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BW should start manual server transfers


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I think the biggest thing people aren't thinking of, is that when they did the APAC transfers, they were transferring characters to empty servers... Even if they could do manual transfers from US Server to US Server, they would have to figure out how to fix the legacy problem.


What if your character name is taken on another server?


What if your Legacy name is taken on another server?


Do they transfer ALL characters from the server, or just ones with active subs? Keep in mind that most of these servers were FULL at one point... Transferring a full server will take a LONG time... Just moving APAC characters took a week, and they didn't have Legacy issues to deal with there.


Do they transfer all of your characters at once, or start with higher levels and work their way down the list?


If they don't transfer all of your characters, or all of the characters off of the server... What do they do with the Legacy system of the other characters? Do you get a new Legacy on a new server? Then what happens when your alts are transferred over? Legacy merges?


It may seem like manual character transfers are easy, but they won't be easy and they'll take a LONG time to do enough good to justify the time.

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Since I find it difficult to believe that a company like BW are completely stupid (regardless of what all the arm chair DEVs on these boards might want to think), I am confident they know the state of their own game. I would also hazzard a guess they are not sitting around joking and drinking a coke and ignoring the issue as they want to make money, they are a business after-all.


Because I have half-a-brain and can see this, it makes me think that they have not merged the servers for other reasons than the conspiratorial "they are trying to get more money". They want the game to last, they know they need to let people move on servers, they have even said it is a priority and they are working on it. I am sure the very moment they can do it, without it getting all wrecked, they are going to.


Now, I know there is going to be posts of "they are doing this on purpose" which is pretty dumb and just shows that those that post that, have little to no business knowledge or sense with the extent of their business savvy coming from whatever part-time fry-cook or bag-boy experience they might have.


To even begin to think that they are just worrying about the short-term of this MMO with the hopes of sucking cash from people only in a burst, borderlines on such absurdity, it is hard to comprehend that that those that think this can even dress themselves in the morning ....


I sort of agree.


And I don't want to be negative and I will keep playing game unless it's impossible because there is nobody to play it.


But I have to say that compared to Blizzard Bioware is a slow learner.

Blizz seemed always to guess right what people really needed and sort of timely fashion.


BW seems to do some bad decisions like Ilum honor thing. Its not much as the mistakes were badly but somehow they are able to both frustate and insult people.


I think they should just list what is biggest problem for people staying in game and do fixes for that in advance. And work with that list first. I'm pretty sure for example that I could have lived with old pvp mechanics but the lack of people for pvp is far bigger problem. And also it doesn't matter much if there is new pve content if there aren't enough people for it.


I can do the list use this BW


1) population issues always first

2) things that help people to find groups to do content, its a MM0 aft er all.

3) bugs in game that cause imbalances or make impossible to do certain things

4) all the rest

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I think the biggest thing people aren't thinking of, is that when they did the APAC transfers, they were transferring characters to empty servers... Even if they could do manual transfers from US Server to US Server, they would have to figure out how to fix the legacy problem.


What if your character name is taken on another server?


What if your Legacy name is taken on another server?


Do they transfer ALL characters from the server, or just ones with active subs? Keep in mind that most of these servers were FULL at one point... Transferring a full server will take a LONG time... Just moving APAC characters took a week, and they didn't have Legacy issues to deal with there.


Do they transfer all of your characters at once, or start with higher levels and work their way down the list?


If they don't transfer all of your characters, or all of the characters off of the server... What do they do with the Legacy system of the other characters? Do you get a new Legacy on a new server? Then what happens when your alts are transferred over? Legacy merges?


It may seem like manual character transfers are easy, but they won't be easy and they'll take a LONG time to do enough good to justify the time.



I don't think you know what you are talking about. Oceanic server were open 2 months before transfers. Most people had already re-rolled there and had legacy on both servers. This situation was handled, and pretty sure (although I can't remember if it has been stated for open transfers) it will be handled the same way for open transfers. If you transfer to a server where you have an existing legacy the highest level will be the one which takes precedence. Although this is a little trickier in that the highest level legacy doesn't mean the most amount of legacy unlocks. Bioware have already responded to this issue also, you will get to keep your unlocks.

Edited by Bocek
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2 50's WZ's at peak times total all weekend (and 1 to none at other times) has left a thoroughly bitter taste in my mouth. I don't foresee myself playing much anymore unless population numbers drastically change. PvP is still fun PvP IMO, but only when I don't always fight the same 16 or so Imperials because they are the only ones left.
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I think the biggest thing people aren't thinking of, is that when they did the APAC transfers, they were transferring characters to empty servers... Even if they could do manual transfers from US Server to US Server, they would have to figure out how to fix the legacy problem.


What if your character name is taken on another server?


What if your Legacy name is taken on another server?


Do they transfer ALL characters from the server, or just ones with active subs? Keep in mind that most of these servers were FULL at one point... Transferring a full server will take a LONG time... Just moving APAC characters took a week, and they didn't have Legacy issues to deal with there.


Do they transfer all of your characters at once, or start with higher levels and work their way down the list?


If they don't transfer all of your characters, or all of the characters off of the server... What do they do with the Legacy system of the other characters? Do you get a new Legacy on a new server? Then what happens when your alts are transferred over? Legacy merges?


It may seem like manual character transfers are easy, but they won't be easy and they'll take a LONG time to do enough good to justify the time.


Some good points, but I believe most were solved with the oceanic transfers. My proposal is just a stop gap measure to get the lowest pop servers some relief until the wide release of server transfers. They should and could do the following:


1) Target 4 low pop servers every week for manual transfers. Start with the lowest pop servers and work up from there. Do this every well until the full scale release of server transfers.


2) Anounce in advance which servers will be able to transfer where so plans can be made.


3) This being a stop gap measure, limit the transfer to one character until the full system is in place.


This will allow them to help those stuck on the worst servers until they can get the automated transfer system in place.

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I stopped giving them money long ago. They have not stopped giving me time.


I think a lot of people are using their free 30 days to see if BW is going to do anything positive. This would be something positive to give people on the fence a reason to keep subscribing.

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I think the biggest thing people aren't thinking of, is that when they did the APAC transfers, they were transferring characters to empty servers... Even if they could do manual transfers from US Server to US Server, they would have to figure out how to fix the legacy problem.


What if your character name is taken on another server?


What if your Legacy name is taken on another server?


Do they transfer ALL characters from the server, or just ones with active subs? Keep in mind that most of these servers were FULL at one point... Transferring a full server will take a LONG time... Just moving APAC characters took a week, and they didn't have Legacy issues to deal with there.


Do they transfer all of your characters at once, or start with higher levels and work their way down the list?


If they don't transfer all of your characters, or all of the characters off of the server... What do they do with the Legacy system of the other characters? Do you get a new Legacy on a new server? Then what happens when your alts are transferred over? Legacy merges?


It may seem like manual character transfers are easy, but they won't be easy and they'll take a LONG time to do enough good to justify the time.


I can only speak for myself but i have to admit. I would gladly give up and delete every alt i have as well as throw legacy out the window. BUT AGAIN i only speak for myself. But if i could keep my lvls and gear ive aquired . The fluff is easy enough gotten again. for me anyways.

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Ya know what I don't understand?


Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.


This is a common but odd response...Its like.

"Generic car Company" Has announced today that they are aware that none of their vehicles recently built have a self charging system...Hence you will have to charge your car battery daily, and over night so that it will start in the morning... The Company has said this can be fixed easily but will not be making said repairs until 2 months from now...It will not make repairs on said issue if you bring your car in...they will have a window of time where you can have this issue fixed, and it will only be done in that time frame...Although they could fix it right now...but they wont.


As such the company suggests you ride the bus...Even though you just paid for a car...that doesnt work.

Edited by Soljin
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That's why I made this post. They should start manual transfers on the lowest pop NA servers in the interim until their automated transfer system is ready.


They really should. Truthfully, I'm rather surprised they haven't done this to select servers/people yet.

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They really should. Truthfully, I'm rather surprised they haven't done this to select servers/people yet.


I'm surprised as well. It seems like an obvious win/win for the players and BW.

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I think that the anger and frustration would turn to anticipation for most....Starting manual transfers even if they were not availible to me yet still shows movement and effort.


I would realize that rather then just lip service BW is willing to move on this since it is a major issue...Put out the fire with the most damage potential first...Prioritaze BW...common!


If I saw manual transfers were being done It would ease my frustration and allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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i think that the anger and frustration would turn to anticipation for most....starting manual transfers even if they were not availible to me yet still shows movement and effort.


I would realize that rather then just lip service bw is willing to move on this since it is a major issue...put out the fire with the most damage potential first...prioritaze bw...common!


If i saw manual transfers were being done it would ease my frustration and allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel.



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I think that the anger and frustration would turn to anticipation for most....Starting manual transfers even if they were not availible to me yet still shows movement and effort.


I would realize that rather then just lip service BW is willing to move on this since it is a major issue...Put out the fire with the most damage potential first...Prioritaze BW...common!


If I saw manual transfers were being done It would ease my frustration and allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Well said.

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If they would do it manually, they would have to put in an order of who is being transferred when. I already imagine the posts here on the forum from people that would be mad because they were not first in line. Also people tend to make mistakes easier than computers, so a lot would go wrong..another bunch of people screaming on the forums.


Give them time to figger out the best way to transfer, it will not be easy with the legacy. And if you don't have the patience for that, play another game meanwhile or do something else that pleases you, you can always come back later.

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This is a common but odd response...Its like.

"Generic car Company" Has announced today that they are aware that none of their vehicles recently built have a self charging system...Hence you will have to charge your car battery daily, and over night so that it will start in the morning... The Company has said this can be fixed easily but will not be making said repairs until 2 months from now...It will not make repairs on said issue if you bring your car in...they will have a window of time where you can have this issue fixed, and it will only be done in that time frame...Although they could fix it right now...but they wont.


As such the company suggests you ride the bus...Even though you just paid for a car...that doesnt work.


It's not like this at all, lol. Bad car analogy is bad. BioWare has never said this can be 'fixed easily'. In fact, they've said the opposite. You choose not to believe them. That's fine, but making bad car analogies isn't going to prove anything.

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I think that the anger and frustration would turn to anticipation for most....Starting manual transfers even if they were not availible to me yet still shows movement and effort.


I would realize that rather then just lip service BW is willing to move on this since it is a major issue...Put out the fire with the most damage potential first...Prioritaze BW...common!


If I saw manual transfers were being done It would ease my frustration and allow me to see the light at the end of the tunnel.


Exactly. I feel so sorry for those of you who actually like the game, but are stuck on dead servers. ANY sign of hope would be welcome...

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It's not like this at all, lol. Bad car analogy is bad. BioWare has never said this can be 'fixed easily'. In fact, they've said the opposite. You choose not to believe them. That's fine, but making bad car analogies isn't going to prove anything.


We KNOW they can do manual transfers. They have this ability, they're just not using it. So yes, they could start fixing the "car", they're just not doing it.

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Ya know what I don't understand?


Is why people keep making posts about server transfers.


If you don't have anything better to do but sit on the forum asking for something that is coming, try going outside. Go make a sandwich. Watch a movie.


spoken like someone that is on a good pop server.....if you dont feel our pain,please dont spout off

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The sad thing is that Bioware them self told people to role on the new servers when they opened up due to the ques. Now when people have seen the thruth about this game and have left it, thoose people that listened pays the price. Edited by Darchaos
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The sad thing is that Bioware them self told people to role on the new servers when they opened up due to the ques. Now when people have seen the thruth about this game and have left it, thoose people that listened pays the price.


this is correct,bioware made this problem themselves

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The sad thing is that Bioware them self told people to role on the new servers when they opened up due to the ques. Now when people have seen the thruth about this game and have left it, thoose people that listened pays the price.


I honestly don't remember when the new servers were opened up out how BW handled it. We had queues on my server but I didn't mind. Plus the reason I came to be on the Veela server is because it was where BW assigned my guild, which is currently the last guild standing on the Pub side of Veela.

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I honestly don't remember when the new servers were opened up out how BW handled it. We had queues on my server but I didn't mind. Plus the reason I came to be on the Veela server is because it was where BW assigned my guild, which is currently the last guild standing on the Pub side of Veela.


Well then allow me to refresh your memory. Search "server queues" for some fantastic history of how this population beat BW senseless to add more servers:


This system is way better then server queues!

Server queues

EGA and insane server queues

Unacceptable Server Queue's

4 Days to Official Launch - Server Queues

Make server queues faction specific

Evasion of server queues (sp)


Server Queues - Hang in there, there is still time.

Piling on: Server Queues

Server queues are broken

EVERY SINGLE Europe server has 2 hour queues

Server Queues - A semi-detailed guild to why they are as is currently.


and my personal favorite thread entitled:


This Won't Last Long, If Server Queues Aren't Fixed



I could keep going of course... an interesting side note is that all of the links I just provided pre-date the actual launch of the game.


MMO gamers are the single most fickle demographic on the internet.

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