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Dragon Age 3 Devs moved to SWTOR.

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Good idea BW- put all your eggs in one basket.


One basket that you've already kicked down a flight of stairs.


Why prioritize games that have potential to be decent- especially if they were to smartly return to the DA:O model which did very well rather than continue with the DA2 model- when you can throw them on the first mmo to have a good launch and then start to systematically make it far worse than any mmo has been at launch in a decade?

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The devs that were meant to work on the third instalment of the Dragon Age series have instead been moved to increase the overall resources to help develop content and fix bugs for SWTOR.


Could this mean quicker updates or a wider array of content in the same amount of time?


Link: http://www.develop-online.net/news/40736/Pachter-Dragon-Age-3-devs-loaned-to-SWTOR


Sooo the guys that made the poor product DA2 and were making an even more fail DA3 have been moved to helping out with the poorly made swtor?

LOL seems like a match made in heaven. Expect more broken content and patches that break stuff at a much faster pace now.

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o yeah bc all they need now is more single player game devs working on a mmo they need to hire some mmo devs


Exactly this.. I'm sorry, but as a true mmo , SWTOR is not.. It's just a single player game with some limited online stuff.. I just don't see any true open world social designing in SWTOR.. and obviously Bioware doesn't get it , or just doesn't care..

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o yeah bc all they need now is more single player game devs working on a mmo they need to hire some mmo devs


The lack of knowledge of anything remotely development related shines of this post.


These 'Devs' would not be the guys making the gameplay decisions. These would probably just be the guys who get a functionality they need to work out that has been designed for them. So if they are MMO Devs or Single Players Devs would not mean a thing.

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I dont care what anyone says i loves DA2 only true downfall the game had for me was they used the same blasted dungeons over and over again other than that the game has some potential and has even more potential if they keep the same game engine and just add and fix some stuff and release da3. but yeah dao was waaay better then again dao took them a good 6-7 years to develope unlike 2 took them like a year so the game was really damn good for that time frame and from what i heard da2 was just a side project someone was working on while dao was being made they just decided to run with it.
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The devs that were meant to work on the third instalment of the Dragon Age series have instead been moved to increase the overall resources to help develop content and fix bugs for SWTOR.


Could this mean quicker updates or a wider array of content in the same amount of time?


Link: http://www.develop-online.net/news/40736/Pachter-Dragon-Age-3-devs-loaned-to-SWTOR


Is the guy thats giving out this information on the DA guys helping swtor a stock broker?

The securities analyst?

Edited by kiddynomite
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What I stated does not equate to a reason to make sweeping generalizations.


As a matter of fact you just look foolish at best.


I am not the one who seems to believe they have the right to decide what is:


B.)What counts as 'major'.


BioWare certainly thought it was worth labelling 1.1, Ima take their decisions.


I think we can all agree that a patch to fix something thats broken since launch or was broken due to the previous patch is not considered content.

Hes got you dead in the water with his rift example.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The devs that were meant to work on the third instalment of the Dragon Age series have instead been moved to increase the overall resources to help develop content and fix bugs for SWTOR.


Could this mean quicker updates or a wider array of content in the same amount of time?


Link: http://www.develop-online.net/news/40736/Pachter-Dragon-Age-3-devs-loaned-to-SWTOR

When you thought things could have not gotten any worse, Bioware pulls this off! ROFL

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Well that doesn't surprise me. The same failures that created DA2 can continue to fail in SWTOR.


Nobody was going to buy DA3 after the DA2 debacle. In fact sales were so anemic and the game got such bad press that retailers refuse to stock the proposed "Ultimate Edition" of DA2 because it would be a "waste of shelf space."


DA:O is still stocked and in fact sells for more than DA2 does. Bioware needs to right the ship or they are pretty much finished as a quality dev at least in my eyes.



Da2 was not a failure by any measure... That is just YOUR opinion... IMO dragon age 2 was fantastic with incredible gameplay. See different views. To methat says swtor is going uphill if the devs from dragon age are onboard... Sad part would be that da3 is not in production or will be pushed back.


DA online would be ftw:)

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Well Isn't the Hero engine loosely based on Dragon Age's anyway? o_O


No, it's loosely based on a broken hamster wheel with siezed bearings, so that anytime you dismount, or run into a group of more than 5 people it grinds to a freakish halt :p

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Personally I enjoyed Dragon Age II, I don't agree with the people rubbishing that game, The original was far better though. If they moved DA devs to this game, I really believe we should see a lot of improvements to come to the game over all though.
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I am curious to see what these new devs will bring to the table for Star Wars.


Frankly, I am still having a great time with the game. 3 level 50s down, and 5 more to go.


Sure, I have some small gripes. Mostly around lack of companion interaction and influence. I would love to have the option to turn Kira to the dark side as a Jedi or show Kaliyo the errors of being an anarchist and such. But these are minor things that may or may not be added in later.

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DA2 was pretty bad, it was obviously a rush job by the fact they re-used the same 3-4 maps thoughout the whole game. I'm guessing EA may have forced them in to making it how it was though. I think DA:O started development before EA bought BW, so it didn't get "EAed".


Maybe DA3 would have been a huge improvement though, who knows :p

Edited by NasherUK
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