages people to engage in World PvP.


Oh yeah and please up the population counts so that when people are in the world they can find each other on the same shard.


This is not about PvP but game-play which includes PvE and PvP.


It needs attention.

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My first issue was when I was in a one on one fight with an Imp, I got CCed at the same time my DoT killed him and I got STUCK being CCed. I was floating up in the air for the Remainder of the round and when that round was over, I was STILL CCed in the starting area during round 2. I then of course got kicked by the game for not moving out of the starting area.


I once was stuck in cover in Voidstar after a round change. Not sure how or why, had something to do with the fight I was having when it ended. I eventually got out of it, but it was pretty funny, I was able to move while sniping people.

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The thing I would ask for is a way to actually get rid of AFKers. The current mechanic will only kick someone if they stay in the base, but people will run out and hide somewhere on the map. Each map has several spots they can do this.


We need some kind of Vote kick that gives a player a fixed amount of time to actually get involved in some action or get booted from the match and receive some kind of deserter buff that keeps them out of WZ's for a fair amount of time. This would make it so AFKing in a WZ nets you 0 xp and is no longer worth doing, but as it is a player can sit and do nothing and get from 1 to 50 just sitting there. They even get geared up along the way because of the comm's they get in the match.


Some kind of mechanic needs to be put in place or this will become an epic issue.

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I've been giving it some thought and I want to vote no against War Zone Filters.


I know, I know. I thought I would be for it too. That is until I started PvPing with my first character, a BH, and was running Hutt Ball all the time playing against only other Empire players. That opened my eyes to the faction imbalance.


I went and rolled Republic and play a Smuggler now. The fact that I only played Hutt Ball and only against my faction was motivation for me to add numbers to the other side. If we take that way, people have no motivation to do so and the faction imbalance will remain. I think the annoyance some of the Empire players are seeing will lead them, as it did me, to roll on the other side. This is lead to more faction balancing, and in the end open up additional War Zones for play besides Hutt Ball.


TL;DR- If you are tired of Hutt Ball, roll Republic.

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I've been giving it some thought and I want to vote no against War Zone Filters.


I know, I know. I thought I would be for it too. That is until I started PvPing with my first character, a BH, and was running Hutt Ball all the time playing against only other Empire players. That opened my eyes to the faction imbalance.


I went and rolled Republic and play a Smuggler now. The fact that I only played Hutt Ball and only against my faction was motivation for me to add numbers to the other side. If we take that way, people have no motivation to do so and the faction imbalance will remain. I think the annoyance some of the Empire players are seeing will lead them, as it did me, to roll on the other side. This is lead to more faction balancing, and in the end open up additional War Zones for play besides Hutt Ball.


TL;DR- If you are tired of Hutt Ball, roll Republic.



The faction imbalance on Death Wind Server is not a quantity imbalance in PvP.


There are soo few republic players, but the republic players there are have geared up with full Champion/Battlemaster equivalent sets (with the bonus). Coupled with the fact that a large number of them are Troopers and Scoundrels with occasionally a few Consulars and Guardians mixed in, they deal a ridiculously broken amount of burst damage coming out of stealth and stealthing before they die - they should not be allowed to re-stealth while in combat.



In short with low numbers of republic players, but well geared players, all Republic vs. Empire instances are horribly one sided. Its not about getting better either. With more Empire players you will always get a wide range of talent on the Empire side. You cant expect characters levelled 10-40 to have any sort of chance against someone decked out in full PvP gear with stims.



The reason why Huttball is much more enjoyable on Death Wind Corridor is because the wide range of empire talent is distributed amongst both teams. No team is stacked with well geared players most of the time.

Edited by Yeochins
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Hell, yes. Warzone filters. The game makers just posted bragging about how Huttball accounts for 40% of PvP... I guarantee that goes WAY down if you let people filter that garbage out. Almost no one likes it that I've met. At best people are indifferent to it.
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I must admit, I am super happy about hearing that Ranked Games and Stat Tracking is coming soon, and the prospect that another warzone which allows you to play against same faction might be interesting, as long as it's completely different to huttball I won't mind.


If there was anything I really wanted in the game, it would have to be a arena styled game mode so 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 which would allow those who want to make premades to play competitively without completely kicking *** in normal warzones.

Another thing I would hope to see is just a normal team deathmatch game mode, first to kill like 100 or something, I know it's simple but then it gives teams to really flex their combat prowess without having to worry about Balls, Doors or Turrets.

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Great post, but the lack of medals for healers should be marked as a lot more important issue then it is currently. I don't see how they can ever expect a player to stay healer for long when others around you are getting twice the amount of medals even though you have been by far the best player on the team.


Just last round of huttball for example, I've scored 4 out of 6 hutballs, helped others by using my inquisitor pull at tactful moments, and despite carrying most of the time, managed to do 160k healing (vs 270k when I'm not carrying), what do I get for all this? 2 medals!

Compared to an easy 8 for people who are just dpsing around.


If the developers don't adress this soon, at least give us dual spec so we can drop our healing whenever we PvP.

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All I want for christmas is for resolve to work, if it started working properly then pvp fun would triple easy. Don't know how many times I have been chained stunned & rooted 3, 4 or 5 times in a row with 1000/1000 resolve. This should be Biowares first PvP update and get it out fast.
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nice thread on the issues and wants but, there is no need to reward healing. Before you scream, I am a healer. It has always and will ALWAYS be a thankless job that is overlooked. That and its not really useful in pvp. movement is key and commando/ combat medic severely lacks it. Stopping to cast a probe will get you killed 9 times out of 10. Using the hammer shot heal is like wearing a huge "KILL ME FIRST!" sign... Edited by -Sidac-
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The faction imbalance on Death Wind Server is not a quantity imbalance in PvP.


There are soo few republic players, but the republic players there are have geared up with full Champion/Battlemaster equivalent sets (with the bonus). Coupled with the fact that a large number of them are Troopers and Scoundrels with occasionally a few Consulars and Guardians mixed in, they deal a ridiculously broken amount of burst damage coming out of stealth and stealthing before they die - they should not be allowed to re-stealth while in combat.



In short with low numbers of republic players, but well geared players, all Republic vs. Empire instances are horribly one sided. Its not about getting better either. With more Empire players you will always get a wide range of talent on the Empire side. You cant expect characters levelled 10-40 to have any sort of chance against someone decked out in full PvP gear with stims.



The reason why Huttball is much more enjoyable on Death Wind Corridor is because the wide range of empire talent is distributed amongst both teams. No team is stacked with well geared players most of the time.


Your post makes no sense. You kinda lumped all the classes into the stealthing comment. And then refer to it as broken(which it isn't) like it is a Republic advantage. Ops have the same things as Scoundrels, PLUS they have several ability advantages such as shorter cooldowns and stuns on the move.

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