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Please Nerf My/Our Marauders


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Everyone gets max valor for 8 medals. I don't see your point.


Also, Did you ever think the fact you can't kill mara/sent is because you are not a good player. Disagree or Denial?


Nope. Nothing to do with me what so ever. Takes all my cc etc to get them low they fill resolve bar pop their immortal mode and bam dead in seconds. The thing with Marauders it's EXTREMELY difficult to actually be a bad, because its so easy and obvious how to win. The marauders didn't all magically turn pro over night when 1.2 went live.


I assume you are a Marauder. So I don't expect you to be able to understand. You likely believe (like 90% of the current Mara/Sent population) you suddenly got good after 1.2, which is true to an extent but sadly it has very little to do with your ability.

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Look this is exactly the problem with marauders. The skill ceiling is by far the highest in the game. BY FAR. So if you are skilled and know your class you have the ability to be better than any of the other best players of other ACs. Your post spells it out perfectly. Im sure you think its just your amazing skill but i know a sentinel named jugge who routinely puts out 600k damage in wzs and the next closest will be 350k. Its a balance issue it needs to be addressed.


I get on my Marauder because it is my only character (valor 91) and love playing it.


There are baddies at the class, though when I get 60+ kills and do 500+ damage, solo cap objectives that have 2 guarding it, does it mean i am OP? by no means no. I got my butt kicked in lots of times by shadows and men in dresses throwing pebbles.


It is more about the player and a really good player will make the class stand out more than bad players but there are way more bad marauders than good ones.


I just look at a lot of what they do and it is depressing when they are on my team, when they do not even break 100k damage or get 10 kills and or do any objectives.


As I always thought and still is, the player behind the keyboard is what drives the character.


And the ravage buff you gotta be speced into it first, If you are not carnage all you can do is slow them down but there are a lot of ways to avoid the second and third hit from the ravage.


I do not even pop my ravage on a sage unless I saw him use his knock back recently.

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Nope. Nothing to do with me what so ever. Takes all my cc etc to get them low they fill resolve bar pop their immortal mode and bam dead in seconds. The thing with Marauders it's EXTREMELY difficult to actually be a bad, because its so easy and obvious how to win. The marauders didn't all magically turn pro over night when 1.2 went live.


I assume you are a Marauder. So I don't expect you to be able to understand. You likely believe (like 90% of the current Mara/Sent population) you suddenly got good after 1.2, which is true to an extent but sadly it has very little to do with your ability.


What class are you? Maybe your class is the paper to our scissors?


I assume you have never played a sent/mara? (No I don't care if you have a lvl 16 mara) 1.2 did not make bad sentinels gods. Bad players are still bad and they still get destroyed.


Also, please don't exaggerate. Thanks.

Edited by GaryCartel
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What class are you? Maybe your class is the paper to our scissors?


I assume you have never played a sent/mara? (No I don't care if you have a lvl 16 mara) 1.2 did not make bad sentinels gods. Bad players are still bad and they still get destroyed.


Also, please don't exaggerate. Thanks.


I play a sage. There should not be such a huge gap between classes.

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You and I both know things aren't always cut and dry like that, come on now. Obviously I wouldn't try and face tank a Marauder while he's actively getting Heals from someone, don't be ridiculous. You're taking 1 situation I described and extrapolating it so a larger picture.


I'm on Alderaan, going 1v1 against a Marauder defending his Turret. I am able to get him down close to death (the whole time I've been fighting him his healer friend spawns and takes the Speeder bike to his turret where we're currently fighting). He pops Undying Rage, his healer gets there and starts healing him while he's basically invincible. This is just straight up unbalanced


The fact of the matter is still that he is invincible for 5 seconds and suffers basically ZERO negative consequence. At least when I use my Force Cloak the enemy has the advantage of knowing that I can't heal at all for like 10 seconds (unless I break Stealth).


Your first mistake was going there by yourself. 1v1 is meaningless in a game thats designed around teamwork. If you brought a friend you would of burned him down before he had a chance to pop GBTF.


Your second mistake was not stunning the healer.


5 seconds is 3 GCD's... To a sentinel, that's 1 big hit and 2 focus builders or one master strike that you can just walk away from.

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I play a sage. There should not be such a huge gap between classes.


Ah.. I get it. You still have hard feelings about you getting nerfed so bad. You shouldn't have been nerfed as much as you were.


There are a few sorcs on my server that give me a hard time. Key is kiting. Get better at kiting and you can win. Sent/maras should have the upperhand against a sorc/sage. You guys are the squishiest class, if you let them get close enough to you they should be able to destroy you.

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Ah.. I get it. You still have hard feelings about you getting nerfed so bad. You shouldn't have been nerfed as much as you were.


There are a few sorcs on my server that give me a hard time. Key is kiting. Get better at kiting and you can win. Sent/maras should have the upperhand against a sorc/sage. You guys are the squishiest class, if you let them get close enough to you they should be able to destroy you.


Like I said nothing to do with me. I can only kite/CC for so long before their resolve bar fills and when it does it's game over.


The kiting I can do would work, provided sage damage wasn't equal to a wet paper towel.

Edited by RTCBrad
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I have a level 50 Sentinel. Believe me when I say that Watchman was OP before 1.2, the Expertise changes and the Master Strike buff just made it more apparent. One DPS class cannot have the best single target damage, on-demand survive-ability and self healing. Oh and don't forget a stealth, AoE mezz, Interrupt, healing debuff and two very powerful group buffs in Inspiration and Transcendence. They are also the melee class that is least susceptible to kiting.


If you cannot see how OP they are you are either; in denial, want them to OP or are just straight trolling.

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the main issue is I guess is that I still do not go balls to the wall out DPS things. I still am just ONE player and like range capping on Nova when there are 3-4 enemies around, that is the most fun and then I get them to stay on a point that we cap and they think they are defending it. lol.


Being a mara for me is just that, it is the class I choose to play because I wanted something melee and as close to a fury warrior in WOW as possible and this was the answer.


Go ahead and nerf us it will make the bad people stop playing them, and go back to whatever FOTM class is.


However, in some matches I only go after sent/mara sometimes if there are too many. It is kinda like , Welcome, let me show you how this is done. As a result several have "rage quit" war zones because of it.

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I know this one has been kicked to death, but I'm gonna chime in anyway. I don't want them to be nerfed, I think BW did a great job with them. My main is a 50 Sent, I have had him since a week after launch, so yes I had him when I was getting destroyed by every other class as well. I don't think they should be nerfed because they SHOULD do massive damage. Let's not forget that they are the only class on either faction's side that has no secondary/alternate role. Hence, no healing, no heavy armor. They are (except as some of you point out with the very TEMPORARY guarded by the force) a glass cannon. We have a lot less defense than heavy armor wearers and are very susceptible to kiting, stuns, KBs, and other impairment abilities. We were meant to be brought to bare to do massive damage when needed, but JUST LIKE ANY OTHER CLASS, cannot stand on our own without healers or other other players supporting us as is the point of PVP to begin with.
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Its only the darkness spec for assassins thats good in pvp due to the heavy armor buff.

And marauders are still better then tanksassins.


No. Tanksassins should and will always destroy a marauder because of mitigation.

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Everyone told BW that the rediculous nerfs to other classes would make the marauder- already the best class- even more OP. BW didn't listen.


25% of subs lost, nobody's surprised considering most guilds saw half their sorcs alone leave when 1.2 hit.


I rolled a marauder, even though I always avoid melee classes- it's a guarantee I'll be top dps every game- top kills, top objective points, even top heals some games. Not only that- I can get top damage while killing people- not while putting up some dots that someone else is going to heal off. Why? Because unlike other classes, a marauder can also shut down a healer.


Even with the rediculous nerf to healers, my healer has never been shut down by a garbage class like mercs or sorcs- because they're wet noodle jokes now. Even an Op that doesn't start with a chain of crits and all CDs blown while my shield's down is nothing to sneeze at once their burst is over- and yes, sometimes an Op can get me in an initial burst... but the difference is, if they don't, they've blown their shot- a marauder, no matter how many times he screws up, is going to eventually do it right and at that point leaves you with no shot.


The only way to stop a marauder is to pile up on them- no class should ever be worth 2 or more of any other class, and marauders saying that's fine are what are killing the game.

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I stopped reading when the OP said 1-49 should have perfect balance. Ahhhhhhhhhahahahahahahaha. you can balance a level 40 to a level 20 due to the gap in abilities. you just cant do it unless you make all the skills available from the start which woul ruin the game. ideally with cross server pvp you bracket 10-29 and 30-49 since there is a larger pool. this would balance things much better
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of course 10-49 wont be even because of the lack of talent tree and special ability and also the lack of gear. You take a risk at level 10 of getting into a match and getting facerolled. BW should not be focus on balancing pvp at those levels. Those warzones are a practice for when you hit 50.
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what class are you? Maybe your class is the paper to our scissors?


I assume you have never played a sent/mara? (no i don't care if you have a lvl 16 mara) 1.2 did not make bad sentinels gods. Bad players are still bad and they still get destroyed.


Also, please don't exaggerate. Thanks.



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The problem is mainly on my vanguard. Level 50 brackets I have no problem with as there actually PVP is fun to play. But it's the 1-49 brackets that I am so ridiculously tired of.


You CANNOT make change to pvp on an mmo based on non end level pvp. It will severly unbalance end level pvp. Just suffer through the 1-49 to get to 50.. An mmo, any mmo, eventually becomes all about the end game as the playerbase reaches 50 on all possible toons. To change pvp because you dont like the low level marauders and sentinels, would nerf them at 50 as well. Since you think level 50 pvp is balanced, that would in turn make marauders and sentinels who got a nerf because of low level pvp under perform in high level pvp. Base a games pvp on end game, not your warzones while leveling.

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Noooooooooo please exaggerate !!! Making a player run at the sight of two sabers fluffs my stats more!!


Fear is a powerful ally.


Besides all these exaggerated claims, a lot of people think the devs are clueless and merely making an exaggerated claim is going to suddenly bring out the Nerf bat. They have tools to monitor things, and these I hate Mara/sent threads don't do anything. In fact, they already posted about the op of this class, and said the performance metrics for Mara/Sent are exactly in line to what they expected.

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