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when does SWTOR become an MMO?

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I'm on what is supposedly the second most populous server C. Ordo

I have almost gotten my second toon to level 50 (47 Maurader)

I have gotten to Legacy 16

I also have several other toons ranging from 20 - 35

for the most part this game to me has felt like a single player game, I gave up on Flashpoints because Not only is it not worth it to sit around on fleet all day waiting for a group but the truth is I really dont even need Flashpoints in order to level to 50

As far as heroics go well its the same thing...I can either sit around ona planet for hours and hours waiting for enough people to do a heroic that I need or I can just simply dump it and move on to the next planet since again I really dont need to do the heroics in order to get to 50

and once I get to 50 I get to spend all Day doing dailies to get the mods to put into my orange gear which basically gives me the best gear in game except maybe raid gear.......


so im just curious when does the MMO feeling begin? the only place I ever see more than 5 - 10 players in a day of gaming is if I take a break and head over to the fleet


I really enjoy this game I think it ranks up there with Oblivion and Skyrim my two other all time offline games, but my free 30 days is coming to an end and I am having a hard time justifying a 15 dollar a month subscription.....anyone care to point me in the right direction?

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Never. Because in reality, only some 500-700k people play this game.


Sub numbers were artifically inflated with free time and trials.


500K subs is massive, bro. Then again, I'm a former AoC player, so I think 50,000 is a massive number.


As for the OP, try doing something with other people. It'll feel like an MMO.


Also, it's vanilla. If you don't know what that means, it means there isn't much to do yet.

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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I love it when people who don't know their arse from their elbow pipe up with these inane 1-liners.


500K subs is massive, bro. Then again, I'm a former AoC player, so I think 50,000 is a massive number.


As for the OP, try doing something with other people. It'll feel like an MMO.


Also, it's vanilla. If you don't know what that means, it means there isn't much to do yet.


but you do?

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I'm on what is supposedly the second most populous server C. Ordo

I have almost gotten my second toon to level 50 (47 Maurader)

I have gotten to Legacy 16

I also have several other toons ranging from 20 - 35

for the most part this game to me has felt like a single player game, I gave up on Flashpoints because Not only is it not worth it to sit around on fleet all day waiting for a group but the truth is I really dont even need Flashpoints in order to level to 50

As far as heroics go well its the same thing...I can either sit around ona planet for hours and hours waiting for enough people to do a heroic that I need or I can just simply dump it and move on to the next planet since again I really dont need to do the heroics in order to get to 50

and once I get to 50 I get to spend all Day doing dailies to get the mods to put into my orange gear which basically gives me the best gear in game except maybe raid gear.......


so im just curious when does the MMO feeling begin? the only place I ever see more than 5 - 10 players in a day of gaming is if I take a break and head over to the fleet


I really enjoy this game I think it ranks up there with Oblivion and Skyrim my two other all time offline games, but my free 30 days is coming to an end and I am having a hard time justifying a 15 dollar a month subscription.....anyone care to point me in the right direction?


The moment you stop soloing, and start talking to other players in the game, it becomes an MMO.


Try it, you seem to be avoiding it on purpose.


Using the excuse "I don't NEED it to get to 50" is a poor reason to not wanna group with other people for more challenging content

Edited by JediZenn
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The moment you stop soloing, and start talking to other players in the game, it becomes an MMO.


Try it, you seem to be avoiding it on purpose.


Using the excuse "I don't NEED it to get to 50" is a poor reason to not wanna group with other people for more challenging content


You're on the assumption he doesn't like partying up with people when you fail to realize the possibility of him being on a planet solo when in some cases in servers, that's actually true.

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The only time SWTOR felt like an MMO was during the Rakghoul event on Tatooine, so guess we have to wait for the next event to get some MMO feeling again in this game.


Agreed. That event did much to make this game feel alive, but unfortunately, temporary events are temporary.

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I love it when people who don't know their arse from their elbow pipe up with these inane 1-liners.


500K subs is massive, bro. Then again, I'm a former AoC player, so I think 50,000 is a massive number.


As for the OP, try doing something with other people. It'll feel like an MMO.


Also, it's vanilla. If you don't know what that means, it means there isn't much to do yet.


500k Is obviously enough for Bioware to profit still, but it doesn't change the fact that this game could have had way more subs in the right hands.

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"when does SWTOR become an MMO?"


When you stop waiting around for someone to invite you. Seriously when is the last you ask someone to duo regular quest? You don't have to just do heroics or FP in a group.


Also enough with the LFG post. Everyone knows 1.3 is going to have the improved group finder. Posting it 6 times a day isn't going to make it come out any faster.

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You're on the assumption he doesn't like partying up with people when you fail to realize the possibility of him being on a planet solo when in some cases in servers, that's actually true.


K, well thats information he didn't provide, all he said was "I don't wanna wait".


Asking people within your level range with tells, directly, is superior to LFGing in General Chat, try it sometime.


I rarely have trouble getting people for any 2 or 4 man Heroic, but I have been ignoring the flashpoints, mostly cause I don't go to fleet that much.

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Using the excuse "I don't NEED it to get to 50" is a poor reason to not wanna group with other people for more challenging content


When did they add challenging content?


I think the only challenges I've had while levelling was soloing the heroics.

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I rarely have trouble getting people for any 2 or 4 man Heroic, but I have been ignoring the flashpoints, mostly cause I don't go to fleet that much.


I would have agreed with this in the Dec/Jan timeframe. Now most leveling planets on my server just don't have enough people to form a heroic 4.

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My Imp characters are on Canderous Ordo and I don't really have problems finding groups. I do a lot more Heroic Quests than Flashpoints and I haven't had to skip one yet.


This cannot be! There's nobody else in the game to play with so this has to be a fabrication. At least that's what I read on these forums anyway......................


You mean all the posts I've been reading about the game is dying, there's only one person with me at fleet are the fabrications? I'm devastated.

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I would have agreed with this in the Dec/Jan timeframe. Now most leveling planets on my server just don't have enough people to form a heroic 4.


So re-roll on another server??


My server died, my Jedi Sage was closing on 50...I took a 3 month break, I came back, I found what server had the most people on it and rolled there, Harbinger btw.


Having no group issues, as most of the people I've run into are sharing similar stories with me, they're re-rolling for population. Just last night, a Tuesday mind you, there was 80 people on Nar Shadda, with multiple groups running the 4-mans at the same time.


You don't have to leave your characters behind forever, hopefully when transfers open up, I'll be able to bring my Jedi over and play him again, but for now, I'm enjoying my Imperial Agent.


Surely there is a class you haven't played yet, yes?


Start a new legacy!

Edited by JediZenn
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Sorry guess I should have mentioned my personal gaming history as well...

I played Ultima Online for 13 years from Dec 1997 until a few years ago when I finally sold my house off in Skara Brae Felucca

I played Everquest for about 8 years until I could no longer tolerate what LDON did to the game

I played World of Warcraft for 6.5 years until the Catastrophy that was Cataclysm came out

and Ive been playing Everquest 2 for about 2 years now........

In all of these games except Ultima Online which had no raiding I have been an endgame raider dedicating many many hours to developing teamwork and progressing etc etc I know that a game in Vanilla IE the first original release until the first expansion comes out doesnt usually have a lot of endgame content in it, I am aware of this, which is why im fixing to start my third alt grind to 50.

But my point is still a valid one....while levelling I go for HOURS with absolutely no comments seen in general chat, and when I do its only someone asking for help with such and such a heroic, otherwise it is total silence

also btw I know all about being the one to take the initiative and form a group for something, I do it every time I get to where I have 0 quests left on the planet except a few heroics which by then are green, we form the group knock them out off I go to the next planet OR if I dont find a group I /abandon them and move on to the next planet.....either way there isnt much group action


and PS I totally agree that the World rahghoul Event was FUN it encouraged teamwork and it encouraged grouping, but that was the only time so far that I really felt the game come alive

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I love it when people who don't know their arse from their elbow pipe up with these inane 1-liners.


500K subs is massive, bro. Then again, I'm a former AoC player, so I think 50,000 is a massive number.


As for the OP, try doing something with other people. It'll feel like an MMO.


Also, it's vanilla. If you don't know what that means, it means there isn't much to do yet.


Now I don't know if 500k is the actual number of legitimate subscribers this game has but 500k is NOT a massive number of subs for a modern MMO, unless you are comparing to a dead game like AoC(and yes I've played AoC several times for months at a time since it's release). 500k may seem like a big number if we had a handful of servers but with the amount of servers we have it is no wonder people feel that the game is dying(if this number is in fact true).

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I played wow for years and I never grouped up with strangers except for dungeons.

Almost all leveling was done solo. Only time it felt like MMO was when I was doing instances or in BGs.

World events just became stale and chores to get those goodies and achievements in time.


Of course you don't NEED to those to level. If they were, there would be so many whines for the lack of solo-ability.

Seems like the issue is that you find it hard to find groups (or just not trying).

I'm on Harbinger (3rd most populated) and as I level up, I find it hard to find groups.

I'm sorry to say that non-X server LFG tool isn't gonna help a lot.

Unless it can summon party members, no one would want to go through multiple loads to do a heroic.

ie. load your starship, load the orbital station, load the planet, taxi to the closest location, then finally mount to the heroic.


TLDR: MMOs don't feel like MMOs unless you group/get together (duh) with other players. SWTOR is more like single player game with group feature tacked on. I love the single player aspect. But it's gonna end some time.

Good thing D3 is coming out next week.

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So re-roll on another server??


My server died, my Jedi Sage was closing on 50...I took a 3 month break, I came back, I found what server had the most people on it and rolled there, Harbinger btw.


Having no group issues, as most of the people I've run into are sharing similar stories with me, they're re-rolling for population. Just last night, a Tuesday mind you, there was 80 people on Nar Shadda, with multiple groups running the 4-mans at the same time.


You don't have to leave your characters behind forever, hopefully when transfers open up, I'll be able to bring my Jedi over and play him again, but for now, I'm enjoying my Imperial Agent.


Surely there is a class you haven't played yet, yes?


Start a new legacy!


Most people in MMOs put more value into their characters and aren't willing to drop them.


My legacy is up in the high 20s and I've a got couple 50s and alts already. Both of my 50s have gone through the valor grind and I have no big desire to start over.


I do really hope they add server transfers soon. We'll see if it happens before I get more interested in another game.

Edited by Patched
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Sorry guess I should have mentioned my personal gaming history as well...

I played Ultima Online for 13 years from Dec 1997 until a few years ago when I finally sold my house off in Skara Brae Felucca

I played Everquest for about 8 years until I could no longer tolerate what LDON did to the game

I played World of Warcraft for 6.5 years until the Catastrophy that was Cataclysm came out

and Ive been playing Everquest 2 for about 2 years now........

In all of these games except Ultima Online which had no raiding I have been an endgame raider dedicating many many hours to developing teamwork and progressing etc etc I know that a game in Vanilla IE the first original release until the first expansion comes out doesnt usually have a lot of endgame content in it, I am aware of this, which is why im fixing to start my third alt grind to 50.

But my point is still a valid one....while levelling I go for HOURS with absolutely no comments seen in general chat, and when I do its only someone asking for help with such and such a heroic, otherwise it is total silence

also btw I know all about being the one to take the initiative and form a group for something, I do it every time I get to where I have 0 quests left on the planet except a few heroics which by then are green, we form the group knock them out off I go to the next planet OR if I dont find a group I /abandon them and move on to the next planet.....either way there isnt much group action


and PS I totally agree that the World rahghoul Event was FUN it encouraged teamwork and it encouraged grouping, but that was the only time so far that I really felt the game come alive


This is true, General is dead on this game more than any other MMO I've ever played.


Not really sure why that is, maybe people are so jaded these days that they don't wanna feed any potential trolls, I dunno.

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