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  1. So subscribing will gain you access to features that makes the game easier to play. I really don’t like this. I play a game for fun and fun for me is overcoming something that’s challenging. Like being engaged in a tough fight with both teams just giving it their all and not giving each other any ground till someone finally makes a play that give the one team the edge they needed to win. Even being on the losing team in that scenario is fun for me because it was a good fight. I know I don’t need to use the features that puts the game into easy mode, but this pay for easy mode will effect were the game is leading. I’m not questioning if the game will survive being turned into FTP or being made easy because it will survive and Bioware will probably make more money than they are now. What I’m wondering is the only thing that matters to the players and that is will the game be better for it, will it still be fun to play?
  2. The only Juggernaut spec that I actively play is the immortal spec. 1. I think people perceive my immortal Juggernaut spec as the guy that goes in first in PvP. Friendly players expect me to get to them ASAP and save them and pull other players off of them. Enemy players see me as a nuisance for being able to reduce their damage to their other targets 2. I perceive my Juggernaut immortal spec in PvP as a class with great bust survivability but low survivability in long fights to the point where I become an easy target to take down. I know I’m not suppose to hit hard but need something to get them to attack me, right now the dps people I’m hitting feel like a tank spec because of how little damage I can do to them. I do like how challenging it is to tank as a Juggernaut though, so please don’t change this as I don’t want every noob to be able to play this spec.
  3. If we add the defense farmers to the ignore list wouldn't it make it so we never get stuck on their team again?
  4. /high-five oredith Too bad people will still beat that dead horse here for a while.
  5. That was a good rant, got a good laugh. Felt like that last night when I saw people farming a node for medals when we started to lose, first time I saw that on my server. Then saw it happen in 3 other warzones after that. When I asked why there were doing that they basically said it was to get their medals so they get their commendations so they can get better PvP gear. I know we could go on and on that gear doesn't matter only skill does but let’s talk about fixing the problem. The problem is some people will do anything to just get more commendations to get the better PvP gear. The main parts of this problem is getting a few easy medals for giving up and hindering your team while getting face rolled by the better team and the better PvP gear gained by commendations from doing Warzones. WE could do something about the defender medals like the person here recommended http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=491481 by splitting up the defender points among all the people at the node. Or we could do something about the better PvP gear/commendations. We could just make it so the commendations are no longer specific to what endgame gear you can buy with them. The commendations you receive from doing level 50 Warzones and from doing endgame Falshpoints and Operations could be used to buy both kinds of gear with different levels of difficulty commendations earned by doing really good in a Warzone (the determinate of this could be a problem) or by doing harder Operations. Or we could keep the current commendation system and change the gear and get rid of the Expertise stat, making the gear no longer specific to a type of gameplay. Either way some of the node farmers in warzones will realize that it would be faster to get into nightmare flashpoints and do Operation to get better gear. Now before someone miss quotes me and goes on a rant I want to emphasize that I said FASTER not EASIER. Finding a group that could hold their hand and babysit them through Flashpoints and Operations would be faster than farming a node in PvP for 4 medals; the group could even help them learn how to play their class (look a win-win for everyone). But in the meantime here is a link to help you people who can even call farming a node in PVP a strategy http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=451701. This guide should be a mandatory read before anyone can even queue for a warzone.
  6. This sounds great. Recently thanks to the free server transfers my server has a bunch of less than enthusiastic pvpers in lvl 50 Warzones who flat out give up when we get close to 30% left in Alderaan Civil War and Novera Coast on both sides. This cowardly farming is killing how much fun my server’s Warzones use to be.
  7. Why did u put expertise into the game as a stat? It seems we all get it to cancel out each other’s expertise stat and it limits the gear’s purpose.
  8. Any plans on letting us go back through our class story on our characters without completely re-rolling them? Maybe make a level 50 version of the story areas or knock the character back down to level one and lose abilities but let us keep our Crew Skills level, Valor level, and Social level. I enjoyed the story on my SW and want to go back through it but I don’t want to have to start from scratch on all the stuff I worked on outside of the story line.
  9. As a Immortal Juggernaut, I would find that Overpowered. From my experience going against Marksmen and Sharpshooters in Warzones they are sometimes easy to go against and other times they are just so damn annoying. The main reason I would go after one is that they are not attacking me and killing one of my teammates (go figure that "attack everything but the tank" advice makes the tank attack you). One of two things happen here. #1 The MM or SS ignores me till after I get to them and take out a good amount of their health. Want to guess how this ends? #2 They see me coming and start attacking me. After this I go back to what I was doing unless they go back to attacking the rest of my team and then I have to go after them again. Going after them again results in the long walk towards them as they take out a nice chuck of my health getting to them, or I have to burn a CD, after which I get stunned and they run further away and back into cover. Yeah this second outcome is a load of fun for me. Mind you this is like 20 seconds trying to just tank one person and u are getting me away from the center of action and away from heals or heals has to go to the center of action to heal me. As for the problem of you guys going 1v1, why are you by yourself in a Warzone? If your lucky you might run into an enemy player by their self but those are normally a scavenge kill on someone who just got out of a fight.
  10. One of the things I loved about Mass Effect is that you could go back through the whole game on the same character without re-rolling them. Any plans on introducing something like that to The Old Republic so we could go back through our story missions but have them all at a level 50 difficulty?
  11. Okay, the 14/27 Juggernaut build is still viable as a tank and yes there are trade offs from not going more into the immortal skill tree. Lets not go into discussion about that, there are posts on the Juggernaut forms about that, it just comes down to your your play style. I'm sure the OP has got plenty of different ideas of what he can do if he still wants to tank in PvP. As for the guard, isn't the point of it to make the enemy team to attack you. Yeah its not as amazing as taunt with damage reduction added on it, but it has no cool down and it effects anyone attacking your guarded target. Why did we get into a discussion on guard? Might have something with OP putting a question mark at the end of his first sentence questioning the effectiveness of guard. Why go tanking for PvP? Well I went tanking to try out a different role that I haven't leveled in a mmorpg before and I love it. Course I've been lucky enough to level my Immortal Juggernaut with a Darkness Assassin and a Bodyguard Mercenary. It is insane what we can hold against in a warzone even before they put the 50s in their own warzone bracket. I know if I went DPS we would not be doing as good as we do in pvp and I would just become a squishy reliability for the tank and healer.
  12. It does get better, much better. If u are going immortal like u have been so far in your skill tree your job in PvP isn't to kill enemy players (you can still do that don't worry), but to be a "bodyguard" for your teammates and to be serious pain for the enemy team. You get your tanking buff (Soresu Form) and guard ability at lvl 14 and your taunt at lvl 16 so you can tank in PvP.
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