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Trooper A Lost Cause?


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Has the Trooper become a lost cause? With a whole tree gutted due to the grav round nerf and the combat medic taking a horrible hit there seems to be no reason to play the class. Sure assult still works but what if you were valor ranked 73 and spent all your time getting BM medic gear? Anyway just shelved the trooper and rolled a marauder. The game is now fun again.
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Has the Trooper become a lost cause? With a whole tree gutted due to the grav round nerf and the combat medic taking a horrible hit there seems to be no reason to play the class. Sure assult still works but what if you were valor ranked 73 and spent all your time getting BM medic gear? Anyway just shelved the trooper and rolled a marauder. The game is now fun again.


commando is just garbage, vanguard on the other hand... :rolleyes:

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Commando is dead now. Most played commando as mains having no exp with other classes. Now playing ANY other class they feel like "OMG why are they so OP in comparison with commando, why hadn't i started this class before!"


I left my commando/vanguard for Gslinger. Feel great in it though the vanguard is really fine (just it's melee and not my style)


Don't regret i played commando. It taught me how to survive having just one save ability and 1 stun. Playing others feel godmode.

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I completely suck at video games, including this one. I've just never been good but I do enjoy them. I never could finish tomb raider on the PS. I never got my A class license on the first Gran Turismo. I've just never been very good at this stuff.


I play a commando. My guild asked me to respec as a combat medic at level 50 which I did. I have completed all of my class missions and have a pretty impressive set of PVP gear now. I ran the eternity vault over the weekend with my guild and was perfectly successful.


The commando is "garbage"? Really? Not seeing it. "Nerfed" Seriously? I can still win.


Its true that the "instant win" button I have on my sith warrior alt is pretty convenient and it would be nice to have one for my commando I just don't see why everyone is complaining.

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I completely suck at video games, including this one. I've just never been good but I do enjoy them. I never could finish tomb raider on the PS. I never got my A class license on the first Gran Turismo. I've just never been very good at this stuff.


I play a commando. My guild asked me to respec as a combat medic at level 50 which I did. I have completed all of my class missions and have a pretty impressive set of PVP gear now. I ran the eternity vault over the weekend with my guild and was perfectly successful.


The commando is "garbage"? Really? Not seeing it. "Nerfed" Seriously? I can still win.


Its true that the "instant win" button I have on my sith warrior alt is pretty convenient and it would be nice to have one for my commando I just don't see why everyone is complaining.


I don't see what the point of your post is. Eternity Vault is absurdly easy. We've cleared hard mode with healers in sub-50 blue gear and 3 tanks.

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Vanguard is fine right now.


Commando on the other hand... It's not hopeless. But right now I'd be hard pressed to find a class that performs worse in PVP. In PVE it's debatable, but I think it hardly matters, as long as your gear doesn't suck.


I could give you a point per point explanation, but mostly the problem is that right now the class lacks something and there are too many of its natural predators in the current pvp meta. So the problem doesn't lie only in the class itself, but until something comes along to change the meta, the Commando will suffer.

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Seems like a lot of folks in this Commando forum would be better served with a Flavor of the Month forum.


Jano Vas - Jedi Guardian

Guild Leader: Spark of Hope

Vrook Lamar


Why are you berating people for being disappointed in their class when you don't even play it?

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Jano Vas - Jedi Guardian

Guild Leader: Spark of Hope

Vrook Lamar


Why are you berating people for being disappointed in their class when you don't even play it?


I have a level 50 Commando. He is good to go. Thanks though.


Being disappointed is one thing. However, fleeing to a FotM, well, if that's how you like to do things...

Edited by TheBBP
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I would hope by now all the FotM people have already fled again to Sentinel or Marauder. My only other class is a late 20s sniper that I level like once a week with friends. Other than that Commando is my only class, and I have to say that if I didn't like raiding with my guild so much I probably would have just unsubbed by now.
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outside of pvp commandos do fine. we are the top republic guild on our server, and im arguably the top trooper. we run 4 commandos in our 16 man. 2 dps 2 healers. commando dps is just fine if you actually know how to play the class and optimize your gear. i am usually #1 on the dps meters, and if im not, its only ever our vanguard that beats me.

as far as heals go. for pve its just fine. i never have trouble keeping a group alive in my sub-par healing gear.


really the only limit i ever feel as a trooper is ammo. obviously running out sucks. classes like jedi knights/sith warriors and those telekinetic sages who dont have to worry about resource have a much easier time because they never go empty. if you want to compete as a dps commando its all about managing your ammo. learn the tricks to keep yourself full. figure out when hitting a hammer shot will keep your ammo in the 3+regen bars. also keep in mind, a geared trooper spamming nothing but hammer shot can pull a solid 600-700 damage per second. hammer shot is NOT a bad ability.


what im saying here is, just because you have to work alittle harder than some faceroll jedi to be the best doesnt make trooper a bad class.

Edited by Giantshoe
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I have a level 50 Commando. He is good to go. Thanks though.


Being disappointed is one thing. However, fleeing to a FotM, well, if that's how you like to do things...




I have a level 50 Commando too and I'm sticking with it.

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I don't see what the point of your post is. Eternity Vault is absurdly easy. We've cleared hard mode with healers in sub-50 blue gear and 3 tanks.


Why 3 tanks? Only need 2 for the first turret and we use a well geared Sent for the off tank there. As for the commando roll, seems gunnery is still kicking out great dps for OP's but our combat medic (Me) has changed to smuggler healing cause healing EC is just not happening with the nerf to round management.

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Why 3 tanks? Only need 2 for the first turret and we use a well geared Sent for the off tank there. As for the commando roll, seems gunnery is still kicking out great dps for OP's but our combat medic (Me) has changed to smuggler healing cause healing EC is just not happening with the nerf to round management.


I'm saying that it's so easy it didn't matter that we brought 2 more tanks than we needed.

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Commando gunnery is going the way of elemental shaman...will never be competative dps fully geared and will never be competative in PVP unless they are going against the right classes with the right support. Might as well make a good choice now and select an advanced class that is performing well in their role...eventually the other classes will be improved to that level...after years and years. Pick the solid AC now and avoid the suffering.
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Has the Trooper become a lost cause? With a whole tree gutted due to the grav round nerf and the combat medic taking a horrible hit there seems to be no reason to play the class. Sure assult still works but what if you were valor ranked 73 and spent all your time getting BM medic gear? Anyway just shelved the trooper and rolled a marauder. The game is now fun again.


I agree its frustrating, and was in the same pickle. Its simply not worth trying to roll CM any more. I just took the BM gear mods and put them in crafted gear. Yes, lost the set bonuses. But it works out, given I play assault pvp/pve. Pve gear is campaign/rakata, 45 percent crit/350power/80 percent surge. Pvp is 40ish crit/79 surge/1200 exp.


It works. Its not optimal but it works. We 6 man KP NiM, dps is 1300ish usually (actually close to what I can pull gunnery with 2 piece bonus given that its more mobile).


Major problems I run into is competitive premade v. premade pvp. Assault just doesnt have the muscle to compete. Against pugs its faceroll easy (night and day difference).


Keep holding out for when they fix CMs/Healing in pvp or revamp assault to compete with a vanguard/PT...that or free sub runs out.

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This is why I started the conversation. PVE there is nothing wrong with the Commando and hence we have alot of people that feel the class is totally fine. PVP on the other hand is where the nerf killed two out of the three trees for the Commando. If you pvp as much as I do you wouldnt even hesitate to roll a new class. Although I can still get very high heal numbers it doesnt mean I am useful one bit. Most of the time I spend healing myself because tanks are hitting me for 5k and I am in full BM Combat Medic gear. FOTM classes are the only thing that makes this game fun in pvp right now. Why would I want to reroll another class just to get smoked by a light saber weilding dps freakshow. Overall until there is some sort of change the pvp aspect of this class is mostly dead. Let try to get away from the pve aspect because as we all know the pve in this game is nothing near as hard as it should be.
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Noooooo, they said the same same thing about smugg/ops classes and they even got good improvement done on them. I expect trooper to continue being refined some more , just be paitent.


I am a very paitent customer however the class didnt need to be adjusted as much as it did. Pre patch we were good healers, subpar to a Sage, but we are single target. The class worked very well in that aspect. The smug and op are actually better healers than we are now. So the tweaks they are handing out do not seem at all normal. Hopefully they come to some sort of oops conclusion when there is no more commandos running in pvp

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My Commando is vr83, with 6 pieces of WH gear, Gunnery spec.


I am liking my dps in wzs, somewhere between 250k and 350k, record high was 429k before they nerfed Demo Round silently in 1.2.0c. Not putting a 24% nerf in the patch notes really, really, pissed me off. And that nerf hurt more than anything they put in 1.2 alone. Strange, the biggest hit didn't make a mention in the patch notes.


So, really, I get 4 shoeboxes to PvP in, since they took away that complete garbage planet Ilum. If PvP were not such a lazy, disgustingly perverted version of an after thought, I'd probably be fine in TOR.


But my server pop took a massive dump, and for the past 2 weeks there's been 15-20 on fleet. So time to reserve a copy of GW2, pray its better, and unsub TOR.


GG, Bioware.

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