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Merc dps = wet noodle? Yes it is. Read inside.


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So last night me and my friend were practicing our damage rotions on each other see how much damage we could do. He plays a marauder with about 1200+ expertise. I got about 1300+ expertise rating. So I practice my rotation on him no buffs/adrenals etc only self buffed. So I TM, TM, TM, HSM, Unload and Rail Shot him. I got him down to maybe 70-75% HP lol. Yup.


So now he throws his rotation on me. No trinkets/no adrenals hes only self buffed. I dont play a marauder but he told me the rotation he used on me was. Charge, Smash, Rupture, Vicious Slash, Force Choke, Ravage. He gets me down to about 15% HP using his full roation. Probably missing some abilities their but you get the point.


Working as intended BW? Think next time ill fraps it. Was pretty disheartening as a merch BH tbh knowing that even with a full rotation our dps is pretty laughable atm.

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So last night me and my friend were practicing our damage rotions on each other see how much damage we could do. He plays a marauder with about 1200+ expertise. I got about 1300+ expertise rating. So I practice my rotation on him no buffs/adrenals etc only self buffed. So I TM, TM, TM, HSM, Unload and Rail Shot him. I got him down to maybe 70-75% HP lol. Yup.


So now he throws his rotation on me. No trinkets/no adrenals hes only self buffed. I dont play a marauder but he told me the rotation he used on me was. Charge, Smash, Rupture, Vicious Slash, Force Choke, Ravage. He gets me down to about 15% HP using his full roation. Probably missing some abilities their but you get the point.


Working as intended BW? Think next time ill fraps it. Was pretty disheartening as a merch BH tbh knowing that even with a full rotation our dps is pretty laughable atm.


Use unload first before anything, then TM, use unload as much as possible because the TM has a chance to end cooldown on unload (assuming youre using arsenal), youll do about 3k more damage

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You're going against a tank. You're supposed to have a hard time getting his Hp down alone.


Since when are Marauders tanks ?


My best guess for the difference in damage is that Marauders are melee... and you are not. You have way way more range then he does and thus are in reality able to avoid his damage ( in theory) . I mean your letting a mara probably the highest melee dps in the game beat on you of course its gonna hurt. In an actual fight your supposed to be doing what ever ti is you do to keep him away from you as a result you do less damage.


If you did as much damage as he could you could probably destroy him in one rotation from 30 yards away

Edited by Metajedi
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You're going against a tank. You're supposed to have a hard time getting his Hp down alone.


That's true, but I don't think that was the point of his post. In any other MMO, tanks have great armor and hitpoints, however, they are suppose to be the weakest when it comes to damage. While a caster for instance is suppose to be the weakest in armor and hitpoints while being the strongest in damage. I think he was just stating how his buddy is the strongest in all three categories when it really shouldn't be that way in a 'balanced' game. Unfortunately this game is far from being balanced :(

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I have a sentinel and a pyro merc. When I sit on people with my sentinel and do a rotation I do more damage than when my merc sits and does a rotation. Problem is, It's so much easier to stay on a target when you aren't limited to melee/10 yards, and so much easier to stay alive when you can stand far away from the zerg and nuke people, I end up doing a lot more damage overall with a lot more kills and fewer deaths when I play my pyro merc IF I am running solo.


If you have a pocket healer following your sentinel around and you can just run into the fray and stay healed up, you will be more deadly than a pyro merc with the same pocket healer.


Basically, I find that solo pyro merc is better than solo sentinel, but sentinel with heals is better than pyro with heals.

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I have a sentinel and a pyro merc. When I sit on people with my sentinel and do a rotation I do more damage than when my merc sits and does a rotation. Problem is, It's so much easier to stay on a target when you aren't limited to melee/10 yards, and so much easier to stay alive when you can stand far away from the zerg and nuke people, I end up doing a lot more damage overall with a lot more kills and fewer deaths when I play my pyro merc IF I am running solo.


If you have a pocket healer following your sentinel around and you can just run into the fray and stay healed up, you will be more deadly than a pyro merc with the same pocket healer.


Basically, I find that solo pyro merc is better than solo sentinel, but sentinel with heals is better than pyro with heals.


This man gets it. Listen to him.

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I have a sentinel and a pyro merc. When I sit on people with my sentinel and do a rotation I do more damage than when my merc sits and does a rotation. Problem is, It's so much easier to stay on a target when you aren't limited to melee/10 yards, and so much easier to stay alive when you can stand far away from the zerg and nuke people, I end up doing a lot more damage overall with a lot more kills and fewer deaths when I play my pyro merc IF I am running solo.


If you have a pocket healer following your sentinel around and you can just run into the fray and stay healed up, you will be more deadly than a pyro merc with the same pocket healer.


Basically, I find that solo pyro merc is better than solo sentinel, but sentinel with heals is better than pyro with heals.


quoted for truthiness


I do more damage on my balance shadow overall and get more kills overall then I do on my mara, my mara does more 1 to 1 damage but I dont roll with a healer often i usually Q solo. But my shadow has the option of picking fights and also vanishing from a fight.

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QQ I'm not OP enough.

Learn to play brah or go reroll, and save us your whinefest.


You should have realised by now that QQing about ANYTHING, will change nothing, the fact that you are right or not doesn't matter. The game is how it is, adopt.

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Use unload first before anything, then TM, use unload as much as possible because the TM has a chance to end cooldown on unload (assuming youre using arsenal), youll do about 3k more damage


He might should have thrown in an instant cast + 0 heat cost fusion missile and an explosive dart.... But who are we to argue against someone who spams tracer missile and expects to pull out the best his class can offer?

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My main is also a Pyro merc. Leveling an Assault Commando (same thing) on a server that isn't dead with my brother who's the same spec.


Sentinels and Marauders are no joke when played well. One of the toughest classes for me to solo if it came to it if they know what they are doing. The thing is, there are so many FOTM kids jumping on the bandwagon....there are plenty of bad sents/maras around that don't know how to use their cooldowns. So I can generally kite them long enough to get the kill.


I would agree a Merc isn't as powerful in a straight up fight. But they are far from useless. My first suggestion would be to change out of the PVE hero tracer spam spec.

Edited by Ihazcrayon
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OP: you did more damage to him than that, if you didn't you completely lied about your stats - stop trolling

The rest of you: Arsenal Merc is not the same as Pyro Merc any more than it is a Bodyguard Merc - learn to read


Arsenal can put out half decent damage if left alone, but if they are being hit by anyone they are probably the weakest class due to how dependent they are on continuing to fire off tracer missile, every other skill worth clicking is on cool down and as soon as you interrupt TM their only recourse is typically to fire rapid shots (free skill, read: no damage), use a costly AOE or knock you back

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He might should have thrown in an instant cast + 0 heat cost fusion missile and an explosive dart.... But who are we to argue against someone who spams tracer missile and expects to pull out the best his class can offer?


really? he didn't spam tracer missile. to get the most optimal results from unload, railshot, and heatseeker, one must apply 3 tracers to the target. breaking news: arsenal mercs have to use tracer missile. i also love how you suggest a fusion missile for an arsenal merc. lol. bad.


i doubt the OP's story though, because i have used the same rotation on marauder scum in warzones and it wrecks them. mercs are only wet noodles when a marauder or sin is on you, interrupting your cast abilities.

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Working as intended BW? Think next time ill fraps it. Was pretty disheartening as a merch BH tbh knowing that even with a full rotation our dps is pretty laughable atm.


Firstly, what server do you play on? Couldn't tell by your sig.


Secondly, so you stood there, let a Marauder beat on you, and then were surprised he out DPS'd you? Pretty sure the strength of a Merc right now is in their ability to kite and continue DPSing from short range, i.e. this is clearly a L2P issue.


Yes, a Melee Class should be able to out dps you within melee range. lulz

Edited by DarthOvertone
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So last night me and my friend were practicing our damage rotions on each other see how much damage we could do. He plays a marauder with about 1200+ expertise. I got about 1300+ expertise rating. So I practice my rotation on him no buffs/adrenals etc only self buffed. So I TM, TM, TM, HSM, Unload and Rail Shot him. I got him down to maybe 70-75% HP lol. Yup.


So now he throws his rotation on me. No trinkets/no adrenals hes only self buffed. I dont play a marauder but he told me the rotation he used on me was. Charge, Smash, Rupture, Vicious Slash, Force Choke, Ravage. He gets me down to about 15% HP using his full roation. Probably missing some abilities their but you get the point.


Working as intended BW? Think next time ill fraps it. Was pretty disheartening as a merch BH tbh knowing that even with a full rotation our dps is pretty laughable atm.


Lets do a worst case. TM hits for 1,5k each. 1.5k*3+ HSM lets say 2k, plus unload 3k, rs 1k. 10,5k total. After that he still had 75% of his health? A bit exaggerated but good entertainment. I'n not exactly sure what you are trying to proof here anyways. Just found your numbers to be too much on the qq side.


Commandos deal nice damage- the problem is that they are completely stationary in the mentioned skilltree. If you leave a commando alone he can still pull nice numbers. If you jump him though he is in a world of pain with the skill tree of your choice.

Edited by Twor
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You're going against a tank. You're supposed to have a hard time getting his Hp down alone.


He is going against a Marauder. They are not tanks

Hmmm.... or are they? Maybe they're the best kind of tank, the sustained dps invulnerability stealth tank O.o o.O

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