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Subs down 25%


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Oh, trust me, people are. Especially on Twitter and FB. Every other question is about transfers.


You will be only person playing it still yelling I dont see any declines or problems with the game...You been most vocal about no problems with game and no declines and look were that got it, only reason it still even has the sub numbers is the free times hasnt ran out, most us just post on forms and dont even play the game. Diablo 3 out tomorrow gg SWTOR. Continue trying to stop the sinking ship alone, iim sure you dont have enough buckets and arms.


SWTOR = Flop, next game time.

Edited by unseenmaji
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This game needed another 6 months or so in development before release but then it would have come out dangerously close to GW2, TERA, Mists of Pandaria etc. However with a bit more cut and polish SW ToR would have been a great game overall, rather than a fine levelling game and a complete bore at maximum level.


My subscription runs out in June and sadly I do not think I will be renewing, not with Diablo 3 to occupy me until Mists of Pandaria comes out. GW2 and TERA hold no interest for me.


I really wanted this game to be great and surpass World of Warcraft, sadly it seems I got caught up in all the hype and ended up disappointed due to unrealistic expectations.

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The game wouldn't have lost so many subs if they hadn't ruined pvp in 1.2 entirely. Sure, marauders will tell you everything's fine- but the 400k people who left clearly were not happy that pvp turned into 'sentinel wars'.


If you either nerfed marauders heavily, or removed them from the game- you'd see an instant response of joy across the board and subs would start climbing rapidly.


As long as marauders are the only viable pvp class though- I predict the subs will continue to fall.


I'll be right too- was not the only one who predicted 1.2 would bring a huge sub decrease if it was released as is- they didn't listen to us, they paid for it with 25% of their game's population.

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The game wouldn't have lost so many subs if they hadn't ruined pvp in 1.2 entirely. Sure, marauders will tell you everything's fine- but the 400k people who left clearly were not happy that pvp turned into 'sentinel wars'.


If you either nerfed marauders heavily, or removed them from the game- you'd see an instant response of joy across the board and subs would start climbing rapidly.


As long as marauders are the only viable pvp class though- I predict the subs will continue to fall.


I'll be right too- was not the only one who predicted 1.2 would bring a huge sub decrease if it was released as is- they didn't listen to us, they paid for it with 25% of their game's population.


Removed from game ?? lol just because you cant beat a mara/sentinel does not mean they are OP. While yea in a good players hands they can be killing machines they are not overpowered. On my sentinel i do fairly well in pvp and even better with a healer but i also get my butt handed to me often as well.


Sounds to me like you just need a new method if they giving you that much trouble. But i will agree pvp needs to be worked on as the WZ's are fairly dull with the exception of civil war. Idk why but i like that one alot. And they need to get the ranked system out soon also.


Ranked dont realy mean squat to me but i know theres alot of others that was realy looking forward to it.


Oh and the 400k lost subs wasnt nowhere near all about pvp. It was no doubt a factor but was also noway the biggest reason either.

Edited by Nyteblades
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I don't dream of Diablo 3 being anything more than a casual dungeon crawl with friends. That's what I anticipated from Diablo, Diablo II, and Diablo III, it's what I got in Diablo and Diablo II, and judging by the beta, it's what I'm going to get in Diablo III.


Yeah, it is not a MMO. But it has a huge fanbase and is plain fun to play. 2 million played the open beta for it. I do suspect it will impact TOR's subs some. Check the server pops this tuesday evening. :cool:

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Yeah, it is not a MMO. But it has a huge fanbase and is plain fun to play. 2 million played the open beta for it. I do suspect it will impact TOR's subs some. Check the server pops this tuesday evening. :cool:


Ok, wait a sec...


Sometimes, even I go several days playing my 360 without logging in to TOR (except to craft while I play the 360). How is decreasing your playtime to do something else for a bit relevant to subs?


I fully expect pops to decrease when this launches. But, again, what does that have to do with subs? I also know that some people choose to completely throw away another game in a different genre for a console 3PS. They're typically the minority (no I don't have stats). Again, subs?


I do agree with "it will impact TOR's subs some", though. :)

Edited by JeramieCrowe
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Yeah, it is not a MMO. But it has a huge fanbase and is plain fun to play. 2 million played the open beta for it. I do suspect it will impact TOR's subs some. Check the server pops this tuesday evening. :cool:


Oh I'm quite sure the same fifteen haters will be here crying about something. :rolleyes:

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Yeah, it is not a MMO. But it has a huge fanbase and is plain fun to play. 2 million played the open beta for it. I do suspect it will impact TOR's subs some. Check the server pops this tuesday evening. :cool:


As of tomorrow i am Initiating racechange Inquisitor > Barbarian:D

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People might unsub for that. Mainly due to time constraints. However, one must also consider the fact that most people unsub for other MMOs because they don't want to pay for two subs. With both D3 and GW2, that won't be a problem. I know many who plan to play both because it's still only one sub.


No, if people unsub to TOR it will be because of TOR. Not competition that isn't actually competition.


This I agree with.

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Ok, wait a sec...


Sometimes, even I go several days playing my 360 without logging in to TOR (except to craft while I play the 360). How is decreasing your playtime to do something else for a bit relevant to subs?


I fully expect pops to decrease when this launches. But, again, what does that have to do with subs? I also know that some people choose to completely throw away another game in a different genre for a console 3PS. They're typically the minority (no I don't have stats). Again, subs?


One of the big complaints about the game is low pop on servers. Being able to find groups for runs. And if paying subs go too long without playing..they will cancel eventually. Such as may be the case for me eventually. And releases of games as popular as D3 will impact how many players are actively playing in TOR, thus making the situation even worse.

Edited by Valkirus
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Well i quit this game, not because i don't like it.

Just there no play:? if Bioware think that i will hit 50 and go to do dailies to make tokens then they are wrong.

Not want to mention for balance of game and most anointing thing to stay in fleet and wait 2-3h to make FP daily or 3 FP Weekly. I am not pay to this guys to waiting i want to play and want to have end game expirience.

Yes there have PVP and so what? I Want PVE . I am tired to ask in guild someone to make HM FP and nobody cares because they are 50 from a long time and make HM OPS. If i go to make dailies then can see spam in Fleet and ect.

I Have 3 characters 50 lvl and spend so much time to play this game but after 50 there is not so much to do. I am play WoW from 5 years and SWTOR was good alternative but.....they just not realize that world is changing and players have higher needs, not just to copy some things and make game :/

I still like this game but not want to pay for nothing. D3 comming and there have a story and solo playng, old story but Star Wars is a story from 1978 y:P

They just need to give to all chance to play and fun all the time not to spal like mad LF2/1 more......

Have a good time guys :) bye from me and GL

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One of the big complaints about the game is low pop on servers. Being able to find groups for runs. And if paying subs go too long without playing..they will cancel eventually. Such as may be the case for me eventually. And releases of games as popular as D3 will impact how many players are actively playing in TOR, thus making the situation even worse.


Good point. People who may be playing D3 may take a long break from SWTOR and not cancel their sub, but those left behind with less people to play with may cancel their sub because of the drop in population. Same thing could happen when Guild Wars 2 releases, people who are left behind with less people to play with, might end up canceling their subs. Very possible scenarios to happen, time will tell.


You know what though, if this game was released in 2004 instead of WoW, I think this game would have the same success that WoW did.


Problem is this game released way after WoW, after all the advances WoW made, and this game releases far behind all the advances WoW made. And it is no secret, they chose to make a WoW clone in Star Wars and Voice Overs, but left out so many of the advances that WoW has. Don't make a WoW clone unless you are going to release the game with all the same advanced features that WoW has.

Edited by Wolfeisberg
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Good point. People who may be playing D3 may take a long break from SWTOR and not cancel their sub, but those left behind with less people to play with may cancel their sub because of the drop in population. Same thing could happen when Guild Wars 2 releases, people who are left behind with less people to play with, might end up canceling their subs. Very possible scenarios to happen, time will tell.


You know what though, if this game was released in 2004 instead of WoW, I think this game would have the same success that WoW did.


Problem is this game released way after WoW, after all the advances WoW made, and this game releases far behind all the advances WoW made. And it is no secret, they chose to make a WoW clone in Star Wars and Voice Overs, but left out so many of the advances that WoW has. Don't make a WoW clone unless you are going to release the game with all the same advanced features that WoW has.


I agree. If they had launched TOR with all the features WoW has and also have the customizing UI we have now for TOR, plus the great voice overs and storyline....it would have blown WoW out of the water.

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I agree. If they had launched TOR with all the features WoW has and also have the customizing UI we have now for TOR, plus the great voice overs and storyline....it would have blown WoW out of the water.


exactly, and i really can't understand why this wasn't the case given that they already know what they were competing against, had lots of hindsight to work on from other MMOs (wow especially), and had close to 5 years of development time (only starting from press release).

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exactly, and i really can't understand why this wasn't the case given that they already know what they were competing against, had lots of hindsight to work on from other MMOs (wow especially), and had close to 5 years of development time (only starting from press release).


All jokes aside it seems like a huge case of right hand not knowing what left hand was doing. And head not saying crap to either.

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Just unsubbed- have a few more months left in my 6 months sub for them to fix it up- I doubt they will though.


If there was nothing else on the market I'd consider staying just to have something to do- but even though I think GW2 will suck, if it's anywhere as bad as the beta weekend was- at least it'll be free suck. D3 will also suck, as it did in the beta weekend- but again, be free suck. Heck, if it's remotely profitable might even focus on making some cash from it- why not after all?

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Just unsubbed- have a few more months left in my 6 months sub for them to fix it up- I doubt they will though.


If there was nothing else on the market I'd consider staying just to have something to do- but even though I think GW2 will suck, if it's anywhere as bad as the beta weekend was- at least it'll be free suck. D3 will also suck, as it did in the beta weekend- but again, be free suck. Heck, if it's remotely profitable might even focus on making some cash from it- why not after all?


Lol...free suck is allways better than having to pay for it. But hey..sorry to hear you unsubbed. I have until Aug 17th to see if I will stay or not. I mean...I paid for it...may as well hang around and see what happens.

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As of tomorrow i am Initiating racechange Inquisitor > Barbarian:D


Tomorrow's a GW2 stress test, Tuesday is Diablo III.


Honestly I'm sure you're all waiting on baited breath but tonight is probably gonna be the last you see of me. Cause I'll have other things to actually play, and my free month will run out before I get bored of D3.


I'll be back when this is F2P

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Don't you find it alarming that statements of reality make you think someone is an EA employee? I would, if I were you. You might ask yourself that question. It might get existential for you, so do be careful. ;)

You have been religiously following this thread since the news broke.


Who are you trying to convince bro?


You clearly want everyone to believe a 25% loss means nothing.


To be honest, its sadder that you aren't an EA employee at this point. At least then you would be being paid to make these statements that defy common sense.

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Tomorrow's a GW2 stress test, Tuesday is Diablo III.


Honestly I'm sure you're all waiting on baited breath but tonight is probably gonna be the last you see of me. Cause I'll have other things to actually play, and my free month will run out before I get bored of D3.


I'll be back when this is F2P


Excited for the GW2 stress test. Find it interesting they are doing the stress test 1 day before the investor conference and report for NCSoft. I'm thinking they want to give a release date to the investors, but need tomorrows stress test to give them a better idea.


Really wish I like Diablo series, but I played through the beta and just wasn't for me, at least not at the $60 price. I have Torchlight and like playing that game from time to time, but it was only $20. So if Diablo ever goes to $30 or lower I will probably pick it up.


for SWTOR, if they do transfer anytime soon, and depending on how successful it is , I could possibly play till my time runs out on July 21st, but I still don't see myself renewing, even if GW2 is not out yet.

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One of the big complaints about the game is low pop on servers. Being able to find groups for runs. And if paying subs go too long without playing..they will cancel eventually. Such as may be the case for me eventually. And releases of games as popular as D3 will impact how many players are actively playing in TOR, thus making the situation even worse.



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Ok, wait a sec...


Sometimes, even I go several days playing my 360 without logging in to TOR (except to craft while I play the 360). How is decreasing your playtime to do something else for a bit relevant to subs?


I fully expect pops to decrease when this launches. But, again, what does that have to do with subs? I also know that some people choose to completely throw away another game in a different genre for a console 3PS. They're typically the minority (no I don't have stats). Again, subs?


I do agree with "it will impact TOR's subs some", though. :)


It is very easy to understand under normal circumstances.

Decreasing player activity is linked to the subscription numbers and I think the last months confirmed this theory.

If the player activity would have dropped ~50% from launch, it would be an indicator for a chilled playerbase.

It is perfectly normal, that in the first month of an MMO there are loads of players, who play twice the time they normally would.

But, according to very reliable statistics, the player activity dropped way more, than these healthy 50%.

Furthermore, this proves, that many players stopped to play SWTOR and this means, that they cancel their subscription.


So you see? This is not that hard to understand... and please dont start with your "above the curve" argument.

Because ....

Out of ~2,4mil sold copies remained 1,3mil active subscriptions. Total loss of players 54%

(not to forget, that there are many nominal members because they are at the moment , thanks to this free month, active in the subscription statistics (I'm one of these nominal members))

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It is very easy to understand under normal circumstances.

Decreasing player activity is linked to the subscription numbers and I think the last months confirmed this theory.

If the player activity would have dropped ~50% from launch, it would be an indicator for a chilled playerbase.

It is perfectly normal, that in the first month of an MMO there are loads of players, who play twice the time they normally would.

But, according to very reliable statistics, the player activity dropped way more, than these healthy 50%.

Furthermore, this proves, that many players stopped to play SWTOR and this means, that they cancel their subscription.


So you see? This is not that hard to understand... and please dont start with your "above the curve" argument.

Because ....

Out of ~2,4mil sold copies remained 1,3mil active subscriptions. Total loss of players 54%

(not to forget, that there are many nominal members because they are at the moment , thanks to this free month, active in the subscription statistics (I'm one of these nominal members))


I do see. But if you're going to use box distribution as your baseline, you have to do that across the playing field. It doesn't sound like you are. Otherwise, you'd see that it's typically 60% plus.

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