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I thought we was suppose to feel powerful?


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Alright people let''s get this **** straight. 43 hybrid jugg here, Sith Warrior is absolutely facerolling through content if you just play it right! All of you juggs going full vengeance spec - there''s your problem. I run a 10/24/0 spec right now and I decimate everything. Stay in soresu form - the extra 6% damage from shi-cho form is not worth the health loss. Get a few defensive talents in the immortal tree for survivability, then rep out vengeance for dps. I have absolutely no problem soloing everything I come into contact with. I use Jaesa for all normal quests and only pop quinn out for class quest bosses.


If you have any questions about rotations, skills, talents, or ANYTHING regarding making a juggernaut the best freaking class in the game, pm me. Rolfson on Vornskr server.


And for the record, this build destroys in PvP, as well as being just fine for tanking flashpoints.

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I leveled a SW Jugg to 30 and liked the play style and story a lot. I didn''t have much trouble other than getting owned a few times by the class quest guy on Balmora. Then I started leveling a BH merc and was shocked how much easier EVERY quest was with the merc. PvP was better, killing champion mobs is cake, and my numbers in flashpoints were in credibly superior to my vengeance speced Jugg. That was my experience. I''ll go back to the Jugg when some improvments are made.
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If you leave, more power to you. But I'll put this bluntly - if you cannot operate as a warrior, you are simply doing it wrong. Juggernauts should NOT go pure vengeance, or if you do, stick in soresu form. The armor increase is critical for your success. As for the difference between a juggernaut and a bounty hunter? Congratulations, you have found out the difference between a tank and a dps!


By all means, leave the class. I will not try to stop you. In fact, weeding out the bad warriors means I get more gear/chances to raid, and there's an overall stronger group of tanks out there


Edit: As of now, juggernauts are not meant to be successful DPS in a group. If you come expecting that, leave NOW.

Edited by dorkvid
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I can't speak for other classes since the Beta but I played everything except the Bounty Hunter back then and as far as leveling PVE I really haven't noticed a difference. Now I have noticed a difference in terms of the SW Jug I played in beta vs the SW Mara I am playing now.


In the beta it would take forever for me to kill off a large group of mobs, but I'd normally do so with half a bar of health left. Now with my Mara, the fights are normally over in half the time, but until I got my healer(Quinn), I would normally be very, very close to dying. Since I've picked him up however my character is rolling through the mobs.


Now I haven't tried any other classes since Beta, but some of the post in this thread have me interested to see if I am missing out. Soloing two golds at once sounds pretty fun!

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If you leave, more power to you. But I'll put this bluntly - if you cannot operate as a warrior, you are simply doing it wrong. Juggernauts should NOT go pure vengeance, or if you do, stick in soresu form. The armor increase is critical for your success. As for the difference between a juggernaut and a bounty hunter? Congratulations, you have found out the difference between a tank and a dps!


By all means, leave the class. I will not try to stop you. In fact, weeding out the bad warriors means I get more gear/chances to raid, and there's an overall stronger group of tanks out there


Edit: As of now, juggernauts are not meant to be successful DPS in a group. If you come expecting that, leave NOW.


The problem with what you're saying is that most, if not all, other classes don't have to follow such a rigid spec progression to be successful. As to the dps v tank comment; I'm fine with that if Bio didn't go out of their way to assure players that ALL dps specs would be viable. You are agreeing that the vengeance tree is weak with your spec and tank comments. Also, the power tech and Sith assassin are tanks as well and their dps spec is very good. Clearly the Jugg needs adjustments.

The best tanks I've run with have been PT, they just have better tanking abilities.

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Leveling a Mara. Did it also in beta. Up until around 18-19 i felt pretty good survivalwize, but now on Balmorra i hit a wall. Things seems to have been nerfed in the latest round of patches they did.


Now at 21-22 i keep dying trying to dps two or more mobs ^^.


Vette does more DPS and aggro than me, using her to start fights will sometimes save me from dying...


The healer functions on the droid we get issued, who used to save me earlier from deaths using him as a pocket healer, apparently had his higher AI brainfunctions lobotmized in the last patches. He does not autoheal me any longer. The "Quinn" you mentions hasnt appeared for me yet so I dont know how his healing is.


I see inquisitors and BHs storm through mobs in my zones killing left and right and I die to TWO silver mobs 50 meters from them.




Ya, have tried other talent trees etc.


Marauder started out fun and is the real point of Star Wars the dark side, but for now feels hopeless to play in normal questing.


Staying several levels ABOVE the quest levels is also not a solution atm, you get close to nothing as XP.


Mara feels heavily nerfed both in DPS and in survivability.


And before you fanbois start hacking, I know to play this class.


Marauders got issues atm. as for you posting in this thread about Juggernauts, that is a totally different class atm regd. survivabilty and dps (duh - its a tank ppl....)


Maras and Jugs are not the same.

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The powertechs and Sith assassins have excellent dps trees and they are also tanks. Actually, from my experience they make better tanks than Juggs. PTs have far superior aoe aggro as well as being able to keep single target threat better than Juggs. So, please stop saying that vengeance speced SW should be happy with what they have. Particularly since Bio said ALL dps specs would be comparable; actually most are, with the exception of SW.
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i have had nno problems questing with my juggernaut, however in pvp it does feel underpowerd i dont do alot of damage which i wouldnt expect from an immortal spec but i also cant sustain alot of damage without all my cooldowns up i feel like i die very quickly when im supposed to be some big bad tank.... kinda dumb
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If you leave, more power to you. But I'll put this bluntly - if you cannot operate as a warrior, you are simply doing it wrong. Juggernauts should NOT go pure vengeance, or if you do, stick in soresu form. The armor increase is critical for your success. As for the difference between a juggernaut and a bounty hunter? Congratulations, you have found out the difference between a tank and a dps!


By all means, leave the class. I will not try to stop you. In fact, weeding out the bad warriors means I get more gear/chances to raid, and there's an overall stronger group of tanks out there


Edit: As of now, juggernauts are not meant to be successful DPS in a group. If you come expecting that, leave NOW.


So what you are saying is that BW flat out failed to make Juggernaut DPS spec competitive with other classes and our only chance at usefulness is to either go full blown tank or some bastardized hybrid?


Because I agree with you, and this is a problem that BW needs to address. However, I hope you won't mind if those of us who want to play a SW AND do competitive dps continue to make our concerns known. Telling everyone unwilling to forgo either dps tree to "get out now" isn't exactly the most helpful advice.

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I got tired of reading by the 7th page...class sucks, no it doesn't you suck...etc. Would be more constructive if people that were defending the class would list their basic spec/rotations. I'm only 17 as a Mara, have a 20 Sin, 21 Merc, and a 16 Op, and I'm thinking about making the Mara my main...


Sure the Merc has DfA and it slaughters small groups of enemies just with the one skill, and has several more really strong aoes, still not a lot of CC though atleast not at mines level.


One of the more annoying things I've experienced on my Mara is the best way to solo a strong and elite group is to put Vette on the Elite then I jump on the Silver. When the silver is dead I switch to the Elite, but by the time I get to it shes usually almost got it killed solo. I do find that kinda strange that our dps companion tanks better than we do and her gear is horrible compared to mine.

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Lol, all you're doing is shutting down everyone's opinions and suggestions. Did you make this thread to have an argument and try and push people away from the SW? Are you that set that it is a bad class, despite all the positive comments? There is a simple answer for you...Re-roll...?
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Lol, all you're doing is shutting down everyone's opinions and suggestions. Did you make this thread to have an argument and try and push people away from the SW? Are you that set that it is a bad class, despite all the positive comments? There is a simple answer for you...Re-roll...?


This class IS bad. There are no, ifs, ands, or buts about it. Anyone posting "positive" stuff is either delusional or trolling. I'm currently lvl 24 maraud and while I really don't have any problems questing right now, it's pretty obvious when every time I group with other classes they can not only wipe mobs faster than me with more damage, but they come out with more HP--especially elites. I am not struggling to survive per se, but its pretty blatant how much farther ahead other classes are than I am in terms of strength.


PvP isn't even worth talking about for marauds at the moment. Absolutely no utility combined with subpar damage equates to a severely hindered class.


Who knows, maybe marauds somehow are good in the 40s or even at 50. But at my level, it's pretty bad. If it weren't for the time I have already spent leveling this char I would have rerolled a long time ago.

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Im a lvl 18 jugg. Firstly i very rarely die, pretty mich can take elyes higher than me too. Saber ward is imense. Im pretty well geared for 18 too but i am finding the dps a little slow. I think it just needs some tweaks. Lets be constructive here,


Rampage is hitting hard thats fine. The problem at low lvls is the main rage builder is still assault. Although im using S assault when ever its Off CD, im still having to use it alot. Also vicious slash is slightly lack luster unless specced it up with crit. BUT, remember you will get impale kick and execute throw later on. I think its a better at 50 situation.


However this should not be a situation of, oh btw your a tank class so you will do less dps. No. That is soo out dated now. It should be about what the player enjoys playing. If you want to use 2 light sabers then go maurader. There is no why would you go naurader if you can do the as jugg and have the choice of tanking. Thats rubbish. Maurader has more dps versatilty with pvp and pve. The difference in dps should only 5% max. I went jugg cos i like the single lightsaber style and get the oppertunity to tank if needed, my dps shouldnt be punished because of that. But as i said, i dont really die much just a bit slow and sluggish atm.

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Im just a level 12 Marauder yet but tested some PvP and i think i can see where the Marauder is going in terms of gameplay. In comparison to my sniper (level 24) the marauder is a lot more harder to play. But not harder as in he deals less damage as in harder to acually manage the class and skills. Sniper = crouch + ambush + probe. snipe snipe snipe. rinse an repeat and handling the energy. (Its abit more than that but not that much).

With my marauder i have to hanndle Rage, Fury, Situational abilitys and the defensive abilitys like cloak and stuff.

Even my sith assasin was easier to learn.


In PvP the lack of CC is pretty hard but with cloak of pain and saber ward you get pretty surviveability (especially when used together). But even with my level 11-12 toon my Damage was pretty good.



I think the diffitulty difference in playing the marauder and other Classes is the Problem why people think marauder is UP.


The soloability of a Class doesn´t say much of its power. Just because a Sorc can handle 3 golds with CC and destroy one after another doesn´t really mean that the class is stronger than other classes.

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I find it's easy to solo much with my Bounty Hunter for two reasons. One, because I have a 1 minute CC, two because I have Mako to heal me. I can solo 3 gold mobs with a assorted regular mobs fairly well. Edited by Axxar
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i would like to share my impression on plaiing a marauder.

i've played quite all char till level 25-30 and this is my impression

the problem imo is that in the range level from 10 to 20 marauder quite suxs in pvp.

i started to qq about everything like lot of ppl does in this forum.

then i throught: " it's impossible this class is so weak, let's start gathering some info"

so after a lot of readings and a lot of practice i come up to this.

yes marauder suxs a bit on early leves. it's true compared to other classes.

second thing: i think it's quite the most hard class or at least one of the hardest in the game to play in the correct way

third: don't play a marauder if u are a clicker or a keyboard turner.

for playing a marauder the right way u need to have full controll of the toons of abilities and a good reaction to which class u're vs at the moment of fighting.

i took me a lot of time to getting involved with all keybindings and mouse moving but i assure you one thing.

after the first 20 levels of totally ****** gameplay ( i mean exept for the storyline plaiing in warzone till level 20-25 was totally usless) now i seriusly **** people in warzone.

this is my advice: stop qq about marauder class. it's not underpowered.

it's just a damn class hard to play.

if you're a noob or u don't want to click more than 1-2-3-4 key button change class and go mercenary or whatever.

marauder aren't underpowered, just people need to learn how to play the class

my 2 cents

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wall of text

both juggernaut and marauders are UP



lack of CC if enemy caster / BH / sniper is going after you ...pretty much you are screwed with so many CC and slows they got you cant even get close and when you get they just push you away and they can unload way more burst than you can .... and no you just cannot beat equivalently skilled ranged class you just don't have tools for that.

also count terrain ... hutball... every caster got clear advantage on this map can push you to edges CC in fire throw in acid or just get rid of you ...


another thing is speed...both jugg and marauders got same speed as everyone else with no speed bonus .... in PVP like voidstar when you blow enemy doors and chasing them they freely shoot / cast at you and you can only watch (and no charge is not gonna help you when enemy got 1 + cc and slows ...)


in PVE well marauders are quite strong on bosses


juggernauts I am not sure about their dps probably not but never seen that so I can't comment on that

but I just hate AoE tanking much more harder than other classes while less fun and even less rewarding... another thing is why everyone got same health pool as me or difference is only like 100hp....


just lost hutball 5:0 reason? we were all warriors except 1 bounty hunter while enemy got every ranged class ... I been CC locked whole time ... and this is not fun ...



In every other MMO its Melee classes that got stuns speed bonuses .... apparently not in this one


I like my juggernaut I really do love most of his companions story and gear skins...

but its almost unplayable not rewarding less fun than any other class its seems like vanilla warrior while everyone else got cata spells


Also in tanking Juggernaut got superior CD except one that you need companion for really?! but their whole tanking is lacking if compared to other classes

Now I am really scared because in endgame guilds ppl want class that is best and not class that viable but needs baby sit.. same with pvp yes I can do lot of damage but I need my whole team babysit me and probably perma healer on my back ...


Also people complain only on this and jedi forum so yes there is something wrong ...

I Don't mind rolling another character ... but I rolled this one because of many reason and lightsabers aren't one (Actually I dislike SW lore and everything related )



also sorry for my english been second day that i am awake and this is my 4th lang ^^

Edited by Lakshri
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this really should not be happening.to solo 1(ONE) strong mob i need to waste approx 30secs and another 8-10 to gain my health back. quinn is useless even though he is geared. he often starts shooting at mobs instead of spam healing.if i go with tank companion he will also die to fast. my best bet is to go with vette and pop every single cd. she hits harder them me anyway.. as you can see in this video i did not use any defensive cooldowns for a reason, AAAND before you say anything like "LOL DERP NO DEF CDS LQL" i want to add that i DO use them every time they are off cd. only reason i didnt is to demonstrate how awful and time consuming leveling a marauder is. it really saddens me when i see BH just roflpwning through 2 packs of mobs and and i struggle like this. :/


anyway that all i have to say. prolly gonna delete char(i failed with jaesa anyway) and start leveling BH or assassin.


my gear is almost fully up to level even with few epics.


Oh and in PvP i dont have any problems with killing stuff. just wanna say leveling at later levels is horrible.and to all of you who are saying:"I YUST PRESSSS 1 BUTTEN AND THEI DYE EZ LOL DERP". you are lying. try killing something that is few levels higher then you and later in game.



Edited by zehscion
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this really should not be happening.to solo 1(ONE) strong mob i need to waste approx 30secs and another 8-10 to gain my health back. quinn is useless even though he is geared. he often starts shooting at mobs instead of spam healing.if i go with tank companion he will also die to fast. my best bet is to go with vette and pop every single cd. she hits harder them me anyway.. as you can see in this video i did not use any defensive cooldowns for a reason, AAAND before you say anything like "LOL DERP NO DEF CDS LQL" i want to add that i DO use them every time they are off cd. only reason i didnt is to demonstrate how awful and time consuming leveling a marauder is. it really saddens me when i see BH just roflpwning through 2 packs of mobs and and i struggle like this. :/


anyway that all i have to say. prolly gonna delete char(i failed with jaesa anyway) and start leveling BH or assassin.


my gear is almost fully up to level even with few epics.


Oh and in PvP i dont have any problems with killing stuff. just wanna say leveling at later levels is horrible.and to all of you who are saying:"I YUST PRESSSS 1 BUTTEN AND THEI DYE EZ LOL DERP". you are lying. try killing something that is few levels higher then you and later in game.





Yup! sad thing is, I seen a heal spec BH kill things just as fast and did not take nowhere near as much damage. My wife sorc can do it with her eyes close. I'm still laughing at how people say that this class is fine and we are bad. Sure thing.

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On my sith warrior Mara, I'm jealous of almost every class. I see people soloing things and being ******. This class is hard...


I mean not in the hard that most people think. My hotbar is full of skills, and the wind blows I take damage. I've tried both specs and it was hell to get to 25 compare to the other classes i've tried in beta.



Now, my only hope is to just get done with chap 1, and work on twinking him out so much that I can destory everything.



I can see why one of the most played classes is the lighting god <.< I see them soloing 3 things at the same time that I can't even solo by myself.



I don't know about high levels, but leveling up with this class does not make me feel like the power house.


Odd, I feel like a ****** leveling as a Juggernaut, and my dps is less than a Marauder's. Dps sorcerers do have kind of a perfect storm for levelling, since they have a ****** tanking companion at L10, lots of aoe and dps, and they can heal themelves in a pinch. But warriors don't have it too bad. If you're having trouble with elites, then I suggest keeping Quinn geared (just pick his stuff in the quest rewards) and summoning him for those fights. Then expand his command bar and put him in the full healing mode (there's an ability on the right that buffs his heals and makes him focus on healing). He does a pretty good job of keeping you up. I've gotten by on his heals in heroics where we couldn't find a healer. Also, smart use of Saber Ward (marauders have that, right?) and Call on the Force is essential for boss fights. And you should always have the best medpacs you can you as your level handy, the ones I make for myself with Biochem restore almost half my health.


For normal levelling of course, Vette (or Jaesa once you have her) makes for faster killing.

Edited by Archontruth
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