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Getting owned in WZ? Tired off it?


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Are you tired of gettin owned in WZ?


seening a kill ratio of 5 kils per average for 1 team and 45 in ratio for the enemy team?


should we get som balance so a Newb pvp player dosnt have to meet a lot of war hero geard fellows?


anyone else have the same experience as me? regardless if you emp or rep faction..


theres no fun in a Massacre more fun in even out teams Come on lets get some balance.


" dont write Learn to play it has nothin to do whit it. its all about the team not being balance"

Edited by Teffi
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There are some great instructional videos on YouTube on how to play different classes in PVP. Perhaps you can improve you game a bit. Maybe it will help to check'em out. I always learn something new everyt ime I see them.
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Population is the root of a lot of these issues.


With a healthy population on both factions, you should be getting grouped with good and bad teams. When the population is too low, it's much more likely that you end up stuck with a bad team.

Edited by Antipodes
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Are you tired of gettin owned in WZ?


seening a kill ratio of 5 kils per average for 1 team and 45 in ratio for the enemy team?


should we get som balance so a Newb pvp player dosnt have to meet a lot of war hero geard fellows?


anyone else have the same experience as me? regardless if you emp or rep faction..


theres no fun in a Massacre more fun in even out teams Come on lets get some balance.


" dont write Learn to play it has nothin to do whit it. its all about the team not being balance"


Nice try. Too bad the trolls will still tell you their L2P rubbish even though you never even said you suffer from that problem yourself.

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Even losing it takes no time with the new system to get battlemaster geared, take your lumps like everyone else and get your gear. Just be glad you have the system you have now it was way harder pre 1.2.


I got tried of my first BM and leveled a new one from level 0 to 50 BM fully geared in less then four weeks playing moderate hours 2 to 3 a day sticking to class quest and PvP, its so easy. Heck you can even get your Recruit gear for free in chest drops. :rolleyes:


Now complain about resolve because that actually does need fixed.

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Gear is unfair! I hate getting owned because my opponent had better gear. Okay, we'll get rid of all gear! That way, everyone's on equal footing so it's not unfair.


CC is unfair! I get stunned for 15s and destroyed by exploiting OP losers! We've removed all CC.


Healing is unfair! Their team had more healers, and that's the only reason they won! Healing havs been removed from the game.


They had more tanks and they won! Exploit!!!1! Tanking has also been removed.


Ranged skills are better than melee skills! OP! All skills can now be used at 30m.


Wait a sec, the classes are still different (...somehow)! That's not fair, because different means OP! Okay, we'll give everyone an identical class, with identical skills.


Hold on a moment! Teams with teamwork will be much more powerful! Unfair! Players will now be forced to play with complete strangers to prevent unfairness.


This player kept running behind me and I couldn't hit him and he just laughed as he blew my head off cheating unfair OP! Getting into combat now auto-roots you, and you automatically face your target to prevent OP movement.


People are sneaking up on me behind trees! CheathaxxorexploitOP! Okay, all maps are now identical, featureless, infinite 2D plains.


People are focusing damage on me and killing me! Targets will now be automatically selected by the computer.


People are still killing me! It must be a hack! Click the green button to auto-win.





Serious post:



What in the world do you suggest?


BW has done a great job fixing gear imbalance. You can buy the recruit set for fairly cheap and have a fighting chance. Obviously you won't be on the same level as someone who's already gotten their War Hero gear, but you won't be insta-crushed. The only way they could "fix" gear further is to give everyone gear with the same stats, which would be stupid. Would you really be happy if you hit 50 and they instantly gave you max-level PvP gear and PvE gear that lets you do Nightmare Mode Operations? Gear progression is an MMO.


The only other type of imbalance is skill/experience/teamwork. Isn't that the whole point of PvP? If the match is objective-based, the team with the best communication and coordination should win. The whole point of PvP is that you're pitting your skills against another living person, rather than trying to beat a computer. Sometimes, that person is going to be better than you.


Edited by Philosomanic
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It's very easy to say L2P. It may even be accurate to say so. But the situation he is describing (Avg 45-5 kill ratio) sounds more like a premade vs PuGs issue, and less like a gear issue.


Fact is, it is really hard to L2P when your survivablility is around 3 seconds. You just dont take anything away from that experience, be it enjoyment or education.


I have almost full BM gear. Since aquiring it, yeah I will often lead my WZ in damage and medals. I will also just as often face the same premade literally 10-15 times in a row, and all I take away from that experience is that I like the game a little bit less each time.


Premade with vent is a huge adavantage. They simply should not be allowed to play against PuGs. Is it their fault their opponents are PuGs? No. But it is probably not the PuGs fault either. Some of us are in our 30's and do not have a wide gaming social circle.


It's like a sensai throwing a yellow belt against a black belt, and the black belt saying "it's not my fault he just started learning! He could have started years ago!"


The premades shouldnt like it either, but they don't seem to complain as much as the PuGs.

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Why are people saying learn to play? He's talking about team balance.

pre-made vs. pre-made. or pug vs. pug only. and various other solutions.

Honestly some people like to just hop in to PvP by queuing solo and meeting new people (this is an MMO, remember?) and others like to roll with the same people every time and be on vent and all that.

You can't expect both groups to be on even ground.


But this is a problem that can only be touched on with cross server PvP or the queue time would put people off.

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I have to agree. It's not fun queuing for 3hours and only getting 1 good and maybe 1 decent match. Roflstomping random pug people who wear recruit gear is no fun.

Here I am hoping for ranked warzones. But I'm honestly afraid since they will only allow 8 man queues and hinted at "If the waiting time is too long you will play against unranked players".

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Rated warzones would fix this. Although I'm sure Bioware will find a way to screw it up. Assuming they ever even implement rated warzones.


I seriously doubt that. Everyone assumes that all the premades that are roflstomping us now will all go play rated wzs for the challenge. lol, challenge. No, they want the easy wins and nothing will change.

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PvP in Swtor


lets take a look:


resolve system= bugged and ****, bad implemented to counter another thing thats wrong;


CC amount and durations= stupid, every game in the past had to correct this; how many times have you just

watched as you died and couldn´t do anything to at least be ableto fight back? to use your abilities?to PLAY?


Gear based PvP instead of skill


Expertise stat


Absolute Lack of Open world PvP on PvP servers= the type of PvP That NEVER gets boring; incentives community and sense of purpose and impact in the world.


Cones of abilities , range, hit boxes, etc; people runing away from you shooting laser bolts that go arround corners; hitting someone from behind just to see him parry everything due to the importance of animations on this game= MOVEMENT SKILL is totally irrelevant on this game; circle strafe etc, what for in swtor?


good thing i preordered GW2 after playing PvP in a beta


A BETA that is light years ahead of this pile of unfinished garbage, monotone, uncompetitive ****.


And no, im no badie, im actually pretty good; but to be good in this game is so easy that i take no merit on it.

Age of Conan 1.4; DCUO; skill was everything.

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I seriously doubt that. Everyone assumes that all the premades that are roflstomping us now will all go play rated wzs for the challenge. lol, challenge. No, they want the easy wins and nothing will change.


My point still stands. If you still choose to play unrated WZs and potentially go up against a far better team, then you'll have nothing to whine about.

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The problems with gear grinding:


1- U have to play "punch-bag" until u get some nice expertise stats and start actually having fun; until there, you´re just cannon fodder (and you´re playing the game to have fun, not to have stress, go figure...)


2- U never know when Bioware is gonna screw things upside down, like they did with the centurion/champion gear, so u always have that feeling: "Should i be grinding this? Maybe tomorrow, after patch X or Y, it will be for nothing.."


I would exchange gear grinding for gear customization.


The possibility to change some things on my apearence (like hair and beard) at will, an also have thousands of gear options to compose an unique visual for my toon.


This would be so, SO MUCH fun.


Im playing this old rusty "gear grind" model because i love star wars and i have some degree of faith and patience with this game, but if the mood hits me im outta here.

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Are you tired of gettin owned in WZ?


seening a kill ratio of 5 kils per average for 1 team and 45 in ratio for the enemy team?


should we get som balance so a Newb pvp player dosnt have to meet a lot of war hero geard fellows?


anyone else have the same experience as me? regardless if you emp or rep faction..


theres no fun in a Massacre more fun in even out teams Come on lets get some balance.


" dont write Learn to play it has nothin to do whit it. its all about the team not being balance"


Only thing that would really balance PvP at his point would be to remove +healing and +damage done from expertise. It should only be a damage reduction.

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Population is the root of a lot of these issues.


With a healthy population on both factions, you should be getting grouped with good and bad teams. When the population is too low, it's much more likely that you end up stuck with a bad team.


pretty much. I usually w hen during the non-peak hours at it seems only the serious pvpers are signing up then. During peak times I get every random level 12 that wants to pvp in my teams and its just a nightmare.

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