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Sorcerer or Assassin?


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I've read other threads on this, but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations and why as of today's updates.


From what I understand, assassin is a close range tank (with light armor????) and sorcerer is long range dps and healing. Can anyone clarify on that and add your likes/dislikes? Thank you.

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When I fight against sorcerers, I find that they are always much easier to kill than assassins. DPS assassins are easy to kill but tank assassins not as much. If you like healing though, as an option sorc is the way to go, and if you like tanking as an option assassin is the way to go.
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For me, one reason to choose the assassin is the stealth ability. Using stealth you can pretty often choose which fights you want to fight and which fights you will avoid by sneaking past. If you play as a sorcerer then you have no choice but to fight instead of sneaking past your enemies.
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I personally like soc more then sin. It's just more fun to play to me.. As far as pvp goes, a well played tank sin in dps gear can take on any class in the game and usually win. But an average/badly played sin will get kited by me all day long until my dots eventually widdle him down and he falls over. Edited by crustie
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I personally like soc more then sin. It's just more fun to play to me.. As far as pvp goes, a well played tank sin in dps gear can take on any class in the game and usually win. But an average/badly played sin will get kited by me all day long until my dots eventually widdle him down and he falls over.


I have a 50 sentinel and would like a ranged sorc, but every time I do PVP those 'light armor' assassins just kill me. Their survivability is nuts. Sorc's on the other hand are squishy .

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Assassin, Sorc just is not worth it if you want to DPS, and there are better options for healing.


Don't listen to this post. Sorc DPS is fine, especially compared to assassin. And sorc healing is still great, they will always have a place healing.


I have a 50 sentinel and would like a ranged sorc, but every time I do PVP those 'light armor' assassins just kill me. Their survivability is nuts. Sorc's on the other hand are squishy .


Probably tankassins, they essentially turn their light armor into heavy. Combined with their cooldowns and multiple ways to escape they are the hardest class to kill.

Edited by Mordeguy
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I think they are both very very fun to play, but here is my 2 cents:


Assassin Tank: Solid tank for PvE and do very well in PvP as well. The tree allows for a lot of fun play, not very sneaky, but straightforward butt kicking. I think inexperienced players will target you for an easy kill and find themselves in trouble when they find you you are not a "cloth wearer" in the classic sense :)


Assassin DPS: Very solid Dps, fun in PvP as well if played right. If you try to stand your ground you will get pounded though if you are not spec'd for tanking. But for hit and run this is amazing and you will rack up serious kills. DPS output solid and you have some get out of jail free cards in terms of being able to combat stealth out of bad situations.


Sorcerer DPS: Even with dps specs you can still heal passably well in addition to dishing out the hurt with lightning spec. Madness pec is my preference though, arguably less dps but more ability to "control" a battlefield with AE and slows and whatnot. I like force lightning and madness allows you to chain cast it and keep your force bar charged. This is my current favorite, but as mentioned above, they all kick butt.


Sorcerer Healing: Not much to say, you heal like a champ and will have many friends. Although you are evil and may have trouble sleeping because of that :) or not......

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i leveled my sorcerer to around 25 then got bored and lvled a sinner all the way to 50. i guess it comes down to your preferred playing style although the sorcerer seems to have the advantage with solo lvling speed especially since our first companion is a tank. khem isn't bad as an assassin either (especially a dps speced sin) but i had to wait till i hit 33 and got our healer before i really started to knock out lvls fast as an assassin tank.


i can't speak personally to how well sorcerers do end-game but the first 2 guys in my guild to hit lvl 50 did so as sorcerers and mostly abandoned them after about a week. their main gripe is that they are too squishy no matter what the spec. one rerolled as a powertech and the other a merc and they prefer their new 50s much more.


either way an inquisitor and our republic mirror class are the very best classes to roll if you are unsure about what you want to do. we can wait until level 10 before we have to decide if we want to heal, tank, or dps melee or at range.

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As a Sorcerer you will always be the number one target for pretty much everyone in a warzone. If you can handle that, you will probably have a good time. Sorcs have a lot of cool abilities and utility´and are invaluable on many maps.


Assassin is also a very solid choice for any warzone if you like to melee. Assassins have a lot going for them and have a repsonse to pretty much anything you throw at them.

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I chose sorcerer and am about 20 so far. WZ's are actually really fun and I just sit there or run around throwing ranged DPS out. Leveling is really easy, too. I'm surprised how beast of a tank my first companion is as well. All in all I'm really liking the class so far!
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Ranged (Sorcerer) with option to heal or Melee (Assassin) with option to tank is your choice. Go with what you think is more your playstyle. I went Sorcerer because I find force lightning to be so much fun that it should be illegal, but that's me.
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I have a 50 sentinel and would like a ranged sorc, but every time I do PVP those 'light armor' assassins just kill me. Their survivability is nuts. Sorc's on the other hand are squishy .


Lol lvl 50sentinel saying another classes survivability is nuts....TROLOLOL, next you'll be saying there damage is nuts.... OH WAIT.


Anyway, Assasin's > Sorc.

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Lol lvl 50sentinel saying another classes survivability is nuts....TROLOLOL, next you'll be saying there damage is nuts.... OH WAIT.


Anyway, Assasin's > Sorc.


Not sure if I am supposed to take this at face value....


Anyways, already chose Sorc and having a good time. I think I needed a ranged class to compliment my sent.

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Honestly, like a lot of people said, it just depends on your tactical preference. I picked sorc because i knew that khem was an awesome tank and would make PvE much easier. But if you concentrate on the madness tree, you become such a versatile fighter.

yes, sorcs are "squishy" but that's the challenge, you just have to be able to know what powers to use when. When to go all out offensive, how to create distance between you and melee based opponents, and even if you're in an intense 1on1 battle, you can always just cast whirlwind, heal yourself/wait for your force to recharge, and start the battle over. I've survived countless battlezones and epic boss battles just from casting whirlwind, healing me (and my companion if applicable), then starting the battle over like i wasn't about to just get my *** kicked. haha

But that's just me, i enjoy the challenge and amount of strategy that goes into successfully using a sorc in battle.

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hmmmm... yea, Republic suck btw.


I have 2 50 and one 46 Pub.


I also have an almost 45 sorc


Both sides are pretty much equally fun, it's two different stories, and there's good reason to play both.


As for me as I said, leveling a sorc as we speak and it's super fun, try both, assassin/shadow tanks rock too, as many have said.

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Ranged (Sorcerer) with option to heal or Melee (Assassin) with option to tank is your choice. Go with what you think is more your playstyle. I went Sorcerer because I find force lightning to be so much fun that it should be illegal, but that's me.



You should go with Sorceror, because you will get long range spell casting.


I rolled both, first a Deception Assassin then a Lightning Sorc and the Sorc is truly hellafun to play--you're blasting an enemy with lightning attacks while Khem is going to work with his blade...as Panteleone stated, so much fun it oughta be illegal. I'm still on Dromund Kaas and am definitely going to try to solo that H4 after I finish up everything else--the Mando and Sithspawn Heroics were meh, they were okay and I may do one of them if I'm close to dinging a level before the H4...again taking down that Sithspawn creature would be fun...

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