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I hate Kaliyo.


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The first companions for all of the Republic classes support the Republic and wherever the class comes from -- the military, the jedi, the scruffy-looking underworld, etc.


Can't say about the Empire aside from the Agent.


Inquisitor and Bounty Hunter match, getting a force-user slayer from an ancient tomb, and a slicer who's also a great hunt fangirl, respectively. Warriors get a Mission expy in a slave collar, and Agents get Kaliyo.


Also, I don't think that's correct, I fail to see how consulars would match up with Qyzen. It's just weird.

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Also, I don't think that's correct, I fail to see how consulars would match up with Qyzen. It's just weird.


He may be a savage lizardman obsessed with hunting big monsters and killing worthy foes, but Qyzen is possibly the finest example of his species you'll ever meet. With the Consular being a diplomat, it makes sense that the Consular-Qyzen dialogues are mostly about the two of them trying to understand one another's views and ways.


As for Kaliyo, you don't have to like her. The phrase for someone like her is 'expendable asset'.

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My Kaliyo affection rating for my characters:


Jedi Knight: At the best tries to teach her a lesson, at worse ignores her.

Jedi Consular: Probably intimidated and intrigued by her at the same time in a real bad way.

Smuggler: Would probably like her style and hang with ehr a bit but there would certainly be confrontations.

Trooper: Probably be her favorite bar room brawler rival.

Sith Warrior: Tolerate her more than Vette but would most likely still get around to being infuriated enough to destroy her.

Sith Inquisitor: Repulsed and disgusted by a woman who could act like that.

Bounty Hunter: Totally invite her to join his posse and be willing to romance her.

Imperial Agent: They butt heads on many moral issues and philosophy but my agent respects her strength and views her as someone who allows her to view the galaxy in more than just shades of grey.


My Kaliyo affection rating for my characters:


Jedi Knight: Stab her

Jedi Consular: Stab her

Smuggler: Shoot her

Trooper: Shoot her

Sith Warrior: Force Choke and then stab her

Sith Inquisitor: Electrocute and then stab her

Bounty Hunter: Carbon freeze her and then drop her out of the airlock of his ship above a planet and watch with satisfaction as she burned up on entry

Imperial Agent: Shoot her in the face


You get the idea, I'm sure.

Edited by DarthRobert
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The phrase for someone like her is 'expendable asset'.
Trust me, if they only let me I would already "expend" her on Nal Hutta. I understand that she had her uses but the storyline keeps her around way pass her usefulness. She should have been disposed off immediately. Not to mention after her last act in the storyline...


My Kaliyo affection rating for my characters:


Jedi Knight: Stab her

Jedi Consular: Stab her

Smuggler: Shoot her

Trooper: Shoot her

Sith Warrior: Force Choke and then stab her

Sith Inquisitor: Electrocute and then stab her

Bounty Hunter: Carbon freeze her and then drop her out of the airlock of his ship above a planet and watch with satisfaction as she burned up on entry

Imperial Agent: Shoot her in the face


You get the idea, I'm sure.


I approve!

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My Temple is full BH/WH gear, Kaliyo mostly, Lokin mostly, Vector is full rakata, Scorpio is Tionese+ (droids are almost impossible to gear beyond that)


I can solo Poisonous Strategy with Kaliyo. I can't do that with any of the other companions.


Lokin and Temple have only situational uses (i.e. 2-man Torvix).

Scorpio is just a crafter until BW gives us rakata+ droid parts.

Whatever Vector can do, Temple or Kaliyo can do better.

Hence, Kaliyo is the best agent companion as of now.


As for her attitude, I had ex-girlfriends and an ex-wife who were far worse! :D

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I heard a song I hadn't heard in a long time that instantly brought Kaliyo to mind: "Hey, you're a crazy b****, but you f*** so good I'm on top of it/ In my dreams I'm doing you all night/ Scratches all down my back to keep me right on." (Pretty sure those are the words, I didn't look them up.)
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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok I finally got Temple to join some time ago.....how in the hell could anyone like this dead weight over Kaliyo. Like Mako, I find her looks to be kind of plain and simple. And her personality....?


Please! Even Piccolo from Dragon Ball would be as emo as Harley Quinn compared to her. How could anyone think Kaliyo is worse? At least she has a personality however confrontational it may be.

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I heard a song I hadn't heard in a long time that instantly brought Kaliyo to mind: "Hey, you're a crazy b****, but you f*** so good I'm on top of it/ In my dreams I'm doing you all night/ Scratches all down my back to keep me right on." (Pretty sure those are the words, I didn't look them up.)


Buckcherry FTW! Yes! That song, while written before the character was made public knowledge, fits her perfectly! :D

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The main thing that bugs me about Kaliyo is that I can't really tell what actions should would or would not approve of (at least of those that aren't so stupid my IA wouldn't do them).


When I'm told to go and kill people, but find a peaceful solution, she doesn't like it because I'm not being violent enough for her. But when I get told to kill people and do, half the time she seems to object on the grounds that I'm doing what I'm told to.

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I think anybody with a shred of honour and decency would hate Kaliyo.


I started off indifferent to having her as a companion, but definitely as her companion quests unfold I started to dislike her more and more. The worst thing is that I accidentally wandered into romancing her, but since I like Ensign Temple infinitely more I'll be ditching Kaliyo.

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The main thing that bugs me about Kaliyo is that I can't really tell what actions should would or would not approve of (at least of those that aren't so stupid my IA wouldn't do them).


When I'm told to go and kill people, but find a peaceful solution, she doesn't like it because I'm not being violent enough for her. But when I get told to kill people and do, half the time she seems to object on the grounds that I'm doing what I'm told to.


It's not all that complicated once you you realize what drives her. It's not about violence or peace, it's why you are doing it, who you are doing it for. I think I've already posted on this subject in this thread. She doesn't like patriotism towards the Empire. She likes it when you're snarky, confident, and independent. There's quite a few instances where I let someone live and she was happy, and several where she disapproved of killing.



I think anybody with a shred of honour and decency would hate Kaliyo.


Right...because liking a volatile video character has anything to do with people's character in real life.


Like all people who make dark side decisions are really evil in real life too.

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Kaliyo's talents are not so special that the Empire needs to help her with her problems.


The problems being that her life of lying, cheating and stealing has finally caught up with her, so she needs to hide on my ship for protection.


I wish I could shiv her in the gut and see the shock and betrayal in her eyes, then let R2-V8 dump her out the airlock.

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Right...because liking a volatile video character has anything to do with people's character in real life.


Like all people who make dark side decisions are really evil in real life too.

Let me clarify; anybody who plays their character in that way.

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I havn't gotten at all far in the IA story(lvl 13), but I hated her from the first minute. When I found her in my room and we had the Holo conversation with Keeper I was angry and confused at him forcing me to work with her, and when the call ended I was praying that I would have the option to shoot her in the back of the head as she turned to leave the room.

She would have fit much better with my BH/Smuggler... I wouldn't even put her with one of my sith characters as they would probably execute her for being irritating and disrespectful.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I think anybody with a shred of honour and decency would hate Kaliyo.


I started off indifferent to having her as a companion, but definitely as her companion quests unfold I started to dislike her more and more. The worst thing is that I accidentally wandered into romancing her, but since I like Ensign Temple infinitely more I'll be ditching Kaliyo.


Glad I dodged that bullet. Though my reaction to her hitting on my sniper was pretty much ick. Hell no. He has standards. :X

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I am beginning to think all Kaliyo haters are probably fat depressed chicks.


Yes yes the typical "you hate my character because you're just jelly" remark.


They can't POSSIBLY have valid reasons for disliking her nope. She's such a perfect little snowflake that the only way to dislike her is out of pettiness.


Oddly enough I wouldn't dislike her so much if I didn't have to bring her aboard the ship. Alas i have to deal with her opening that hole in her face and the garbage that spews out.


Leaving her on her own to get her comeuppance would be wonderful alas I can't.

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They can't POSSIBLY have valid reasons for disliking her nope. She's such a perfect little snowflake that the only way to dislike her is out of pettiness.




Maybe it's because she is multi-faceted and not boring that people like her. Her looks certainly aren't boring and neither is her personality. But if you like plain, boring vanilla ice cream characters like Temple then by all means, she's all yours.

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Maybe it's because she is multi-faceted and not boring that people like her. Her looks certainly aren't boring and neither is her personality. But if you like plain, boring vanilla ice cream characters like Temple then by all means, she's all yours.


Yes because not like Kaliyo clearly means I like boring characters. There's noooo way I like Revel, Khem and pretty much everyone else just fine. Naah. I don't like Kaliyo who's sooo unique in her rebelliousness and not kissing the Pc's *** (despite you know..not being) I must hate every single character that isn't a dry limp noodle *sage nod*


And frankly I think she looks hideous. I don't feel the need to validate my liking a character by saying everyone who dislikes them only likes boring characters since you know the one I like is apparently the only interesting one in the bunch.

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