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Official Q&A Thread for May 25th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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With the introduction of Legacy in 1.2 you offered us half of legacy with the other half to be made available in 1.3.

Initially you lead us to believe that credit purchase would ONLY be an alternate method of unlocking legacy content however this is contradicted by several items ONLY being unlockable for a credit purchase(Ship perks, and Jet boost as an example).

My question is: In 1.3 you will be introducing things like XP bonus' for leveling, will these be things that I'm required to purchase for 1.5 million credits or will this content actually be tied to my legacy level?

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I love playing PvP on my level 50 toon, but every day getting a PvP game is getting harder and harder! Is there any way to implement a cross server system for PvP war zones. This could possibly be a short term solution to the PvP issue, until a server merge comes around. I really want that War Hero armor!
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Will there be a specific process to get our characters transferred over to the PTS for 1.3 testing?


Also, I've haven't been involved in PTS testing before so i don't know if this is already in place, but is there a chance the skill mentor could be made free of charge so we can test *all* the specs of our character without the need to grind dailies etc.? It would surely help in testing and comparing any class changes in Operation and Warzone environments.

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What tools are you planning to implement in 1.3 or later updates to facilitate player-made, server wide events? Are things like rentable player event areas, arenas with scoreboards, searchable event calendars, server specific MoTDs, suscribable custom chat channels that are server or faction wide and similar tools being considered? Edited by Veriss
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Is there any information that can be given to address the low population on a lot of servers between now and 1.3? It's becoming increasingly frustrating to me and I know I'm not the only one.
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In a February Q&A, it was mentioned that the infamous "Hood Toggle" would not make 1.2, but would come soon after, and even mentioning extending it to companions. Then in an April edition the question was raised again, but the answer became more vague, this time indicating in a further off future. Will it make 1.3? If not, could you give us some more insight as to what to expect? Thank you!
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Currently when you die in PVE you will eventually have to repair your gear as you die on the road. Meanwhile in PVP/warzones when you die your gear does not get damaged, meaning you will not have to repair. This leaves huge repair costs during whipes in raid without any real profit back doing it, but now in warzones your gear won't be affected when you die, also you benefit from the money you earn at the end of each warzone.


What was your thought behind that, and how/will you adjust that in the future so it will be more fair?

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Currently the main advantage of the armour crafting skills is slotted gear and augments. However, these are bind on equip/tradeable. Are there any plans to introduce new bind-on-pickup bonuses for armour crafters to make it worthwhile being an armour crafter on your main raider? For example, an additional non-tradeable tier of augments that give a few more stats each.
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So the group finder isn't cross server? Wow, wonderful. The problem isn't getting the people on the server together to do things, the problem is there's nobody on the servers! I play on Helm of Graush, up until recently we had a decent population. We had 9 people in the imperial fleet the other day. There's 16 now. 16 whole people.


Why not give us an option for a cross server group finder, and then have one for the server for those that don't want to have the risk of teaming with bad apples? And do we really need 3 GTN's on the server? I can't sell anything because there's nobody there to buy it. Let's merge all of the GTN's together as one cross-server entitiy.

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Why transfers instead of mergers? Transfers will only inflate some servers and make several servers absolute ghost-towns. Wouldn't mergers be much better because you could even out the population to where all the servers have at least Standard populations all day long as opposed to transfers making several light or very light and a few Heavy-Full?


Also, can we expect the ability to copy over characters to the PTS? Having to level a character on the PTS is a chore to do, and it makes the end-game stuff less tested due to lack of level 50 characters on the PTS.


Oh, and please no cross-server stuff. It really ruins a server community and makes all the content that is cross server impersonal.

Edited by MasterUltrunus
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Though it's been asked in every single Q&A thread, there still hasn't been an answer to the silence surrounding chat bubbles. Prior to the UI update it was called a UI issue, but since then we've heard nothing on whether or not this is still in the works.


So what's the status and ETA of chat bubbles?

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Dear Bio, i'm wondering if a race is to be added in the future and it has it's specific cultural architecture (for example gungans with their epic underwater cities) will their starting areas be on their homeworld or will it be class related? I'm also referring to possible added classes, will they also start at the current starting areas? *If this can't be answered yet, please answer that so i'll know.*
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Can you guys PLEASE set up the mailing system so that you can get the auto fill with all charactres from your account?


really hard to take chance you spell you characters name wrong with a typeo and send your items to a person with a off spelt name.

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I know you comment on legacy bank being down the road but legacy credit sharing should be moved up. Something where I can drop my credits and be able to pay for training, repair, buy gear and pay to unlock legacy items. I find it not worth it to me to transfer credits to buy some of the legacy stuff. I buy it when 1 character gets enough. Since I don’t want to transfer credits to buy something then a day later find out I need to transfer credits back to pay for training.
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Any plans on letting us go back through our class story on our characters without completely re-rolling them? Maybe make a level 50 version of the story areas or knock the character back down to level one and lose abilities but let us keep our Crew Skills level, Valor level, and Social level. I enjoyed the story on my SW and want to go back through it but I don’t want to have to start from scratch on all the stuff I worked on outside of the story line.
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What was the reasoning being the change to Smuggler Companion Corso Riggs Harpoon skill being changed to an Illegal jetpack? Smugglers already have a companion that has a leap-to-enemy companion. Was this change done with only Gunslingers in mind? Having Corso run away from an enemy while a Scoundrel is within melee range causes everyone, including the scoundrel, to have to chase after Corso.
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Question Is there any recourse outside of deleting (unacceptable for me) to acquire legacy rewards to the fullest? My characters were made before ANY specific info was released.


I was surprised enough that you can make both factions on one account, while I think this has created a "bantha-poo storm" of issues I will try not to distract with. I mention because it might have changed my initial character creations and indeed - entire game-plan for creating alternate characters.


My quandary is this. I have 8 imperial characters.

50 operative chiss

41 sniper zabrak

41 mercanary rattataki

29 powertech (not sure race, says human but shouldn't...I think)

45 sorcerer (race showing wrong again)

33 assassin twi'lek

37 juggernaut (race wrong again)

30 marauder (race showing wrong)


It is impossible for me to gain the added unlocks from the 20 companion on the republic side, not to mention the unlocks for the 12 emote/buff(ok buffs mirrored, non-issue)/heroic ability, unless I delete FOUR of my currently level 29+ alts.


Four possible solutions I can see would be, which of course bring other issues for community at large :


A) When free transfers hit, allowing four moves to another server (thereby freeing up slots to make replacements on other side)


B) Increasing total number of character slots to 16 per server.


C) giving credit for those unlocked companions upon completing their companion quest line (it IS a different character after all)


D) allow a faction change for mirror class


A lot of the game design/mechanics/progression i'm unhappy with all told, and while this isn't even top ten on my list... this is currently fresh in mind, and I think needs to be figured out by SWTOR-devs prior to adding MORE legacy goodies.






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I dont know if anyone already asked this but it will be mutch better if you guys put all fp on HM more challenge to all players and more thing to do in lvl 50 ,now we have 11 fp hm to do plus the ops if you make this to lvl 50 we will have 17 fp hm so mutch more hours to spend on them.


Hammer station


Mandalorian Raiders


Colicoid War Game

The Red Reaper



Thanks alot and continue to make the good work and never loose the hope .

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I know the answer to the question of "When are you planning on doing something about the empty servers?" is "Soon" So I will ask another question. Do you realize that this is the most important thing to your game right now? I really love this game amd I REALLY want it to do well, but you guys are killing me! LFG menus, Cross server WZs this is all nothing if no one is playing.
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Why does it take so long for new features such as LFG tool to be released? I have played other MMOs who were able to release LFG tools at a much faster rate that is currently occuring with this game. Is it a lack of knowledge or experience with implementing? Is it an issue with the engine that has been used in the game? I love the game, but I also find that development doesn't seem to be happening at a steady pace.:rak_03:
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I want to level from 10-50 via pvp. I have no interest in pve. Why are the warzone zone tokens capped at 2000 and why can't I spend them on future level 50 gear? i'm forced to waste my tokens on pvp vendor junk or gear that i dont need/want. I can craft armor as i progress to hold me over till 50. What are the chances you either remove the cap or let us buy future pvp gear while leveling in pvp?



Edited by Sim-E
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