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What is the Current State of Your Guild?


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How is your guild doing in the state that SWTOR is in at the moment?


Subs were reported to be at 1.3 mil a couple of days ago, and who knows if they'll keep dropping. Because BioWare placed too many servers, I wouldn't expect most responses to be quite positive, but here you can state if your guild is either already dead, luckily flourishing, or dying—and probably doing something to prevent your guild's shutdown.


Also, feel free to post what you think might be killing your guild, and what features are missing that are not helping guilds.


Edit: Please do NOT implement any recruiting messages in your post. This is a thread to discuss the state of your guild, not to recruit others! Please go to the Server Group Forums and recruit there. Thank you.

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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<Carnage> of bonder Crystal. We were the premier 16 man guild on our server. We were the first to 10/10 nightmare mode ev/kp. We were the first guild to kill nightmare pilgrim, we had what we believed to be the best pvp group on the server as we only ever lost to our own premades. We had everything we wanted, we were ready for 1.2 and had built our guild so that we could be server first in PvE and PvP for a long time to come. 1.2 dropped with no nightmare mode, no ranked pvp, and nothing for our end game competitive players. The new Opperation was great, significantly better then the first 2. We had no complaints there. But our guild was extremely PvP focused for a progression raiding guild. I'm pretty certain that most of us were looking forward to ranked PvP more then we were to the new opperation. There wasn't a guild on the server that could compete with us at 16m raiding and we knew it, so there was nothing to push us.


Needless to say a lot of our players lost interest when ranked PvP didn't come out. We had steady progress through Denova but where we used to have 20-22 on for a 16m raid it quickly dropped to 16 and then below. Our guild leader announced the guild was leaving the game when he was mainly the one leaving. Needless to say with a low population server, infrequent PvP pops and no player base to recruit fresh talent from our guild just kind of disolved. There are a few of us around still pvping some together and just trying to ride it out until server transfers are up but it feels pointless. Most of our top players from the PvE and PvP teams are long gone with no intentions of coming back. They are either rolling into Diablo 3 or waiting for GW2 to get a fresh start and see if they can have better success then SWTOR did.


It is really depressing to me to see the guild die the way it did. We had an exceptional base, great relationships, and were built to last, but the dwindeling server population, lack of competition, and length of time between easy content just took the fire out of the guild and most moved on. It's sad, but the fact is that if we had been lucky enough to be put on fatman at launch we would still be happily playing this game, loving the constant PvP and pushing for server first progressoin raiding to beat the other guilds that were driving us, instead I'm typing this out and getting ready to go do a little research on Diablo 3, a game I had no intentions of playing.

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We weren't a huge guild, but we had enough regular players that we could regularly fill our own 8-player operations. On an average night we'd have 10 players. On our best (at least the best night I can remember) we had 15. Now a good night is 4 players, and most nights we only have 2 or 3. We still run flashpoints and PvP premades, but I haven't seen the inside of an operation in almost a month.


Pick-up-groups can be a lot of fun, but I miss my friends. Many of my erstwhile guildmates have been playing together for years. I commonly hear complaints that people can't quit MMOs because that's where they connect with their friends. You aren't just leaving a game, you're leaving a social network. But my social group has moved on in anticipation of other games. I still enjoy SWTOR, but without my guildmates, I won't be around much longer.

Edited by signahead
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How is your guild doing in the state that SWTOR is in at the moment?


Subs were reported to be at 1.3 mil a couple of days ago, and who knows if they'll keep dropping. Because BioWare placed too many servers, I wouldn't expect most responses to be quite positive, but here you can state if your guild is either already dead, luckily flourishing, or dying—and probably doing something to prevent your guild's shutdown.


Also, feel free to post what you think might be killing your guild, and what features are missing that are not helping guilds.


Still active daily for PUGs, still meeting for a weekly Guild Night just like we always have (only time we can all be on at once).

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My guild has been playing together for years through WoW and we formed pre-launch to great success. Most of the guild consisted of hard-core group (12-16 players) clearing OPS weekly and another; (8-10) that would group up for PVP, I myself included in this group. Last week they suspended OPS indefinately and our PVP group is down to 4.

We are on Harbinger server, which upon launch had 20-60 minute Q's to log in. Now, our server had 100 players online at 8pm last night. Down from +2 servers for the fleet, only two months ago.


Horrendous PVP Q's have been a major complaint for me. OPS group complained of lack of content for end-game. I don't want to "re-roll" on another server, being I don't have a lot of time to spend leveling and don't want to waste my fully geared Operative.



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Raid teams have left for Tera. About 3 of us are left enjoying alt storylines. As pointed out by others, the failure of 1.2 to deliver on promises was a dealbreaker. I expect to hear crickets chirping on all but a couple servers after Tuesday.
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I was with a large guild , probably one of the 3 biggest on the server , but because I rolled Imp late they are well ahead of me. I was losing interest until the other night when I was pugging some HM's and hook up with 3 people from another guild. Turns out they are at about the same spot I am progressive wise with the same R/L focus' . So I joined them and am actually really enjoying the game a lot more.
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I rolled toons on The Harbinger because that was one of the Oceanic servers and was where my friends from WOW (who live in Australia and New Zealand) were playing. We had a small guild, but you could always find a few online even during North America hours ---- until Bioware decided to open servers in AP and offered those players free server moves. Now the core of the guild has moved (mostly because the Oceanic hours went dead) and a couple of us are stranded on a server that's really empty.


I wish Bioware had considered what they'd do to guilds that were from mixed locations on the globe -- I'd have moved my toons to be with my friends if they'd offered to let the whole guild move. As it is, I don't know that I really want to reroll on the other server, and the population on some planets is so low on our server that it's nearly impossible to get groups for the heroics. Short of Bioware allowing us to have more of our companions out at once so that we can run heroics on our own (or letting us move to rejoin our guildmates), I'm not sure what they can do to resolve the current situation.

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My main is usually the only one on in my guild. Most Everyone quit the game, including all the leadership, raiders and all the high viability people. The handful left quit the guild.


My alt is in a healthy guild, 20+ on at peak times.

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alot of our op and hm groups dont log on. about half have either left or will NOT be renewing thier 6 month subs. a few are in tera, some are waiting to try gw2 or mechwar and others are just logging in once or twice a week. the general feeling is of boredom and just not worth logging on anymore. our low server population doest help with filling ops roles nor doing hms on our alts so why even bother loggin in.


most of my guildies were extremely disatisfied with 1.2 as they were waiting for it to bring new life and solve some issues. judging from the decline in server populations on the two servers i have 50s on a few weeks afterwards this was the norm rather than a exception. 1.2 was ok but more pressing issues needed to have been solved instead.


if the server population issue isnt satisfactory resolved before the 6 month subs run out, they will see their sub numbers decline. server populations will be the same however as these players no longer log on now but it could bring them back.


i really like this game but it isnt fun playing it by yourself all the time. i dont blame bioware completely as i believe ea has the larger role in this than what people think. just follow the money.

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I have just come to the conclusion that Bioware wanted to kill guilds, so they made this game. I had 20+ on all the time in Jan./Feb. and was clearing NMM content with an insanely good core. All but 2 people from those days of raiding have left and while I have recruited people in their place it's not the same and we aren't making the progression we should. I'm about to unsub if they don't merge servers in the next few weeks and taking every last guildie with me just so Bioware loses out on more money cause at this point they don't deserve a monthly from anyone.
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My first previous guild where I was GM was back in March of 2011. It was a quality over quantity guild that focused on doing everything the game had to offer.


We were RP heavy... then launch came.


Many were confused and couldn't find the guild in time before it died out in month 2 after launch.


We died... I cried....


but I hope to see all the great friends I made again:







and the adversaries and allies of my guild :D.


It was a good run.




I tried to reform as Mandalore's Rage.... it was just a repeat of the last time... except there were no truly dedicated members... Rp community.... it was just laze.... and now we're dead too.


Now I have nothing.

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Actually, the XIIIth Legion is doing pretty well. We are a casual RP guild on Sanctum of the Exalted, (RP-PvE, EST). We are running a RP event tonight, and we've got about 30 people online now about over half of those in Mumble.


We've got about 110 people, but rarely more than about 30-40 online at once (we've got too many kids-jobs-spouses kinds of things to do). We do require monthly check-ins on our external website and in game, so we represent 110 people who play at least monthly.



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My guild was a transplant from SWG. I don't think the guild leader really got over the fact that SWG was dead and hardly played. There was some drama in the guild and then the officers all got busy with RL. All the active players left for greener pastures and more active servers.


I have more or less played alone for most of my SWTOR stint.

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