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What companion do you use?


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Simple question, what companion do you use and why?


I'm a sentinel and ever since I got Doc that's all I have ever used. For PVE dailies, is it worth it to gear up any of my other companions? I was thinking Kira, but I wasn't sure if geared her DPS was worth it.

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Doc seems to be the only viable pet for me and then all my heaing is done by a programed script instead of my choice of where and when to heal. Sad, if they would of included class heals for all classes, it might have made all the companions useful and gave players more choice to boot.
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Doc seems to be the only viable pet for me and then all my heaing is done by a programed script instead of my choice of where and when to heal. Sad, if they would of included class heals for all classes, it might have made all the companions useful and gave players more choice to boot.


I could see a balance issue with class heals, though. Unless you meant just you to pet.


As a tank Guardian, I use Kira unless I'm doing a heroic or fighting a champion mob. Then I use Doc.


Good point, sents vs. guards will have different tactics.

Edited by SuspectDown
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Sentinal here. Doc's my preferred companion--he meshes better with my combat-style. This was really hammered home for me when I started leveling a new knight recently. I keep forgetting to heal in between fights and can't wait until I get him again.


Of course there is also the added fact that he's my main knight's husband, and she prefers his company to any of the others :)

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If youre a Guardian, Scourge is actually a really good pick. He can inherit all your gear as you advance, making him effortless to keep up to snuff and you can bounce agro with him by taunting to keep both of your heads above water in long or difficult fights. When he is geared out well his damage is fairly strong to boot.


Otherwise I generally perfer Kira or Rusk regardless of AC. (usually Kira so that you dont have to chase mobs around due to Rusk's range). I typically only use Doc if Im trying to kill something a bit above my level like a champion, or doing heroics by myself.

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all my heaing is done by a programed script instead of my choice of where and when to heal.


You can play with the companion toolbar active and could possibly manually control his heals and attacks. Most of the companions have a few specials that work much better if you activly take hands on control of in a pinch. (Such as their AOEs and long cooldown defense/offense boosts). Granted Ive never tried taking hands on control of the heals, so im not 100% sure how targeting them works, but Im assumeing its something you could do.

Edited by thepilk
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I preferred Kira for most of the game, until I got DOC. Sentinel is bordering on glass cannon with a I'll kill you before you kill me attitude. Doc tends to level the field. Kira makes game a bit more challenging but Doc makes it a bit more playable not having to rest between fights or draw bad aggro and not survive a small mob.
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I'm a Guardian tank, and I used Kira For a VERY LONG time(Most of the story,)... but Now I'm using Doc For my dailies, I've maxed out Kira affection and finished her story(romance)... So now I'm using Doc because... A.) I'm Working on Doc's story B.) Its nice to have a healer around.


As Far as the Break down Goes... I've Really only used Doc, Kira and T-7 a little bit.... Rusk has no appeal to me and Scourge May be an interesting character, But I have no need for a tank companion and besides that he seems to hate basically every decision I make.

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Combat Sent here. After many trials and for my playing style, I prefer a tank companion, T7 or Scourge (geared up of course). Doc is great and up until level 49 or so he was indispensable, but that's about the time I realized that I should play my class to be most effective. As a Combat Sent i prefer to focus on dps. So while my companion, T7 most of the time, pulls aggro, I can focus on the dps race when taking down an elite or champ. This works well on mobs too actually as T7 does a great job of pulling aggro for all the mobs in a pretty wide range.


Now this is a big change given that I mainly used Kira and later Doc as I leveled up. But aside from the affection and story implications, I realized that now given my ability to inflict high bursts of damage, it made more sense for me to allow my companion to take inccoming damage and tanking considerations away from me.


However, the consequences are significant if you are not ready for them. First, when my tanking companion pulls aggro, it means that I need to be prepared to move more often and quickly. I may be fighting a mob who quickly moves away from me as T7 uses one of his threat abilities. It can be very annoying if you are about to unleash a big barrage of damage.


Also while I minimize the amount of time it takes to take down mobs or an elite, I spend more time after the fight healing my tank back up. With doc, this isn't a factor as I don't need to worry about healing him or myself in between fights as he takes care of it. So... when running through dailies, Doc can be much more effective in terms of speed in between groups of mobs.


So I guess it depends on our style of play. I think I am in the minority as I see other knights stick with Doc for most things. But for me, I'm most effective when I stick with the role my class was designed for.


One additional word of caution. When running heroics with T7 or Scourge don't forget that they have AOE abilities that generate threat. This is important in tight quarters where you want to avoid splash mobs. I have seen wipes occur as splash mobs descended on a group because the tanking companion essentially pulls aggro on everything in site. Not to mention that CC can be broken as well with aoe attacks. So... I recommend, if you are going to use a tank companion for a heroic, turn off all aoe effects. If you do that... then you need to ask yourself why you are using them in a heroic in the first place.

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For dailies, scourage rocks. And this is why: once you gear hit out, he takes a little more damage then t7 but dishes out alot more damage. The two of you burst things down and speeder up and go to the next daily. Everytime you speeder up, your companion comes back with full health. No need to rest if he has aggro and you burst them down fast enough. Sometimes I. Mount up just to dismount to fill his life, much faster the meditating. This results in much faster dailies since doc has no killing power and t7 is weak compared to scourage.


Scourage, when geared and used right, is a beast.

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My prefered comps are Kiera for regular mobs ouer dps combined whit biotech results in effectively no down time.

For places that has alot of strong or champs in em i tendt to use scourge or t7, But for bosses or stuff that just kills them all the time i use Doc. For lvling people say that Doc is best but, grinding tend to go faster whit any of the other comps, as Doc has no dps or atleast very minor. This holds true for me whit both my guardian and sentinel.


But each to their own i guess :)

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ive mixed it up a lot at times but as soon as a got kiera i stuck with her as im a guardian and i prefer to keep the enemies on me.


i used doc a bit after i got him and rusk for a tad while scorge i tried to use but i have to deactivate about half of his abilties to keep the fight on me plus he hates everything i do so i keep him on the ship and just throw gifts at him to get him talking.


its sad as i think tank companions seem to make poor dps sidekicks i liked T7 but hes the same as scorge i just cant use him.


for about 90% of the game thougth i have used kiera and doc for really hard fights.

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Vig guardian here. I use Doc. I mow through mobs and I never have to stop. When I use any other companion pet I either have to heal them or me after a few pulls. Sure I'm the only DPS but since I don't have to worry about healing I move quicker than I would with double dps, or dps/tank, simply because I have to stop every so often to top them off.


I wouldn't mind using another pet but anything but Doc is annoying.

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Simple question, what companion do you use and why.

Doc is the only option for me. I can roll through missions faster because I spend a lot less time in Introspection.


My 'toon is a Combat spec'd Sentinel, with good DPS but crap for healing.


But something to be mindful of for a late-game mission...



In the Doomsday mission on Dromund Kaas, you must use T7, and he must have decent gear for you to succeed.



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After leveling both a Guardian and a Juggernaut, my experience has been the following (as Viligence/Vengeance):


- If doing content that you out gear/out level (green quests or dailies once you're a geared 50) DPS comps work well as you can just slaughter anything in your path.


- If doing yellow+ quests while leveling, Doc should help you quickly and effiecently kill mobs. I've found that for me the marginal increase in damage from a DPS comp doesn't outweigh the downtime and the time spent kiting/ avoiding damage. If doing orange/red quests, Doc will almost certainly be needed.


- As someone else mentioned, using a tank pet (while DPS spec) for some big boss fights like Champion elites, brings some interesting options. They can allow you to solo mobs that you otherwise wouldnt be able to kill. (DoT kiting, aggro kiting, etc)


All my experiences were pre-legacy and with comps in up to date moddable gear (mostly PvP gear). Legacy presence changes may change things a little.

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Also while I minimize the amount of time it takes to take down mobs or an elite, I spend more time after the fight healing my tank back up. ....


Quick Tip: After combat, dismiss and resummon your companion. They come back at full life, all debuffs removed and cooldowns reset. It takes all of 1,5 seconds. If you're outside, just mount and unmount. :)

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I've been 50 for a few weeks so as it pertains to me strictly dailies or heroic grps with companions.


I gear Kira and we seem to finish things faster vs. doc when it comes to dailies, so I might stick with her and try to gear her better. Scourge is an interesting take, as well. I will have to try him out.

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So, it comes to this:

-for leveling- If you are tank spec, best to use is Dps companion

- If you are dps spec, you use Doc

For geared lvl 50 for dailies, you use Dps companion


Im tank spec and im using Rusk (needed a change from Kira) and im really satisfied with his single target and aoe dps. I see noone here uses Rusk, most ppl take Kira, but since I leveled my shadow with Nadia who also is melee and doublebladed lightsaber, i really wanted to try smth else, like ranged dps and non-force use companion.


Rusk got heavy armor and can take lot of dmg by himself - while i tank elite, he soloes many normal mobs in the meantime. Also, Rusk dont talk much, unlike Kira and her "eat this lightsaber, you scum" spam. :)


Too bad there is no ranged force-user companion in game, smth like dps sage or sorc. I would really like to have one.

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Defense Guardian here (fairly newly level 50 - no HM FP or OPs gear yet)


I tend to use Doc more often than not. The exception being when I am working UT for materials and the abundant yield metals mission comes up. I then send Doc off to do that (because he's the UT crit guy) , and bring in Kira. But if Kira is working synthweaving (she's synth crit gal) at the same time, I use Scourge.


Doc makes me all but invincible and there is very little downtime between fights. However, since he is a healer it typically takes longer to kill anything. That being said, with a DPS companion I have to use introspection more often. The crux is that the time saved with better DPS is spent regenerating health. Just my own anecdotal evidence though.

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I use T7. and only T7. I am a combat sent and I have tried every other companion I have gotten. (Just got Rusk) but I always go back to T7. Does it take a litle longer as I have to spend more time introspecing? Sure but how fast I finish a quest isn't a big concern of mine. I will get done when I get done. T7 just fits my playstyle. I have him jump in, then I jump in. Good times, good times.
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