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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bring back sub 50 + 50 que!


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If que timer > 30 minutes, merge the two brackets. Low-pop servers need this desperately.


low pop servers could use something like this,


but instead of wasting time doing this? why not just simply fix the pop problems... by you know... server mergers or transfers?

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low pop servers could use something like this,


but instead of wasting time doing this? why not just simply fix the pop problems... by you know... server mergers or transfers?


Because this functionality exists. They would just need to disable the separation/roll back to the old way.

I'm not saying what you suggested is bad; in fact I want that just as much. We just need something *now* until that can be achieved.


Do you know how bad people <50 would get smoked by the WH+ people?:rolleyes:


Yes, I know exactly how bad it would be, but no que pop is not better than a mixed-bag que.

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If que timer > 30 minutes, merge the two brackets. Low-pop servers need this desperately.


*Hands the OP a small cup with his meds in it.... he must be overdue*


Seriously... I would rather spend more time as a sub 50 player working on PvE content and go an hour without a queue popup than experience that attack on my ego. :)

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Yes, I know exactly how bad it would be, but no que pop is not better than a mixed-bag que.


Only for the 50's. Sadly what you are suggesting is to cannibalise your own young so you can survive a tiny bit longer, because after days/weeks of this, the sub 50's will quit, stop queuing or reroll on a busy server, and you will be in a worse position than you are now in.

Edited by NyteSabre
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I have been on fatman since inception, and the stories I am hearing from rerolls (of low pop servers) are friggin staggering. I am amazed that these people either have not rerolled or are still playing this game. I salute all of you that have stuck around because I am not sure I would have. How the hell has this not been addressed?
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not that i'm for or against this idea...


but if you think about it, if this was for the low pop servers only, getting a queue pop and being able to complete the daily with 6 matches played would be better than not getting any matches at all...


bolster would have to be implemented for sure though...

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The only way this would work is if everyone is bolstered to the same gear stats and abilities.


Which would not be a bad thing IMO. It would make for much better balance and rely on player skill much more than gear stats.


I know, I know ....."I worked hard for my gear, now you are just going to give it to noobs for free?" I understand the attraction to "gear progression" and the feeling of achievement along with the reward a buff. But to me that is a PvE thing. PvP should be about skill vs skill not gear vs gear.


Cross-server que and merge/transfers would fix population problem.

Edited by Krashnburn
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The only way this would work is if everyone is bolstered to the same gear stats and abilities.


Which would not be a bad thing IMO. It would make for much better balance and rely on player skill much more than gear stats.


I know, I know ....."I worked hard for my gear, now you are just going to give it to noobs for free?" I understand the attraction to "gear progression" and the feeling of achievement along with the reward a buff. But to me that is a PvE thing. PvP should be about skill vs skill not gear vs gear.


Cross-server que and merge/transfers would fix population problem.


Just make bolster gives 1000 expertise and stats equal to a level 52 (centurion gear/recruit), instead of 49.


I just don't want to see the low-pop servers that enjoy pvp quit entirely due to not seeing ques for more than an hour/all day.

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Before some youngling report me again

this is a bad idea

investing time for this instead of merging servers and make not only Pvp, but all the experiences related to gameplay

is ridiculous


been polite enough?

can we all push fpr server mergers? can we all push for having fun Pvp'ing and having better and bigger economies and populations?

Edited by Groncho
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Because this functionality exists. They would just need to disable the separation/roll back to the old way.

I'm not saying what you suggested is bad; in fact I want that just as much. We just need something *now* until that can be achieved.


on the contrary my friend. the server transfers are already in place. they already implented it for the asia pacific servers. The reason they dont want us to be able to do it yet is becuase they are still trying to work out the issues with balancing populations and not get over crowded servers.

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